Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.
And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.
— David, who is hanging in there
Merry Christmas, everyone! 🎄🎅 pic.twitter.com/YfyTsQ95de
— Maggie Serota (@maggieserota) December 25, 2017
At this time of year, take a few moments to remember who Christmas is truly about… pic.twitter.com/TQ9tSP5EED
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) December 24, 2017
I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. I needed this. pic.twitter.com/2aQFpugdis
— deray (@deray) December 7, 2017
Brian Eno, Paris, 1973 (with Christmas 2017 augmentation) pic.twitter.com/hRwMDTOUKv
— Brian Eno News (@dark_shark) December 25, 2017
“Fun” pic.twitter.com/tsAdsZeez8
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) December 24, 2017
#MerryChristmas 🎄🤶🏻 pic.twitter.com/IahMZhf5gc
— Melania Trump 45 Archived (@FLOTUS45) December 25, 2017
Same. pic.twitter.com/kcNPdrLy6R
— Adrenalin (@adrenalindenver) May 24, 2017
All of a sudden …
🐾🐾🐾🐾 pic.twitter.com/fza8NZioI0
— The Cult Cat (@Elverojaguar) December 25, 2017
Human: My cat has an easy life
Me: pic.twitter.com/e8kvlVhUdR— Curious Zelda (@CuriousZelda) December 20, 2017
Ya, Didi allows you to pet and rub IF you warn her beforehand (like call her name before putting your hand close) and IF you’re ready to pull your hand back when she’s hitting the limit, which can be rather low. If you pull when she’s starting to give a hurt/sour look, she’s quite forgiving and will let you pet more later.
But both of them love the thumb-rub on forehead, kind of mimicking mommycat’s tongue-wash.
It sounds like you didn’t get proper rest in the hospital, what with your two very ill roommates. You’re being very brave about the whole thing. I’m sure your kitties were sleeping for you. Kitty sleep, as I’m sure you know, can work wonders. Give them a scritch for me.
So glad you’re feeling better!
Trump Warns That President Oprah Would Force Americans to Read

Remember when Michelle Obama advocated for Americans to participate in meatless Mondays and the conservative spin was that the Obummers were trying to outlaw burgers? Really not much of a stretch to imagine that they would fear President Oprah’s jackbooted thugs forcing Americans to read Harry Potter and get indoctrinated into devil worshipping witchery?
I say we elect Anita Sarkeesian president so she can outlaw video games and force everyone to subscribe to Feminist Frequency!

I’ve been SMHing over right-wing attempts to argue that Hillary Clinton’s campaign’s attempts to find out about Russian ratfucking were so much more CRIMINAL than the Trump campaign’s pathetic attempts at collaboration with the ratfuckers.
Something for WWTH and Buttercup (and any other ice-skating fans):
Ryom Tae Ok and Kim Ju Sik from North Korea may be allowed to compete in the Winter Olympics.
The talks between N and S Korea (not just on the skating) have me feeling cautiously, slightly, hopeful.
@Mish For some time I’ve wondered whether Kim Jung Il is delusional, or if he just finds it convenient to pretend so that people think he’s too dangerous to mess with. Or partly so – being surrounded by Yes-men does tend to harm your relationship with reality. The last couple of days I’ve been wondering whether he’s concluded, “Holy crap, Trump really is what I’ve been pretending to be, and I need to be careful not to start a nuclear war.” He’s certainly done less stirring lately.
Skiriki, glad you’re recovering!
I don’t have any particular medical phobias, but usually with needles my general response is “trying a bit too hard to be calm”. It’s like, I don’t feel particularly tense but apparently I do look tense and trying to hide it just makes it more obvious.
My pulse also goes easily up, as I found in one medical operation, where a nurse argued that I should take some sedative.
“I don’t think I need that.”
“your pulse is 90.”
In other news, behold this announcement from my uni administration about future parking fees at Viikki campus, Helsinki:
The typo in English translation is hilariously appropriate, considering how staff members here have been increasingly complaining about inadequate and complicated parking arrangements 🙂
@Shelia Crosby“For some time I’ve wondered whether Kim Jung Il is delusional, or if he just finds it convenient to pretend so that people think he’s too dangerous to mess with”
I’m not so sure Kim Jung Il wants to be seen as delusional, since being seen as delusional is the opposite of being seen as the strong, protective leader, that’s holding off the United States from invading and/or killing them all. (And it benefits both Trump and Kim Jung Il to keep their people afraid of one another.) IMHO.
Has anyone seen Stephan Colbert’s interview with Dennis Rodman about his visits with Kim Jung Il? I almost posted it before, but then I forgot. I…don’t know what to make of it. It… just is, I guess.
Sheila Crosby:
Kim Jong-il is no longer very dangerous, having died six years ago. Kim Jong-un, on the other hand… well, I think his pronouncements are aimed primarily at the domestic audience, so I think you’d have to ask people who have escaped from North Korea whether they think the leadership is delusional. For the most part, I think that they don’t say this. When you’ve been brought up to think of Americans as devils who tried to destroy your country, and might try again at any time, and your race and country are the best on Earth, the rhetoric from the leadership probably sounds a lot different to how we experience it.
@Sheila Crosby, @mrex,
I think it’s just too difficult to work Kim out, given that [1] we have very little information, and [2] we have so much misinformation (remember those rumours about his bowels, anyone?).
One theory I’ve seen recently about Kim’s (relative) calmness is that he’s hoping that if N and S Korea start getting along, that’ll stick it to the US.
Ah, the many Kims. I remember writing an essay on Kim Il-Sung, for my Marxism in Asia course, back in undergrad. I think the objective was to assess him against Leninism and Stalinism… I think. I remember I tacked on a score out of 10 at the end, and the marker wasn’t very impressed 😛
Sorry, double posting yet again
It’s lovely to have you back – I hope you’re starting to feel human again.
Speaking for myself, I don’t think you’ve ever derailed. Everyone here has different styles and different contributions, which is one of the things I love. I always enjoy your posts.
Re the “tenor of threads” – I agree that David is an excellent moderator, and I miss him a lot. But I’m not sure the latest conflict was because of his absence, or a manifestation of cabin fever. I’ve seen much more intense and longer-lasting disagreements here in the past, during regular posting.
In any case, it prompted me to ask my boy about privacy and such, so that was good. Although we talked after watching Gintama, so he may have been delirious 😀
Well, North Korea is definitely sending athletes (and their minders, of course) to the winter Olympics, barring a change of situation or Lil’ Kim having a bad dream or indigestion.
No list of which athletes yet, though.
Regarding whether he’s delusional or not – doesn’t matter. He’s not to his populace (by fiat, if not by honest belief), and that is the only thing that counts.
… I dunno, sounds a lot like the folk who elected the current leadership here in the U.S., and the leadership’s rhetoric is pretty much the same as well.
Out of all the things, real or imaginary, that Trump could criticize Oprah for, he choose the possibility of her making people READ. That says so much about him. It’s also in line with what we know about republicans.
@Makroth – it’s satire.
Though does it still count as satire if it’s completely believable?
I don’t know. I’ve come to understand that sometimes reality outdoes satire.
Last year would tend to make that point – rather farcefully. 😛
Edit to add – I’m not changing that typo. Fingers are smarter than brain sometimes. 🙂
Speaking of poor timing of things, I once made the mistake of watching The Monkees’ movie Head while I had a severe fever.
Let’s just say I came out of it feeling worse than I did at the start of the endeavour.
“Wait, are we still in the cop’s dream…?”
Lesson learned the hard way: don’t watched acid-trip films during illness-based delirium.
Have you seen the “go fuck yourself” letter from Wolff’s attorney, responding to the threat of legal action over the book? It’s a thing of beauty, particularly the third page. And the attorney is a woman, which probably won’t go down well with Trump.
To summarise:
1. You’re full of shit.
2. You don’t even know the law.
3. Bring it!
Well, yeah. There are lots of people who eat up the rhetoric that America is the bestest times infinity and everyone else is evil and/or weak. But that’s not the one and only thing Americans hear. At least for now, dissent is allowed. It’s not in N. Korea. I think that was the point.
Oh, that’s beautiful. Hahahahaha!
In other legal news: Milo Yiannopoulos Will Now Represent Himself In His Lawsuit Against Simon & Schuster.
His lawyers withdrew, because he was being Milo at them:
He’s spinning it as a cunning plan, of course: by representing himself, he says, he gets to see “attorney’s eyes only” documents. I suspect this won’t help him.
The dude just wants headlines. Milo’s that kinda guy I really hope gets frogstomped by reality to the point he’s no longer worthy of ink. And that frogstomp needs to come from a higher authority than CPAC.