doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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7 years ago

Link’s not working for me.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Would you mind giving my hypotheses a “sniff test”?

7 years ago

Sure, give me a bit to digest.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The manuresphere’s take is, and always has been “what’s wrong with sexual abuse, we think it should be legal”….

True, but I sort of wonder if there’s an element of anti-Semitic conspiracy theory in there too because Aly Raisman is (the horror!) Jewish.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

Sorry, kupo; linking on my phone is dodgy! Now I’m on the Surface – try this one, and also this one (an interview with the transwoman). The video footage of the encounter is seriously unpleasant.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Take your time. Thank you.

dust bunny
dust bunny
7 years ago

@ Mish

Would you mind summing up the Rose McGowan thing for me? I’m a bit afraid of seeing for myself.
How bad was it?
Will it be perceived as just feminist infighting, or is this going to be the thing they use as an excuse to direct intense public scrutiny to her mental health and then somehow discredit the entire #metoo movement through misogynist, ableist attacks against her? Is this how the real backlash begins?

7 years ago

@ Brony,

Thanks for your thoughts!

I find your research intriguing, I could call myself an “applied scientist” myself. Engineer. Mechanical.

My product idea.
Yes I am paranoid on the open net 😀

Another part of this though, can apply to virtually anything, and that is structuring the business differently. From how much people are paid to utilizing local material sources, recycling, all of these things. Part of it is to structure the business differently, and which can apply to anything. (No, we don’t have this part figured out yet either. Well, except that we could all just sleep in the shop, and we probably do not need a corporate jet. New Financial Paradigm! 😀 )

Scientific research….

When younger, I thought I might carry on with more sci study. I got burnt out on it. Or, I’d just like to study more math and physics if I didn’t have to worry about survival.

If I win the lottery or somehow make a lot of money, I would spend time on more study, of the theoretical things. It’s funny how we are trained to think this would be a pure luxury. Or somehow pointless. Even those who could afford it are pointed towards blowing what money they have on extravagance.
When in fact it should be done, and encouraged as much as possible, for the sake of knowledge, and especially to make living conditions better for all.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Welp… Disappointed, but not surprised…

7 years ago

So Didi stopped being a total butt:

And afterward, sleepytimes with mama:

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

@Katamount, Jenora:

Yes, I heard about the Old City Hall Museum idea on the radio as well. As you say, there are a lot of stories about the city. Heck, there are a lot of stories just about that building, such as the way the architect pretty much bribed the stonemasons to sign his name under the eaves after he was denied a plaque due to a combination of delays, overruns, and apparently plagiarism accusations.

Or the time the building appeared on Star Trek, and thus implied that before it fell the Iconian civilization had a backdoor right into the heart of the Federation (but which they never used to attack the Federation):

comment image


Here’s something else, rather odd and specific. Have you ever had an object move mysteriously, where a) you’re quite sure nobody else had opportunity to move it, b) the object ended up somewhere other than where you’d had it last, but c) it did end up somewhere you might plausibly have put it, in an alternative history where you made different choices? Ex.: you put a mug down at your desk. Later you go to take a drink from it but it’s missing. When you find it, it’s in the kitchen where you prepared the drink, or it’s on the endtable next to where you sit to watch TV, or in another location where you sometimes put mugs, and where you might plausibly have chosen to put that one that day except that you didn’t.

Often more specifically you take an object with you, then find it missing later, and it seems to have “snapped back” to where you initially had picked it up, or else to a location you could have conceivably chosen to place it. But never to any location along its backtrail that you would never have left it. So you pick a mug up off the kitchen counter, take it with you to the living room, watch TV for a while, go to take a sip, mug’s gone, and you find it back on the kitchen counter. Or on your desk, if that’s along the way to the living room from the kitchen. But not smashed on the floor having materialized in midair at a position you’d carried it through on your way to the TV.

Also the “object shell game”. There are, say, three locations you ever leave, say, your TV remote: by the exercise machine, on the end table, or on the coffee table. One day you want to change the channel and you check each location, but every time you check one of them the remote happens to be at one of the other two. Even after you have systematically gone to all three this remains the case. Eventually you “catch up with it”, and wonder how you could possibly have missed it the previous n times you checked that location, or else you stumble upon it at a fourth location you wouldn’t have left it at (e.g., on the kitchen counter where you normally place mugs but never the TV remote). Again with no opportunity for somebody else to have been playing a prank on you, e.g. you were home alone from before the last time you’d used the remote until the incident of it being abnormally hard to find.

7 years ago

Have you ever had an object move mysteriously,

Without some of your conditions – last night. 😛

Cork for the hot water bottle (don’t judge, they’re very useful!) went missing from the kitchen after the bottle was emptied. Looked in all the usual places. Even emptied the bin in case it’d fallen in there. Pulled out the fridge, the works.
Partner found it this morning, sitting neatly on top of the dirty clothes inside the laundry basket.
Neither of us had went anywhere near the laundry hamper (which is a large basket with a lid in the spare bedroom) at all between the bottle being emptied and her finding the cork.

Otherwise and with your conditions: All the damned time. Especially tools. I’ll be working on the car, for example, put down a spanner and it goes missing. Shows up next to the kitchen sink usually, even though I’d not been in the kitchen and only put it down a minute previously.

I favor the multiverse theory – me in universe +1 decided to make a cup of tea. Glitched across for a fraction of a second and took my spanner with him instead of his own. Bugger could at least leave the tea made and ready for me 😛

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

@Shadowplay: Do you have a cat? A cork is small and light enough to be picked up and moved by a cat, and cats often like to play with such small objects (e.g. drop it and immediately bat it around the floor, etc.)

7 years ago


We have 3 😀 We keep the doors to the spare bedroom closed though since neither of us likes housework much and it’s one less room to clean that way, and none of the cats can open the doors (round handles and very stiff catches).

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

I seriously need to go find Big Boi and squish him. Not too hard, obv. But squuuiiissshhhh.

@dust bunny,

Apologies for the late (& lengthy) reply. You know, I hadn’t actually thought that far ahead. I was just feeling really sad – or, like Axe said, disappointed but not surprised. Those are disquieting questions you raise, and whatever happens, I worry that trans women might be forgotten, yet again. The issue shouldn’t be feminist infighting, nor McGowan’s mental health.
Anyhow, I’m kind of hesitant to sum up what happened because I’m nervous of mis-representing what was said and done. If you can, watch the video.
I’ll try a broad-brush approach. McGowan was giving a talk at a bookstore (a Barnes & Noble). Andi Dier stood up and asked about McGowan’s comments in a recent interview. It got ugly fast. McGowan repeatedly yelled over Dier, told her to sit down, then to shut up (several times). Dier was escorted out by security (who called her “sir”), and was lifetime banned from entering the store.
Update as I was typing: McGowan has claimed that Dier was a hired plant.
Pretty great summary from that Daily Beast article just linked to:

“Rose McGowan is clearly suffering after having long endured the kind of trauma I wouldn’t wish on anyone,” said transgender actress, writer, producer and activist Jen Richards, who voiced a concern that the confrontation is being used as just more sensational fodder instead of sincere efforts to heal divisions.
“The media’s fixation with her in particular does not seem motivated by a serious concern for the issue of systemic gender inequality and sexual harassment, much less the relationship of trans issues to intersectional feminism, but rather yet another instance of a preference for distracting spectacle. As with all women who have suffered at the hands of misogyny, I hope she finds healing and peace.”

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


I favor the multiverse theory – me in universe +1 decided to make a cup of tea. Glitched across for a fraction of a second and took my spanner with him instead of his own. Bugger could at least leave the tea made and ready for me ?

That’s the most Arthur Dent comment I’ve ever seen ?

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago

Uma Therman now spoke about Harvey Winestein and Quentin Tarantino. She interviewed for the New York Times.

I disliked Quentin Tarantino for very long time – nothing individual but slowly, slowly I hate his movies and his attidue to racism and he says n***** for his enjoyment I believe, but pretends to fight for black people but only if they never make criticise of his movies.

So, I am not surprised about this. And I am very sad for Uma.

dust bunny
dust bunny
7 years ago

@ Mish
Thank you so much for taking the time to type that out.
I’ll try to calm down and not overthink this, and worry about stuff if and when it does happen. Listening to people complain about #metoo going too far has made me paranoid.

7 years ago

Hello, hello, hello! I haven’t been here in several months so I thought I’d come take a bit of a look-see into how things are over here. I’m glad to see that the community is going strong and I hope that David enjoys the much-deserved (and, let’s face it, -needed) time off. I’m still in the process of getting my apartment back into the shape that it was before the renovation last fall. It’s going slowly but steadily as I don’t want to try and do too much at once. As the cold winter time has set in here I haven’t been able to go on very long walks for a while, but I’m keeping to my resolution of walking at least a little bit each and every day. I don’t think that I’m losing any weight any more, but at least I’m not gaining any, either and the most important thing is that I’m feeling fit and able to enjoy the important things in my life.

@Skiriki: I hope that the new kitten is doing well and not getting into too much mischief! ^_^

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


Greetings! How good to see you back ?

the most important thing is that I’m feeling fit and able to enjoy the important things in my life.

That, right there, is precious. When I was coming out of my very first major depression, the realisation that I was feeling happy (even just about little things) brought me to tears. I hadn’t even noticed it was missing.

@dust bunny,

You’re very welcome. I fully understand what you mean re “the #MeToo movement has gone too far!!!” stuff. It’s everywhere, and I keep second-guessing myself, which is exhausting. I’m doing it even while typing this ?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

Double-post Sunday morning for me!


Poor Uma Thurman. Thanks for sharing this; I know a lot of people have been waiting to hear from her since that powerful interview last year.

I’ve read the article twice so far, and I feel that it hasn’t done justice to Thurman’s ordeal. It’s such an important and horrifying story, but the article is all over the place. The timeline is a mess, and even the driving stunt loses impact because of the writing.

I don’t wish to come across as an armchair critic, or as needlessly nit-picking, so I’ll stop. For all I know, Uma Thurman was 100% happy with the piece.

7 years ago

Never liked Tarantino’s work – thought he was a pretentious hack even before Spitting Image cemented that for me. Seriously dude, it doesn’t stop being a cut and paste job just because you call it a hommage. 😛

The article is a bit of a mess, agreed. Only things I get out of it is that Uma Thurman is significantly more awesome than I recall, and Wankstain really, really needs to be sorted.

7 years ago

The partner of a friend took their own life this week.

Depression sucks. Oppression of trans people sucks.

I’m far away, but there’s a strong group supporting each other over there I’m told.

Love to all.

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago


I thought it is quite difficult to understand too. also I thought it is very strange and also disrespectful to Uma that the interviewer described how looks her body and how she likes on her sofa. she objectified Uma – at same time she interviews her about men who also objectified her. it’s little bit disgusting actually.

secondly, I like to think I seen plenty of weird American films – more than my friends. but even when I start my interest I always wondered why Tarantino is so popular. of course, I don’t understand or recognise what movies he ‘copy paste’ from before – but I still don’t understand what makes him very good film-maker.

I am not one who enjoys particular directors, I remember names of actors but directors I often forget. but good example of someone who made violent movies is Stanley Kubrick. he made them with reason because of what story he adapts and even if they seem little bit old now (sound effects on Clockwork Orange are little bit funny now?) – he has such amazing skill as director to make good clear shots and make atmosphere.

I get angry when someone like Tarantino is in this list of ‘great directors” with people like Stanley Kubrick. Tarantino is arrogant and selfish child who makes violence on women and says racist things because he enjoys it and then if anyone makes criticism he just says ‘it’s art! you don’t understand you stupid moron. it is too clever for you’.

7 years ago


I am glad your friend has a strong support system right now. Suicide is not easily dealt with and all the support is needed.
Look after yourself too, eh? Your friend’s friends have helping to help them cope with the shock and the pain – doing something, no matter how small, always helps.

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