doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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7 years ago

It’s what I’ll be doing, catching up – only made it to the Red Wedding (life got in the way for a while). 🙂

I must admit, the way you’ve described it sounds like its going to be amazing, especially since Weiss gets battle scenes and fight scenes more generally. Worth the wait – and the wait is a lot less than if they were waiting on GRR to write it! 😛

7 years ago


“… alarming visit from a copper and a social worker due to inappropriate contact from the drama teacher at his former high school”

The snarky part of me wonders whether Sandra/etc would call the cops and social workers abusive because they were alerting you to what was going on in your son’s FB (presumably) against his wishes. I’m sure they also violated his privacy elsewhere to boot.

Sorry, but the more I think about this, the more pissed off I get. I’m fine with people criticizing my parenting, as long as it’s nuanced along with the REALITIES of parenting, and not based on some stupid personal vendetta like whatever the fuck is going on with Sandra and Tashilicious.

7 years ago

Sorry, but the more I think about this, the more pissed off I get.

Not worth the skull sweat. Everyone has an opinion on parenting and are about as shy of sharing as a vegan Jehovah’s Witness crossfit devotee.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
7 years ago

vegan Jehovah’s Witness crossfit devotee

… ?????

7 years ago

In news that you don’t want to believe but can’t help but believe:

A senator in Nebraska is pushing for industrial zones where state and existing local laws don’t apply.

Preeetty sure that’s was tried about a thousand years back. Were called feudalism. Didn’t work out so well.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


The snarky part of wonders…

That’s less wondering and more accusing. Also less snarky and more, well, you know how you can be. Let’s don’t

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago


you police their tone – not their idea. that is not fair.

and in my opinion it is not okay to read texts or emails of your children. I am not so old I didn’t have a mobile phone also when I am at school. because of my dad’s job he have plenty and when I am 12 of 13 he gave me one, even for UA in 2004 it is old model Nokia and I get little bit bullied for this one by children who have better model.

we also have home computer and I chat online with people there and my father created for me email account when I am 10. but my parents never ask to read my texts or emails. they never ask too much what is happen at school. my mum try to ask for concern obviously.

anyway when I am at school I have big problems from other students there but I never hide from my parents because I know I can trust them. my dad always tell me he is my best friend – he never demand anything from me to tell him. he is not perfect but this one good thing I remember about him. my brothers both raised in a chaos. they move around what before is USSR to follow my father as he works and after settle in UA when it is still Ukrainskaya ssr. if my parents not create solid foundations I don’t know what will happen. UA in late 80s and 90s not perfect place to grow.

such predators about which you talk always existed – such awful bullying always existed. I don’t think to read texts or internet chat is what will stop this. I believe in open and honesty – but only if it means people feel this without pressure or fear.

7 years ago

As a parent who discovered her pre-teen child’s serious mental issues, contact with abusive bio-parents including a convicted pedophile and abusive behavior toward others by “snooping” on his secret phone (I only allowed him to have a phone if I had the password and he kept changing it and pretending to forget it. When I got rid of his phone he somehow got the $ to buy his own.) I don’t blame parents for keeping tabs on their minor children online. Their wellbeing is our responsibility alone. Had my son been harassing or threatening your kids, I bet those who judge me for not respecting his privacy would have also blamed me for “allowing” it to happen.

I have not shared the nightmare 2016/2017 was here because I don’t like to spread my kid’s business, but it is my job to see that my kids aren’t being lured, abused or making threats themselves, harassing and assaulting. My preteen son was doing horrible things online without my knowledge. So, yeah I’m gonna be watching my kids activities on smart phones etc. just like I do their meatspace activities.

I once found out my young teen daughter was in an abusive relationship by checking her emails. I was glad to see she had stood up for herself, but I also discovered why she was seeming so depressed and withdrawn and was able to talk to her about what she’d been through and offer her help. She was angry and we made a deal that I’d never check up on her and she’d never keep things like that from me again.

Ultimately, it’s not my job to make my kids like me. If they do, that’s a bonus. It’s my job to see they are safe. This year I’ve realized it is also my job to see that they aren’t harming anyone else. If they want total anonymity, they’ll need to be adults living on their own.

If you’ve never dealt with Reactive Attachment Disorder in your kids, consider yourself lucky. It’s like watching them smothered by a disorder they can’t understand and the more they love you the more the disorder hurts them until finally they start hurting you anyway they can. I don’t regret finding the phone or going through his social media. He could have killed himself and I’d have never known why.

The only way I knew something was wrong was when the police came banging on my door and shining flashlights in my windows at 1 am because my son was telling people to call the police because he had been kidnapped. He was safe in his bed. He basically swatted us and once the police left I saw the tell-tale R.A.D. smirk for the first time. That was only the beginning. It got much, much worse. I wish I’d known earlier. We were told he was autistic. Turns out, he wasn’t. It was R.A.D. all along, but something kept it almost in a sort of torpor until my ex left. I’m lucky too. I got 7 years with him before the disorder set in proper. Most parents don’t get that. I got a miracle.

So, call me a bad parent. He’s alive and so am I. We might not be if I hadn’t found him out. Because he wasn’t just suicidal, he has said he wants to kill too. Specifically, he’d like to kill me. Every member of our family has been a victim of or threatened with violence. He sexually assaulted a neighbor girl on my front porch. He’gone AWOL from mental health facilities and run away from home. He makes false allegations. He’s punched nurses and tried to bite his therapist. He’s threatened to kill a baby. It’s hell and if I’d have known sooner maybe I could have stopped the progression before he was so far gone. He’s 14 now and no longer lives with me. He may never again. I feel like my boy died and it isn’t likely he’ll be resurrected.

So, yeah. Judge away. I couldn’t care less.

7 years ago

I’m in therapy. My youngest kids are in therapy. I’m fighting for my son to get adaquet care and struggling to remember it isn’t him, its the disorder, but I’m also starting to let go.

Y’all know I’m a horror buff. Well, there are movies I cant watch anymore. I stopped jumping at loud noises around November.

Once in therapy my therapist told me there was a movie I should see. I knew what she was going to say before she said it because I’d already chain smoked my way through it. It was We Need to Talk About Kevin.

Edit: Originally, I only wanted the password to make sure he wasn’t texting in class. What a naive fool I was.

7 years ago

That Virgina State seat That the Repub won by 10 votes, went to the Dem by one vote on a recount, and then was declared a tie?

The coin toss came up Repub.

@Weird Eddie

It’s a variant on an old joke.


@Lea – hug if you want it. Sounds like a horrible situation.

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago


I am sorry this is your situation and I hope therapy will help you and your future is bright and that your son can make some improvements.

my crisism is not directed at such situations and yours is unique and quite different from what general point i and others trying to say about what story mrex told.

I would never judge such a situation as yours – how can I possibly know before you share? it is very different from making your child feel stressed and unsafe because you are afraid of paedophiles.

I know first hand also what fear of parents can feel like. because even though I tell my positive story above – my mother’s irrational fear about Bosnian genocide which is happen when I am born have big effect on my early years when I am young child and her fear and nature of control about this is something which strongly effect me now – even if I still have freedom when I become 11 or 12.

7 years ago

Thank you, Shadow. I do.

The assumptions of people I’ve turned to for support and isolation I’m dealing with combined with my ex’s alcoholism and the way my son punishes me for it and for his abandonment by his bio parents is a lot. Apparently me getting a job and going to school are also abandonment in my son’s mind. When Daddy drinks, he punishes Mommy. I’m in the process of finding an attorney because when I turned to DCBS for help, they decided I must be at fault somehow. Their way of “helping”him is to drug him to the gills. Since he hasn’t behaved violently since being heavily medicated they’ve concluded I’ve invented this problem even though there is documentation and plenty of witnesses to this behavior when I’m nowhere around him.

During this process my ex got access to our adopted son’s medical records and my younger son began talking about the abuse he remembered for the first time. We now know the neglect and abuse started when my oldest boy was 2 months old and continued until he was 6. At which time he was placed with us. TW: child abuse.
He was regularly drugged and locked in a closet with the babies so his parents could leave and do meth or have parties in their home. There were awful beatings. There was starvation. He saved his brother’s life at least once. None of that was in the court documents we received upon adoption. We knew at 6 he couldn’t talk and had other delays. We had no idea how bad it really was. My son now denies his bio-parents ever harmed him and either says a dead grandfather who was in a wheel chair and on a respirator at the time did it or that I did. It’s unclear if he even understands that he’s lying. He is histrionic. He has delusions. He also enjoys hurting us, especially me. The smirk he gets when he knows he’s done damage is the coldest thing I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen some serious shit in my time. Sometimes he seems genuinely confused. I hate this disorder. I hate the people who caused it. I love him. When things began getting weird he made accusations against other people and I made a fool of myself defending him. Once I stopped believing him, he turned on me.
My adult daughter lives with me and has been helping me fix up the house and care for the kids while I’m in school. The day he hit her and she fought back she told me if he came back she would leave because she didn’t feel safe here and felt dirty for getting rough with a kid I realized I was putting all my kids in danger by holding on to him. This year on my birthday we go back to court. DCBS wants him to go to his dad, but he goes on benders for weeks at a time and can no longer hold a job. I’m beginning to suspect RAD and the lack of support for it is a dirty secret they don’t want getting out. Because who would sign up for that?

Meanwhile, the police refused to press charges for the sexual assault because he was unable to complete a rape and he’s a minor. As they see it, no harm was done. (My neighbors no longer speak to me.) He is younger than the girl he attacked, but he’s very strong. (We’ve been neighbors for years and she is an abuse and incest survivor herself.) He’s taller than me and can do military push-ups. I’ve basically been told “boys will be boys”. When I told his therapist I was concerned because he’s been looking for rape and incest porn online, she seemed to think the problem was the sin of pornography rather than what the content indicated in a child his age. He’s almost certainly been a victim himself.

He is currently in theraputic care. I’m not to know where he is or how to contact him. (I do know because some people aren’t very good at hiding their online info, but I have to pretend I’m clueless.) Again, I’m not to know because DCBS has decided I’m the abuser, even to the point they think the other kids are lying for me. The police won’t even charge him with the assaults on us because he’s a minor with no priors and assault is a misdemeanor. I’ve lost all hope. At one point I even thought of letting him really wail on me so I’d have proof, but that would mean my other kids seeing it and I can’t do that. The last time he came at me I had to spark a taser to disuade him. I tell my doctors I don’t know how I injured my trick knee, but I know how it went from hurting sometimes to me walking with a cane or on crutches some days.

7 years ago

Did you miss the part where I had no idea I was in this situation until I looked at his online behavior?

7 years ago

No, you don’t know until I share. The solution to that is for you not to prejudge, isn’t it?

7 years ago


I am an adoptive parent as well and our agency required prospective parents to be educated on RAD. I am so sorry you are going through this. It is tremendously difficult for the entire family and my heart goes out to you. Parental love can be an amazingly strong force, but it cannot fix RAD. I’m wishing you renewed strength to handle the situation. One thing (sometimes a very small thing) at a time. Cyberhugs offered.

7 years ago

Victims of abuse should never have to open a vein and bleed in order to be taken seriously.

Another reason I never shared here was that I knew it would be seized upon with delight by the trolls. I’m risking that now because I see so many people assuming children must always be protected from their parents. I got used to that mentality when I homeschooled.

One reason I homeschooled my kids was because my son began acting out in third grade. That stopped when I took him out of school and began again when I sent him back to public school where other boys called him a fa**ot and a re***d. That appears to be when he started wanting to prove he was tough.

My younger son was a hitter. He was a tiny ball of rage at school and his principal encouraged me to spank him to stop his behavior. Instead, I took over their education and started filling in the holes in their education. The youngest have ADD and show signs of dyslexia, a condition I’m very familiar with but state schools offer no programs for. The two youngest are thriving in school now? They’re on academic team and no longer show out at school, though my youngest son still has some issues at home, particularly when he felt I’d given his brother away, despite his own dread of him coming home. He’s doing alright now, but I expect to see these issues resurface in years to come. How could they not?

Still, the fact I homeschooled at all means people will make assumptions. I had one social worker tell me, “That’s how parents hide abuse”. The assumption being we must assume parents are abusive or have ill intent if there is no outside government official to monitor them.

Keep in mind my acceptance of LGBTQ kids in my home and my lack of religion that condemns it makes me even more suspect to my local officials. That’s bad parenting. So is refusing to spank. I’ve been told so numerous times. I don’t know where y’all live, but I’m on the shiny brass buckle of the Bible Belt.

I know parents can be shits. I’ve seen and experienced it. But the idea that children must be able to hide their activities front their parents for their own protection as a rule is false and based usually on people who have only known abuse from their own parents or have jobs that expose them daily to the worst sorts of people.

Basically, you can’t have it both ways. The law and public opinion cannot make my children’s behavior and safety my responsibility and people view me as suspect for monitoring that behavior.

7 years ago


Got no words to express my sympathy for you or my admiration of you adequately. That’s a horror show and a half.

7 years ago

Thank you, Laserqueen.

I had no idea it existed until I started doing my own research. (Foster parent on and off for over a decade. I know I saw it in kids and teens now, but had no name for it.)
When I told the head of local DCBS my suspicion, she laughed at me and said, “If that’s what you think he has, do you even want him back?”
I told her I did. She proceeded to tell me I’m why my son threatens suicide.

RAD is not to be mentioned ’round these parts.

7 years ago

I was also told to “shut my mouth and try harder to work with my ex husband for the sake of your children”.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


I don’t even know what I could say that would be of any use, but I wish you and your family all the best and many animal hugs offered.

comment image

7 years ago

I feel like like that I’ve started, I can’t stop. I’m sorry.

I’m also facing people thinking me living off of adoption subsidies alone now that I can’t stand for 8 hours at a go and parent and attend college full time means I must be in it for the money, which is hardly enough to keep us out of poverty nor was it my plan when I was a married SAHM. Yet my insistence on staying in school and not missing finals or clinicals for any reason because I am determined to support my family myself is proof of my selfishness and what a horrible mother I am.

Yet when my ex showed up claiming to be 2 months sober (he was not) he was congratulated as a wonderful father to work so hard for his children.

I’ve even had a mental health facility tell him not to bother getting paperwork he had there but in his car because they knew he was busy, only to call me and tell me to drive and hour to deliver it to them.

When I tried to tell one male therapist (we’ve seen so many therapists in the last year. Some good, some horrible.) what I thought we were dealing with he told me I would not tell him how to do his job! One cop even told me in front of my son that he didn’t blame him for being mad at me, since I spoke so ill of him. Was I incapable of listening!?! He was trying to tell me he had had a heart to heart with my son and clearly, that had healed him. I had called him because my son had run away again after the taser incident. Once he left, the screaming and cussing, lying and threatening began again, only more so. My other son needed oral surgery that day. My daughter had to take him for me. I could not leave the house because my older son would not get in the car and he had that smirk. I knew something horrible would happen if I left him alone.

I called the court appointed worker and was told she was not a babysitter. People assume I am weak and not able to handle normal teenage rebellion.

I know. It sounds like I must be exaggerating. It’s been that absurd. Sometimes I want to pinch myself.

You should also know that I’m a tiger here, but in meatspace, unless I know you well, am very comfortable, it’s required for my job, it’s of vital importance or I get class credit for it, I don’t speak. If I know you, I’ll talk your ear off. If I don’t, you may not know I’m there. I prefer it that way. In clinicals my greatest challenge is touching strangers because it feels like disrespecting their boundries. All my critical notes say, “Get in there! Be more assertive! Stop second guessing yourself!”

I wonder why I’m like that?

7 years ago


I was also told to “shut my mouth and try harder to work with my ex husband for the sake of your children”.

What the…? Holy fuck, that makes me so angry! This from an agency which is supposed to help?

7 years ago

Remember Tina Johnson, one of Roy Moore’s accusers? Well, her house has burned down. Police suspect arson, and have a suspect, but they’re claiming at this point that they don’t believe it’s Moore-related.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

I haven’t read all your postings yet, but I wanted to tell you how sorry I am that your situation has been so hard. I understand why you feel like once you’ve started telling your story, you can’t stop. My domestic violence counselor once spelled it out for me: People need to have their stories heard. People need to be understood. I would add that this is particularly true of traumatic stories.

The first time I ever heard of reactive attachment disorder was on This American Life. The episode was called “Love Is a Battlefield.” You’ve probably heard this episode, but I’ll include a link for those who want to read the transcript:

Stay strong. Talk to us when you want to. Best wishes for better days ahead.

7 years ago

Actually, I had not heard of that. I’ll look it up. Thanks.
One reason this took us by surprise was it lay nearly dormant aside from the milder symptoms that can look like autism. Now, that said, there were times someone (including his older sister and one special ed teacher I should have listened to) said something to the effect of, “That ain’t right.”, to which I assumed they just didn’t get how hard being an autistic adopted child must be. Now, that seems right but I was so wrong.

The other is that in rare, but not unheard of cases, the child’s response to the onset of the terror of being out of control that is at the core of this disorder is to become the perfect child. You won’t find that in a Google search. But I have found another mom it happened to after her husband died suddenly.

After my ex left, my son became my best buddy. He wanted to cook for me, he wanted me to call and check in his dad, he wanted to fetch my coffee. It was an overwhelming show of concern that was not age appropriate. I knew he wanted to caretake us like he had done his baby siblings once upon a time. I knew he was acting out of stress, but it seemed so sweet. I figured it would fade as we settled in to a new routine. I had no idea that when being perfect didn’t make the terror go away the next coping mechanism was ugly. I wish I’d seen it. I had him in therapy and the therapist didn’t see it until the shit hit the fan either. We just knew he was behaving weird in school and lying about his teachers. That didn’t seem completely of base for a kid his age. It crept up on him too. He couldn’t tell me something was wrong because it became his normal to feel horrible. He knew to keep it from me so he could keep coping the way that felt right to him, but he still has no idea why he’s doing it. He’s reacting to feelings he can’t understand. It’s a primal wound, literally. It is a form of brain damage. It can be overcome, but usually only if caught early and treated with certain therapy. Talk therapy, stickers and usual behavior mod doesn’t do it because the punishment/reward systems get mixed up. Hugs, gifts and compliments hurt and getting in trouble feels good, or in reality, less bad. Whatever he’s put us through, he’s the one hurting most of all.

I’ve read that he feels like he’s flying a plane without knowing how to fly a plane and he needs an adult to take the steering wheel away and land the plane, but he doesn’t trust anyone not to crash. So, he white knuckles his way through it. What he needs is the opposite of what he’s gotten so far from everyone I’ve taken him to. Right now, he thinks if he gets a new parent, he’ll be OK. However, once the feeling that that new parent is at the wheel hits him, he’ll transfer his rage to them. It’s the most insidious thing I can imagine a kid could go through.

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