
Doug Jones Victory Dog Dance Party! Open Thread for laughing at Roy Moore

What a huge fucking relief. Thank you, black voters of Alabama, for sending Roy Moore packing.

Screw you, Roy Moore, but not that poor horse you rode in on.


Here are some more Tweets and an open thread. CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON.

One more dancing dog because why not?

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7 years ago

From Slate yesterday

These are the reason Roy Moore is refusing to concede (shield your eyes from the blinding light of massive ego on display).

1. “We are indeed in a struggle to preserve our republic, our civilization, and our religion and to set free a suffering humanity. And the battle rages on.”

2. “Because I believe the heart and soul of our country is at stake.”

3. “Today, we no longer recognize the universal truth that God is the author of our life and liberty.”

4. “Abortion, sodomy, and materialism have taken the place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

5. “We have stopped prayer in our schools.”

6. “We have killed over 60 million of our unborn children.”

7. “We have redefined marriage and destroyed the basis of family, which is the building block of our Country.”

8. “We have even begun to recognize the right of a man to claim to be a woman, and vice versa.”

9. “We have allowed Judges and justices to rule over our Constitution, and we have become slaves to their tyranny.”

10. “Immorality sweeps over our land.”

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

Just in time for Christmas!

comment image

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I’m waiting for a thread that doesn’t turn into a who can be most negative pissing contest. Looks like it’s going to be a long wait.

Mmm hmm. On target, as usual, my friend.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

… and Russell Simmons goes full MRA

Maybe he can be their new leader now that Paul Elam is fading into obscurity.

Since IG apparently doesn’t embed here, he’s attempting to start a #NotMe movement fight against “false” allegations against him and the other poor, poor menz.

(A)utonomist Escapist
(A)utonomist Escapist
7 years ago

Urgh, Rev. Run, no real surprise there, unfortunately. But just because he’s an outdated relic of hiphop-that-was doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of solidly progressive acts coming out of Hiphop these days.

7 years ago

(A)utonomist Escapist wrote:

Urgh, Rev. Run, no real surprise there, unfortunately.

Wait, I thought Russell Simons was Run’s brother…am I misremembering? Or did Run also get accused?

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago

No, you’re right, Gaebolga. Russell Simmons ISN’T Rev Run, and yes, they are brothers.

7 years ago

James Fields – the Nazi that killed Heather Heyer – is no longer facing a second degree murder charge.

The charges have been upgraded to first degree murder. 😀

Cheerful Warthog
Cheerful Warthog
7 years ago

…The people telling other people to jump don’t say “how high”, Stefan. That’s the receivers. You’ve mangled that common, quite easily understood reference. I don’t think it’s fair to say that your entire political movement doesn’t understand language or communication, but, well, the evidence keeps piling up.

Halloween Jack
Halloween Jack
7 years ago

Make no mistake, this is 25-30% of the American populace. The same 25-30% that backed Nixon after Watergate.

AKA John Rogers’ crazification factor.

Manecki Neckbeard
Manecki Neckbeard
7 years ago

Hello all Mammotheers!!

(Takes deep breath, shuffles feet, fidgets, makes one last desperate wish that my paragraph breaks appear in my actual comment, and prepares to step into the light…)

I’ve been lurking here on the regular— as in, checking in almost daily sometimes— for years. Like, all the way back to the days when this site was still called “Manboobz.” However, for a whole host of reasons, (and many of them are actually deeply connected to the very raison d’être of this site) I’ve never felt comfortable commenting. Still, I feel like reading here so regularly has given me a sense of like-minded community during times when I’ve felt really alone and powerless, and I can’t thank y’all enough for that.
It’s been bracing beyond belief to be able to just lurk here. As an (hopefully former?) Official Lurker©️* I can tell you this, sans reservation: that David and your commenting community ARE making a difference, even for those of us who don’t take part actively.

But now I’ve reached the “aw fuckit” stage…at least, to a point where I feel like just jumping in here, finally!
The current combination of careening-off-a-cliff politics and this pervasive sense of impending sociocultural critical mass, intersecting with my own relevant personal issues, has left me feeling simultaneously more vulnerable than ever…AND more determined to fight back than I’ve ever felt.
(How to fight back most effectively, of course, is the question. But at least I’m ready?)

The things I read on David’s site feel like they matter now, more than ever. I know damned well that they matter to ME now more than ever. And, since I’m far from alone, that means they do matter, period…despite any messages I may get telling me that my issues, myself as an individual, and the issues of those like me don’t matter. (And there’s always the overriding message that everyone gets: that they certainly don’t matter when held up against the potential inconveniences of superwealthy white Christian men.)

Anyhow, I’ve already gone on way to long for what was supposed to be a brief introductory comment. Yeah. So I’ll just end by saying that you’re all awesome and so incredibly inspiring. And that I really do hope to comment more.


* “Official:Lurker©️ is NOT my creepy Sovereign:Citizen©️ name, just to be clear, hehe! Although I did consider changing my ‘nym to that after I wrote that, because funny!

Manecki Neckbeard
Manecki Neckbeard
7 years ago

Oh noes!

First comment, and I already borked the edit window function!

So, do you have to finish editing it within the time limit, or is it just about opening the edit window within the time limit? i.e. Did I take too long editing it, or did I just somehow muck up the process of re/publishing it? Because it sure as heck didn’t show up on this side in its edited form.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

So, anyone else annoyed about that whole Piegate thing?

I hate to defend Sarah Huckabee Sanders on anything, but it’s hard to imagine that Sean Spicer would’ve have had his pie making skills come under scrutiny.

I hate it when people attack right wing women in misogynistic ways. Not only is it really not helping the progressive cause in any way, but having to stand up for people I dislike makes me cranky!

7 years ago


Yeah. It pissed me off. I detest reporters being the story instead of covering the story – and this is a none story anyway. Since when has a reporter being trollish on twitter been news?

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago

It’s dumb, but no dumber than anything else on Twitter these days.

My opinion: she made the filling baked the pies, but she used frozen crusts. Add that opinion to the plethora of useless opinions that pass for “news” these days in the Age Of Misinformation.

The stupider thing is that using an official WH account to tweet this bs out is now considered the norm, since her boss blazed that trail.

Everything is stupid.

7 years ago

Ooo….. can we be Debbie Downers too?

I read something earlier that absolutely infuriated me! I don’t want to link it because it’s a Craigslist post. And the guy has pictures of naked women attached. (For those who might want to look it up, it’s on the Chicago RNR section and is titled something like ‘no more grabbin ass’.)

I will try to paraphrase here. It’s basically the same shit you see any other apologist say….

Bitches and Feminazis are denying us our harmless fun!
Winks and pinches were the norm!
You are just looking for attention! 15 minutes of fame!
Menz careers ruined!

And let’s not forget the flip side of the above…

You women wear short skirts and “toss your hair around” to get attention from men! You know you want it!

You’ll be sorry! You’ll be alone! You’ll have to turn gay!

Something something no more opening doors, car doors, car breaks down on side of road? We won’t stop and help! (I was rather confused by this because how’s the woman even going to get into the car without a man to open the door for her? And for the apparently macho man here who knows all about cars, how odd he hasn’t heard of ‘roadside assistance’. I surely hope he has auto insurance.)

And then he wraps it up with more whining about denying him his fun.

It’s the same old shit they all say, it really made me mad anyway. I showed it to my friend here, is over for drinks, we’re in agreement. And, as she said: As if I needed an excuse to hit the bottle early…..

These people. Is there any getting through to them? I almost want to rip into this guy, but why bother? Not that I “give up” on all this, mind, it’s just that these people don’t want to listen, and this might be RW spam, hits all the usual talking points.

I do have some other thoughts, will try to gather them together.

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
7 years ago

Re the FCC stuff, I have never been so angry or depressed since well, the Orange Turd was elected. I hate phones with a holy passion, but I did sit through a whole bunch of automation to get to an actual human being at my AG’s (Xavier Becerra) office.

I expressed that I wanted him to follow NY and Washington in filing suit against the FCC, that I was sick until death of my First Amendment Rights being spat upon, and of my country being divvied up and sold to the highest bidder by this fetid administration in DC. For the record, Becerra’s come down hard against this ruling, so one can hope he follows it with action.

I know Feinstein and Harris are against this, but my damn Representative is a Trumpie and will turn a deaf ear. She already has to my husband. I fully intend on going ‘game on’ January 1 and making she sure as hell doesn’t finish the year a Representative.

…I feel like my soul has been beaten by a plank. ;_;

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

Winks and pinches were the norm!

It’s so frustrating when sexist dudebros teeter on the edge of an epiphany and then regain their misogynist footing.

Yes. Winks and pinches were the norm. That’s the fucking problem!

The Adjunct
The Adjunct
7 years ago

@Manecki Neckbeard

Welcome ? I’m glad you stepped out of lurkdom! I was like you, a constant, regular lurker since at least 2013, then started commenting roughly a year ago! I hope you stick around ?

7 years ago

RE: Z&T’s Craigslist Mr.

“You’ll have to turn gay!”

Fuck! You see, I read a study that women having sex with other women are much more likely to have orgasms then women having sex with men are. What bullshit! I hate having orgasms! And I hate getting help with dishes! And I hate having conversation!

Better go fly to Chicago so you can pretend to date me while really being busy looking at nudie pics on your phone. That’s so much better! I’m so happy now!

RE: Roy Moore’s “reasons”

“9. “We have allowed Judges and justices to rule over our Constitution, and we have become slaves to their tyranny.”

Guy, no matter how hard you try to rip open time itself with pure irony, you will not be able to go back in time and kill Senator Jones as a child. We will be there to stop you. Believe it.

7 years ago

Tried to find a good “soul beaten by plank” image. Instead found tons of images of how to “plank”.

(A)utonomist Escapist
(A)utonomist Escapist
7 years ago

PeeVee and Gaebolga, you’re absolutely right. I got it mixed up because of all the religiosity on that IG…

The FCC-things are scary for Europeans too, ’cause there’s plenty of scope for the EU to eventually follow suit. They’ve been actively dismantling Labour- and Environmentalprotection for the sake of competitiveness as well.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

@Cheerful Warthog,

I’d skimmed over Stefan’s tweet (way too fast, obv) and hadn’t even noticed that “how high” snafu. In fact, that entire “sentence” is one big tangled mess. It’s quite an achievement to do that in a tweet 😀

@Manecki Neckbeard,

Seconding Adjunct’s welcome! I guess it’s technically not a welcome, as you’ve been here longer than me, but anyhoo…
Is your nym punning on Maneki Neko?
*realises that’s bleedingly obvious, slinks back to corner*

7 years ago

Satirical Christmas depression:

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