doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Ignore the “General”. Copy/paste leftover.

7 years ago

Dormousing – I had LASIK in 1999. At the time, I was basically legally blind without glasses/contacts (around 20/800 vision, if I remember correctly). I also had some astigmatism.

They corrected my left eye to 20/20 And my right eye to 20/10. The doctor used to have me come in and talk to patients who were nervous since they thought their eyesight was too bad for it to be successful (I had had the worst vision of any of his patients at the time – I was his biggest success story). It was the best money I’ve ever spent on myself (and in 1999, it was quite an expensive procedure). I would do it again in a heartbeat. Since I am now officially an “old” and have worked in jobs involving primarily looking at a computer screen for 8-12 hours a day for 30+ years, I have to wear reading glasses. But that is considerably better than the Coke bottle lenses of my past.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

WWTH, I suspect you’re right. Someone who actually doesn’t give a shit about David at all.

But I care, so –

Good to hear from you, David. Hugs and kittens!

7 years ago

Something to grind gears, big time:

Mark Wahlberg paid $1.5M for film reshoot that earned Michelle Williams $1,000

Of particular note:

Williams and Wahlberg are represented by the same agency

7 years ago


Thinking on your post. Need to whack my urge to problem solve with a stick, since it’s inappropriate. You know you better than I can! 🙂

Few initial thoughts though:

Be careful. It may be a misread of mine, but you seem to be veering into mechanistic behaviour territory.
People en masse are fairly predictable (and fairly simple – group behaviour is reductionist). A person is not. Even if you accept them as purely stimulus/response mechanisms, the filters applied to the stimulus are unique to that person and vary in priority by the minute in unpredictable ways.

What I found helpful was to start at the other end – not with my internals, but with the spaces I would be interacting in, along the lines of:
“These are the rules in this particular space, accept them as Writ. Now, how can I function in this space without getting killed or imprisoned.”

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Disney put brownface on white background actors during filming for the live action Aladdin remake

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Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

What the actual fuck, French ladies! No one is accusing these men of writing love poetry or leaving roses on doorsteps!
Catherine Deneuve, Catherine Millet, and More French Women Sign Letter Against #MeToo
Hazel Cills
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A letter published in the newspaper Le Monde, signed by 100 French women, argues that the #MeToo movement has gotten out of hand.

“Rape is a crime, but trying to seduce someone, even persistently or cack-handedly [British English for awkwardly] is not, nor is men being gentlemanly a macho attack,” the letter read, via a translation from The Guardian. Actress Catherine Deneuve and writer Catherine Millet signed the letter in addition to dozens of other French Whos across industries: dentists, historians, journalists, artists, psychiatrists, and more.

“As women we do not recognise ourselves in this feminism, which beyond denouncing the abuse of power takes on a hatred of men and of sexuality,” they write. While the letter acknowledges that the Weinstein investigation has led to a “necessary” awareness of harassment, it ultimately compares the way women are victimizing themselves to be “poor little things” as a moment that harkens back to the “good old days of witchcraft.” Translation: it’s apparently a witch-hunt.

It’s the same line of thinking that has been published and republished in various outlets since the Weinstein allegations broke, all of which seem to assume women do not understand the differences between rape and sexual harassment, or that the #MeToo movement is trying to end flirting (or, in the case of this French letter, “seduction.”) So to the French women who felt it necessary to make this viewpoint heard…we’ve heard it already!

tim gueguen
7 years ago

As far as North Korea goes foreign media, including South Korean media, is apparently increasingly penetrating the country. DVDs and thumb drives of things like South Korean soap operas and foreign documentaries are smuggled in and traded. Of course being caught with such material is highly dangerous, with a potential death sentence if you’re convicted.

One of the more interesting North Korea stories is that a pair of North Korean figure skaters trained in Sainte-Julie, Quebec of all places, with Canadian figure skating coach Bruno Marcotte.

In more unpleasant news famed French actress Catherine Deneuve, along with 100 other French women writers, performers, and academics, has denounced the MeToo movement for interfering with men being able to chat up women. This isn’t the first time Deneuve has minimised sexual assault, having said in March that calling Roman Polanski’s sexual assault of a drugged 13 year old in 1977 rape was “excessive.”

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Here’s the link for the French ladies:

ETA: Tim G., great minds apparently do think alike . . . and at the same time.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Roseanne Confirms What We Knew All Along
Aimée Lutkin

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Roseanne Barr promised the new Roseanne reboot would not be about Donald Trump. She did not promise that the Conners wouldn’t be Trump supporters, so now they are. Of course. . . .

“In The Rosanne Show, I’ve always tried to have it be a true reflection of the society we live in. I feel like half the people voted for Trump* and half didn’t, so it’s just realistic,” she said.

*Roseanne, you can feel that way all you want, but it’s not true.

ETA: Yeah, Dan’s alive. Still. Or maybe again. Don’t know.

7 years ago

John Goodman really is the master of looking like he doesn’t want to be there, isn’t he?

tim gueguen
7 years ago

I have my suspicions that ABC doesn’t have high hopes for the revived Roseanne. After all they’re debuting it at the end of March, and you’d think the revival of what was a hit in its day would be more appropriate for the start of the 2018-2019 season. 9 episodes have been ordered, but it will be interesting to see if they all make it to air, and if there will be more episodes if they do.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I knew that Rosanne has turned into quite an asshole in recent years but I was going to check out the reboot anyway because the original is one of my favorites. But if any of the Conners are turned into Trumpkins, I’m not going to bother. It can join the final season where the win the lottery in the pile of things I’m going to pretend don’t exist.

The original show was very progressive for the time. Not just feminist but pro-gay and anti-racism. It poked fun of Republicans and Republican values both directly and indirectly and spoke out against corporate greed all the time. It’d be completely out of character for any of the Conners, particularly Roseanne to like Trump.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Can it be? Was there actually a person in the Trump campaign who loved their country? Could be. If so, Katie smiles on you for your act of courage, Republican person.

Source inside Trump campaign reported concerns to FBI, new transcript suggests
Senator Feinstein releases testimony from Fusion GPS boss Glenn Simpson
Fusion GPS compiled explosive dossier on Trump campaign and Russians

A source within the Trump campaign reported concerns to the FBI, according to the man behind a controversial dossier on Donald Trump, a new transcript suggests.

Senator Dianne Feinstein on Tuesday unilaterally released the transcript of a congressional interview with Glenn Simpson, whose research firm, Fusion GPS, was behind the dossier on alleged contacts between Donald Trump’s campaign and the Russian government.

The dossier – compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele – makes an allegation that there was a “conspiracy of cooperation” between Russian agents and the Trump campaign, and the president has frequently scorned it since its publication last January. . . .

In a statement, [Chuck] Grassley’s office [Grassley is a Republican] excoriated Feinstein for the release, saying she had not consulted with him. Her decision “undermines the integrity” of the investigation, he said, and “jeopardizes its ability to secure candid voluntary testimony”, including from the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

7 years ago

I knew that Rosanne has turned into quite an asshole in recent years but I was going to check out the reboot anyway because the original is one of my favorites.

That reminds me – I was recently rewatching Northern Exposure. I knew Janine Turner (Maggie) had gone severely hard-right – I was worried Rob Morrow (Joel). Turns out he has a Twitter page! Where he calls Trump an “evil, despicable, small minded piece of shit” in between sharing stories about collusion, gerrymandering, and other pressing issues! I am comforted.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The Trump era really does seem to be exposing everyone’s true colors. For the good and the bad. Alyssa Milano has really been going after Trump and speaking out against rape culture. I had no idea she was one the SJW cabal.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


I knew Janine Turner (Maggie) had gone severely hard-right – I was worried Rob Morrow (Joel).

Maggie & Joel: I knew it wouldn’t work out. Ever. In any way.

Rob Morrow was wonderful in Quiz Show.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

This is the first time I’ve heard about the Roseanne reboot, but considering that Barr proudly owns a Nazi armband and has done entire “Comedy” bits about how much she wants to gas the Jews, I’m not surprised it’s been either ignored or buried. Sounds about as watchable as a bleeding eyeball in a leaking anus.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

@David F., yay! You take care of yourself and the kitteh overlords.
I’m sure that slightly annoyed is vastly relieved and won’t ask about your continued existence again … for at least 3 days.

Unrelated to above:
bobvids is great; his YouTube Reacts clips are highly enjoyable. Shaun actually recommends bobvids on Cinema Sins as “doing similar stuff to me, but better and smarter.”

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Anyway, other responses.

1. Reminder that Mark Wahlberg is also a racist attempted murderer who’s attacked a dozen or so people for the “Crime” of being black or Asian. He’s a massive scumbag, saying he couldn’t act his way out of a wet paper bag is being too kind, and the sheer fact that he has any job is the dictionary definition of white male privilege. … I’m not a fan, can you tell?

2. Hey, Skiriki! Bloody hell, and I thought my health’d tanked this year; I’m so glad you’re okay. o.O;

7 years ago


Sounds about as watchable as a bleeding eyeball in a leaking anus.


Do wish they’d take up Married with Children again though.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago


The Trump era really does seem to be exposing everyone’s true colors. For the good and the bad.

So did the World War II era. Have you ever read this? It’s fascinating.

Maybe it’s a once-a-generation thing. When the last people die of old age who remembered the last time, it happens again …

7 years ago


Maybe it’s a once-a-generation thing. When the last people die of old age who remembered the last time, it happens again …

That, plus the pendulum effect of society – you know, if the parents generation tend to be conservative (in the classic, non political sense) the children tend to be liberal (again in the classic sense) in response.

Seems that every century or so, both factors combine – the pendulum peaks just as the number of people who remember the last time of extremes falls below a certain critical mass and things get a little difficult.

I’m simplifying the case – different societies pendulums peak at different times (and of course, they may peak in exactly the opposite direction to your society!) and that can change the frequency of the bad times for both themselves and others, but the century rule is reasonably accurate within a particular society.

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago


Ah, there has been an answer about the manifest Kat is speaking about (with another manifest). I tried to put the link in antoher message, but i think it stucks in moderation. You may get it in sometimes, i guess.

Have a nice day.

7 years ago

@occasional reader

Now that is just odd. I saw your post. Read it – it was in French, from Le Monde, I believe? Now it is gone. 🙁

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