doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Huh. I brought up the Larry Nassar thing multiple times over the past several months and it never really got any traction here.

It hasn’t gotten as much media coverage as it should have, but it did get some. Aly Raisman has been on 60 minutes and morning talk shows to discuss it. The info has definitely been out there and for awhile.

To be honest, I’ve got to lay some of the blame on the social justice sections of the internet for not pushing this. Why they never embraced it? My guess is because it involves sports and not movies, video games or other geek and geek adjacent things that a lot of feminists and other social justice type people are into.

If anyone does want to know more, I’d definitely recommend Aly Raisman’s twitter feed. You don’t need an account to look. Also Google Rachel Denhollender. She hasn’t gotten as much attention as Aly because as a rhythmic gymnast who has no Olympic medals, she’s not famous. But she’s the first one to come out publicly as a survivor of Nassar’s abuse. Both have been absolute heroes in all of this. Shout out also to Sarah Jantzi, the head coach of Twin City Twisters. She overhead her gymnast Maggie Nichols talk about Nassar’s “treatment” and was the first one to report him and didn’t let the subject drop.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago

re: Nassar sexual assault coverage, Slate did a decent job of following it, and there were some CNN pieces fairly well hidden down the page.

For the war movie discussion, there were a few late 70s ‘Nam movies which didn’t glorify the US soldiers, but most of them were Rambo-kin.

There’s a song called “50,000 Names Written on the Wall”, about the US Vets’ memorial, which I mention because I heard a response song several years back on a bootleg radio station called “2 million Names Not on the Wall” about the Vietnamese soldiers and civilians killed. Never heard who did it, haven’t heard of it since.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Senator Kamala Harris is cosponsoring Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for all bill

Now I’m indulging in fantasies of a progressive black woman running against Trump and winning. The Trumpkin tears over that would be the most delicious liquid anyone ever tasted.

7 years ago

Who says the Trump administration isn’t transparently obvious?

NSA Deletes “Honesty” and “Openness” From Core Values.

Surprisingly self aware, for spooks. 😛


Why they never embraced it? My guess is because it involves sports and not movies, video games or other geek and geek adjacent things that a lot of feminists and other social justice type people are into.

I’d hazard a guess you’re not wrong there. Same thing happened with tennis – Bob Hewitt out and out raped the underaged girls he coached in the 80s. He got a piddling 6 years, and almost no fuss about it.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

@ Makroth

Kinda feel like Spec Ops: The Line hits the same rut from the opposite direction. Instead of simply the narrative overemphasizing the effect on the Americans’ psyche, it just zooms into the mind of one specific American and retells Vietnam from a directly-controlled first-person perspective.

My response to that loading screen saying it was all my fault was just “no, it’s not.” And the game never really explains why it’s supposed to be. It felt more like it was trying to shock the player into confusion, then manipulate them into agreeing. Then again, I was absolutely not the target audience, so I could just be missing the point.

@ weirwoodtreehugger

I briefly forgot the rule to never read the comments. My happiness over the Medicare For All sponsorship was tempered slightly by the immediate 2016 primary re-litigating in the comments (though resurged somewhat by the Canadians and Europeans saying, basically, “welcome to the rest of the world”).

7 years ago

David, glad to see you post something 🙂

I have my issues too and I was hoping someone might want to give me some advice…

Who was looking for chit chat? 😀

In my case it’s financial and I’m not sure what to do. I hate dealing with money. But, I tell myself that the first step is to get over your phobia and just get moving on it. And I have been keeping up, for the most part, despite constant problems. The latest – ATT cut my net off. Yes, it’s back on now, I paid them. Some…..
I still owe them $. I owe everybody $.

And…. I’m unemployed! Fun times.

But, I am due to inherit some $. I will not get this for six months. I have seen that you can get a loan against inheritance –

And this is my question, or if anyone could offer advice. I’m starting to think I’m going to have to do this. I am nearly broke. And attempting to live off of credit cards is not a good idea. I will be getting some money soon, I hope, but I’m not supposed to spend that, not for six months, but I can reimburse myself for things (estate expenses) I have paid. That amount would only keep me going for about another month though.

Of course I could be dishonest and spend the rest anyway, even though lawyer said not to. But I have to survive. I think it would be a better idea to get one of these loans against inheritance. I do not wish to be dishonest nor cause myself any more problems. The hand of fate does deal me enough.

Anyone have any thoughts about these inheritance loans? I have to do something, – I’m rapidly approaching flat broke here, so I think I will have to do this.

It’s funny, situations like this almost drive you into the arms of these type of lenders. You can’t spend the money you have already inherited? Because there might be creditors? But there aren’t. And I have paid most of them off myself. And this is all because it’s slightly over ‘the line’ of amounts you can inherit with ease. A few thousand dollars less and this all would’ve went through as easy as buying six pack at the liquor store.


I don’t see myself getting a job right quick either. Not a “professional job” because most specific to me have been offshored, and I have no problem with this because they can have it! High stress.

I would be perfectly OK with a retail or basic clerical office job – but I do not have any related skills or experience. Well, general office yes and I would just have to sharpen up my Windows skills.

I thought a store, retail, might be nicer or more interesting, – I do not have recent retail experience. For some of these the pay is not great, others aren’t too bad, but if it’s only part time…
And like I know anything about that.

Have had my own health issues too, the carcass is rather beat, I’d probably be better off with a desk job. And more likely to get that too.

So I’m thinking that I should focus on that, I will need a Windows machine to brush up with (Have an old Mac laptop that has issues), I plan to DIY this with said new laptop and library books, – why take a class? I do remember some and for the $ spent on a class I could buy the new Windows laptop.

I’m really not sure what to do here.
ANY advice and thoughts appreciated! Be it financial or what’s a good Windows laptop to choose, or about retail work, anything, throw it out there! I’m a brain stormer, always try to consider all the angles.
And probably because rather constant and bizarre circumstances have made me so.
Necessity is the mother of invention. I’ve always had to live by my wits.

It does get exhausting at times tho…

But we’ll carry on! Will figure something out.

Any thoughts appreciated!

Glad to see David and everyone else slogging along here, gives me some hope and re affirms my faith in humanity too 🙂

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Best war movies are Glory and Captain America. More important today than when I 1st saw em >.>

Heard about the Nassar stuff here and there for a fewe months. Don’t think I heard his name much (completely forgot it until brought up again here), but the story’s been around

Brown + woman + democrat is, like, 60% of my rubrick for a 2020 candidate. I’m in full vengeance/catharsis mode 😛

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Z&T

I’ll just offer my generic advice to seek professional advice. With debt management it may be there’s charitable organisations or other free sources. They’ll be able to help you plan and possibly even contact your creditors for you.

Subject to what the professional adviser might tell you, I’d be reluctant to take out borrowing against any legacy. If you know you’ve got money coming in and a rough idea of timescale, you can let your creditors know directly and it may be possible to do a deal with them. Ultimately they just want their money with as little hassle as possible. So if you can show when they can expect to be paid they may well put your account on hold until a certain date. Even if you have to offer to pay them interest for doing so, that’ll be at a much lower rate than you’d end up paying a loan company.

Hope this helps a bit. Good luck.

7 years ago

@Z&T: Have you thought about applying at a temp agency? That’s how I ended up getting a permanent job, eventually.

RE: Ursula Le Guin. That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. If I had to guess, I would have to say that I thought she’d died a long time ago.

I’ve been sick with the flu for the last few days. I haven’t caught a bug like this in at least 10 years.

I’m also relieved to hear from David.

7 years ago

I first heard about it because Béla Károlyi came under fire for not doing anything about it, and since I recognized the name from when my sister was super into gymnastics it stuck in my mind. I might have heard something here or there aside from that but certainly not about over a hundred women. Even in the article about Béla I read they didn’t mention that. SMDH.

tim gueguen
7 years ago

Mark E. Smith, founder and sole consistent member of The Fall, has died.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

And here’s a roundup of the mantrums SFHC was referring to

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago


Best war movies are Glory and Captain America. More important today than when I 1st saw em

Isn’t that list missing a glaringly obvious one, in the present context? 🙂

Also: Which Captain America? There’s three of them (and counting), though you probably meant the first, which has extensive World War II stuff in it.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

And Johnathan Chait is still whinging about mean people are for dragging him for his thoughtless tweet

What a pathetic worm

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago


Thanx for that link! I’d totally forgotten about Shakesville, used to read it often

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Isn’t that list missing a glaringly obvious one, in the present context?

You’re right. How could I forget? Bloody Sunday! I hope we’re not heading for a Troubles type sitch, but… I’m less and less certain everyday…

Which Captain America? There’s three of them (and counting), though you probably meant the first, which has extensive World War II stuff in it

Yeah, meant the 1st. But, like… [SPOILERS] turns out all of em. 2 is about nazi infiltration of the government being complete when the black guy who used to be in charge is taken out. 3 is about the metaphor for Murican power refusing to back down after inciting the righteous fury of the metaphor for black empowerment, and it’s revealed he’s doing so more outta personal baggage than anything else [/SPOILERS]

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Alan and Dormousing_it have given you excellent advice. I know from experience that temporary agencies can often get you work right away.

I don’t know if it’s true in your part of the USA, but at least in some areas, it’s easy to get a job right now — but the job might be low paying. I know you don’t want low-paying, but it’s better than no money — and you can use the money to pay some portion of your debts now. I walked through two blocks of a San Francisco neighborhood the other day and counted five help wanted signs — that’s a lot in SF. One of them was the Post Office. Another was Whole Foods, which was looking for part-time and full-time people. The other three were small local retailers.

Do you have a Whole Foods near you? The one in SF was willing to hire people with no experience at 50 cents per hour above the local minimum wage. (SF is so expensive that we have our own minimum wage, which is $14 per hour — soon to become $15 per hour! Thank you, Fight for $15 peeps!) Whole Foods advertises for help online for their stores nationwide.

I think you were the Mammotheer who pointed out that finding a job is often a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Sound advice!

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Mr. Kitten opened his kitten eyes? That is too adorable for words.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago


I can’t believe you’ve already forgotten the big, major feminist film of 2017. 🙂


The problem with low paying jobs is, sometimes they’re flat-out unaffordable.

This is true in my own case. Right now I get disability, to the tune of approx. $1100/mo. It is, barely, enough to get by on in this area, with my bank account balance growing very slowly over time, though if it ever stops keeping pace with inflation that could change and put me in a bind.

Minimum wage here is $15 (recently, thanks to Fight for 15). If I could get a full time job with bennies and actual job security, even at that wage, I’d more than double my income.

But the only entry-level jobs that seem to exist anymore, even for people with bachelor’s degrees and above, are part-time burger-flipping type service economy jobs (and, even worse, “independent contractor” stuff, such as Uber driver). No bennies. No job security.

What would happen to me if I took one of these jobs? Well, right away I’d have a bunch of work-related expenses. Some of these jobs require you to buy their uniforms (fast food being notorious for the practice), but at least that’s a one-time cost. I’d also have to take a taxi to and from work, since there’s no transit system where I am. This would eat up over an hour’s wages all on its own — so if they wanted me to come in for just one hour on some day, I’d actually lose money on that day. And of course with these jobs the employers will pull stuff like that.

My disability benefits would disappear, and with them, pharmacare, eye care, and dental. So next time I was due for a teeth cleaning or, heaven forfend, had a cavity that needed filling, there go hundreds of dollars. Same if I broke or lost a lens, or got sick with something that needed antibiotics. At least, being in Canada, I’d still have the rest of healthcare. If I needed major surgery I’d be financially fine, but not if I needed antibiotics, ludicrously.

If I got 20 hours a week I’d be making, on paper, maybe as much as what I get now. Add in the taxi fares and occasional big dental/pharma/eyeglass expenses and I’d be making less than I am now.

In short, if I took any part-time minimum-wage job I’d probably be taking a pay cut. Some system is broken here — either disability should pay out more, there should be full-time-with-benefits and/or significantly-above-minimum-wage jobs available for someone with a bachelor’s degree but no experience, or pharma, dental, vision, and transportation expenses for citizens should be socialized like healthcare is, or some combination of these three things.

Oh, and then there’s the (lack of) job security. When (not if) I got laid off from said part-time, minimum-wage job, I’d find myself stuck in a situation where I had zero income but all my usual living expenses until however soon I could get the disability benefits restarted. I don’t even know how to restart it — my parents set that up when I was still with them and just coming out of university. I’d have to learn how while under serious time pressure to get the job done before my savings ran out and my roof, utilities, and access to food went poof! … under penalty of death, in three weeks or so slowly and painfully by starvation, unless I was lucky and it was winter, in which case that very night from exposure rather more quickly though probably still not painlessly.

Note: if I lose my current roof that’s probably the end for me. The way rents have skyrocketed I couldn’t likely find a place that wouldn’t cost more than an entire disability cheque per month. Public housing theoretically exists in the nearest larger city, but that’s a hundred-buck bus ticket away and there’s a years-long waiting list for it. I know — I applied, in hopes of halving my rents, and nothing came of it. So even if I obtained an income again from somewhere, unless it was at least $2000 a month I’d have however many months left to live as equaled the remaining time until winter. The only reason I am even alive right now is a combination of disability benefits, rent control, and luck. If I was tossed out of here for nonpayment tomorrow it would no doubt be on the market at double what I’m currently paying on Friday.

In the long run, I’m doomed if the political winds shift too far toward conservatism, if inflation outpaces benefits too much for too long, or civilization collapses; in the short run I’m doomed if I do anything sufficiently stupid, like get a low-paying part-time job that ends up giving me too few hours and too little pay for the additional expenses it costs me.

The system — both benefits and private-sector-work-opportunities — is broken. Less so than in the US, by far. Less so than a few months ago, thanks to the provincial NDP making a $15 minimum wage a core platform plank for next year’s election and the incumbent Liberals thereby being forced to follow suit if they didn’t want to lose to them a couple of Octobers from now. But it’s broken.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


I can’t believe you’ve already forgotten the big, major feminist film of 2017

That’s fair, and I’d almost agree. It’s definitely a message that resonates in today’s political climate. Last Jedi was pretty great, best of the series even, but too many war flicks better than it on the mechanical level to put it in the ‘best’ category. YMMV, ofc 🙂

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago


OK, now I know you’re trolling me, because now you’re not only still forgetting Wonder Woman, you’re also implying that ESB was not the best Star Wars movie. The odds against anyone both a) being unaware of the former and b) intentionally making the latter claim seriously are six thousand nine hundred and forty to one! 🙂

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


OK, now I know you’re trolling me

Me? Never. Ribbing perhaps, but trolling? Pshaw

you’re not only still forgetting Wonder Woman

Didn’t forget it. Haven’t see it. Can’t very well place on my list among the best of the genre off hype alone, can I? The Academy can and should have, but they also nominated Boss Baby over Lego Batman, so their judgment is demonstrably lacking

you’re also implying that ESB was not the best Star Wars movie

It’s the 3rd best. Maybe…

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

H-h-h … aven’t … seen it?


7 years ago

@Surplus I’ve been there and it really doesn’t seem worth getting those part time jobs. But keep looking. I eventually found a part time job that came with three free uniforms!(sarc)

System still seems a little less broken here in the UK as we still have social housing and transit in our small towns, albeit in broken privatised forms. Fingers crossed that the left will sweep to power soon or there’ll be nothing to renationalise. If only some bloody idiot in the tory party would call another snap election…

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I didn’t see Wonder Woman yet. I’m sure I’ll get around to it eventually. I’m guessing it’ll make it to HBO as DC movies usually do and then I’ll watch it. But I’ve had superhero movie fatigue for about 5 years now. Seeing them is not that big of a priority.

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