doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago


I found this article linked on Ghazi that I felt made an interesting counterpart to the article you linked:

I was kinda surprised that it was more than two years old, because it fits well with the notion that these experiences are so common with women. The current paradigm is stacked against women not only from a consent standpoint, but a pleasure standpoint. The last paragraph is the perfect summation:

One thing that’s clear is that feminists need to raise the bar for women’s sex lives way, way higher. β€œSure, teaching consent to college freshmen may be necessary in a culture in which kids are graduating from high school thinking it’s okay to have sex with someone who is unconscious,” says Dusenbery. β€œBut I don’t want us to ever lose sight of the fact that consent is not the goal. Seriously, God help us if the best we can say about the sex we have is that it was consensual.”

Whew, that’s a crushing indictment of our culture. But really, when women or genderqueer people want to express themselves sexually and their prospective partners are a bunch of men raised on internet porn and 4chan… eeeech, I might want to get a bit sloshed too before fooling around.

Now that I think about it, that’s another element of this conversation I can’t quite relate to–the whole drinking thing. I’ve had a chronic liver disease since the age of 7 and having lived with it for a quarter century now, those circumstances have forced me to abstain from alcohol. I think my last beer was in second year university and that was back when YouTube just launched. So I really found it rather confounding to see everyone around me getting hammered just to go hit on someone else… even if you do end up hooking up, how great could the experience be if you can’t remember any of it?

*shrug* Then again, the memories I have of being the sober one at the party……

7 years ago

A random thought:

Trump’s cognitive test: I looked at it. Tried it (and didn’t score 30, I have had some problems with recalling dates and numbers since childhood), but it was ridiculously easy.

Realised that – “Holy shit. People FAIL this.”

Don’t think anything has ever driven the sheer sorrow and waste of dementia home as much as that realisation, not having had personal experience with more than the normal eccentricities of age.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

So I really found it rather confounding to see everyone around me getting hammered just to go hit on someone else… even if you do end up hooking up, how great could the experience be if you can’t remember any of it?

Drunk doesn’t necessarily mean blackout drunk.

I’ve had plenty of drunk sex/hookups that I remember just fine.

For me the drinking was never necessary for the sex part but for the flirting beforehand aspect. I’m shy. If I go to a party sober I just end up getting overwhelmed and sitting silently off in the corner or something.

7 years ago


I’ve had plenty of drunk sex/hookups that I remember just fine.


Oddly, been thinking about this, as very drunk sex happened more often than I’m terribly comfortable with, looking back on. Still, every one of them (bar one – a 15 hour layover in Hamburg and I didn’t make it as far as the Reeper πŸ˜› ) had an agreed and enjoyable rematch when we were sober, so I’m not over worried about the consent problem. πŸ˜›

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago


Well, when your friends are fellow engineers, they hit the booze pretty hard. But I can certainly relate to being corner guy. I’m shy myself, but over the years, I’ve trained myself to be more comfortable in social situations. Hell, at our family gatherings, I’m often the only one keeping conversations going. However, since I can’t stand loud noise nor most popular music these days, I can could most of the clubs/parties I’ve gone to on one hand.

And frankly, the kind of people that go to parties like the ones I attended back in school didn’t interest me anyway. I can spin a yarn about current events, local history, even something as esoteric as architecture and make it sound interesting. Stories about seeing some band I’ve never heard of a week ago and getting baked afterwards go over as well for me as stories about gardening or home repair. Painfully ordinary.

That’s probably why I don’t often volunteer what it is I do most of the time. The quote-unquote “normal” stuff I do is dull and the creative stuff I do would scare the straights. And no way I’d mention I’m a furry, which sucks because it’s a hefty chunk of my creative identity. But that’s alright, that part of me is cool living on the internet. I value my privacy, hence why romantic relationships are low on my priority list. Plus, with my habits, I’d be a pain to live with.

So yeah… gettin’ a little personal with Katamount! Feel the excitement! πŸ˜€

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

I can’t keep conversations going, for the life of me. They tend to go Hi, How are you? Fine, and you? Fine. … what else is there to say? Maybe some comment about the weather? Thing is, I couldn’t care less about what the Kardashians or the Steelers are up to lately, there’s no TV-show-that-everyone-watches anymore, nobody (to a first approximation) cares about any of the technical topics I know about, and any attempt to discuss politics or current events in the current political climate is like lighting a fuse on a powder keg.

There some sort of a knack to it? Or is it just luck, you have to have been born the type who finds the Kardashians inherently interesting or else you won’t be much of a conversationalist?

7 years ago

There some sort of a knack to it?

Yep. It’s a secret though. πŸ˜›






You don’t particularly like talking much – that’s cool. In that boat myself. So, you make yourself a damned good listener. Plenty of eye contact, smile at the appropriate times, put a teeny bit more effort into responses than uh-huh –
“That’s silly,”
“Why did they even think that?”,
“Oh, sounds interesting. Any good food there?”

and you will be THE most popular person at where-ever you are.

People adore having an audience more than being an audience.

Burn this after reading.

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago


As much as I can sustain a topic, once I’ve said my piece, I’m usually met with silence afterwards. But that’s probably more a function of storytelling; if you’ve told your story well enough, usually there aren’t many follow-up questions.

I’m a geeky guy, but I’m really not a media hound. I’ve seen a popular TV show or movie here or there, but I typically watch YouTube and listen to podcasts, so it’s rare that I share cultural context with many people.

I find that taking a quasi-“clickbait” approach to a conversation gets people interested. Local stuff tends to work best. For instance, during my Christmas get-together, I talked about the early Toronto settlers that had been reburied at the nearby cemetery. Since everybody’s been through that cemetery (it runs through the Beltline Park, which makes it popular with joggers and cyclists), it had enough inherent context to hold their interest, particularly if there’s a section they had passed by, but never took note of. There are a couple of plaques outside both Mt. Pleasant and the Toronto Necropolis that mentions the original Potters Field where those settlers that didn’t belong to the Catholic or Anglican churches were initially buried, but I’m willing to bet that very few Torontonians know that the Potters Field was located at the busiest intersection in the city: Yonge and Bloor Streets. The two main lines of the Toronto subway intersect there; even after digging the subway tunnels, construction crews are still finding human remains that date back to the founding of the city. I’m willing to bet that the next time one of my step-brothers is switching lines, they’ll think about whose bones might still be lurking behind those tiled walls. πŸ˜›

Recent vacations can be a good source of stories. I mined my Nova Scotia trip pretty hard for spell-binding tales of interesting people and places.

In short, I find that hooking people in with either something unusual or a quirk of something familiar work the best for starting a conversation. Something local always works.

7 years ago

Back from my cool down break.

1. RE: KITTENS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skiriki, yay for the healthy kitten. Sorry for the one that died. πŸ™ Your kitty is lucky to have an owner that loves her very much.

2. RE: Enthusiastic Consent

A. @Kupo

I’ve always loved that yes means yes blog. Really shines a light on the stupidity of the justifications that are used to hide predatory behavior.

B. With that being said…. I woke up yesterday morning to feminist fake concern in the New York Times. This poor, poor feminist positively wrung her hands raw about how expecting men to know better than go and follow a woman around the house, and repeatedly shove his fingers down her throat, is the same thing as expecting men to read women’s minds.

And yeah. Sorry, but I AM sympathetic to the idea that men CANNOT be mind readers, and that women NEED to clearly state their wants/needs/whatever. Because… women are brought up to be afraid of being “pushy”, and to be afraid of hurting others, and this is a combination that births a fuckton of mixed, brain-fucking, signals. So yes, I can understand men’s confusion, and I can understand their impulses to either push on and ignore the confusion, or to overreact by completely withdrawing from the situation (or even from dating women in general).* Or to respond by treating women as a hivemind, and assume that women NEVER like to be throat fingered (because hey, maybe an ex hated it), or that women ALWAYS like to be throat fingered (because, hey maybe an ex loved it).

The thing is, this is NOT what’s going on with Aziz Ansari! From reading the original article on Babe, this girl didn’t smile and take Ansari’s throat fingering with a smile. She moved away from him repeatedly. She verbally told him no. Ansari the Woke Feminist™ should have fucking known better.

I’m very certain that even a dog** would be able to recognize that repeatedly physically moving away from a behavior means that the person wants that behavior to stop. Asnari stopped her from moving away from him, a move that even a dog** would find hostile and frightening. He confirmed her requests to “take things slow”, and then continued on as if she said nothing. Fuck Asnari and his feminist cred™; what he did was sexual assault, not consensual but awkward “bad sex”.

C. @Shadowplay

“had an agreed and enjoyable rematch when we were sober, so I’m not over worried about the consent problem. 😛”

Consent doesn’t carry from one sexual encounter to the other though. NOT that I’m in any different boat than you are; I’ve had my share of very drunken, or otherwise weird, sex. It’s a scarey thought once you think about it. A scarey thought that I think is best summed up with this famous quote from Jiddu Krishnamurti;

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

*BTW, I may understand this confusion revarding push v. withdraw, but that doesn’t mean that I agree with it.

The “push” v. “withdraw” dichotomy is as false and toxic as they come. The correct answer is that we should NEITHER push, nor withdraw, but pump the brakes, go slow, and create a safe space for communication until you know for certain that your partner is 100% on board.

**TIL that it’s ok to think that men are literally dumber than dogs. Guess there’s no misandronist like a misogynistic feminist.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Gotta love the false dilemma between it being okay to coerce women into sex and expecting men to read women’s mind.

There is a secret third option where if a man’s not sure if a woman’s into something or wants to do something, he can ask her and then take her response at face value.

Radical thought, I know.

But yeah, I hate how we’re expected to pretend that men are somehow incapable of interpeting really, really basic body language cues.

7 years ago

I’m not normally a big fan of Mayor De Blasio, but this gets my wholehearted approval. Love the reactions, Nimby writ large. πŸ˜›

7 years ago


“Radical thought, I know.”

What are you talking about, expecting men to speak? My uncle sat me down at 12 and put it on good authority that men are incapable of doing anything but grunting, and falling in love with anything that feeds them (which clearly explains that guy who had to call 911 because he got his penis stuck in the umbrella hole of his patio table).

[/troo fax] :p

7 years ago

*Slow Clap* Bravo, good sir!

epitome of incomprehensibility

I still worry about being socially awkward, but there’s a silver lining – I can write about the awkward conversations I have!

For instance, at a party in December, I told a complete stranger that I’d danced to Persian disco hits from the ’80s at my office parties. There was no context to this except that Greek music was playing, so I felt that [nationality] + music + dancing was something to be talked about. She looked at me a bit strangely.

Then, when someone I knew invited me to have a brownie, I asked whether there was pot in it. (I didn’t want there to be, because I needed to be alert the next morning.)

“No,” he said regretfully, “but they ARE whole wheat.” πŸ˜€

…The problem is, sometimes I’m too shy to leave home in the first place – I delayed going to my Finnegans Wake reading group* yesterday because I was anxious, and then I felt it wouldn’t be worth it to get there late. I likely missed some unusual conversations πŸ™

*Not trying to be all Weirder-Than-Thou, this is just a hobby of mine.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

@epitome of incomprehensibility:

Not trying to be all Weirder-Than-Thou,

Good, because that’s not a contest you could win as long as I’m around. πŸ™‚

7 years ago

Re:The Internet

1. @Katamount

“But really, when women or genderqueer people want to express themselves sexually and their prospective partners are a bunch of men raised on internet porn and 4chan, eeeech, I might want to get a bit sloshed too before fooling around.”

The “raised on porn” thing really sucks, because I like to have good sex, and a lot of men get strangely butthurt about getting any requests. It’s like they think that they’re supposed to just know a girl’s individual tastes. But, I’m an adult, and having shitty sex is just a disappointment. I’ll go on with my life.

My problem is that young boys aren’t only watching porn and learning unfortunately poor sexual technique; they’re on Return of Kings, watching one of youtube’s resident MRAs, or worse. And, to be clear, it’s not just older teens I’m talking about, it’s 6,7,8 year old boys now. (Remember, the norm is for kids to get smartphones in Elementary School, and for some of those boys have full private access to them- hey just read this thread). And while boys can unlearn any poor sexual technique once they get meatspace experience, I’m less confident that boys will unlearn the violent misogyny and general terribleness that populates the internet before they manage to cause significant harm to the girls around them.

I’ve been a teenager before, and yeah, there’s always been a couple of young men that are little shits. However, I don’t remember this kind of Machiavellian, let’s try to systematically drive girls to suicide, shit that my daughter seems to see. I remember that I still used to be a little shocked when I first read WHTM and saw how widespread actual violent hate was. Now I don’t know if I’d be more shocked than sadly reserved if I ever saw a 10 year old praise “Saint Elliot”.

(Obviously, it should go without saying, but #notallboys, or more accurately #notthevastmajorityofboysffs).

2. Youtube is not your child’s babysitter.

A. Logan Paul

I. @Pink Dearth Vader

“The original comment by mrex is of her calling other parents stupid for not being more aware of people like Logan Paul.”

To be fair, most of my judgmental sarcasm was directed directly at the clickbait article’s existence. This seems to happen literally every time some controversy concerning the internet and children occurs. An article will appear with a bunch of parents wringing their hands about how they have seen the light and will now supervise their children’s computer use. Then things settle down, until the next controversy brews up, and then another article appears with a bunch of parents wringing their hands about their children’s computer use, and so on and so on.

Honestly? I flat out don’t buy it. This isn’t 1986; the fact that there are questionable things on a site that uploads user content such as youtube shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. And, in the off chance that these parents somehow aren’t aware that there’s bad shit on youtube, then they’re guilty of not doing their due diligence. (And that’s a BIG part of parenting-due diligence).

These parents aren’t idiots for not knowing who Logan Paul is, they’re idiots for blaming youtube for not protecting their kids. There is LITERALLY more than 400 hours of content uploaded to YouTube every minute. It’s literally impossible to accurately screen. And even if it wasn’t, there is no computer algorithm, there is no team of youtube employees, that can know your child’s maturity, and replace your judgment. It’s 100% on you, the parent. Full.stop.

II. This was not exactly new behavior for Logan Paul.

He’s clever, and often funny, but he’s basically a dudebro fratboy with a youtube channel that makes fun of everything. His humor has repeatedly relied on misogyny, and other questionable shit, before. Honestly? I don’t think that Logan Paul being an asshole is really the only problem.

It’s like this; the viewers create the asshole, they reward the asshole with millions for making fun of serious shit, they get pissed when the asshole makes fun of something that THEY find serious, youtube kills the asshole, the viewers finds a new asshole to make fun of serious shit, the cycle repeats, etc.

B. Elsagate

It’s 2am and I’m so fucking tired that I’m just gonna dump a Medium article here.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


So, you make yourself a damned good listener… and you will be THE most popular person at where-ever you are. People adore having an audience more than being an audience.

Can confirm, 100% ???


I read that Medium piece back in November; anyone remember our fellow Mammotheer Cat Mara? He mentioned it on Facebook so I had a look (with half-covered eyes…). Jebus.

I tried the safe mode in YouTube once when my son was around 10. It’s ridiculously blunt-edged, and it lasted about 30 minutes b/c he couldn’t access Yogscast πŸ˜€

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


Thanks for linking to that piece; you’re right, it’s a good fit with the one I mentioned. And also slightly uncomfortable. There are doors opening that I think I’d rather keep closed.
Re alcohol: I’m the same as Weirwood on that (or I was, anyway, back in my hooking up days). I do know people who get seriously, roaring drunk before going out (most of my students for example), but moderate drinking as a dis-inhibition technique is also very common ???
(sorry about your liver, tho – eep).

7 years ago

In headscratching, slightly concerning, yet somehow amusing news:

So – the FEC had to remove a filing yesterday – for putting together reward money for assassinating Trump.

(Warning, content at link is slinging ableist language around with abandon, even to my careless eye).

In what universe is this a good idea? The filer used his parole officer as a reference, so he’s got some idea how this shit works.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


@Mish I just wanted to say – I love what you posted about your son at the climbing wall. Seeing things like that in our kids is a sparkle of BestEver along the lumpy road of TryingToParent ?

Ha! That’s a fabulous way of putting it ?
(I missed your comment earlier because my phone is being stupid. Stupid phone).

7 years ago

FYI, Laurie Penny wrote something thoughtful here:

7 years ago

Good article, thanks for sharing

7 years ago


Seconding. Good article.

Also, kitten. He’s growing like a weed!!! (why yes, I check their twitter. It stays open in a tab πŸ˜› ) Any thoughts on names yet?

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago


Yeah, the liver thing is hereditary. Thanks, Gramma Katamount! πŸ˜€ But I actually consider myself remarkably fortunate that I’ve only got a mild case of this ailment. Just for context, this is the same illness that killed Walter Payton within months with cancer, so going on 25 years with the majority of liver functionality intact is a good sign. A yearly MRI to check the ol’ bile ducts and Katamount is right as rain. πŸ˜€

Checking out the comment sections on any Aziz Ansari related videos has been quite depressing. Men are apparently seeing themselves in Ansari’s actions to such a degree that they’re pulling out all the stops to handwave them away and put all the onus on Grace–“She went back to the apartment”, “she didn’t leave”, “she didn’t hit him with a rolling pin” etc.

Baked into all of this is the assumption that going to a guy’s apartment == sexytimes. Maybe she just wanted to learn more about the guy? Even if she consented to some fooling around (which I don’t think she did), that’s not consent to intercourse.

I think this is the frontier of the #MeToo zeitgeist that will be the critical test. Can guys actually face the fact that they, the average man in 2018, might have taken advantage of coercive tactics to get laid? Let’s see what the Magic 8-Ball has to say:

I actually consider myself fortunate in another way, as my sexytimes have all been after I first learned about the concept of enthusiastic consent, so I don’t have that kind of regretful behavior to look back on. But then, I was plugged into this broader world; average Joes not so much….

But this was expected. I say keep writing stories like this. Silence is what the status quo needs.

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago


Fourthing that article. As an addendum to my comment above, stories like the Ansari one are important, but definitely don’t write it up the way that the author in Babe magazine did.

This article containing Kate Way’s email to Ashleigh Banfield is jaw-droppingly juvenile:

Banfield messed up a hot take, but going after her makeup and hair highlights is… well, low to say the least.

Should go without saying that Babe may not be the outlet to write up these kinds of stories, particularly if the author is this immature.

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