Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.
And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.
— David, who is hanging in there
Merry Christmas, everyone! 🎄🎅 pic.twitter.com/YfyTsQ95de
— Maggie Serota (@maggieserota) December 25, 2017
At this time of year, take a few moments to remember who Christmas is truly about… pic.twitter.com/TQ9tSP5EED
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) December 24, 2017
I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. I needed this. pic.twitter.com/2aQFpugdis
— deray (@deray) December 7, 2017
Brian Eno, Paris, 1973 (with Christmas 2017 augmentation) pic.twitter.com/hRwMDTOUKv
— Brian Eno News (@dark_shark) December 25, 2017
“Fun” pic.twitter.com/tsAdsZeez8
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) December 24, 2017
#MerryChristmas 🎄🤶🏻 pic.twitter.com/IahMZhf5gc
— Melania Trump 45 Archived (@FLOTUS45) December 25, 2017
Same. pic.twitter.com/kcNPdrLy6R
— Adrenalin (@adrenalindenver) May 24, 2017
All of a sudden …
🐾🐾🐾🐾 pic.twitter.com/fza8NZioI0
— The Cult Cat (@Elverojaguar) December 25, 2017
Human: My cat has an easy life
Me: pic.twitter.com/e8kvlVhUdR— Curious Zelda (@CuriousZelda) December 20, 2017
Due to the ridiculous, pointless fuss conservatives have been making out of it over the years, the very phrase: “Merry Christmas” could almost be taken as code for: “I’m an angry, racist, Trump-supporting redneck” in some quarters, meaning fewer as opposed to more people might be inclined to say it.
These people are their own worst enemies.
Merry War on Christmas! (I’ve been dying to say that.)
Nothing says Merry Christmas like our First Lady pouting in an elf hat.
As a feminist and a diplomat (albeit of a government out of power since the ascension of the patriarchy — roughly 6,000 years ago), I’m not one to critique a woman’s appearance. But is the iris of Melania Trump’s left eye really irregularly shaped and partly white! And is the corner of her left eye really white! Or is that the Magic of Photoshop!
We ask the questions. You decide.
Nah. Just reflections. Something her hubby is in short supply of. 😛
Man Who Left Manure at Treasury Secretary’s Home Calls it “Act of Political Theater”
By Daniel Politi
Dec. 25, 2017, 1:25 PM
“[L]earn to love the fight itself, not because we are winning, but because we are fighting.”
Will the Resistance win in 2018? Maybe not, but we must keep fighting
This year was bad, and 2018 could be worse. When victories are elusive, it’s time to learn to love the fight
Amanda Marcotte12.25.2017
‘Trump could react very badly’: UK government doesn’t want Obamas invited to royal wedding
This one is worth digging out some popcorn for. If May thinks she’s going to win a staredown against Harry – she’s more a fool than I assumed.
So perhaps the situation demanded Photoshopping — but that step was omitted. Sounds about right for the incompetent cheapskates in the White House.
Meh – I’ll give her a pass on that. Probably a nice change for her not to be photoshopped, touched up, and santised for once. 😛
So… is this a thread to post random holiday related comicbook stuff? Because if, yes:
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Have a Galactusanta!

Happy, merry, everything, to all of you! Thanks, David, for the post; I hope you and your kittehs are doing okay <3
So today was Boxing Day here, and it was A GOOD DAY. Partly because it was a bit cooler, and also because my mum and my bro just got a new kitten and she's adorbs.
As Croquembouche noted upthread, Eaten Fish’s freedom is a wee spot of happy news in the ongoing disaster of Manus.
Sadly, I will probably never see my son again, as his xmas gifts included a PS4 and a Netflix subscription. I shall miss him 😀
You missed Cernovich’s hilariously humiliating Reddit “ask me anything”.
Good to see you, David! All the best to you and the Mammotheers.
(I loved this, in the light of all the fuss the orange one has been making just now about “saving” the holiday, especially when I noticed the dates)

Remember those dark days when Christmas was outlawed?
Remember when we couldn’t so much as hum “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” without fear?
When saying, “Merry Christmas” would get you a fine or a prison sentence?
When A Christmas Carol was banned from TV? (I can’t remember — did Tiny Tim live?)
When the US economy ground to a halt because Christmas shopping became illegal?
Thanks goodness Donald Trump has swept away those laws and we can celebrate both Christmas and prosperity!
I’m now imagining Obi-Wan Kenobi talking to young Luke Skywalker “Before the dark times….before the War on Christmas”
Repost from the end of the other thread but the Puritans tried it back in the 1600s, it didn’t go over well.
I’m working today, but not too hard, and there will be leftover brisket for my lunch break.
Merry {solstice-related observance of your choice} to all Mammotheers!
Thank goodness there’s a Christmas tree in the White House again, for the first time since last Christmas.
Yesterday my brother, my cousin, and I went to the outdoor skating rink in a nearby park. It was covered in snow, so we borrowed a shovel from the teenagers playing hockey on the enclosed rink beside it. I noticed that they’d dug little holes in the snow and put beer cans in them, and I thought, “Can this get any more Canadian?”
See, there was:
a) Snow
b) Hockey
c) Skating
d) Politeness
e) Beer
f) Possible underage drinking (they looked about 16 to me, but maybe were a bit older – drinking age in Quebec is 18)
g) Skating through snow (my brother could; I couldn’t very well, so I mostly stuck to the part that my cousin dug out)
Anyway, happy holidays to everyone!
epitome, that sounds really nice! Hope you all had a good time.
According to what “they” tell us (speaking as a person who has never been to Canada, though I do have family there), to be quintessentially Canadian it also has to involve the wearing of toques and the eating of poutine (plus preferably also something with maple syrup, though presumably this does not apply to the poutine)
R THIS TRU???????
Doing my part in the War on Christmas….
Merry Holidays, or Happy Christmas, everyone.
Strange thing about poutine:
It didn’t exist when I was a kid. I spent much of my childhood in Canada and poutine was quite simply not a thing at all. Never saw it, never heard of it, and my family would have loved it!
Now it’s a national meme, ranking second only to hockey and “sorry” in words associated with Canada.
Feeling old …. 🙁
I hope everyone had a merry Catmas
@opposablethumbs – Thanks!
Maple syrup is indeed common in Canada – it’s what I’d normally have with pancakes. Poutine is more specific to Quebec (I like the “Italian poutine” with spaghetti sauce, but I’m more of a pizza person generally).
Toques – hmm – apparently I’ve had the wrong idea of this hat my whole life. Google Images tells me it might or might not have a pompom; I thought the pompom was obligatory and without it you’ve just got a generic “winter hat”. Learning something new, I guess. Anyway, here’s a very Canadian one 😀
OK…some may roll their eyes at this, but today I went to an Ikea superstore, in New Haven, Connecticut. I’d never been to one before. I’m on the road, returning home from New England.
I see now why Ikea is so popular. I should have bought myself some lingonberry juice when I was there.