doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

Re: the Voter Fraud Commission being dissolved…

I can’t be the only one whose first thought on this was that it was because they had been ordered by a judge about two weeks ago that they had to share all their documentation with all members of the committee, including the Democrats like Matthew Dunlap who had to sue to see the proceedings of the committee he had been appointed to?

Harder to keep up lies like ‘millions of people are voting illegally’ when your political opponents can see the real records. I wonder they tried to dissolve it rather than hand everything over and prove that the whole thing was a sham from the start.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

@ Jenora

I thought that, too. They’d rather take their ball and go home than play fair.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

@Victorious Parasol At this point I’d love to see every one of the Repubs (and the Cons up here in Canada) go home permanently and never play politics again. 😛

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
7 years ago

@ Fishy

Good idea, but ultimately hopeless… if there were no repugnican’ts (or Canada’s Cons), the mega-wealthy would just invent them.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Doug Jones’ son giving Mike Pence the sideeye at the swearing in×533.jpg

I love side eyes.

7 years ago

Ah, I’m in a bit of a tense mood right now, my friends have come over for drinks and pizza. I get the feeling these people are kind of watching me, out of concern. If I’m upset I can’t eat.

We were talking about jobs and sexual harassment. Yeah, another thing to put you in a bad mood. Sometimes thinking about something that makes you angry can relieve anxiety. I told myself today too, instead of worrying about everything I should “get my anger back” (or be fired up so to say) and not be worried about every freaking thing.

I’d offer to make some guests posts here too except I’m not a good writer 😀
(Or, please forgive me if I ramble on here.) (I have a hard time putting my thoughts into words, and am usually thinking about ten things at once.)

I could write more comments probably.

Sexual harassment on the job. Or elsewhere. How about all these apologists and those accusing women of lying?

I came upon something that might be a sort of a corroboration. Parents may be interested in this too. I did not save a link for it, it was on Reddit, those interested can probably find it.

So one day last week I was bored and looking for things to read. I have to renew my library card. I decided to look for “true scary stories”, probably googled “true scary stories Reddit”, there are a number of things on there, think that’s how I found whatever I was reading.

And I was pretty much looking for “ghost stories”. Just to read but was also thinking of past relatives and hope there is something to “the spirit world” (not a believer in organized religion) I do hope there is something to the spirit world and my past ancestors can help me

And there were enough of ghost stories on there, as well as regular stuff such as encountering bear and moose, some disaster and emergency situations, a few ufo or strange lights things, a mixed bag.

What there was also a lot of was: creepy men tales. So, so many. It was probably a quarter of the stories on the thread. Teachers, other adults, and a great lot of “guys in vans” or others asking if the kid needed a ride.

Well this isn’t any formal corroboration of harassed adult women in the work place, but I think it illustrates that there’s a lot of lechers out there. And regarding these people, why would they lie? And why now? And they won’t be “ruining a guy” or making money off of him either, a guy in a van from decades ago? They don’t even know who he was, or is, you can’t gain from this.

A retort from the apologists might be that they’re lying simply for attention. All of them? What about the boys? And this was just one thread I happened to stumble upon, how many other similar stories are out there?

Also if lechers are creeping on kids, there are lechers at the office and everywhere.

About parents here, it could be our generation? And I’m not that old, either. But what a lot of these posters said was that they were taught to always listen to adults. Yep. Ms’s T and The Other Z are nodding along here. We aren’t that old, either.

Is your age? Where you lived? We grew up in Typical Suburbia. Which at the time was rather conservative. 80s, 90s, not that long ago. Most of these areas still are about 50,50 left and right, some going to 80% R.

And your parents, or mom only for a lot of us because dad split, or step parents, were usually pretty strict and authoritarian. And if something bad happened it was probably your own fault.

I think parents should keep an eye on who their kids interact with more. Another thing too, and this is hard to find the right words for, my friends are not helping me out here, I did explain it to them and they agreed, also forgot how I said it.

Something like, from having honesty drilled into you, and accountability, and listen to adults, all that kind of stuff, you also indirectly got the idea that everyone else was honest too. Especially adults and authority figures.

Which is of course wrong. Kids need to know that there are a lot of dishonest people out there, from the flat out dangerous to those simply looking to use you to simply assholes.

As a woman, I could’ve used a lot more info on men, too. Anyone looking to use or manipulate you. Tara says that her “sex talk” amounted to: If you get pregnant we’ll throw you out of the house.
Oh that covers the whole spectrum of adult relationships now doesn’t it?

I have a few more thoughts on this all, I’m going to make a separate post so this isn’t too long.

One more thought about the spirit world…
I came home earlier, down a multi lane large street, which gains another right lane close to one intersection. I wasn’t going to turn there, but decided to go over anyway as I was going turn at the following light.

And as soon as I did, I noticed that lying in the lane I had been in were two large plastic containers, probably fell off of a construction truck. They were dark colored and I didn’t see them. And if I’d have hit those I probably would’ve done serious damage to the under side of my car. These containers probably would’ve got stuck up under it.
And I was still a few miles from home. And it’s dangerously cold here….

Maybe some spirits were looking out for me 🙂
I am glad for this good luck too, I need every bit I can get right now.

Will now try to compose my other thoughts.

7 years ago


Hi, I don’t remember your name, and you seem to have popped out of moderation, so are new? If so, welcome.

“Talking to your child about the dangers of the internet is good. Spying on what they do there is a breach of privacy and bad.”

Ok, can’t help but notice that you didn’t mention “being a parent”, but whatever. Every parent has their own set of standards. Not to sound snarky, but if you think that you’d be ok with the chance that your young daughter is stumbling onto snuff porn, interacting with MRA types*, getting hit on and groomed by adults*, and so on, then more power to you. Again, not to sound snarky, but personally, I’m not comfortable with allowing my own daughter this freedom until she’s older, and has some more life experience under her belt.

If you noticed the article I mocked, I wasn’t mocking the parents because they had different standards than I did; I was mocking them because they let their (very, very young) children loose on youtube without thought. Of course, once the controversy hit and they suddenly remembered that there are bad things on the internet,™ they were very concerned™ about this. One parent actually whined that she had to have a discussion about suicide with her 10 year old, and that this is very bad, because her 10 year old (whom she let loose to watch A-hole youtubers mock suicide victims without a second thought), is just so innocent.


“Glad to hear you’re cool about your daughter being queer.”

Why… wouldn’t I be?

I realize it’s too late for you to un-snoop, and that admitting you did so would be a scary prospect,

Didn’t do it behind her back. Her having a phone is based on the condition that I am able to use it, and read whatever I want, at any time. Full stop. Everything I do is aboveboard, even when she does not like it.

“Re: bringing up queerness, why don’t you try mentioning queerness in media/the outside world/your stance on it?”

Already do that, but I repeated it because it stands as excellent advice. 🙂

“You don’t have to mention it in the context of your personal life to make it clear you’re cool with it.”

I was more thinking that I would be able to share some of my life experience with her that I was never able to share before. Life experience like… the danger of falling in love with the pretty straight girl with a boyfriend. (Even if that boyfriend is a dick).

Thanks to everyone who left a reply. (Including you RandFro. I hope I wasn’t too harsh.) I was going to go outside for a bit for fresh air and then come back, but I’m bone tired. :p I’ll respond/thank everyone properly later. 🙂

7 years ago

This is going back to the Logan Paul incident mentioned a few pages ago: I was going through some pen pal letters for my students, and there was one student who wrote about loving Logan Paul (and hating Jake Paul). (I am in South Korea and had some of my students write to American students who attend a school my friend works at.) I had assumed the student was writing about a classmate because I’m not hip to current Youtube celebrities, but now I know who they are talking about. So now I know some elementary school students are fans of that douche who callously posted a video of someone who committed suicide.

7 years ago

Fuck off mrex, it doesn’t take being a parent to know that spying and breaking trust and privacy is a shitty thing to do.

It does, however, take being a parent to think pushing a child out of their body means they are property and their privacy and trust are things to be ignored.

7 years ago

Yeah Mrex. Just because you poop out a kid doesn’t make emotional and psychological abuse okay, and like it or not, denial of privacy is abuse. It doesn’t matter what conditions she “agreed” to, it’s abusive for you to look through her communications. If there was something in there she felt needed your attention, she would have told you about it.

7 years ago

And if she didn’t tell you, maybe it’s because she does not feel like you trust or respect her life and decisions.

Like, the very fact that she reacts how she does to you wanting to see her phone isn’t that she has something that worries her, it’s that *you do not allow her to have her own life and privacy in her life*.

That you think this is normal and expected behaviour is toxic and disgusting.

Chris Oakley
7 years ago

Not to go off-topic, but have you guys heard that Steve Bannon’s main financial supporter has apparently cut off his funding?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@Chris Oakley

Yeah, it was mentioned earlier. I’m jazzed!

And don’t worry, we don’t actually have a topic at this point.?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Z & T,

Have you read Algernon Blackwood? If you want to read some good atmospheric supernatural tales that don’t get too dark and don’t typically have much of a sexual component, he’s a good pick. The Willows is my all time favorite short horror story. It came before HP Lovecraft (I’m pretty sure) and IMO does the weirdness from another dimension thing much more effectively and spookily. Some of his stuff can be a bit too Christian for my personal taste, but his writing skills are on point and unlike a lot of horror, doesn’t objectify women and sexualize violence against women. There are free pdfs out there. Last I checked, the Wikipedia page for him has links to some of his stories. Including The Willows and The Wendigo which are his best.

Sorry if that’s not what you meant when you talked about ghost stories. Really, I’ll just take any opportunity to recommend The Willows.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

I was going to say something about how difficult it is to balance parental concern with the need to respect privacy and boundaries.
My 15 year old basically has free rein online and I don’t check up on him. But I hope he’d talk to me if need be. I also know if he was upset or frightened about something that happened online, I’d want to know what was going on.

I seriously, seriously do not appreciate the hostile comments above directed at mrex. Some of us have never thought that having a child gave us absolute power over them. Some of us try very fucking hard, day in and day out, to look after our kids (don’t be a neglectful parent) without encroaching on their boundaries (don’t be an overbearing parent).
You could maybe engage without calling people toxic and disgusting, and telling them to fuck off? Look, I know mrex can look after herself, but shit, I don’t even know how old her daughter is – do you?

Also, Sandra, all due respect ’cause I like you heaps – but “poop out a kid”, really? My vagina is not an asshole, thanks.

7 years ago

@Mish – thank you.

My thoughts exactly – even to the also bit, that pissed me off especially since I do like Sandra a lot – but put in your own, far more elegant way.

7 years ago

With all due respect, Mish, a lot of us endured psychological abuse as children and mrex just told us all we don’t know what we’re talking about if we aren’t parents.

7 years ago

Sexual harassment in the work place.

I am looking for a new job.

And I am at the point where I’m avoiding places that you might guess would have harassers. Like most offices I’ve worked in. Other things you might worry over might not be. But you never know what you might encounter.

I am not looking for any “career position” at this point. Just something for some basic income so I don’t drain too much of my dwindling savings. I want something different anyway, future wise I’m not sure. But, I am keeping that in the back of my head too, I might come upon some basic job that could be something more in the future.

So I am looking at all sorts of jobs.

I was looking for jobs on Craigslist. Because I saw someone say that they’d found a nice job on there. Enough of the posts are redirected to other sites too. And there’s enough of big, regular, biz’s advertising on there.

And scams. And creepers.
I’m not opposed to doing house cleaning either, which I have also done in the past. I’m leaning more toward something else, but I look at those ads too. And besides the pro services looking for people there are all these ads for “sexy cleaning women” and even nude cleaning women.

In the “domestic” or “labor” section are plenty of ads from people looking for a “personal assistant” and they’re only thinly veiled on what they’re really looking for.

I have also seen these in the bus, office, admin areas too. And they flat out say stuff like “pretty girl for a personal and office assistant”. One guy said something like, ok he starts off talking about answering the phone and paperwork and winds up with “and we can have some fun when no one else is here.”

These people are basically looking for quasi hookers. Under the guise of a job. Some are very blatant too, will pay to massage your feet or whatever. Naked housecleaning.

So here you have people looking to harass. They say so. Look at the CL in your area, or in a nearby large metro area (more and varied ads.)

Now you might say, it’s Craigslist, what do you expect?
I have also seen the same kind of stuff on other job sites, I think one I saw today was on…. “snagajob”? And it said right on it NSFW, I think that’s why I looked at it thinking, here too? And at the bottom it said 18+. And this was also an office job.

People don’t believe in sexual harassment? There are multitudes of all kinds of people advertising online for workers that they CAN harass!

And have sex with. For ten bucks an hour.

I guess these type of situations ‘don’t count’ as straight up prostitution or any type of gender discrimination because they are “small business”?

Big biz is usually a grind and enough of harassers there too, but they’re more subtle about it, these places won’t tolerate it, (because lawsuits), and at least there won’t be someone chasing you around a desk. Not to that level.

Or flat out advertising for a cheap hooker. Oh and they most definitely do want all sorts of other work done too. I saw one, “personal assistant”, it amounted to maid, cook, errand runner, AND admin assistant AND certain ages and looks wanted (must send pix) AND sex things alluded to AND the guy wasn’t paying shit, either.

Tara says we should email the guy and ask him if he’s smoking the wickie (pcp) and watching reruns of Bewitched.

Ha yeah lol.

And for those who don’t believe this goes on, or the volume of it, go look at the want ads.

(I don’t remember seeing such ads, on any site, in the manufacturing, construction, or skilled trade sections though.)

7 years ago

I just…wow. I had not seen that, but my searches wouldn’t have included any office admin positions and 80% of my field is men so positions I would be looking for wouldn’t include this kind of stuff.

It’s so disheartening. I feel like it will never get better.

7 years ago

Did we seriously just get “Not All Parents”?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

@Tashilicious, no you didn’t. Don’t even go there.

@kupo, I didn’t get that from mrex’s comments, but fair enough if that’s how it came across.
I was abused as a kid too (physically, not sexually, for what it’s worth). My childhood alternated between severe poverty and fear, basically. I’ve thought a lot about the terrifying power that adults, especially parents, have over kids. I didn’t post lightly. I am very sorry, though, if it seemed dismissive <3

7 years ago

@Mish & Shadowplay

I could have chosen a better turn of phrase, and will do so in the future.

But you did just give us “Not all parents”.

Some of us have never thought that having a child gave us absolute power over them.

/Not All Parents

Some of us try very fucking hard, day in and day out, to look after our kids (don’t be a neglectful parent) without encroaching on their boundaries (don’t be an overbearing parent).

/Not All Parents

You could maybe engage without calling people toxic and disgusting, and telling them to fuck off?

/Tone Policing

Look, I know mrex can look after herself, but shit, I don’t even know how old her daughter is – do you?

I do. She’s a teenager, as mrex stated on this page. I also know that mrex, here in this thread, has admitted that she told her daughter that at any point she could look through her phone, and does that regularly enough her daughter fears it.

Our Lovely Mrex:

Should I go and snoop around? Probably, …. My kid just may be the fastest text and history deleter east of the planet Uranus.

IE, the kid knows Mrex snoops and often without cause (In this case, it was giggling and being happy), and takes appropriate measures to try and protect her privacy.

and when I asked for her phone she absolutely flipped her shit, and then curled up in bed sobbing,

Mrex’s daughter freaking out at her mother invading her privacy and discovering information she wasn’t prepared to share.

My young teen daughter came out as gay to her friends.

Mrex outing her daughter to herself.

There is absolutely no part of this invasion and denial of privacy that is not abusive or any reasonable person wouldn’t construe as abusive. I know what emotional and psychological abuse looks like, and this is one of the forms it manifests as.

7 years ago

And this is not counting the oodles and oodles of time mrex has shown to hold pretty odious beliefs about people. I really don’t want to rehash them all here, others will remember them with more clarity and detail as it all kind of merges into the same old “Mrex is a person with terrible views and outlooks who constantly defends them and throws other commenters here under the bus”.

I will start. I know of at least six people who are made uncomfortable by mrex’s mere presence in a comment space, and several who refuse to get involved in this commentariat because of her in specific, and people like her in general. Sanda already showed you exactly where you went “Not All Parents” so I’m not gonna double down on it. But I will call out her bullshit, and the bullshit of people stepping up to the plate to (for some ungodly reason) defend it.

This isn’t just a case of this one comment, this is a case of a history of comments from her. Of which this is just the newest layer of terrible.

7 years ago

@ Weirwoodtreehugger,

I am going to look into this author and read these books, I do need some new reading ideas, thanks 🙂

People I know tell me of haunted places, there are stories online, I do hope the benevolent spirits will be with us all 🙂

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