doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

How did the march go?

7 years ago

We Need Bodice-Ripper Sex Ed

No comment other than to say it’s a slightly unfairly maligned genre.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Am I the only one who can see David’s Twitter feed on the sidebar?

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

@Brony, don’t worry bout it! I haven’t really been able to follow too heavily lately either. Take all things at your own pace. There are no obligations!

@WWTH, ohmigosh I just saw your new kitty avi and that kitty is adorable. What a pretty kitty!

7 years ago

I’ll let you know, but haven’t seen any issues with your approach other than TMS mods look down on responding to trolls (but some of the regulars love it, so it’s up to you).

The march went well, other than my mom hurting her leg 🙁

From my perspective it looked larger than the march for science but smaller than the initial women’s march in Seattle.

If you block scripts you can’t see the twitter feed, and I think a lot of people just don’t think to look at it. Plus on a phone you have to scroll down past the comments. But yes, I do see it. 🙂

7 years ago


Am I the only one who can see David’s Twitter feed on the sidebar?

No, but I read on desktop, not mobile. Mobile users will have to scroll down a long way to see the twitter feed; probably most won’t see it.

Edit: ninjad

7 years ago


Seriously, rare digital art? How the hell can something that can be copied instantly and perfectly even rate the word rare? At most, I’ll buy the descriptor arbitrarily and artificially scarce.

Eh, when cryptocurrency and blockchain are involved, you can pretty much expect bullshit.

7 years ago

So I’m seeing 😀

Just got me grumpy, misusing the term rare art like that. 😛

dust bunny
dust bunny
7 years ago

@ Skiriki

Did you notice it’s kamala backwards? Nomen est omen, watch out, potted plants, wallpapers and coffee cups! <:

7 years ago

@dust bunny

Yes — but then again, I already have had Orcus, Demogorgon, Dr. Frank-n-Furter, so I guess I am prepared for potential havoc.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

That’s good to know. I was afraid I seemed ungrateful. It’s going to be useful, but I’m still in the middle of finding useful objects in the nervous system to tie to my version this thing and the average social understanding of consciousness. Best objects in feeling to combine with it.

I gotta be honest, there’s a lot of bullshit to eliminate in the public discource and it doesn’t care about politics or religion and lack thereof. But not everything would be easy to introduce. Like the the idea that if you can make mouse model of TS that suggests that mice can have demons too.

I feel some misgivings about your aid, you said you felt at your limit and I wanted to check since this is you doing emotional work on my behalf. I would feel negligent if I did not point this out. I want you to get your rest if you need it.

I hope your mom gets better soonest. And I hope the experience was good overall.

I noticed some people reacted positively. It’s good to know they are regulars. I’m adding another social environment and while I’ve read the articles this is my first time dipping into the community in an extended fashion.

I can understand the feelings of the moderators. I try to provide good justifications for when they look. Like reasons why certain behavior is antisocial or will feel bad regardless if intent. Like when I criticize the local very concerned swarms. I’m being careful about my motivations at TMS, the locals won’t want me just bringing my shit. I’ve tried to keep relevancy to the authors and subject.

7 years ago

… whereabouts on the front page is the twitter feed of which you speak? (I’m reading on a desktop; I’m also quite good at looking right at things without seeing them)

What landmarks are near it on the page, is it on the right or the left … ? (yes, I really am that bad at seeing things – either that or it doesn’t show up for me for some reason)

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 years ago

Right hand side of any page, below the donate section. If you hit Random WHTM Posts, you’ve scrolled too far 😛

7 years ago

On the right hand side, below the Recent Comments and Feed the Mammoth sections, with the heading Tweet Tweet. Hope that helps!

Edit: ninja’d

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Totally random and unrelated to anything we’ve been discussing. Sorry.

I have this weird addiction to watching cheesy thrillers on Lifetime. I don’t know. I’ve been watching them since I was in my teens for some inexplicable reason. I’m watching one now.

Many of these movies have a villain, usually but not always female that turns everyone against the female protagonist really, really, really easily. Of course, in the end the villain is unmasked to all and everyone who hasn’t been killed off over the course of the movie goes back to loving the protagonist again. Aside from wondering why the hell the protagonist so readily forgives the friends and family who were so disloyal and ready to believe the worst of someone they supposedly love, I think these cheese hack writers accidentally stumble onto something all profound and feminist. Everyone, particularly the protagonist’s husband or boyfriend* disbelieves the protagonist when she says that something is off with the villain and the villain is saying and doing things to hurt her. They always think the protagonist is just going crazy or imagining things. On some level, even the writers and producers of formulaic crap movies that aren’t remotely feminist know that in our society, women are constantly called liars or crazy when they even come close to standing up for themselves.

Kind of funny that when feminists point out that maybe it’s time we start actually listening to women and that doing so would help eradicate rape culture we are called crazy or silly or manhating or whatever. Yet even the producers of Lifetime movies know we’re right. Not just them. This is a common theme in horror movies too. It’s very common for a female main character to be the first to realize there’s a haunting or a slasher on the loose and nobody believes her. I just thought it was interesting. Sorry if no one else does!

* No these movies never feature a lesbian protagonist. The protagonists are almost always white. Always cis. Always thin and conventionally attractive. Always upper middle class or wealthy. The only time a protagonist is ever working class is if they’re a villain-protagonist. Hence my saying that like so much media aimed at women, they are not remotely feminist.

7 years ago

Interesting. I’ll have to think on that.

7 years ago


Can you back up a minute to this bit:

usually but not always female that turns everyone against the female protagonist really, really, really easily.

Say what? How? Is there a connection?

Don’t watch Lifetime movies – thats how long they feel to be. More a Hallmark type. 😛

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago


Doesn’t Aliens to some degree fit this same trope? Female protagonist – Ellen Ripley. Female antagonist – alien queen. Ripley’s warnings initially go unbelieved:

Guy accusing her of hysteria: “Never recorded once”
Ripley: “That’s because I blew it out of the goddamned airlock!” *frustrated voice*

Of course in this case it turns out that company higher-ups knew all about the aliens and had ulterior motives for everything they did. Also, I’d classify Ripley as working class. I don’t think it gets much more blue collar than working on an ore freighter operating forklifts. 🙂

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’ve always thought of Alien as more of a horror set in space than a sci-fi so it totally fits the pattern.

Say what? How? Is there a connection?

Don’t watch Lifetime movies – thats how long they feel to be. More a Hallmark type.

Oh, usually little acts of sabotage, passive aggressive trash talking, often framing them for crimes. In the movies it’s really easy to frame people for crimes.

Don’t even get me started on Hallmark movies. Ugggghhhhh. They always seem to involve a career woman meeting a man, reluctantly falling for him and after sharing one romantic kiss, quitting her career to run off with him. Just what the fuck!? My theory is that they’re aimed at women who are stay at home moms/wives and feel insecure about it and want some validation that they made the right choice. It also seems to be a Christian channel without coming right out and saying it’s a Christian channel. It makes Lifetime look progressive.

7 years ago

Oh, it’s the WASPiest of channels.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’ve noticed Hallmark plays Christmas romances from November till January and then they also do Christmas in July and play them all that month.

This kind of thing is why some of us want to actually wage that war on Christmas the right is always whinging about

comment image

7 years ago

Has anybody else heard of this argument that Pussy Hats aren’t inclusive of trans-women or women of color? Cos personally, I gotta agree that such an argument does play into the alt-right’s contention that the left gets offended over silly, inconsequential minutiae – that it’s tantamount to complaining that the black power fist symbol isn’t inclusive of amputees. Of all the things the left should be concerned about at the moment, surely the color, shape and name of the hats worn by some of the people at some of its protests ought to rank fairly low on the list. I mean, I’ve even seen some people arguing that trans-women and WOC should cease attending the marches over this – which would seem to me to be an incredibly self-defeating thing to do.

7 years ago

I’ve only heard this through the grapevine, so I’ll let trans women and women of color speak as to whether it’s not inclusive.

That said, feminism has a history of being centered on cis white women, so I’d hardly call it “inconsequential minutiae” for people to be concerned about it.

7 years ago

The only feasible, realistic means of stopping Trump is for the Democrats to win in November and 2020. Large-scale shows of force such as the Women’s Marches would seem to me to be one of the best means of creating and sustaining anti-Trumpian sentiment and energy, and thus maximizing voter turnout upon these dates. Therefore, encouraging people not to attend them, all because of a hat, doesn’t like an altogether productive tactic, to me.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

If pussy hats were meant to communicate woman power = vagina power, I’d agree it was an issue. But they’re a direct response to Trump’s comment about grabbing a woman by the pussy. Not equating a vagina with womanhood. So I’ve got to say I’m not really seeing why individual women wearing them is bad. I doubt there are that many people seriously offended by them though.

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