doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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7 years ago

Interesting. For as long as I can remember, I’ve suffered (if that’s the word) from a cold right hand. No tingling or noticeable lack of sensitivity, just coldness. I’m not aware of any neurological damage*, and I don’t have a history of alcohol abuse. I just always assumed it was some strange circulation problem.

* I do have loss of sensation in my left leg, thanks to a herniated disk in my lower back, but that’s more recent. PSA for young people: please look after your back, because back pain really sucks!

7 years ago

OMG so cute!

7 years ago

I love Didi’s shocked face!

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago


he likes donkeys

I do indeed! So thank you ever so much for that. And it’s such a wonderful story; donks are so smart like that.

7 years ago

There should be a name for the phenomenon that any Internet thread, given enough time, will eventually coalesce around the subject of cats.

CW: eating disorder:

So among all the things that were draining today, the more depressing of these was helping a lady with an eating disorder find information about when permanent adverse effects set in. I was able to kind of help her find -some- answers after some digging, and she went from not wanting to go to a doctor to volunteering that she’d make an appointment on Monday (she was clearly worried, possibly in physical pain or discomfort, but knew about EDA and stuff); I hope she gets relief, short term and long term.

On the sunnier side (because I love language), I actually had to use Spanish today, and managed to kinda fumblingly help a woman with a Microsoft Word problem with nothing more than the following knowledge of Spanish:

lo siento, grande, si/no, un solo pokito habla espanol, que, aqui, necesito ayudar?

And I’m pretty sure some of that’s wrong (is -o first person and -a second??). I couldn’t even remember how to say ‘no comprende,’ but somehow it was fun anyway. And of course she spoke to me like I could understand fluent, fast Spanish; like, didn’t even ask if anyone around here habla’d espanol; nope! Just started talking to me, lol. Maybe because I was the most Latina-looking?? lol?

I also just instinctively responded with what little I could say rather than telling her I don’t speak Spanish/shaking my head, etc.

7 years ago

More problems for me….
(But I fixed it and it’s ok now.)

Car crapped out yesterday. Battery. Hope that was the issue because I bought a new one today. From my dwindling money supply.

The battery light was on, I thought maybe it was because of extreme cold temps, and then the light did go off. It probably had issues.

Crapped out on me completely at a store yesterday. At least it wasn’t too far and I could walk home. Then I got a neighbor to take me back there, with jump cables and knows how to do it –
Decided to try to start the car before we got into all that – and it started.

Of course I did still need assistance in case it did not, and I had someone to follow me home, in case it failed again. I was glad for the help and got the car back home. They told me too, just go to an auto parts store and get a battery and they’ll put it in too.

I did this because the shop I take the car to is closed on the weekend, and they would charge more, and there would be towing charges involved….

So this am. it was PLEASE START! car! So we can go to the parts store and get a new battery!

And it started. And I got there. And got a new battery 🙂

Ruminating me has been ruminating on this since yesterday. Everyone said – just go to the parts store over here and do this. I was worried over something going wrong or if someone should go with me, just in case.

I decided to call my one cousin this am. mostly to run this by her and if she was in the area, maybe she could go with me? I did not need any $ for this, I have money to pay. I was mostly worried if the car craps out and what to do then and how do I get home, maybe I need someone to go with me…..

Also thought it would be much easier to ask a neighbor, but I don’t want to be a pest with them either, but for practical purposes we are much closer here.

Maybe I just wanted someone to talk to? Or to offer some advice and help.

And she was very cool towards me. Was in the midst of something else, – taking pix of a restaurant as a possible location for her one kids’ baby shower…..

Was very talkative and happy chirpy when I chose to give one of her kids one of my (recently passed) mom’s cars. Oh she’s happy to talk about that. And calls enough about that. When can we get that car transferred into her kid’s name?

She did help me some, after Mom passed. I’m thinking I should not expect too much else from this person. And she has her own life, other things to do…..


Well my one neighbor helped me and I was able to get the new car battery myself 🙂

A lesson in self reliance, maybe?

Wow I’m sick of problems and fake people too, and hope the shit will stop hitting the fan…

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

This is how the NYT observed Holocaust Remembrance Day. For fuck’s sake.

Honestly, why is Trump always whining about these assholes? They love him almost as much as he loves him.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Absurdly cute! And they know it — that’s why cats always look smug.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


I actually had to use Spanish today, and managed to kinda fumblingly help a woman with a Microsoft Word problem with nothing more than the following knowledge of Spanish:

lo siento, grande, si/no, un solo pokito habla espanol, que, aqui, necesito ayudar?

Good on ya!

Living in California, that happens to me sometimes. And I’m inordinately proud when I can dredge up my high school español.

Just today I translated también (also) for my boyfriend. That was in the title of a song we heard on the radio: “Maria También.” I’m feeling very smart right now.

I also get mistaken for Latina sometimes. It depends on where I am and who I’m with. I don’t have blonde hair, but that’s about the only thing that makes me look kinda, sorta, could possibly be Latina.

7 years ago

So I spent my last night scooping kitten out of the bed and returning him to where he should rest, until I gave up and shambled to the livingroom and ploppled him to the temp nest. Even there, mama kind of insisted on hauling him around, until I fed her utterly full of gooshyfood so she got too tired to do anything and just fell asleep.

It seems odd, but if I sleep with the bedside nightstand light on, the inevitable cooldown process seems to halt. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said about prickling.

Sheila Crosby
7 years ago


There should be a name for the phenomenon that any Internet thread, given enough time, will eventually coalesce around the subject of cats.

It’s now called Jules’s law.


increased diversity and the distrust it sows

I notice they put the blame on diversity, not on Fox and Breitbart slandering imigrants.

California, the model for a high-immigration future, is prosperous and dynamic — but also increasingly stratified by race, with the same inequality-measuring Gini coefficient as Honduras.

And how does the reat of the US compare? Because I rather thought inequality was through the roof in the whole country.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

California, the model for a high-immigration future, is prosperous and dynamic — but also increasingly stratified by race, with the same inequality-measuring Gini coefficient as Honduras

So much here:
1)They chose Honduras as comparison, cos they’re racist shitholes. No other reason. It’s not explained how Honduras is a bad place to be compared to, cos the reason the author thinks it’s bad to be compared to Honduras is there’s Latinxes there
2)The difference between California (7th highest among states in the Union) and Nebraska (7th lowest) is 3.9%. Among countries, the difference between 7th highest Namibia and 7th lowest Czech Republic is 24.7%. Cali is only 2.1% higher than the nation as a whole. CA is not an outlier by any stretch
3)Which also means, the US altogether is only just below Honduras. About even with Peru and Cameroon. I don’t know what those comparisons means, but I’m sure the author can enlighten us all about that
4)Gini is a pretty useful statistic, but it doesn’t tell you much alone and definitely not the why, which is mostly down to racism and the locations of centers of commerce. But, sure, blaming Hondurans is way easier
5)Seriously, when we undo this administration in a few years, can we tear down NYT too? Had a good run, but I doubt too many people would miss it in its current state, the shit merchants…

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

A few years?

Nuh-uh. We want him gone in a few months.

1. Mueller finds smoking gun — preferably several — and the administration continues to be rocked by scandals all the way through October.
2. Economy goes belly-up or other significant negative event on Trump’s watch, before November.
3. Giant blue wave hands Dems the House and Senate on a silver platter in November. And with the legislature no longer in Repug hands …
4. Impeach.
5. Indict.
6. Imprison.

7 years ago

Stop pipe dreaming.

Impeachment is a simple majority (from both the House Judiciary Committee AND the House of Representatives.) That is possible.

To remove Trump you need 67 votes in the Senate once he’s been impeached. Doesn’t matter how big a wave this year, you ain’t going to get to 67 – you’ll be looking at 57 tops. The Repubs are only defending 8 seats this go round. The Dems are defending 24, with 10 of those in red states.

Same thing as happened with Clinton – impeached but not removed is the best you’re gonna get.

Concentrate on building the House and Senate this time and then voting the bugger out in 2020.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

He’s guilty of serious, impeachment-worthy crimes, not just having an extramarital affair. He’s easily worse than Nixon. Nixon was removed.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Nixon resigned. He probably would’ve been removed, but he quit first.

The Republican party of the 70s is not the Republican party of today. There is no moderate faction and no faction willing to put country ahead of party. Republicans have no pushed back against Trump and have been more inclined to undermine the investigation that aid it in anyway. If they haven’t opposed Trump publicly for the good of the country yet, they never will. Trump good call a press conference, admit to colluding and then trying to cover up and there would be no impeachment, let alone a conviction.

I may not be for unrelenting gloom and doom, but let’s be real here.

VioletBeauregarde: Semi-Stable Genius of a Social Justice Necromancer
VioletBeauregarde: Semi-Stable Genius of a Social Justice Necromancer
7 years ago

I’m still in moderation…please let me through!

7 years ago

I am in complete awe of this young woman – both for the feat and the trolling level. That is a class response, Ms Hameister. 😀

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Did you see in the comments there’s some guy asking if there’s any proof that trolls said misogynistic things in the comments even though the screencaps are right there in the article. Apparently actually reading an article is misandry.

It is kind of pathetic, all the sandwich jokes. It couldn’t be any more obvious that these losers have their sense of masculinity all tied up in being tougher and stronger than women and this one young woman just came along and shattered all their illusions.

7 years ago

I saw that – what a fucking idiot. Guy got slapped down pretty quick though. 😀

Illusions is a perfect word for it, and it really pisses me off. If you’re reduced to taking credit for other peoples actions and abilities based on shared gender, or shared skin colour, or shared beliefs – you are wasting oxygen here.
It probably happens, but I’ve never really noticed women doing that. Only men. Don’t know if it’s observer effect – I just don’t notice women doing it – or something more (and am too lazy/busy to dig into it 😛 ).

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago


I don’t know if antone has suggested this (I’m skimming; forgive me!) but get your alternator tested, too. If the alternator is not repowering your battery, you could be running your car’s electrical off of battery only, and that will drain even the newest battery.

If you’ve already done this, ignore me. And continued good wishes being sent your way.

ETA: I saw the article about Jade yesterday, and yep. She is truly a badass.

7 years ago

“If I am guilty of harassment, then every employee who stole a pencil is guilty of embezzlement,” Keillor wrote.

So the women who worked with him were company resources, like pencils? And he did actually help himself, but only a little bit?

Thanks for admitting it, shitbag.

7 years ago

Scott Baio is being accused of sexually molesting a child now.

Tried to post this this morning, but the comment got eaten – twice.

7 years ago

Did you see in the comments there’s some guy asking if there’s any proof that trolls said misogynistic things in the comments even though the screencaps are right there in the article. Apparently actually reading an article is misandry.

Then there is the guy who complaining about the articular saying she Skied down the the south pole. He posted ‘It isn’t down hill. It doesn’t work like that.’.

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