Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.
And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.
— David, who is hanging in there
Merry Christmas, everyone! 🎄🎅 pic.twitter.com/YfyTsQ95de
— Maggie Serota (@maggieserota) December 25, 2017
At this time of year, take a few moments to remember who Christmas is truly about… pic.twitter.com/TQ9tSP5EED
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) December 24, 2017
I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. I needed this. pic.twitter.com/2aQFpugdis
— deray (@deray) December 7, 2017
Brian Eno, Paris, 1973 (with Christmas 2017 augmentation) pic.twitter.com/hRwMDTOUKv
— Brian Eno News (@dark_shark) December 25, 2017
“Fun” pic.twitter.com/tsAdsZeez8
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) December 24, 2017
#MerryChristmas 🎄🤶🏻 pic.twitter.com/IahMZhf5gc
— Melania Trump 45 Archived (@FLOTUS45) December 25, 2017
Same. pic.twitter.com/kcNPdrLy6R
— Adrenalin (@adrenalindenver) May 24, 2017
All of a sudden …
🐾🐾🐾🐾 pic.twitter.com/fza8NZioI0
— The Cult Cat (@Elverojaguar) December 25, 2017
Human: My cat has an easy life
Me: pic.twitter.com/e8kvlVhUdR— Curious Zelda (@CuriousZelda) December 20, 2017
Mom taught me never to risk cash at less than 3:1 😛
But it’s either that or he’s got a few enemies who are going to be outed and he’s getting ahead of the news cycle. Dude’s a scumbag, not stupid.
I think it’s just simply a misogynist dog whistle meant to rile up the base and make sure they vote in the midterms.
Paul Logan is, unsurprisingly, in the shit again. Tasering dead rats, this time.
Expand, if you have the time/spoons please? I’m sticking on how it would be, since he’s praising #metoo. (I think. Been a long day)
He’s saying “hey, if rich and successful guys can have their lives ruined by lying bitches, what do you think is going to happen to you if you’re accused?”
And this
To Bannon and Breitbart readers, patriarchy is good. 10,000 of recorded history means traditional, in a good way. He’s warning the alt-right that if they don’t make sure authoritarians stay in power, feminism will win. The cultural Marxists will destroy all that is right and good, the superiority of the white male.
Even Bannon can’t come right out and say he’s pro sexual harassment and pro sexual assault. But he can subtly dog whistle the rape apologia talking points.
That makes perfect sense.
Thank you. I appreciate it. 🙂
And meanwhile, there are snowflakes melting at Fox News over the diversity of a not-actually-all-that-diverse US Olympic team, making snide insinuations that some of the athletes made the team without really being qualified, as “affirmative action” cases.
GLAAD has posted an angry rebuttal.
Which athletes? I’m guessing Adam Rippon since he spoke out against Pence.
I won’t go into why he deserved to be on the team, because I doubt anyone here cares. But anyone familiar with US men’s figure skating can easily explain why he’s on it. Easily.
Took me a minute to find it: Fox News executive editor: US Olympic motto should be ‘Darker, Gayer, Different’
Interesting little article on Edith Garrud; the woman who trained the suffragettes to fight.
For people who are devout Trump supporters, gay athletes only win because the judges either are SJWs or are in league with SJWs. They don’t want to believe gay or PoC athletes could beat straight/white athletes in a fair competition.
I’m reminded painfully of a conversation I was present for as a young teenager, where a friend of my grandmother’s asserted that the winner of the pageant her granddaughter had lost wasn’t really the prettiest. The winner was black, and that’s all it took. (I am very much glossing over what was actually said.)
Oh yeah, I guess the Olympics are starting up, ain’t they?
I’ve always been conflicted about ’em. On one hand, they’re shameless corporate bullshit, but on the other hand… I’m kinda proud when Canada kicks ass. Particularly in the last couple of Winter Games.
I also get really irked by the constant bombardment of “USA! USA!” from some of my Twitter friends. Being the richest nation, the United States sends the most athletes and tends to dominate the medal standings. I realize these athletes work as hard as any (and often come from humble means), but American dominance just sours me to any sporting event. That’s probably why I like the World Cup; the US can’t just spend its way onto the podium.
Representing Trump’s America doesn’t help matters either…….
Plus without NHLers, the Men’s Ice Hockey Tourney is going to be craaaaaap. Oh well, looking forward to the inevitable USA-Canada Women’s Gold Medal Game. Give ’em hell, ladies!
Always feel slightly guilty about them – the athletes train for years to be the best, to get that gold … and I don’t watch at all.
@ Alan Robertshaw
I looked at that photo, and could only see a Mudbray with their father Mudsdale.
“Son, your mother was a Ditto. You’re old enough to know, now.”
I shamelessly love the Olympics.
I love all the drama. I love it when an underdog gets a medal. I love the inevitable scandals that happen every year. I even love cheering for my country. It’s the only time I ever do. They’re problematic, but I just look past it.
I also love that the sports I’m into get attention for once. It’s why I care much less about hockey and basketball* but will watch just about any other event. Those sports already get attention all year every year so, meh.
* Exception for women’s basketball in Rio because practically the whole lineup of team USA were Minnesota Lynx members. The Lynx are awesome!
@VP: And I wonder how many of them cheered and chanted “USA!” when Greg Louganis won his gold in ’84 and ’88?
Or Brian Boitano in Calgary.
Yeah, even as I try to ignore it, the drama always ensnares me too… Kerrigan/Harding, the Sale/Pelltier Ice Dance Scandal, doping up to wazoo… it’s rife with stories that grab people in any number of ways.
Underdog stories are always great, too. If one of the other women’s hockey teams pull off an upset on the US or Canada, it would be huge and I think a big boost for the sport internationally.
That said… I have a huuuuuge crush on Julie Chu and Caroline Ouellette! I mean, look at this photo!
re: “darker, gayer, different”
There’s just never enough hatred to satisfy the nazis at Fox Noise
Posting kitty pictures. Just because.
This is Darrow

and Dracarys in a different from a different angle than my avatar

Just ignore that she’s lolling about on an ugly stain on my old couch’s cushion 🙂
@Eddie: Backpedaling furiously now.
The latest lie from Fox Noise is the claim that John Moody’s bigotry does not reflect their views or values.
I had to debate on how there aren’t enough strong female characters or black people in the Media.
(checks calendar)
It’s definitely black history month.
Rachel Brand stepping down. Is this part of a “Saturday Night Massacre” ultimately aimed at removing Mueller?
Trump might want to ask Nixon how well that strategy ultimately worked for him.
I have a random thing I need help with, does anybody know a way to block comments on Youtube? I was using HerpDerp but it’s stopped working and now shows some of the comment after herpderps. I used a general comment blocker before but it blocked the comments here 🙁
Any recommendation on an extension I can use? I hate having to read the trolls on YouTube but I’m just not disciplined enough to ignore them on my own.
Well, this is charming:
How not to cop. 🙁
No Youtube Comments is good if you are using Firefox. Author’s still working on it, but is very responsive to feedback.
Me, I just don’t read comments (except for here). Learned that the quick way – wrote a few articles that were widely read. 😛
Thank you, I’m currently using Chrome and I found an extension that blocks YouTube comments, it seems to be working so far!
About Gotham, it seems it won’t be back until March 1st. 🙁