doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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7 years ago

It wasn’t about whether he had anything worthwhile to say. It was about sales. Simon and Schuster saw a chance to make a buck from far right propaganda. That’s why I have no sympathy for the editor who had to wade through that shit: their job was to package up white supremacy etc into a form which would shift units, and that’s not a respectable job.

7 years ago

@WWTH: I wish I could help you in your search for modern music. I’m sure there are plenty of great woman musicians out there, but I don’t think they’ll ever be on corporate radio. Maybe some of the college stations, though.

I just realized that I used the word ‘lame’ in my previous post. I don’t know if it’s abelist in this context, or not.

7 years ago


I suppose you’re right. Like I said, I don’t follow pop culture very closely…I’m surprised Milo has enough of a following to garner interest from a big publisher. Then again, what with e-books and all, I guess publishers don’t have the same up-front costs they used to.

Oh, well, if Bill O’Reilly is able to have one bestseller after another in the US, I shouldn’t be surprised.

7 years ago

*sigh* why do my posts always disappear (into moderation?) whenever I start posting from youtube?


“Very immature, me.”

Weeeeeelllll, I did make that stripper farts pun that no-body understood or liked( ;_; ), so I certainly have you beat on the immaturity scale. I’m happy to see that Artic Ape swooped in to save the punnage though, because their puns have fucking class. Actually, a lot of people here are really good with puns.

Are we tripping down memory lane, because I recently rediscovered my k’s choice cds while cleaning out some boxes, and have been singing Old Women to my kids, much to their abject horror.

Mish, I really have to thank you for introducing me to tacocaT! Their cover of I am a Girlfriend is amazing and I have listened to it at least 50 times since last night

7 years ago

If we are doing angry music from the 90s, I’ll always love the Gits.

You wouldn’t know it so much from those two songs, but the lead singer’s voice was beautiful and soulful, and she could walk the line from grunge/punk to bluesy garagey rock with just Grace.

7 years ago

Another song to listen to when down, this one from Dead Moon;


I’ve alway’s been a fan of Get the Party Started. :p


Last I heard of  Ani DiFranco she was involved in some dumb internet drama over planning to host a workshop at a hotel that turned out to be a former plantation. (I guess the owners of the place were really gross, but it’s not like she chose the place for this.)

The level of drama was at least 1000x too high. I’m  glad to hear that she has released some new music.

7 years ago

mrex, haven’t thought about K’s Choice in years!

7 years ago

Being as it’s the end of the year and everyone and their dog are doing 2017 round-ups, going to share this one – which may not be the most complete, but is certainly the funniest to me so far.

Regarding music – I listen to a lot of country (just like it, don’t go judging 😛 ) and Abbi Walker is pretty good as far as cheerily irritable goes.

7 years ago

@PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic

Wait, nope. Looks like they banned her again.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago


The publisher probably just saw that Milo was a rising, controversial figure and expected that would translate into sales.

“But we haven’t actually looked at anything he’s written!”

“Don’t care. Look at the crowds at that alt right campus event! Give him the advance!”

“But the larger part of those crowds hates him.”

“Excellent! Controversy is the best publicity. Give him the damn advance!”

I bet now they’re a bit less happy about it …

Regarding Andrew Dice Clay, for years and years the usenet kook award for misogyny was named after him. About a year ago they renamed it though — you can probably guess why, and who it’s now named after.

7 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements:

Oh, yes, I can guess who it’s named after, now?.

Now that I think about it, I suppose Milo is mediagenic in a way that most of the alt-right celebs aren’t.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago


I’m happy to see that Arctic Ape swooped in to save the punnage though, because their puns have fucking class. Actually, a lot of people here are really good with puns.

Thanks. I do plan to sometime discuss an actual topic, or otherwise engage socially. This season makes me feel so sluggish.

7 years ago

I used to read Dave Barry’s column every week until my local paper stopped running them. Glad to see he’s still around.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


RE: Milo and his so-called book

Look, I’m middle-aged and not well-versed in popular culture, but I’m astounded that Milo got a book deal from a major publishing house. IMO, he has nothing of any substance to say. Has he ever had an original thought? Everything he expounds upon is derivative, at best. I don’t think he’s even a good troll.

Awhile ago, I compared him to Andrew Dice Clay*. It’s probably a strained comparison, but Milo has already had a longer run of fame than ADC.

*A lame, one-note, flash-in-the-pan, 1980s American comedian. His one note was foul-mouthed misogyny.

In the Difference Without a Distinction Department:
Milo’s publisher was Threshold, an imprint of Simon and Schuster. Threshold publishes “conservative” — as in wishing to conserve their own (and their rich patrons’) wealth and power — “writers.”

In the Department of Foul Mouths:
Andrew Dice Clay used to freak freak freak me out. Now that the world is dealing with the men’s “rights” movement, I’m glad that I’m less reactive. Thank goodness I have people, including all the nice, thoughtful people at WHTM, that I can talk to about the rise of the right.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

the rise of the right

PS: They’re going down.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Sue Grafton, writer of popular ‘alphabet’ mysteries, dies

Sue Grafton, author of the best-selling “alphabet series” of mystery novels, has died in Santa Barbara. She was 77.

Grafton was surrounded by family, including husband Steven Humphrey, when she died Thursday after a two-year battle with cancer, her daughter, Jamie Clark, posted on the author’s website.

“Although we knew this was coming, it was unexpected and fast. She had been fine up until just a few days ago, and then things moved quickly,” the posting said.

Grafton began her “alphabet series” in 1982 with “A is for Alibi.” Her most recent book, “Y is for Yesterday,” was published in August.

“Many of you also know that she was adamant that her books would never be turned into movies or TV shows, and in that same vein, she would never allow a ghost writer to write in her name,” her daughter wrote. “Because of all of those things, and out of the deep abiding love and respect for our dear sweet Sue, as far as we in the family are concerned, the alphabet now ends at Y.”

Humphrey said Grafton had been struggling to find an idea for “Z” while undergoing treatment for rare and usually fatal cancer of the appendix, which was discovered in a routine colonoscopy.

“Nothing’s been written,” he told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. “There is no Z.”

He added with a laugh, “Nobody in this family will ever use the letter Z again.”

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
7 years ago

Andrew Anglin finally found a way to alienate his remaining 3 female fans:

7 years ago

Gamers are in the news again. Someone’s dead because of their stupidity.

Call of Duty gaming community points to ‘swatting’ in deadly Wichita police shooting

Nice little pull out:

“I DIDNT GET ANYONE KILLED BECAUSE I DIDNT DISCHARGE A WEAPON AND BEING A SWAT MEMBER ISNT MY PROFESSION,” said one gamer, who others said made the swatting call. His account was suspended overnight.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@Hu’s on First

Oh, that Andrew Anglin guy — such a smooth-talking provocateur!

Memo to Andrew Anglin: Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

Prison for Egyptian lawyer who said women wearing ripped jeans deserve to be raped

An Egyptian lawyer was sentenced to three years in prison for saying women who wear ripped jeans deserve to be raped.

Nabih al-Wahsh, was also fined 20,000 Egyptian pounds, the equivalent of $1,130, for making the inflammatory remarks during an October television appearance, The BBC reported.

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Yeah, in the meantime, Anglin hides out because, at his very core, he is an abject coward. Little shit.

7 years ago


It’s just internet people playing connect the dots for now but they’ve tracked down a twitter account that’s supposedly the SWATers’ and he’s been doing it (and calling in bomb threats) for weeks.

In less depressing news former Sheriff David Clarke is under FBI investigation for an incident where he ordered officers stop and interview a man who had made fun of Clarke’s hat…

7 years ago


Thanks for that follow up.

David Clarke is one strange dude. What gives with the trash he keeps putting on his uniform? Pretty sure I’ve seen a Boy Scout badge and a Disney pass on his chest at one point.

7 years ago

Just got back from seeing a star war. Fun was had. I give it 7.9 porgs out of 10. No spoilers, but I’ll just say that I liked Rose.


David Clarke is one strange dude. What gives with the trash he keeps putting on his uniform? Pretty sure I’ve seen a Boy Scout badge and a Disney pass on his chest at one point.

He’s such a fundamentally ridiculous character. He really ought to be greeted with laughter wherever he goes. Props to him for finding a way to combine his love of cosplay with his job, though.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

From the swatting story

“Normally this is a prank, but due to the high stress situation, sometimes it is closer to a death threat from a user trying to get cops to kill them,” one man told The Eagle in an email.

No, swatting is not a fucking prank. And this is why it needs to stop being treated like wacky teen hijinks. For fuck’s sake. I used to get annoyed at B grade horror movies and novels for overusing the trope of death threats and stalking being treated by authorities as pranks, but apparently this was the most realistic thing about cheesy horror stories of the 80’s and 90’s.

David Clarke is one strange dude. What gives with the trash he keeps putting on his uniform? Pretty sure I’ve seen a Boy Scout badge and a Disney pass on his chest at one point.

Just got back from seeing a star war.

A+ use of an Arrested Development reference. I never get sick of those. Especially if it’s a Lucille reference!

7 years ago

@ Moggie

He’s such a fundamentally ridiculous character. He really ought to be greeted with laughter wherever he goes. Props to him for finding a way to combine his love of cosplay with his job, though.

I can’t see the guy on the news without thinking of Kenny Everett’s General … 😛

Edit: Why do graphics hate me?

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