doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Milo representing himself reminds me of Keane vs Keane, as dramatized in Tim Burton’s Big Eyes.

7 years ago

At least Milo Yappylittleshit representing himself proves the saying –

“A man who acts as his own lawyer has a fool for a client.”

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
7 years ago

Oh, goody, another nazi (Arpaio) running for Senate… on the repugnican’t ticket, of course

E.T.A., Yabbadabbadopolous as his own lawyer ensures that there won’t be any distracting “motions”, “testimony”, or any (real) “lawyers” to get in the way of his “LOOOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!” show

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
7 years ago

missed the edit window….

Joe Arpaio reminds me soooooo much of the character “Stuart Posner” in the early ’70s “Billy Jack” movies….

A Kansas lawmaker makes my state proud… again… … NOT

7 years ago

Kim Jong-Un is simply following in his grandfather’s footsteps. He is playing Trump — he knows he’s got a fish on the line and is making the most of it. He knows very well that if there is an actual war between North Korea and the US, nuclear or conventional, he’s dead and his country is destroyed. Part of his shtick is to do his best to convince the US that if he’s attacked, he WILL use his nukes.

It’s an old tactic to maintain power by scaring people about some foreign enemy, and Trump’s idiotic tweets are making it easy for Kim to pose as a hero standing up against the Big Bad Trump and the American Wolves. (Only he can fix it — does that sound familiar?) We don’t know how much real news about how life is so much easier in South Korea filters through to the average North Korean — the elites know, of course, but they want to hold on to their privileged position. I assume that South Koreans are officially presented as virtual slaves of the evil Americans. The same thing was done in the US in the 50s and 60s, to the point that many people were convinced that the Communists were about to arrive on US beaches with irresistible forces. That was one of the reasons for the stupid Vietnam War, where the US convinced itself that a poor peasant nation was an existential threat — with horrifying results. There are still a lot of older people who fear Communists, but Putin isn’t a Communist (officially, anyway), so it’s all good with Russia, amirite?

Kim’s nukes are meant to deter the US — he has learned the lesson of Sadaam and Gaddafi. Basically he has to play this game to keep a fundamentally rotten political/economic system from total collapse. He does a really good job of convincing the US that he will use nukes if he’s attacked, even if it does him no good. It’s basically Nixon’s madman theory. Trump is probably bluffing too, but he really is delusional and unstable, so he scares me a million times more than Kim does. The other thing that Kim gains from this game is that it shows Trump as willing to consider sacrificing South Korea to protect his ego, which gives Kim some leverage with South Korea — which has to question whether the US is a real ally, and therefore whether it should make more of an effort to mollify Kim.

7 years ago

@ Weird Eddie

A Kansas lawmaker makes my state proud… again… … NOT

To be completely fair, my friend – he is right. Cannabis does affect African American people differently.

As they have a much lower likelihood of a short allele 5-HTTLPR gene sequence (25% for African American as opposed to 43% for European American), they are much less likely to make poorer decisions while on cannabis.

Haven’t used my biochem/genetics stuff in years – so thanks to the dumbass politican, I guess? 😛

slightly annoyed
slightly annoyed
7 years ago

Holy hell, is David even alive anymore?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Holy hell, is David even alive anymore?

Unless that’s the cats tweeting, I would say yes.

Why are you so concerned on this topic; you got first dibs on his parking space or something?

7 years ago

slightly annoyed, the answer is the same as when you asked the same question six days ago.

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago

Just reading up on the James Damore filing and it is truly glorious.

It’s literally text at this point that being a conservative means being an asshole to women, minorities and the LGBT. Watching Damore lean so heavily on the trope of “you just hate me because I’m a white guy who disagree with you” is nothing short of hilarious. As Driftglass would say, this is the Tribe That Rubs Shit In Its Hair walking into a court room. The analogy is that the tribe that rubs shit in its hair is so insular that they’ve become so used to the smell that its only when they walk outside among the regular people does somebody point out that their hair is caked with their own feces and smells terrible.

This kind of nonsense is what the right-wing traffics in online, but only among themselves because only they actually believe it. Ask a normal person about white persecution and you get a “huh?” We know it only because we make a point of following the talking points. Personally, I think Damore is doing far more damage to the right in the US than he thinks by taking online bullshit into official channels, because he has now taken it upon himself personally to ask the “normies” to sit in judgement of the kind of self-affirming gobbledygook passed around right-wing Twitter, Reddit and 4chan.

We saw what happened when that Russian dentist lady pulled the same crap with Obama’s birth certificate, didn’t we? 15 minutes of infamy, a couple crackpot interviews, then people kinda half remember you as that dentist lady with the funny accent going around saying “Berf certificate!”

7 years ago

Steve Bannon has left Breitbart. What does he do next, I wonder?

Sheila Crosby
7 years ago

@Moggie My bad, mixing up the Kims.

And @Mish

But the thing is that he has complete control over N. Korean media, so he has the option to say one thing for internal consumption and something totally different for the rest of the world. To a certain extent, it’s logical. Wanting nukes is regrettably very logical. Threatening to use them keeps his enemies off balance, which is a reasonable calculation except for the “Holy F***, nuclear war!” part. I think he’s cultivated the wild and dangerous persona in order to dissuade hostile countries (most of them) from invading. No sensible US president would deliberately offend him. When the US president is as touchy and erratic and Kim pretends to be, the calculation changes. At least I rather hope so, because it would mean there’s at least one adult in the equation. Just not the one many people think.

7 years ago


Steve Bannon has left Breitbart. What does he do next, I wonder?

Spend more time with his loved ones? Buy stocks in Diageo. 😛

7 years ago

Richard Spencer (the slightly less wimpish Nazi – the one who can take a punch) is suing University of Cincinnati for violating his free speech rights.
Apparently being asked to pay a charge for security is restriction of speech.

Sheila Crosby
7 years ago

@David, glad to see you pop in. Wishing you the best of health and calm life.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

<3 David. You get better! Healing takes time and effort, and I'm very glad you're taking that seriously. I imagine your doctors have said "stay off the keyboard as much as you can!" or similar, and I'm very happy you're doing that whole-heartedly.

It takes *months* to reverse physiological problems, at a *minimum*. Take your time, you will improve!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Good to see you, David! I hope you are doing well.

7 years ago

Good to see you, David! And hoping you are as well as may be and getting better.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

My theory is that Slightly Annoyed is our seagull eating friend. He’s annoyed that the place isn’t active enough to troll right now.

7 years ago

Here is Shaun’s first video on them (re Mad Max: Fury Road). He’s obsessed with them, by his own admission.

I’d also recommend BobVids’ “Everything Wrong With Everything Wrong With” series, which recently included an in-depth study of the history and practices of CinemaSins.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@slightly annoyed
You need a new line.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@David F.
Nice to hear from you! Take all the time you need in getting a grip on your health issue. We’ll talk among ourselves.

7 years ago


I’d also recommend BobVids’ “Everything Wrong With Everything Wrong With” series, which recently included an in-depth study of the history and practices of CinemaSins.

Ooh, thanks for that. I’ve just watched his Cabin in the Woods one, and he’s good.

I’m definitely bookmarking this:

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite


Sorry about the delay. My nym should now link to my blog.

I’ve still got to do the work of peeling my individual experience from any generalized language about negative feeling and text.

Raw text is simultaneously amazing and infuriating. It’s amazing that we’ve made this thing to communicate with, but my upbringing and educational experience left me feeling a lot of negativity about language and non-group members. The first time I saw a chat room on a screen I felt negative about it. I’m still thinking about that one. I’m from a conservative, traditional American Pentacostal Air Force family. That’s left a whole bunch of things I need to be aware of and recontextualize that mostly just burn. Lot’s of negative but I still feel the positive and can remember it, it’s just hard given my last decade.

This slice of my TS/ADHD/OCD is so small and my feeling is raw and intense even when positive. At the moment I’m thinking about best ways to think about human development. How many definable developmental stages we might have (I’m leaving room for at least dozens between birth and puberty), how the timing can change between stages and between individuals as a function of natural diversity, how such timing can be influenced by ancestral experience (inherited developmental predispisitions, probably epigenetics related), culture (propagating it), just for the practice in figuring it out. I’m hypothesizing that I’ve turned my role-modeled culture’s fear of non-group members into something I attach to problem social behavior. It might also be involved in my general social anxiety.

Here’s an example: TS “turns on” (on average) at about 7 years old in terms of tics appearing. That’s right at the boundary between Piaget’s Pre-operational and Concrete Operational stages. So not only do I need a better feel for how my culture warped me, I need to figure out how I’m uniquely warped relative to things like that and how to be fair and useful about it more broadly. Extend back to conception and forward to extreme old age. I’m pissed off that we’re excessively pathologizing natural features of human nature instead of properly coming to terms with them, but it does get complicated when we can start breaking normal communication down into things we can technically label (the list of neurotic responses can be applied to arguments easily since they are general kinds of responses). My culture fucked me up and I can’t just blame that on my parents (blame’s not even appropriate in so much of it). But it still happened. I feel I may still need a sharper sense for how to look for places where I may still be part of the social problem, and frankly I am seeing two therapists one for me, and one for me and my spouse as a couple. My feelings need definition.

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