doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
7 years ago


comment image

and light reading (from earlier this month)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Happy Holidays all.

Regarding non verbal communication, this year’s Royal Institution lectures have some interesting stuff about that.

And for our Corvid fans there’s a really clever raven.

7 years ago

The Milo editor comments are hilarious. I’d normally cringe in sympathy reading someone’s work get such a harsh critique but like the Cerno AMA, no sympathy for that asshole.

7 years ago

“Not the time or place for another black dick joke”

LOL, “another” how many black dick jokes do you think were in the manuscript? He brings it up like it makes him interesting, though it probably is a top 3 interesting thing about him….

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

The two lonely twitter comments supporting Milo and accusing the editor of changing Milo’s ‘message’ was just the icing on the cake!

7 years ago

“Good deeds rarely get mentioned – they’re something you do, not something you brag on in public.” Unless you’re Trump, in which case you demand praise for something you probably didn’t do.

“Milo can go sit on a cactus.” Why do you hate cacti? What have they done to deserve such a fate? Even legos should be spared the indignity of Milo walking on them.

7 years ago

And … today’s tortured justification for acting like a complete hypocrite award goes to anti-gambling crusader Kathy Gilroy*!

*Milo Yappylittleshit hadn’t commented on the editor’s comments at time of award, or he’d have been a lock.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

And today’s my eyes just rolled so hard they’ve achieved escape velocity award goes to… Bono!

“I think music has gotten very girly. And there are some good things about that, but hip-hop is the only place for young male anger at the moment – and that’s not good. When I was 16, I had a lot of anger in me. You need to find a place for it and for guitars, whether it is with a drum machine – I don’t care.

The moment something becomes preserved, it is fucking over. You might as well put it in formaldehyde. In the end, what is rock & roll? Rage is at the heart of it. Some great rock & roll tends to have that, which is why the Who were such a great band. Or Pearl Jam. Eddie has that rage.”

Because there’s certainly no outlets for white male rage anymore. It’s certainly not on full display every time we go online or anything. And it’s not like women and girls ever experience anger. No, girls are sugar and spice and everything nice!

7 years ago

I was hoping that that Bono article would name some female artists who have that rage he’s looking for, so that I would have someone new to listen to. But they went with… Taylor Swift? Ok, I have nothing against Taylor Swift, I suppose, but she’s not exactly a riot grrrl, is she?

7 years ago


Come on, you gotta give bono a break. Clearly in bono’s tiny mind, rock’n’roll (especially the very angry kind) has always been about getting record deals and ruling the airwaves, so if bono personally doesn’t hear it, it must not exist.

Nothing more punk rock than selling out, right?

(/s obviously. I’m in the mood for punk rock and misandrony. You down y/n?)


“or the tab of a stripper?”

;_; I’m so fucking dissapointed. ;_; ;_; ;_;


TS said she was going to shake it off. The violence! (/sssssssssss)

7 years ago

Hey now, Shadowplay’s stripper was really hot!

7 years ago


…That’s… really not a good sign. I suggest tossing that stripper outside immediately.

7 years ago

Sorry about the link – I’m not sure what’s happening. Checked it three times, and the page we’re on got added to the link I pasted. 🙁

Re: Bono

I like him. He sang for my partner while she was working. she was buzzing about that for days. 🙂

Not listened to U2 since the Joshua Tree though.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Given Milo’s known reliance on ghostwriters, it sounds like he had a different ghostie for each chapter. Would explain a lot.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

So, when the hell is David going to start a Last Jedi spoilers thread or something similar?

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago

 “It’s the gambling I oppose,” she said, “not the sweepstakes.”

“It’s other people entering I oppose. Me winning is cool.”

I have rarely seen such a blatant self-aggrandizing hypocritical rationalization on display. Yuck.

ETA, Surplus why do you want to spoil TLJ so badly? Lol

7 years ago

God wanted her to have that money. You can’t argue with that.


…That’s… really not a good sign. I suggest tossing that stripper outside immediately.

Hot air is great for removing varnish and paint, provided you have good ventilation. I have one of those strippers myself. Protip: store it well away from your hair dryer. You wouldn’t want to mix them up.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


I’m guessing the Taylor Swift mention is more of a reference to her being a mean girl who’s always feuding with someone and sending her minions after them, not the actual music. But as an oldish person, I wouldn’t hate if the Mammotheers who know new music had some good angry girl music recs. I know my 90’s music very well but have been too lazy to keep up since maybe 2006/7.

My favorite teenage angst song was “girly” and angry.

There are more quality rageful Ani songs, but I had lots of unrequited crushes back then, so this is the one that I loved most.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Aren’t there about a billion Star Wars fan sites or more general SF/fantasy fan sites to discuss Last Jedi?

I’m probably not going to end up seeing it until it’s available to rent at home so I’ve accepted that I’ll get spoiled a bit eventually, but there does seem to be people here still planning to see it in the theaters and given that David’s not actively posting again, he’s probably not going to see requests for a thread on it in the comments anytime soon, so for the time being it might be best to discuss the movie in other places.

7 years ago


“I have one of those strippers myself.”

So would you find it a good sign if your stripper’s body suddenly became very hot? You didn’t say that shadow’s stripper was blowing hot air (which, well whatever floats your boat), you said that *Shadow’s stipper* was hot. Personally, I would be concerned, but then again, that just might just be my deep dissapointment talking. ;_;

7 years ago

But as an oldish person, I wouldn’t hate if the Mammotheers who know new music had some good angry girl music recs.

I’ll stick with Anastacia. Not modern, but who cares 🙂 . Great voice, pissed off lyrics. Also she does a song that speaks to me hard.

Romeo’s Daughter is pretty good, too. 😛

ETA: @mrex

Hey! The guy doing the video would scrub up decent. 😛

7 years ago


Shit you have great taste in music. ;p


“Hey! The guy doing the video would scrub up decent. ?”

He does have nice hands. And I do like hands.

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago
7 years ago

Do you really need to pick apart grammar over an obvious play on words?

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