doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Logan Paul can fuck right off. Somebody very close to my heart committed suicide by hanging, and the thought that some little fucking prick would record that and upload it to generate revenue while he laughs about it makes my blood boil.

He knew just what the fuck he was doing, that little shit. He’s sorry for the backlash. Fuck him.

And in addition, those fucking The Storm assholes are causing another Satanic Panic, while they accuse anyone who disagrees with their theories of pedophilia rings hiding in plain sight, using goddamned food-related code words! Chrissy Teigen had to lock down her Twitter account after Liz Crokin fucking accused her and John Legend of being the reason why the ANA flight was turned around while she was fucking live tweeting about it. Fugitives escaping such secret indictments that nobody (but theThe Storm asshats) know about. Because she posted a photo of her kid wearing a goddamned hor dog costume for Halloween! And were on a flight that was turned around, that SHE WAS TELLING THE WORLD ABOUT AS IT WAS FUCKING HAPPENING!

These goddamned “follow the white rabbit” creeps are the goddamned worst, and any suggestion that they might be a tad bit off base gets that person accused of not caring about child trafficking/participating in the pedo ring that exists only in their fevered imaginations.

I despise these assholes. Because that is what they are, fucking ASSHOLES.

But hey, Orrin Hatch is retiring. After he helped decimate the country with that bullshit “tax reform” bill. Jesus wept, I’m tired, and it’s only January 2nd.

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago

RE: YouTube Anusface

I saw that dude’s name all over Twitter last night, but had no idea who he was or why people were so pissed at him. Having read the story… yeah, this guy deserves all the condemnations he’s been receiving.

The tension between the money-making d-bags of the world–be they on YouTube, in Hollywood or in government–and common decency of the audience is approaching a breaking point, if this guy is any indication. I think a lot of it stems from Trump fatigue; it’s bad enough that we have to deal with a President that pulls this crap, but seeing two-bit e-celebs playing the reality show villain game for attention isn’t working anymore. I can only hope this trend continues; I’ve had to unsub a lot channels whose content I found genuinely enjoyable until they took a right turn down Edgelord Lane.

The context is bad enough, but it’s the pathetic ass-covering that comes after it that really takes the cake. I remember when JonTron decided to share a live stream with Carl Benjamin (where he hilariously referred to those interested in social justice as “commulists”) and followed that up with a stream with another user named Destiny where he pontificated at length on how Japan is the ideal society because it’s racially homogenous, the blowback was pretty immediate to the point where his next video was saying “yeah, won’t be talking about that stuff anymore”. Dick Coughlin nailed his ass to the wall over that spineless move, noting that clearly JonTron didn’t feel any urgency regarding his political opinions if he’s willing to just jettison them because it might hurt his bottom line. I hope Dick takes a piece out of this Logan guy the same way.

7 years ago

The first chapter of The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service featured a suicide in that same forest, and it handled the subject more sensitively than that bro. And that’s a manga which includes a foul-mouthed hand puppet!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I think a lot of it stems from Trump fatigue; it’s bad enough that we have to deal with a President that pulls this crap, but seeing two-bit e-celebs playing the reality show villain game for attention isn’t working anymore.

That and people on the sidelines can’t dismiss “edgy” bigotry and harassment as just kids joking around, boys being boys when the president is doing the very same thing and destroying our relationships with the rest of the world in the process. You just can’t pretend it’s harmless anymore.

7 years ago

There’s an anti-feminist dating app now:

I saw this on Dispatches from the Culture Wars; the comments are pretty funny (TW for ableism, though.)

7 years ago

Thanks, but I promise you don’t have to worry about me slipping to the dark side that easily.

I hadn’t gotten very deep into the story at the time I posted that, now that I’m farther along I’m not overly impressed with events after the arrival at Hogwarts. Not enough experimenting on magic and too much of Harry being a smarmy little twerp, and Draco barely gets any explanation or background on what science even is. Hermione seems like she could contribute a lot more than she has been so far.

7 years ago


There’s an anti-feminist dating app now

I wonder what proportion of the women on that site will be fake profiles?

I still don’t “get” anti-feminist conservative women. It’s not for me to mansplain feminism, of course, but if there are aspects of modern feminism which they find problematic, why don’t they try to reclaim the term, rather than ceding it to the left?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Either it will be mostly fake profiles like Ashley Madison, or it will be mostly men with a small percentage of actual Lauren Southern types who will be inundated with so much sexual harassment from desperate Nazis and MRAs that they’ll burn out and delete their accounts within hours.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


There’s an anti-feminist dating app now.

Ooh! Because I am of course searching for an antifeminist guy to date — they’re awfully hard to find, and so charming — I clicked through.

Three thoughts occurred to me:

1. Why does Patrio allow the user the choice of picking “classical liberal” as their political leaning?

If you choose that political leaning, does it throw you off the website? Shut down your computer? Eject you from your chair?

Just wondering.

2. The guy with the six-pack doesn’t seem to be quite connected to his own face. I hate to suggest a bad Photoshop job, but . . .

3. The long-haired young woman sitting in a field who seems to wear nothing but a flag? That kind of pose, assumed by a woman who appears to be a free spirit, could have been taken at Woodstock, with the flag being worn in an ironic way.

The right wing has co-opted our irony and wears the flag aggressively. In my late mother’s neighborhood, one guy put an enormous flag on the side of his house. Another guy had the flag flying morning, noon, and night with spotlights on it at night.

Their message seems to be the popular right-wing expression of the 1960s and 1970s: “Love it or leave it.”

As for me, I believe that a person who truly loves her country criticizes it when criticism is warranted. To do otherwise would be neglect.

ETA: The fact that Naomi, the cofounder, won’t give her last name speaks volumes.

7 years ago

Isn’t wearing the flag as a tube top rather disrespectful?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Considering that ‘classical liberal’ is brospeak for ‘just world fetishist’, choosing it more likely does one of those screen fulla confetti, congrats on your ‘rationality’ dealies
7 years ago

( for those interested)

I don’t wanna be that guy, but how many of these are based on traces?

@GenJones, @Scildfreja

I once saw a computer scientist write a 500-word essay that boiled down to “fuck Eliezer Yudkowski.” His complaints included the fact that if you try to do a search on artificial intelligence research papers, even using specialized engines instead of Google, half the results are Yudkowski’s fanfic and blog posts. He didn’t even go into the “average professor” thing or Roko’s Basilisk.

7 years ago


He’s spent his recent life swanning around the world, making fun of people. Now it looks like he’s going to lose that money and have to go work a normal person job and it’s terrifying him.

On form today 🙂 That’s perfect.


Some YouTube celebrity (the inner old cranky person in me recoils at that term)

Glad I’m not the only one who finds YouTube celebrity to be a null statement.

In some news of people who are better than I can ever aspire to be: Fort Smith Mosque Pays the Debts of Man Who Vandalized Their Building

7 years ago

Glad I’m not the only one who finds YouTube celebrity to be a null statement.

I will not stand for youtube celebrity Maru being disrespected in this way!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

I wish all youtube celebrities were as cute and loving as Maru.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

I don’t know if you’ve looked at Neoreaction: A Basilisk by Philip Sandifer. While that was being written, he also wrote an article in which he specified that while some of Yudkowsky’s rationalism-fetish helped seed parts of the modern alt-right, Yudkowsky himself was rather actively hostile to the group. They might disagree on things, but there were certain brushes he was unwilling to tar Yudkowsky with.

I consider Yudkowsky to be a prime example of why we should teach engineering types more philosophy so they stop reinventing it badly. And I say this as an ‘engineering type’.

As a warning, Sandifer is… rather idiosyncratic himself. Interesting, long-winded, with active tendencies towards the mystical. His Guided by the Beauty of their Weapons is probably still one of the best descriptions of the whole Sad/Rabid Puppies mess and one of the more detailed takedowns of Vox Day out there.

But for all that Beale casts himself as the self-appointed end of history and the prophetic voice in the wilderness that will cast out the unbelievers, his holy mission is not about saving civilization from the forces of barbarism. It’s actually about ethics in science fiction awards. This is, to my mind, the amazing thing about Theodore Beale. It is not just that he is a frothing fascist, but that he believes that the best possible thing he can do with his magical genetic access to Divine Truth is to try to disrupt the Hugo Awards.

(And to Alan: Yes, this is the same Philip Sandifer of the Last War in Albion posts about Alan Moore I pointed you to a while back.)

As for me… holidays were mostly fun, aside from getting sick the morning after Christmas dinner with family. Flight back home was a disaster: security decision to hand-search all carry-on pushed me onto a later flight, snowstorm diverted me to a different airport for refueling, and lack of available gates stranded me at the airport. I ended up being actually home some seven hours later than I should have been. Gah.

7 years ago


Hermione seems like she could contribute a lot more than she has been so far.

Spoiler: She doesn’t. Her activities are treated as a side distraction to Harry’s more important activity of…er, I’m not sure, actually; it changes throughout the story, but it’s always The Most Important Thing Ever.

My own experience of the work was that I was initially drawn in by its intriguing premise (“Watch Harry Potter scientifically investigate how magic works!”), slogged through it as the surrounding plot became ever more convoluted and strayed further and further from its original premise, and fic!Harry and fic!Quirrel became more and more mouthpieces for the author, stopped at Chapter 100 when Eliezer hadn’t finished writing it yet, waited about a year, read this scathing but accurate review of it and promptly lost all interest.

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Banned, why do you think Katamount’s art is traced from someone else’s work?

Or is it just me, not understanding what art terminology is?

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

Assholes. IMHO if their fuckery delays you that much they should have to pay you at least minimum wage for your time that they wasted. In your case (seven hours!) that would be nearly one full work-day worth of wages. And if they made you late for anything consequential (job interview, job, doctor appointment, etc.) they should have to pay for that, too.

7 years ago


Had a poke around your deviantart stuff. Your line work is great, and it’s lovely to see someone who pays attention to anatomy!
Your colour work is nothing to be nervous about either. Picking Bors as an example, you shade nicely in the right places, their face is brilliantly done. The uniform – purely in my opinion only!!! – might benefit from the same level of shading as you applied to the face work, but it works well as more solid colours too. (Disclaimer, I only mess about with watercolours and charcoal, so my definition of shading and colours is biased by my medium of preference 😛 )

7 years ago


As for me, I believe that a person who truly loves her country criticizes it when criticism is warranted. To do otherwise would be neglect.

A person who truly loves their country wants it to be the best it can be. When it falls short, they speak up.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I love Maru. He reminds me of my childhood kitty.

7 years ago


I will not stand for youtube celebrity Maru being disrespected in this way!

I am not permitted to watch Maru. The cat who owns me objects – vigorously and pointedly.

7 years ago


These dating apps…I’m so happy I dated, and got married, long before they were a thing. Of course, there have been dating services for years, but to me, there’s something so inhuman about Tinder, etc.

The only way I can explain it is, it’s uncomfortably like shopping online for products…you enter your criteria, and a slew of possibilities is called up. Then you scroll down through them, put the stuff you want in your virtual shopping basket…you get the idea.

Of course, singles bars were referred to as “meat markets” back in the day, too.

And, I do realize if I were 20 or 25 years younger than I am, I’d probably be using Tinder, and thinking nothing of it.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

No doubt most of you have already seen this, but… here we are. Trump compares the size of his nuclear button to North Korea’s.

Sorry if the link messes up – on phone, on bus with dodgy connection ?

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