doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago

Arctic ape

very strange! maybe America wants white people but these white people don’t want America!

my suggestions personally for good info on eastern Europe are:

@hromadske – they have Russian English and Ukrainian accounts. all with news about eastern Europe

@LifeinDonetsk is on Russian but they share some lovely pictures of donetsk. city where my father lived and worked before

@TetySt – or Tatyana S if you search. she tweets on English plenty about Ukrainian issues

@mashagessen – maybe you know her already she is Russian but American now. journalist and writer about Russia and plenty of political things

@BrukDiana – Diana Bruk also Russian living in US

@TatAtfender – similar like Tatiana S but recently I seen she retweeted Ingo Wars so I don’t 100% like her any more. but she has nice things to say about ukraine

and finally! because I don’t want to make you feel bored @Kateryna_Kruk she tweets on English and loves Ukraine

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago

You said it yesterday, got proof in billboard size today. ?

I’m sorry I don’t understand. what I said yesterday?

7 years ago

About the sheer lack of interest in understanding Russia (and Russians) instead of sticking with their own normally wrong ideas.

I should have made that clearer, but was adding it on the edit timer and that freaks me out. 🙂

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago

okay ? what is the billboard size?

7 years ago

Those massive advertising boards the Americans are so fond of scattering along their roads. The lettering is usually two or three meters tall.

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago

?I mean what is billboard size proof! sorry. about what I said yesterday? I am so confused

7 years ago

I am so confused

Stick with me and you’ll get used to it. 😀

People are making your point (about their preference for the Russians in their head over Russians in real life) in large print for all to see and read.

Sheila Crosby
7 years ago

If Ecuador make Assange an Ecuadorean diplomat, can he leave the embassy and the UK using diplomatic imunity?

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago

shadow ?? thanks! now I understand. I don’t believe my point is original. it is something i slowly come to think after some time and reading what other people said before. ? maybe it is just time for people to realise this and maybe they will listen now))

7 years ago

Further proof – should anyone actually need it – of the normalisation of Nazi thought in public:

Anger at newspaper column that blames ‘the Jew’ for economic troubles

And yes – the piece is still up on El Nuevo Dia. (As of me typing this).

7 years ago

@Sheila Crosby

If Ecuador make Assange an Ecuadorean diplomat, can he leave the embassy and the UK using diplomatic imunity?

I’m pretty certain that the host nation (which probably isn’t the correct term) have to agree to recognise someone as having diplomatic privileges, and I don’t see the brits doing that. The ecuadorians can’t just do that unilaterally.

They could try, of course, and the brits would probably just arrest assange when he left the embassy, and then the rest of the sorry affair could be concluded with him in a jail cell and ecuador making disgruntled diplomatic noises from outside.

7 years ago

If the host country didn’t have a right to refuse a given ambassador, I am pretty sure North Korea would sell diplomatic immunity.

7 years ago

Host countries can refuse admission to any suggested diplomatic personnel, or expel any currently in country for any reason (or for none at all, but that gets tricky fast).
However, the host country can not directly tell the guest country who to choose, or interfere in the process other than by granting or refusing entry.

It’s a moot point though – diplomatic credentials are only acknowledged if they are granted at the point of origin, so Assange would have to get himself to Quito in order to be given valid diplomatic status by Ecuador in order to be expelled by the UK government. Otherwise every bugger would be doing it and causing chaos.
It’s a very formal system. Usually works well enough.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


I know, right? I’m utterly embarrassed

If anyone hasn’t seen Roiphe’s emoji article, and you feel an urgent desire to cringe on multiple levels, you can go here.
It manages to be utterly horrible to both young people and older folks, which is quite an achievement.

7 years ago

Subscription only link for me, Mish. 🙁

I’ll take your word on it being clicky-tosh.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


I don’t sub to FT, but I’m able to read the article. Anyhoo, here’s some of the best extracts, because reading this again (thanks, Kat!) means I have to share the pain:

The over-30s tend to get hung up on the idea of communication, that when you are texting you are actually saying something, that there is some meaning to convey, whereas what the young have generally perfected is the absolutely vacant, contentless connection, endless insipid variations of “I am here!” Bright bits of nothing. Just hanging out.

When people over 30 try to use emojis, the irony is not quite there — or quite right — because the trying is so painfully evident. They are so clunkily adopting a language that is not their own that the irony is undermined.

Here the over-30 will protest: “But I’m using emojis ironically too!” The problem is that irony is a demanding discipline: you have to be ironic in just the right way. Your ironic use of emojis is a little too self-conscious, a little too pleased with itself.

Speaking of painfully evident trying… ???

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

because, really Russia is without identity. it is all fabrication of identities stolen from counties occupied. and I say this as ‘ethnic’ Russian.

(from Valya)

I think this is insightful, and probably applicable to most countries (the “stolen identities” part definitely applies to the U.S. and Canada’s treatment of indigenous people).

(from epitome of incomprehensibility)

I can definitely identify with all of the above, as a white Australian. We’ve stolen from our indigenous population, and from our “masters”, be they Britain or the US. No doubt some of this is just par for the course – I don’t think any nation has a “pure” identity.
It’s problematic when we refuse to accept the lack of purity, which is what we do, over and over. Witness the current outrage over #changethedate for Australia Day.

7 years ago

Speaking of painfully evident trying… ???

I’m quite happy to have the article blocked, by the looks then.

And yes, those paragraphs are painfully trying 😛

Totally rumor only, but seems Bannon isn’t going quietly.

7 years ago


The over-30s tend to get hung up on the idea of communication, that when you are texting you are actually saying something, that there is some meaning to convey, whereas what the young have generally perfected is the absolutely vacant, contentless connection, endless insipid variations of “I am here!” Bright bits of nothing. Just hanging out.

So, to summarise: millennials are vapid, and people over 30 are calcified and out of touch? With a hot take like that, she doesn’t deserve to use the name Katie.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

… Did she mean to type “40” or “50,” not “30”? Because I’m well over 30 and I’ve been using smilies since I was a kid. … Long enough that I’ll always insist on calling them smilies, even.

7 years ago

Emoji culture didn’t spring fully formed from the head of some current twenty-something. I was seeing smilies in email back in the 80s, and their use was widespread on usenet by the 90s.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

I’ve been using them since before you didn’t have to tilt your head sideways to see them properly.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago

(content warning for sarcasm… weak, maybe, but sarcasm nonetheless…)

FINALLY! I understand how the conspiracy-fantasy mindset works. I understand because I have seen proof!!!

Here is what happened:

I went to Sonic for a breakfast and a coffee, however, due to a nasty snow/ice storm yesterday, my window was frozen shut and wouldn’t roll down. I pulled around to the sunny side to let it thaw, checked morning news on my fone (gotta see what the Yellow-Crested Howler tore up last nite), and when it warmed enough to roll down, pulled into the nearest stall… note, this was a different stall than before! Ordered, tried to pay with a debit, but the computer/card reader didn’t work. Tried it again… nada. One More Time!?!… nope. Carhop came with my grub and a bill for $6.73. I mentioned that I had tried the card reader and she informed me that stall #15 and #16 weren’t working, but that I needed to check with my card company/bank to see if it had gone through. All 3 had gone through.

So, what the pleading hell has this to do with the Deep State? (spoiler, nothing, really) This:

1) we had a snowstorm that stuck my window shut.
2) I pulled into one of only 2 out of thirty stalls in which the card reader was wonky.
3) The computer failure was one in which it allowed my purchase to be logged without me knowing it AND without the people in Sonic being aware of it.
4) I am one who, in the face of computer failure, tries again (and again… AND yet again)

Friends, there is NO FRICKIN’ WAY all this is “just coincidence”… that MANY “coincidences”, with the end result that $20.10 of my money is transferred with nobody in the chain of transaction being aware??? No way. That money HAS to be going to the Deep State.

In the immortal words of the god-prince Alex Jones, “HOW ELSE DO YOU EXPLAIN THE SHADOW IN THIS PICTURE??????”

Hope all Mammotheers are safe and warm as possible in the icky weather, hope David F. is on the mend and will be back in the saddle soon!

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago

Just caught up on the thread after being at a conference yesterday and finished reading Watchmen yesterday. It really did leave me feeling the same way Maus did: kinda numb and in need of some reminder of humanity. Charlie Chaplin’s speech at the end of Great Dictator did the trick.

That monologue… almost 80 years later, it still resonates.

If indeed Snyder hasn’t been able to come to grips with novel’s thematic cores (chiefly those that indict the toxic capitalist society that his target audience inhabits) and has badly misread the characters as Diptych indicates… I won’t be surprised, just disappointed. I’ll watch it this weekend.

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