
Doug Jones Victory Dog Dance Party! Open Thread for laughing at Roy Moore

What a huge fucking relief. Thank you, black voters of Alabama, for sending Roy Moore packing.

Screw you, Roy Moore, but not that poor horse you rode in on.


Here are some more Tweets and an open thread. CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON.

One more dancing dog because why not?

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7 years ago


Rumour has it down for the 22nd. Day after DC empties out for the holiday. Nothing definitive – even the Hill is poking this rumour with a very long stick.

Axe – don’t be too confident. Sure, Trump can’t fire Mueller directly. He can, however, fire Rosenstein and replace him with someone who will fire Mueller immediately.
Deputies do not need Senate confirmation. Nor do acting positions, so no delay in replacing. And, while notice is customary, any head of an executive branch agency can be dismissed by the president at any time, for any reason or none. Just because it’s rarely been done, doesn’t mean it won’t be done.

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago


Many thanks.


Dumbest take on Mueller comes from Kurt Schlichter:

Anyone else get the impression that liberals desperately want @realDonaldTrump to fire Mueller because they sense that Mueller’s going to come out of this nothing???‍♂️

No, Dan. Just you.

7 years ago

@PeeVee – that is pretty dumb.

Did anyone else miss this?

Twitter is days away from finally banning the Nazis. Yes, really.

Supposedly starting on Monday.

Believe it when I see it, mind.

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Yeah, I’m not buying it until I see Twitter do something about the assholes like Cernovich, who practices a form of stochastic terrorism by sending his fucking minions to harrass people and spreads rumors of pedophilia all over the place…and Jack *follows* him, so.

7 years ago

Unless I see some screencaps of Twitter banning Nazis en masse their word means nothing.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I feel like Twitter makes some sort of quarterly promise to ban Nazis/harassers/other miscreants and it never happens.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Fear not. I’ve confidence in a great many things. The decency and integrity of fascists ain’t among em

“En masse” really is the critical point here. Table scraps and sacrificial lambs (sorry, lambs, just a turn of phrase, not saying you’re nazis), is how all previous such moves have gone down

The fact that @jack doesn’t even feel shame enough to hide that he’s a nazi is… I don’t know if it’s worse if he’s just a proud fascist or if he legit believes ‘it’s about ethics’, as it were…

7 years ago

Regarding Trumpites complaining that Mueller obtained the e-mails “illegally”: A good lay down of the actual law in this case (to this non lawyer, anyway).

@Axe – just checking. Unwarranted optimism can break out in anyone. 😛

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Unwarranted optimism can break out in anyone. 

I know you’re joking, but the gloom and doom prophesy constantly being trumpeted is getting bleak…

And Renato Mariotti is one of my favorite follows. He is pretty spot-on in his analysis.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

Don’t forget Schneiderman is working the RICO angle at a state level, and sharing info with Mueller’s team. He can’t be fired by POTUS. Nor can POTUS pardon himself and others for state crimes. Small comfort if Mueller is fired or (more likely) GOP Congresstoadies shut down the investigation, but at least there’s still some chance of prosecuting Trump. Plus, whatever indictments Mueller has already issued (including the four sealed ones) are still valid and can be pursued.

That Mario Batali apology was unbelievable. I love how the whole email is him reminding people he’s Very Talented, in hopes that they’ll forget what he did, because Art.

“This apology is so tone deaf, it’s…WOW, that’s tasty!”

7 years ago

Re. the Twitter Nazi ban. I give said Nazis… hmmm, let’s see, three to five days, before they’re back again under slightly different names.

Sheila Crosby
7 years ago

I don’t know what Mueller has planned if Trump fires him, but I’m sure he saw this coming before we did and has a counter move (or 6!) ready.

Some possibilities:
State level prosecutions (no pardon power)
Those 4 sealed indictments
Shut down the investigation and Ivanka, Eric and Don Jr get state-level indictments as well as Trump.
Interesting information “leaked” to all news media and the web. (Wild speculation alert: if the pee-pee tape exists and Mueller somehow got his hands on it, he might prefer to try to avoid it for the dignity of the office and the long-term benefit to the USA and will only use it if it’s the only way to get a Russian agent out of the oval office.)

Trump’s supporters like to pretend that he plays 4-D chess. I have a strong suspicion that Mueller is a grand master. Or at least I really, really hope so.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago


Trump’s supporters like to pretend that he plays 4-D chess

Unfortunately, he plays Calvinball, and that’s even harder to beat. The only way to win at that game is not to play.

If Democrats ever manage to regain power again, they’re going to have their hands full restoring voting rights, eliminating gerrymandering, getting dark money out of politics, addressing Russian interference, closing emoluments loopholes, and fixing the massive damage Trump has done in a short time. For the past 45 years, Democrats have had to expend their temporary political capital cleaning up GOP messes (and they’re always so handwringingly bipartisan about it), which makes it hard to enact a truly progressive agenda and show the American public what Democrats stand for. It’s frustrating.

I had a stress dream last night where Mike Pence left his office unlocked and I slipped inside and was frantically trying to rifle through his browser history and desk drawers looking for evidence of Russian collusion. All I found was a cheerleader outfit and a duffle bag full of dental hygiene pamphlets. Then he walked in on me, and mercifully the dream ended there.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

All I found was a cheerleader outfit and a duffle bag full of dental hygiene pamphlets.

He’s a cheerleader for Team Trump. And his teeth are very white and even.

You saw no files with instructions on how to play the strong, silent type? No John Wayne films? I’m surprised.

7 years ago

Sharing for lovers of language and sarcasm:

During the whole Moore thing, I bookmarked since local news can pick up things nationals don’t bother with, with mixed results. One unintended result though – there’s a gem hidden in that site.
A satirist, who is absolutely brilliant at his best, and still amusing at his worst.

7 years ago

Anti-online sex trafficking bill gets crushed under Big Tech’s lobbying

Can we make it so lobbying gets the death penalty please?

Sheila Crosby
7 years ago

@Buttercup Oh I agree that it’ll take practically forever to clean up the mess, probably with lots of set-backs. But I’m still hopeful that Mueller will at least get Trump out which would be a very useful first step. It will at least reduce the chance of nuclear war, especially if Pence goes too. Trump has way more power, but Mueller has way more brains.

7 years ago

What do we know about Doug Jones so far? Well, for one thing, he at best needs to learn to choose his words more carefully. Interviewed on CNN today, when asked about claims of Trump’s sexual harrassment, he twice brushed that aside and said that there’s a need to concentrate on “real issues”. Is the mistreatment of women by powerful men not a “real issue”?

He’s also being conciliatory towards Trump, and making bipartisan noises:

But on Sunday, Jones downplayed Trump’s earlier criticism as statements made “in the heat of a campaign,” and described the president’s congratulatory call after the election as “very gracious.”

“I’m going to be looking at issues on both sides,” he said.

Making his first Sunday talk show appearances since his win, Jones said he looked forward to meeting with Trump and believed his own mandate was to avoid rigid partisan positions in favor of compromise and “getting things done,” even if meant coming across as “pure pie-in-the-sky” and sometimes disappointing some of his core constituents.

Yeah, compromise with the Republicans. That’ll help! /s

He’s unequivocally better than Roy Moore (a dead badger would be better than Roy Moore), and it’s certainly too soon to write him off, so I hope my pessimism turns out to be unjustified.

Manecki Neckbeard
Manecki Neckbeard
7 years ago

Sheila— Bang-on with that 4-D chessplaying analogy…although I must admit that I’m perpetually baffled by just how seriously Trump’s followers genuinely seem to believe that yes, he IS in fact playing at some sort of Mega-Grandmaster Level Beyond Human Discernment, and thus will (despite looking like a total fumbling doofus to Mere Hooman onlookers) inevitably come out three steps ahead in the end. And they persist in believing this, despite all past evidence pointing to the reality: that he in fact has NO overarching “game plan,” other than to come out with his bank accounts stuffed to capacity, regardless who he has to screw over in order to achieve his goal.

I mean, it’s not like the guy has any history, at all, ever, of enriching his partners, (either business or romantic) of following through on any promises, or even of upholding any legal/contractual obligations he’s entered into. These aren’t even things he’s tried to hide— he’s bragged about how he’s built his wealth by engaging in what might be charitably referred to as “sketchily ethical/legal” business practices. (And what his less-charitable former colleagues have clearly considered so far from SKETCHILY ethical/legal that he’s been sued more times than I can count without looking it up.)

Yet, despite all this easily accessible history just a few keystrokes away, his devout followers persist with their absolute faith that he is indeed a brilliant master of strategy. Just, they believe that he’s (Brilliantly! And strategically!) chosen to hide his genius beneath a mask of shambling, vicious, paranoid, bizarre stupidity as the keystone of some ultimate plan to throw his naive, weak enemies into…well, something something total defeat. But, whatever that plan is, it’s BRILLIANT!!11!
Because he’s a genius and it’s his Brilliant Plan, wash, rinse, repeat.

It’s so brilliant, you see, that we mere 3-D chess players can’t begin to see where this plan of utter genius even begins to lead.

As best I can tell, it’s perfect circular reasoning: Trump MUST be a genius with a Brilliant Master Plan, because they support him. And they only support “winners.” Therefore, literally any off-kilter, foolish or downright bizarre things he does/says must be a part of that Brilliant Plan, as opposed to simply being evidence of him being incompetent at his job. Which means that any time one of his “enemies” is critical of him, they’re just playing into his hands…thus showing him to be even more of a master of strategy. There’s no possible way he can lose in their eyes. Ever.
(This is based on the constant declarations of multiple Trump followers in my personal circle of family & colleagues. It gets kinda maddening, but it’s weirdly consistent. YMMV, of course.)

Manecki Neckbeard
Manecki Neckbeard
7 years ago

I’m trying to be really conscious of the comment policy here. That’s actually one of the main reasons I’ve felt so bloody comfortable reading here for so long, FWIW; casual ableism really, really gets to me. A lot.

So I thought for a long time before I went with “off-kilter,” but now I’m having second thoughts. (The comment policy did say that “paranoid” was ok, as long as it’s not a diagnosis, so I went with that…)
But if it did rub anyone the wrong way, please let me know!

I just couldn’t think of another word for “doing things that seem almost, but maybe not quite, deliberately gauged to upset and offend people’s sensibilities. Or just offend people, period.”

7 years ago


On the subject of Alabama and Jones’ credentials, I am – yet again – reminded of a Douglas Adams quote:

It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see…”
“You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?”
“No,” said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, “nothing so simple. Nothing anything like so straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people.”
“Odd,” said Arthur, “I thought you said it was a democracy.”
“I did,” said Ford. “It is.”
“So,” said Arthur, hoping he wasn’t sounding ridiculously obtuse, “why don’t people get rid of the lizards?”
“It honestly doesn’t occur to them,” said Ford. “They’ve all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they’ve voted in more or less approximates to the government they want.”
“You mean they actually vote for the lizards?”
“Oh yes,” said Ford with a shrug, “of course.”
“But,” said Arthur, going for the big one again, “why?”
“Because if they didn’t vote for a lizard,” said Ford, “the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?”

I’m not saying that all lizards are comparable. Orange lizards are clearly the worst (on ballots at least, I’m sure some in their natural habitat are delightful). But maybe a system where only lizards are available needs some tweaking.

7 years ago

Is it too soon for a discussion about The Last Jedi? Happy to wait until the new year if people want to avoid spoilers.

7 years ago

No spoilers

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

“Cruel” and “vicious” spring to mind. Also “malicious”.

(An alarming fact is that Trump tells a much higher percentage of malicious lies than most people do, with most people telling self-serving and altruistic lies and very few malicious ones, where altruistic lies are defined as helping someone else more than oneself, self-serving lies as helping oneself most, and malicious lies as hurting someone else without helping oneself.

Perhaps tied in with his narcissism.)

7 years ago


Is that a vote for careful discussion, or to leave it alone for now?

ETA Happy with either. I don’t want to detract from anyone’s experience.

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