
Doug Jones Victory Dog Dance Party! Open Thread for laughing at Roy Moore

What a huge fucking relief. Thank you, black voters of Alabama, for sending Roy Moore packing.

Screw you, Roy Moore, but not that poor horse you rode in on.


Here are some more Tweets and an open thread. CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON.

One more dancing dog because why not?

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7 years ago

@ The Adjunct,

Before I say anything else, I did mean to say that I understand about harassment in the workplace, I did want to put a comment on that other thread to you, about that.

I get it. We all here get it. We are (or were) in the “applied sciences”, engineering, which wasn’t all that bad, esp. “big biz” – which does suck in many ways, but – cheap them won’t have harassment suits. So most of such places were intolerant of that shit, anyway (some did still happen.)

We all here commiserate, anyway, and what we’re trying to do is – work on our own business and investment ideas. + plenty of slacking and elbow bending too πŸ™‚

@ Manecki Neckbeard,

I hear what you’re saying, let me tell you how I wound up here. From my friend Tara here, heard about this IRL. We were talking about our “crap luck with men” (personal or “romantic” relationships), and she was telling me about this guy who was stalking her, and made a comment that he used to listen to (“shock jock”) T. Leykis on talk radio.

That’s what started me reading more on this all. And how I eventually wound up here. I know plenty of people who read this site too and yes, David IS making a difference! And those who comment here too.

Reading here was like a “digest” to me, or ticking off boxes of every single bad behavior I have encountered.

I’m not an overly shy person, nor is Miss T here (who is breathing down my neck, I mean reading over my shoulder :D), the thing with me is that I’m often at a loss for words on these things.

Which is part of their process, on any subject, or like the old saying – “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull shit.”

Well, we hear you here too! I decided to start posting here, because why not? And also, something I say might be of help to others.

7 years ago


I was absolutely not suggesting that we just sit around and do nothing because we’ll inevitably win in the end. I was simply asking if the Trump administration is doing anything truly irreversible, which it will never be possible to undo no matter how much time passes. (And desperately hoping that such was not the case).

Barney Miller
Barney Miller
7 years ago

He put another conservative on the Supreme Court, thats irreversable harm.

His and the GOP’s policies will also help drive that last nail in the coffin for global warming. Absolutely nothing can be done about that.

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago


I cannot speak for anyone else, but I am getting pretty tired of repeatedly fighting to retain things just because some demagogue was elected into the WH. It’s become nothing but one big fight to keep rights that were formerly bestowed upon us.

He’s fucking undoing 50+ years of progress; many of those I have personally been involved in. I’ve been involved in and protesting social and environmental issues for 45 years, and I’m fucking tired. But more importantly: WE SHOULDN’T HAVE TO.

And now we have THIS.


Yeah, I’m fucking tired.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

I hate to say it, but I think we might be getting close to “fourth box” time here. If the 2018 midterms don’t fix anything …

7 years ago

Re: CDC.
I’m at a complete loss for words. Just… why? Why are they so determined to destroy this country?

7 years ago

In case anyone needed this.

(BTW despite the title, the dog isn’t actually Gabe the Dog. The poster just put it there for more views. Not that it was even needed.)

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
7 years ago


Because these human turds fail to understand that he who dies with the most toys, still dies. And can’t take any of them with him.

Alternately, complete lack of understanding of or empathy for anything not them or benefiting them.

Probably both, actually.

I’m so tired.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

Banning words ‘science-based’ AT THE FUCKING CDC?!How much of his supporters will continue their support after learning that he’s literally banning words. Like a fascist.

We’re losing net neutrality, and words are getting banned.. At what point will Trump ban gravity? Or just outlaw scientific studies? At what point will everyone realize that Trump needs to be removed. *Pence included with the removal package.

7 years ago

@PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic

The Trump administration is prohibiting officials at the nation’s top public health agency from using a list of seven words or phrases β€” including “fetus” and “transgender” β€” in any official documents being prepared for next year’s budget.

Policy analysts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta were told of the list of forbidden words at a meeting Thursday with senior CDC officials who oversee the budget, according to an analyst who took part in the 90-minute briefing. The forbidden words are “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based” and “science-based.”

Just the good and moral actions from God loving xians /sssssssss

Are they that in love with a romanticized past where the non white rich mens are non existent? Wait that’s a stupid question of course they are.

7 years ago

“Evidence-based” is used extremely commonly in health-related studies, articles and nursing school assignment criteria. And there’s nothing actually offensive about it, it just clearly means based on evidence. As if it wasn’t obvious enough that they want to deny/twist reality itself.

I’ve got a few choice words for them, all of which I think still abide by the comments policy:


7 years ago

Coming soon: CDC officials to be banned from consulting thesauri.

7 years ago

The next Executive Order will ban Thesaurus books.

7 years ago

As to irreversible, destroying public land, wildlife refuges, grinding a mountain into dust with nothing but a toxic pit left behind is irreversible.

It’s a slow burn coup. We may end up needing international watchdog groups in our next few election cycles. This should have have been a top story in giant letters in multiple publications (TRUMP BANS WORDS – with the subheading for at least one questioning the legality / constitutionality). Instead it’s a blip. How is this a blip?! I mean, I know how, but still.

And his hardcore supporters (an unfathomable 30ish % IIRC) don’t support him based on whether what he does is acceptable, but accept whatever he does based on their preapproval / support of him (and because they’ve embraced hyperpartisanship, spite-based politics, and / or supremacist extremism). But Obana was somehow the worst, most dictatorial president who ever was and “destroyed” this country, which somehow justifies…more of that?

I don’t know how to heal this. Not enough people are doing things, looks like there’s little overall strategy or cooperation, etc.

7 years ago

A headline I’d like to see: Trump administration bans politically incorrect language at CDC.

7 years ago

May as well cheer you all up a bit:

Owner of the “Breitbart Embassy” (Bannon rents) requests permission to install a fence for security reasons.

A three foot tall fence. For security reasons.

Application gets rejected. πŸ˜›

7 years ago


How much of his supporters will continue their support after learning that he’s literally banning words.

The people who still support him probably dislike the use of those words anyway and consider it political correctness gone wild to continue to allow their use.

7 years ago

@PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic:

I read that article this morning. Beyond the 1984, Thought Crime, etc. issues, how is it possible for the CDC not to use those words?

In a lighter vein, I found all these videos for cats to watch on YouTube. They’re of squirrels, birds, mice, you get the idea. It’s so cute to watch my cats bat at the screen. Sometimes they look behind the monitor to see if that’s where the critters went.

I kind of feel like I’m pulling the wool over my cat’s eyes when I show them these videos, though. I hope these videos give them some enrichment they can’t get as indoor cats.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago


They hate fetus (and probably other developmental stages), its just baby.
They hate evidence-based / scientific-based studies, its just.. fake news??
Everything about that article is so Orwellian.

Is Trump just trying to undo so much and cause so much damage that when he does go into war with NK, it’ll be leverage? Trump: “Yes all of what I did is terrible but support me or else NK will kill you”

7 years ago


A three foot tall fence. For security reasons.

Security from what? Wiener dogs?

7 years ago


Toddlers maybe? They’re vicious.

Or it’s a measured response to the threat level. πŸ˜›

7 years ago

Shadowplay, I suppose it may just have been a mistake.

comment image

Haise, banning “evidence-based” and “science-based” is preparation for phase two, when all the CDC’s output will be required to be faith-based.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

A three foot tall fence. For security reasons.

If I learned one thing from 8 bit video games it’s that three foot fences are totally impassable.

7 years ago

Ha. I prefer the way everything is unpassable in the Sims, and the associated freakouts. πŸ™‚

Which, along with someone mentioning Seanbaby earlier, gives me an excuse to post the funniest article of all time – bar none.

7 years ago


“Toddlers maybe?”

Nah, there are some determined toddlers that could get over a 3 foot fence. My guess is it’s guinea pigs, since guinea pigs are originally from Peru, and they are taking away all the pet rodent spots from our native squirrels.

Won’t anyone think of the squirrels? BUILD THAT FENCE! BUILD THAT FENCE! BUILD THAT FENCE!

Re:CDC dropping questions about gender identity or sexual orientation in their research

Granted, I hate it when my personal doctors ask about my gender identity or sexual orientation, and I always, ALWAYS tell them to mind their own beeswax when they ask. (Which in the grand scheme, I’m sure is as good of an admission as any, but let them write “I’m not answering that because it’s literally none of your business” in my medical record).

But for the doctors at the CDC? Who are studying health trends across the entire population? What a fucking goulish, terrible idea. And even from a conservative perspective, it doesn’t make any sense. I mean, how can they prove that the health problems that are unique to the LGBT population are God’s wrath for our sins, unless they at least ask about them?

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