doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

Apparently Jordan Peterson thinks men are less than 50% likely to win an intellectual debate against a woman ie. less likely than they’re to win any kind of fight against another man? So occasionally using physical violence with women would make it even out, since men are supposedly stronger than women.

Or maybe he thinks men and women are equally capable of intellectual debate but it’s just unfair that man aren’t allowed to use their natural physical advantage with women.

Or maybe he thinks men are actually more than 50% likely to win a fight with another man because, well he certainly would and you should aspire to that too.

Or maybe…

He’s just dog-whistling the whole “why men aren’t allowed to hit women?” gripe that his fellow dirtbags have in an attempt to attain social validation for domestic abuse.


occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago


I was browsing the list of games Steam was proposing (in relation to recently played games tags) to me yesterday evening, and then i was proposed something called FEMINAZI: The Triggering (link is to the kickstarter because i can not access steam from work – obviously).

As you can easily guess, the developpers pretend the game is “satire”, “parody”, and they are so “sorry” if you feel “offended”.
And browsing throught the evaluations shows how much the persons who buy this… “game” are obviously really virtuous and progressive people, and absolutely not trolls and/or MRA/GG/you name it.
It has been almost one year this game is on Steam, apparently.

Outside the plain bullshit this game is, with all its anti-progressive content, the other thing that annoys me is that games like Fist of Jesus (a fun beat them all with Jesus and Juda fighting zombis) have been removed from Steam because some Ultrachristians felt offended (by a joyfull and positive Jesus who was kicking ass in the name of his father), while clearly insulting games like Feminazi the triggering quietly make their bed on the platform.

Ah, silly me, i was forgetting that it is all about ethics.

Have a nice day.

7 years ago

I’m sure that will be a really high quality game too.

7 years ago

@Skiriki: So, Carisma’s kitten weighs close to a pound. Wow, that IS a big kitten. He sounds like he’s going to be the King Kong of cats.

I have a cat named Sassy, she has the shortest legs of any cat I think I’ve ever seen. She doesn’t let it slow her down, though.

RE: Natalie Wood. I skimmed a few articles about her case being reopened. I don’t understand this talk about new witnesses coming forward. Weren’t there only 4 people aboard the yacht? Her, her spouse, Walken, and the captain? It seems like every 5 years or so, something about Natalie Wood’s death pops up in the news.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

As everyone has already noted re Jordan Peterson, there is so much to unpack there (I’d like to see his exact words, actually, but I’m not going looking for them).
Not sure which is worse: the notion that men are not allowed to hit women (tell that to the Counting Dead Women project), or the notion that when men are arguing, they have this “fisticuffs-as-last-resort” thing going on in their heads.
(also, @Kat, the Curie scenario made me snort – thanks!)

I saw some of that covered on Twitter today. But we’re the snowflakes, right? ?

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
7 years ago

content warning for ableist language

Interesting piece on the history of conspiracy fantasies in the Repugnican’t party

7 years ago


Apparently the same group of trolls who (tried to) tank the Rotten Tomatoes rating of The Last Jedi have now targeted Black Panther for similar treatment. Including releasing spoilers to help ruin the movie for other people.

Oh no! That will totally destroy the box office for BP, just like it did for TLJ! I mean, look at TLJ’s disappointing performance (checks wiki): uh, never mind…

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Given that the main opponents of feminism these days are literal Nazis, it’s mind boggling that anti-feminists are still calling us “feminazis.”

On violence in arguments, I think Isaac Asimov sums it up pretty well

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.

7 years ago

Weird Eddie – I just knew the conspiracy theorists were responsible for the fact that we don’t have flying cars!! :p

Not sure why, but this

By the 1990s, the fear of a U.N. military takeover of the United States was so impassioned that the Indiana Department of Transportation was obliged to abandon its internal system for tracking the age of highway signs. Indianans had become convinced that colored dots on the backs of the signs were coded navigation instructions for the impending invasion by the U.N.’s armed foreigners.

made me think of that.

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago


Speaking of museums, did you see Josh Matlow’s proposal to turn Old City Hall into a museum about Toronto after the courts move out? That’s actually a damned exciting idea! I’m a huge nerd for Toronto stories and there’s a crap-ton about this town to tell.

I’ve actually been getting into those Infiltration Zines that Ninjalicious did, including getting a copy of his book. I’m hardly in the shape to do anything like this, but it’s a fascinating read about the artificial barriers that we create for ourselves based on the way we’ve been socialized to behave. A closed door in a hospital is not to be opened. We assume certain doors marked “Fire Alarm” are actually set to go off when many aren’t. We assume somebody’s always looking at a security camera when the security monitors are often unmanned.

There’s also a lesson on interpersonal perception. Stuff like credibility props (carrying a file folder in an office) or leaving something on a desk to pretend you’ll be right back. We’re programmed to perceive legitimacy in these things.

A part of me hopes they have an exhibit on Ninjalicious. 😀

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

@Surplus to Requirements
I’m not ignoring you, I’m just somewhat overloaded and went into isolation mode for a couple of days. I’m looking at the paper you linked.

A couple of thoughts, more after I read your paper. One big problem is the fact that the chemical bonds in DNA/RNA still spontaneously break down over time (I forgot about that one until I did some reading). Life would have had to move fast.

Ribosomes are not as tolerant to the same mutations as genomes. Ribosomes do things like add stemloops at locations that don’t cause structure problems for catalytic activity. Little things here and there. If your genome is also making raw materials that seems likely to affect mutation rates. I hope they address the evolution of codons and how that might relate to going back to one base.

History of the ribosome and the origin of translation

Food for thought. This paper puts geochemical limitations on the environment in which life must have evolved.
Geochemical constraints on the Hadean environment from mineral fingerprints of prokaryotes

(Oh lookie here, a pirate bay for journals)

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
7 years ago

@ Hambeast:

Remember Jade Helm

7 years ago


Yep! Very soon close to that limit; Carisma is already kind of giving up hauling Big Boi anywhere and he is learning how to walk, too.

So far his personality seems to be a bit… dreamer? He really enjoys that warmed bed and just letting his tiny body relax. At the same time, he’s having kitten equivalent of “terrible twos”, and has put up a fight with mama when mama insists the boi needs a bath and potty-visit. But yields when mama cleans him anyway.

…at least he’s a cat, he can’t become a MRA.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
7 years ago

More fallout from the Nassar cases

Father of victims attacks Nassar in courtroom

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Nassar wasn’t actually attacked.

7 years ago
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

Rose McGowan was um pretty horrible to a trans woman ?

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
7 years ago

@ Kupo:

yeah, sure

(/s) “He surely would have felt bad about it and stopped after, say, a dozen or so… predators usually do, don’t they? And how would he even get access to all those women and children who came into his examination room where, unsupervised, he instructed them to disrobe and allow him to examine them??”

How in the bloody hell can she doubt any of the accusers? Because she doesn’t want to believe them??? HE ADMITTED TO IT!!!

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

This is fun. I did my masters thesis on the methylation of a G residue on the small subunit rRNA in yeast. I’m very fortunate when it comes to the molecular biology, but I am having to put some extra effort into the geochemistry. The astrochemistry is fun, I almost went into astronomy.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

How in the bloody hell can she doubt any of the accusers? Because she doesn’t want to believe them??? HE ADMITTED TO IT!!!

Oh, but he only pleaded guilty to make things easier for everyone. Not because he actually did it. He’s just a swell guy like that!

I’m not even joking. He really did say that. I can just about guarantee if he weren’t already doomed to spending the rest of his life in prison because of the child porn charges, he’d have probably gone for a trial. I think he’s actually convinced himself he’s a good guy.

I sort of wonder what the manuresphere has been saying about this. I also sort of don’t want to know. When I Googled about Tatiana Gutsu’s rape allegation against Vitaly Scherbo, one of the first links that came up was a Return of Kings post.

I was like

comment image

Nope. Not reading that.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

It feels good to know that I helped inspire you to take the risk. I hope you succeed. Thank you for telling me. Too sensitive to mention the idea? I get the instinct, if I’m right I would like the credit.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do with this yet but I’m less paranoid about mentioning it here. It’s entirely possible that there are already people looking at this very thing. It sticks out from the data too strongly. I’ve decided to email a professor whose lab I considered joining. They mentioned that I would have to accept that they would be blunt and brusque. Now it’s worth it. I’ll decide on posting it here after I email the professor.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago

The manuresphere’s take is, and always has been “what’s wrong with sexual abuse, we think it should be legal”….

I feel that’s an underlying factor in most, if not all of the denialism that surrounds any incident of abuse against a woman (or female-presenting person), indeed any incident of abuse against ANYONE not cis-het-white-male-xian… “it can’t be wrong because, well, if it’s wrong, then power and privilege themselves might also be wrong, and that’s — gasp!!— MY power and privilege at risk here….”

Denialists voted en masse for a man who openly bragged not only about abusing women, but about getting away with it because of his power and privilege. What he said on the Access Hollywood tape was (and my shattered memory may be failing me, here) “… when you’re a star, they let you do it”… I believe what he meant was “when you’re a star it doesn’t matter if they let you do it or not, you can do it anyway”

This week’s Doonesbury is a reprinted thread from the early 90’s when the dumpster was “between wives“, and, while it’s still grimly sexist toward Marla Maples, to me it perfectly encapsulates cheetolini’s attitude towards women.

7 years ago

Including releasing spoilers to help ruin the movie for other people.

That’s convenient, that way they can still go see the film themselves to research spoilers and still be part of the anti-SJW set. This stunt failed epically before but I’m sure they will claim a victory against White Genocide even when the movies crushes records at the box offices, just as they did with TFA. I didn’t realize they tried it again (and failed again) with TLJ, but I can’t say I’m at all surprised.

If I see any of these clowns in the theater making comments or trying to start shit I will make sure they get shut down. I hope there aren’t protesters…

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

Yes, I heard about the Old City Hall Museum idea on the radio as well. As you say, there are a lot of stories about the city. Heck, there are a lot of stories just about that building, such as the way the architect pretty much bribed the stonemasons to sign his name under the eaves after he was denied a plaque due to a combination of delays, overruns, and apparently plagiarism accusations.

A couple of friends of mine were rather more heavily into the ‘Urban Exploration’ thing, including getting into Bay Below and getting pictures of the old Don Valley Brick Works before that was restored and converted into more of a park. I know a lot of the basics of it, but never really indulged myself.

But yeah, we tend to take a lot of little signals like that for granted. There’s a reason why ‘act like you belong’ and ‘nobody pays attention to a busy person with a clipboard’ are pieces of advice.

Anybody who designs security systems has to understand how to break them first. And the expectations of the people using them are often the weakest link.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I should mention that I’ve since read a paper arguing that the banded iron formations are abiogenic. I was sloppy in my poetic line about reaction centers and our ancestors. I worry about similar sloppiness with an inference from neuroscience that’s unwarranted and maybe even risky. It was not worth the added emotional impact.

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