doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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7 years ago

This morning’s weighing says he’s 155 grams

Saw that (checked the twitter when I got up 😀 ) 10 grams in 12 hours? Impressive.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Those kitties certainly keep you on your toes! And the photo is totally gorgeous.

7 years ago

Yes! He is latching on Carisma’s nips like an industrial-strength vacuum cleaner (a fact that Carisma occasionally comes to complain about) and he makes REALLY, REALLY ridiculous and loud slurping noises when it is time to hoover up that mamanectar. It is, again, disgustingly cute 😀

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@Weird Eddie

“Why didn’t you just slap him and call a cab like we were taught back in the 70s, you damned Cat Person-reading millennial?!”

… or “just let him have his way, like we were taught in the ’50s”… or, ” ‘what’s wrong with what he’s doing?’, like we were taught in the ’30s”

. . . except that women weren’t taught that. It was never okay, although there might have been a lot of victim-blaming going on. But rape (unless it was sanctioned [marital] rape) was never perceived as okay. It was always understood to be a trauma.

My mother once told me about slapping a guy she was on a date with. This slap had happened 60 years earlier, but the incident was memorable enough, which is to say, horrible enough, that she remembered it all those decades later.

All that said, yes, there have always been people who doubt that any rape was an actual rape. In their minds, a woman just doesn’t want to admit that she wants sex, and so the next morning she calls it rape — when it was actually a good time for both of them. In this postmodern era, it’s a little harder to claim that a woman won’t admit to wanting sex, so nowadays these people claim that a woman was taking revenge on a guy the morning after because she doesn’t want to admit that she went to bed with an otherwise undesirable man. Slightly different lyrics, same tune.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

dust bunny: Sorry, “kitty christening” was meant to be an inside joke, it’s a Finnish idiom for any kind of “pointless” social event.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Are Woody Allen’s days as an abuser with a Teflon coating numbered?

Dylan Farrow Will Discuss Abuse Allegations Against Woody Allen in First Ever TV Interview
Hannah Gold
Today 12:30am

On Tuesday, CBS announced that an interview with Dylan Farrow by CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King will air on Thursday. Per CBS, the interview will cover “[Farrow’s] allegations that she was sexually abused by her father, Woody Allen, and…Hollywood’s Time’s Up movement.”

I’m pretty sure that the comma after “Woody Allen” isn’t a series comma. In other words, I’m pretty sure that she’s not saying that the Time’s Up movement abused her. (Yeah, that was a joke. Gallows humor.)

ETA: Over on Jezebel, commenter Ovy says this about Dylan Farrow: “I think this is it, this is the moment she’s been waiting for for over 20 years.”

dust bunny
dust bunny
7 years ago

@ Ape

Sen osan toki älysin, hyvä naapuri (noin niinkun suhteellisesti ottaen) ja iskävitsien kertoja (:

The confusing part was you telling the joke to an audience of non-finnish speakers. I lurk religiously, but must have missed or forgotten an earlier reference to that, or someone else’s finnishness. Skiriki’s? I seem to recall thinking that earlier for some reason.
Unless you’re teaching these good folk finnish idioms on a discord server. Comfy thought, that one.

7 years ago

@dust bunny

Yo, torilla tavataan jne 😉

dust bunny
dust bunny
7 years ago

@ skiriki

Ai torilla? Et sitten aio kutsua mua kissanristiäisiisi :(((((((((

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@dust bunny
I think that you’re the exact right audience for my boyfriend’s claim about what a bunch of dust bunnies are called:

a floor of dust bunnies

(No, I won’t be here all week. I’m lucky I got to be onstage to tell this one joke. Oops, I see that security is headed my way.)

dust bunny
dust bunny
7 years ago

@ Kat
Hah, indeed I may well be the second best audience for that. Right after whichever authority decides on the official collective nouns!

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@dust bunny


Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

dust bunny (or should I say “dust puppy”?):

The confusing part was you telling the joke to an audience of non-finnish speakers.

Indeed, I knew Skiriki is Finnish… but often it seems you could just refer to Finnish anything on sites like this and some Finns will expose themselves 🙂

I lurk religiously, but must have missed or forgotten an earlier reference to (a person being Finnish)

What a coincidence, me too 🙂

iskävitsien kertoja

Thank you. As a childfree man, I try to pass on my inherited tradition of telling dad jokes to the humanity in general.

7 years ago

Indeed, I knew Skiriki is Finnish… but often it seems you could just refer to Finnish anything on sites like this and some Finns will expose themselves

For what its worth, that has held true on every single site I’ve ever spent time in the comments section of. Doesn’t matter the site – comedy, relationships, prepping, military, engineering, woodworking, political – hell even cooking!
All you need do is say “en ymmarra” and you’ll get a dozen responses 😛

(forgive the lack of the correct A 😛 Can’t be arsed to open the character map thingy)

7 years ago

That did make me laugh. And I take any chance where I can just laugh of their stupidity instead of having to fear it.

dust bunny
dust bunny
7 years ago

@ apina

often it seems you could just refer to Finnish anything on sites like this and some Finns will expose themselves

😀 come now, it takes a little bit more than that… the presence of a public sauna or lake at least NEARBY for an alibi, or alternatively some distilled grain spirits.

I try to pass on my inherited tradition of telling dad jokes to the humanity in general.

Valuable work! Not sure if I’m helping the cause by telling dad jokes, or hindering it by calling everyone’s dad jokes dad jokes. Some of my male friends seem a bit uncomfortable with that name now that we’re starting to slowly approach middle age.

@ Shadowplay

As it happens, “ei ymmarra” (or any incorrect variation thereof, as long as it leaves out the umlauts) is a thing many finns say to express deep confusion. You could see it as mocking language learners/foreigners, even as racist, or as referencing the mental load, embarrassment and helpless feeling of trying to navigate an unfamiliar society while communicating in a language that you do not speak well. I hope it’s more the latter, and perhaps that interpretation is a bit backed up by another very common, self-deprecating joke: deliberately exaggerating one’s finglish or mutilated swedish.
But you never know these days.

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago


Now that you mention it… the trope of the offended woman slapping a guy… I remember seeing it all the way back to the vaudeville acts of the Marx Brothers and the Three Stooges (and that might actually be where it originated). It’s always played as the “proper” woman taken aback by a lewd come on, and she then sticks up her nose and walks away. Shit, even Home Alone 2 had that trope in it (sadly, not with Donald Trump).

The problem with that response is not only is it technically assault, but also escalates a situation that most women would probably prefer to escape rather than risk the reprisal of a man who sees the slap as license to retaliate with physical violence. But more than that… it seems to be a relic of the whole Madonna/whore dichotomy, particularly if it’s accompanied by the “What kind of woman do you take me for?!” rejoinder. The subtext being “I’m a Madonna, not like those other women.”

From my vantage point, the Caitlin Flanagans of the world seem to be drawing the wrong conclusions from why Cat Person resonated. Now, I’ll admit it didn’t resonate with me for a number of reasons–I’m not a woman, I don’t text, I’m not interested in dating–but I at least understood why it resonated with others. It hits the common tropes of the way women have become conditioned by a combination of the technology and the culture to walk a tightrope across men’s emotions; there’s a reason Margot doesn’t choose to be blunt. Navigating a man’s fragile ego is as risky as it is exhausting, and frankly, it shouldn’t be her job. But Caitlin Flanagan’s takeaway from Cat Person is that Margot’s regret based in Robert not meeting her expectations and this is what motivates women to write these “revenge porn” stories as Flanagan calls Grace’s writeup on Aziz Ansari.

No, Caitlin, it’s not disappointment in performance, it’s disappointment in humanity. Men like Robert and Aziz–who have probably tied their self-worth to their perceived masculinity–are so absorbed with reinforcing that self-worth that they will go to absurd lengths to coerce a woman into sleeping with him, despite not actually enjoying sex all that much. Shit, Roosh V is the poster-boy for this phenomenon. And it doesn’t make for the most pleasurable of hook-ups, to say the least. On the contrary, I imagine it’s like staring into a black morass of tangled emotions and just wishing you didn’t have to wade through it to safety.

What worries me is that I don’t see very many men actually confronting that tangle within themselves. This moment of cultural awareness is the perfect time, but instead they’re spending all their emotional capital pointing out that they aren’t Harvey Weinstein. It’s kinda pathetic to watch.

Guys, let’s check our egos at the door so that women are comfortable enough to communicate their desires. Makes hook-ups wayyyy more fun. And it’ll definitely result in less vaudeville slapping.

7 years ago

@dust bunny

As it happens, “ei ymmarra” (or any incorrect variation thereof, as long as it leaves out the umlauts) is a thing many finns say to express deep confusion.

I were told it means “I’m confused.” 🙂

It’s used a lot on some of the forums – the knife making ones especially, where you are trying to describe an action in words. Incidentally – there are a LOT of Finns as make knives, or smith in general. Seems to be the national hobby! 😛

7 years ago

Your dose of fragile masculinity for the day:

The man who received death threats for taking his wife’s surname

It’s as bad as it sounds.

What a bunch of fucking wimps.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The offended woman slapping lecherous man trope almost always occurs in a story or sketch in which the man is the protagonist. The woman is portrayed as uptight, snobby, mean, whatever. It’s not like creepers are any more happy with being smacked upside the head than they are with just being expected not to violate women in the first place.

There’s also of course the extreme privilege blindness with the expectation that women can just smack guys who step out of line and people will sympathize with her. That’s only true some of the time and when it is true it is true mostly only for cis middle and upper class white women.

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago


Just when you think toxic male insecurity can’t become more incomprehensible, then you see stuff like that.

The article does explain why Grant Phillips made the decision he did, but doesn’t mention what his birth surname was. I’ve known more than one man who wishes they took their spouse’s name, given their own sounds weird or in one case, downright rude.

Oh, and nobody tell these guys about Henry FitzEmpress. Dude was King of England and the first of the Plantagenets, but his last name referred to his mommy, so dude’s a total cuck. I mean, Empress Matilde did wage a 20 year war against King Stephen, who usurped her crown, and even succeeded in capturing Stephen at the Battle of Lincoln, but she’s a womz so according to noted historian James Damore, as a womz she was totally unfit for leadership.

Now that I think about it, how many of the medieval wars were caused by succession crises? The Hundred Years War was all due to the fact that Edward the Confessor died without an heir, prompting William of Normandy to invade and eye-arrow Harold Godwinson, and thus control both significant French territory and England. The Anarchy was a succession crisis too, as Henry Adelin died in the White Ship disaster and left Henry I without a living male heir. War of the Roses, War of Spanish Succession, War of Austrian Succession… seriously, all that inbreeding caused a lot of violent death….

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
7 years ago

Black Widow movie (maybe) coming, Scarlett Johanson

@ Shadowplay
from the article link….

Because to men who cling to the ideals of toxic masculinity, Phillips decision is a direct attack on their identity as a man. It represents nothing less than an existential threat to the men who have built their identity and self-worth on their relative dominance over women.

Men who have been inculcated into a culture of toxic masculinity need to regularly top up their King Dick Metre, which can only be fuelled by the disempowerment of someone else. And that someone else is very often a woman.

As Kat wrote (above)

it’s disappointment in humanity. Men like Robert and Aziz–who have probably tied their self-worth to their perceived masculinity–are so absorbed with reinforcing that self-worth that they will go to absurd lengths to coerce a woman into sleeping with him

This is so ingrained in our enculturation, it takes a conscious effort to resist… and I was raised in a family that discouraged this mindset, and actively taught me to resist it.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
7 years ago

And, to bring up a subject sure to aggravate the embattled menz egoz…

From The Gaurdian… women do, too

Meanwhile, women are watching more porn than ever: according to Pornhub’s 2017 Year in Review, “Porn for Women” was the top trending search of the year, increasing by over 1,400%

7 years ago

Strange people.
Weren’t they ever taught that you look after your own, defend the weak, refrain from hurting others unless necessary and otherwise ignore shit that doesn’t involve those three points? Some “manhood” these fools espouse.

Though the topic never came up with me and the partner – Italian women do not take their husband’s surname, full stop (they can hyphenate if they want to look pretentious AF). 😛

dust bunny
dust bunny
7 years ago

@ shadowplay

It does, the literal meaning of “en ymmärrä” is “I don’t understand”. You’ve been using it perfectly right. And if you’ve been using it a bit wrong, like leaving out the umlauts, you’ve still been using it right 😀

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