doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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7 years ago

@ mrex, and

@ Valentin,

I understand where both of you are coming from 🙂 and thanks for your thoughts.

No offense taken, mrex, Tara is here with me right now and does welcome all thoughts too. And we probably should’ve been more clear that these “bug bite” issues are mostly gone and she clearly has some type of “flu” now, we all caught it, this is mostly gone too.

Also, just for info for anyone, I saw a story on the TV news that there is (besides flu) some type of “Adenovirus” going around.

Now you might be wondering why this woman did not go to a doctor for this. Did consult Dr. Google, saw potential antibiotics involved (and is now poking me to be sure to put “that may or may not work”), and the drugs listed were things that had made her sick in the past.
So she opted for the “DIY” route.

@ Valentin,

First of all, we always enjoy your tales of sailing the world! 🙂
Do you ever travel to the US, Canadian, Great Lakes region? These are dangerous seas. In the winter months, mostly.

But I am thinking of your comment about “medical training”. Indeed, there are many people out there with good med training to rival a doctor, and maybe even better training.

And she (T) did ask sim people about this too. Including an Esthetician. I know this woman too. In the US what this is – it’s like a quasi dermatologist I would guess.

She took one look at Tara and said: Brown spider. (In the early stages of it all, and it did look as you describe, mrex, too.)

T also went with this since “She’s from Las Vegas.” Where I guess there are lots of these spiders. She knew right off what it was and what to do. One look – brown spider. M said.

I would tend to agree too, on this woman’s education alone. I know her too – this is another neighbor friend who gave me a ride when my car crapped out the other day.

A funny tale, from some time ago, when we happened to be discussing this. Me and this girl M. She’s a huge gossip too, and we all know each other here, our whole neighborhood is full of gossips. So we were talking about T and she said to me too: Brown spider. And then went on to tell me a tale about visiting her parents in Las Vegas and going swimming, and seeing a brown spider right by the pool. She panicked and started yelling: BROWN SPIDER! BROWN SPIDER! And proceeded to throw pool water at it, by hand. Said she panicked and tried to throw handfuls of water at it.

Ha, I would’ve loved to see that! She’s an interesting person, she reminds me of Kelly Osbourne and talks a mile a minute 🙂
She does know her stuff though.

Anyway, T did speak with this pro, M, who’s like a dermatologist, and probably does know more than most docs out there.

@ mrex,

Back to your thoughts about bacterial infections. Absolutely correct on this too, and is a serious thing to watch out for. A few years ago, my mom got one, and wound up in the hospital from it. We believe it came from her getting pedicures. She always liked to go get her feet done, we think she got it from that.

She was really sick too, and didn’t want to hear it. So sick that I even had to call the paramedics for her! Between me and them we convinced her to go to the hospital. And that’s what it was, bacterial infection.

I don’t know about medical things, but I do know you probably do need to do your own research and advocate for yourself too. And sometimes you do need to see a doc or else wind up in the hospital.
Something to take note of with this, if there is nothing “that you can see” that may have made you sick, you might not think you are sick.
Bug bites you can see are one thing, how in the world would you guess that a pedicure could’ve made you sick? It’s probably what it was though, that gave mom a bacterial infection. Docs guessed so, and I’ve seen articles online about this too.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
7 years ago

Thanks Shadowplay. I do think it is good idea to tell someone. I will tell my new housemate to keep an eye out for him. Unfortunately, I don’t think telling my Dad is a good idea. He doesn’t have a good track record for understanding personal space issues/creepiness. I was a vigilant child, always aware of what’s going on around me and I kept a careful watch on people who invaded my personal space. For some reason he would tell me off whenever got I uncomfortable with a stranger being a too close, telling me that people notice this (personally I don’t care if they notice, they should back the hell off) and that I was being rude. I wasn’t even allowed to so much as look at them to see what they were doing. I remember getting my pocket picked while he was right next to me because I was not allowed to look at the person who did it. He stole the silver necklace that my mother gave me. Another thing I remember being at a café and this woman standing right behind my chair for the longest time and he has telling me off for being uncomfortable. To this day I wonder what the hell she was doing standing there for so long, because I wasn’t allowed to see what she was doing. So yeah, probably not the best person to tell about this. :/

I love Rainbow Lorikeets, too. They are so adorable. 😀

7 years ago

“Let’s not dramatize it though, my ducks. […] it could just be a stubborn healing process. […]”

Could be, but it’s not like I’m talking out of my ass when I say it’s (for one) been around too long to LIKELY be a brown recluse spider bite. One of the diagnostic criteria for recluse bites are that the bites rarely lasts longer than 3 weeks for smalls bites, or longer than 3 months for large complicated bites. This bite happened many months ago.

Don’t believe me? Here, I’ll post the mnemonic used in ERs on what recluse spider bites are NOT;

Numerous (bites are usually one, rarely 2)
Occurance (do the circumstances make sense for a spider bite)
Timing (bites outside of April to October unlikely)

Red Center (bites are pale, purple, whitish-blue in center)*
Elevated (bites are flat or slightly sunken)
Chronic (bites typically last less than 3 months)
Large (bite should be less than 10cm)
S-UlcerateS too Early (should take a week or two to make a sore)

*The bite I saw, the skin looked like white wax. Of course, in my case, it was most likely another species of spider, since I only live 1000 miles away from the brown recluse’s range.



“And we probably should’ve been more clear that these “bug bite” issues are mostly gone and she clearly has some type of “flu” now, we all caught it, this is mostly gone too. “

Ah I’ve been ninja’d. 🙂 Got it, but I’ll leave the post up there for general info. 🙂

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
7 years ago

Thanks, Scildfreja. I’m lucky to have good instincts and I’m not afraid to use them. 😀 They have always kept me out of trouble. I’m glad I got them, because I almost dismissed him as one of those people who say good morning/hello to strangers like they do in small country towns (people do that from time to time, even in big city like Melbourne) and nearly forgotten about him, but something about his grin stuck with me. So when he was waving at me from his car with the same grin, I was able to remember where I have seen him before.

7 years ago

Just finished reading the rest of your post Z&T.

“Anyway, T did speak with this pro, M, who’s like a dermatologist, and probably does know more than most docs out there. “

Ok, glad to hear that. 🙂 And tell her that I’m glad that she feels better, and is getting better. 🙂

I liked reading the story of her throwing pool water at the Recluse Spider. I have heard that there’s tons of them in the southwest. And then you get to Florida and there’s tons of Black Widows everywhere. I’ll stick staying up north with my scarey looking but harmless wolf spiders, and the harmless dust spiders living in my shower. :p

7 years ago

RE: holy shit that incest twitter thread

Mike O’Hara has the best response

‘RWers on homosexuality: “whats next, incest, pedophilia?” RWers on incest: “a loving couple” RWers on pedophilia: “actually its ephebophilia & its perfectly normal” ‘

7 years ago

Hey peeps, new goods at DidiCarisma’s page!

Specifically, a short sample of Big Boi’s adorable purring!

At 3:15 am, in bed, right next to me.

He’d like some menu options, though:

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago


we don’t have doctors actually which is why I mentioned it. because about small things, we must be concerned to make sure we can make fast decision. mainly people are not sick – but have injury. but few years ago someone died from lung blood clot because captain and chief mate did not think it is serious. but i only said this to show that I am not so naive that I don’t know what possible scenarios there can happen from small things. anyway, you already said that you read and understood me. so okay.

no I didn’t go to Canada yet, or great lakes. I have been in USA – Philadelphia and Charleston only. but my country number I think now is 46 so I been in plenty places. i am in Asia right now. we go in Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam. in 4 and half weeks I will go home, from Thailand.

7 years ago

Observations on Big Boi’s purring:

Cute! 😀

Tak (our less demonstrative cat, who decided to honor me with company for five minutes) tried to groom the screen instantly. Always been a bit odd like that.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

Yay, Big Boi purring!
*rushes over to Twitter*
*clicks on video*

Am ded.
But died happy. Do not mourn.

7 years ago


😀 He really does bring up the urge to groom in mamakitty too.


Me too, am ded when I woke up to that, but then instantly got better when I had a spontaneous TrueRes used on me, empowered by the purring sound alone.

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago

it can be classism to say see a doctor because some people cannot afford or some doctors in their area are not very good – so no reason to go. I don’t trust what doctors live near me, for example.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I love that the whole internet is now making fun of the girl chips thing. I wonder if they’re even going to roll it out anymore? The product description seriously sounds like those parody Amazon reviews of the women’s pink Bic pens.

7 years ago

May I ask a fairly clueless question?

Those pink lady razors – are they actually any better than the bog standard twin bladed disposables men can buy by the bag? Partner has always used the cheapo disposables, so she doesn’t know. And since my partner uses them, our daughters also use them.

7 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Re Paradox of Tolerance

I like to put it like this.

Tolerance isn’t the absence of intolerance, it’s its mortal opponent.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

@Shadowplay, they’re not any better – just pink. I seem to recall that @WWTH has had some excellent takes on gendered products before?

I just clicked on my late afternoon news feed update thingie. Our PM has defended his new senator who shared Britain 1st stuff on his FB page, saying he “doesn’t have a racist bone in his body.”
Trump said that Democrats who didn’t clap his SOTU address are treasonous.
Tarantino defended Polanski in October last year, saying that … actually, nope. If you feel robust, you can listen to the interview here.

Those were the highlights, or lowlights I guess. I’m going to hang out with the cats for a while. Here’s a random pic of two of them:

comment image

7 years ago

Mish – thank you. Partner says she’ll stick with her 10p each ones 😀 Hanging out with cats is always in order, he says as Zampas tries for more of the chair.

I seem to recall that @WWTH has had some excellent takes on gendered products before?

Oh, please please please! Awesome takedowns are always awesome! 😀

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Oh, no! That’s too much pressure!

I will say though that the fact that I’ve plowed through half a grocery store’s worth of junk food in a PMS fugue state over the past couple days makes the assertion that women need clean and delicate lady chips all the funnier.

I really did just look down at my hands and see some Oreo under my fingernail.

It’s kind of funny. The reasoning is that women don’t pig out in public. Well maybe not. There’s much more stigma against women for doing that than there is for men. But that doesn’t mean we don’t pig out on junk food. We’re just more likely to do it in the privacy of our homes. Obviously we’re still buying chips. Apparently there are some men who don’t grasp that we still exist and do things when they’re not around.

They’d have been better served with an ad campaign trying to destigmatize women enjoying fattening foods in public. It’d have still been crass, but a lot smarter than trying to make chick chips.

7 years ago

@wwth – OK. Can’t and shouldn’t force art – and your takedowns are quite frequently art. 🙂

The reasoning is that women don’t pig out in public. Well maybe not. There’s much more stigma against women for doing that than there is for men.

Wasn’t there some MRA douchebro who came on here and actually stated he hated watching women eat?

7 years ago

Sorry to DP, missed edit window, but Yes there was. Pancake bro. He appears in the comments and gets rather shredded.

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago


So, i read there are tools, based on deep-learning AI which are grossly able to reshape face of someone in a movie to make it look like someone else. I let you guess which are the first uses of it. (There is a clearer article of Motherboard in english in this french article)
And this is raising, in a justified way, many many apprehensions, especially when used in combination with tools that are able to speak texts in the voice of someone. For some stars who can easily sue the fake-makers, how many non-stars will be hit by forged videos without many recourses ? I know the law can be upgraded, but sometimes, when the damages are done, it is too late.

Ah, well… Maybe the shippers could make a Roosh-Forney romance video, or a Trump-Yanopoulos daddy spanking video, or… yeah, no, that is not comforting either…

Have a nice day.

7 years ago


They’d have been better served with an ad campaign trying to destigmatize women enjoying fattening foods in public. It’d have still been crass, but a lot smarter than trying to make chick chips.

Or – and this is a radical idea, but indulge me – they could just launch chips which are less crunchy, less messy, whatever, without gender coming into it. If they’re right, and there’s a market for such a product, it’ll sell, and nobody will get annoyed. Or is annoyance the point? Is this a “no publicity is bad publicity” thing? I mean, maybe they’re right about that. Nestlé’s “not for girls” ad campaign for Yorkie bars did boost sales substantially – but that was clearly tongue in cheek, unlike ladychips.

diogenes the cynic
diogenes the cynic
7 years ago

Is the guy who posts here as S Dutch the internet-famous professor?

7 years ago


“it can be classism to say see a doctor because some people cannot afford”

It’s classism when poor people can’t afford to go to the doctor because society doesn’t give a shit about them, it’s not classism when poor people literally need to go to the doctor to be seen for some illness.

I’m not letting this go, because you’re saying something harmful, whether you mean to or not. Society has a tendency to poo poo away the needs of the poor. Poor people ALSO need to go to the doctor. POOR PEOPLE ALSO NEED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

“Quieter/less messy chips” would be a popular movie theater choice, I bet. Call ’em “Movie Night Doritos.”

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