
Doug Jones Victory Dog Dance Party! Open Thread for laughing at Roy Moore

What a huge fucking relief. Thank you, black voters of Alabama, for sending Roy Moore packing.

Screw you, Roy Moore, but not that poor horse you rode in on.


Here are some more Tweets and an open thread. CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON.

One more dancing dog because why not?

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Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
7 years ago

I pumped my fist and shouted “YES!” when Mr. Dakry gave me the news last night re the election. After the shit of the past year, it felt good. Really good. It was tasty, tasty schadenfreude.


Agreed. It’s not black women’s responsibility to make everybody else straighten up and fly right, any more than it should be the responsibility of women in general to frigging make men behave like the rational human beings they claim to be. They have enough of their own personal shit to deal with as is.

I just don’t know the right way to unbrainwash a fellow pale-skinned female into realizing that the shit they’re believing is wrong and destroying themselves. They’re not gonna get bigger crumbs from the table by following the establishment line closer, despite what they’re led to believe. My problem would be either shutting down in frustration or start screaming in rage. I usually go with the first because otherwise it’ll be the second. Neither are productive things to do. I’m a lousy lousy debater.


Hooray for post! I really hope you’re feeling better.

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
7 years ago


Read the article, and it makes me sick with anger. Weinstein and Trump both spring from the same fetid ground. They both see women as Things, and when the Things don’t do what they want them to do, they turn into screaming, vindictive toddlers in the bodies of grown men. And Hayek had to endure both of them. I’m astonished she got out as spiritually intact as she did… and I wish she didn’t have to fight like that to keep herself that way. And it’s equally as obvious she didn’t survive the experience spiritually unscarred.

No woman should have to go through that.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

@Bananan Dakry

Agreed. It’s not black women’s responsibility to make everybody else straighten up and fly right, any more than it should be the responsibility of women in general to frigging make men behave like the rational human beings they claim to be. They have enough of their own personal shit to deal with as is.

Although I think there’s merit to discussing the idea of stripping the vote from white people. Just for a century or so, until we’ve shown we can live in civilised society.

7 years ago

@Banananana (did I get enough syllables? 😛 )

They’re not gonna get bigger crumbs from the table by following the establishment line closer, despite what they’re led to believe. My problem would be either shutting down in frustration or start screaming in rage. I usually go with the first because otherwise it’ll be the second.

Safer (and less detrimental overall) for you to shout at some bleached bonehead than a PoC to shout though, isn’t it. Why worry about all their beliefs anyway? Pick one, say “that’s not good (or nice – saying not nice is very effective! Privilege judo 😛 ),” and carry on about your day. It’s one less notice that someone else has to give out.
Think of it like cleaning a room. Sure, you can blitz and try do the whole thing at once and wind up frustrated, upset, and frequently sitting in even more mess, or you can pick up and put/throw away one thing every time you pass. Room gets cleaned just as fast and you get other shit done at the same time. Bonus – no stress.

7 years ago

Hey, great news. You too can write for the Daily Stormer. Just follow their style guide!


*Note – it’s a link to the Huffington Post. Not Anglin’s shitpit.

7 years ago

@Dalilama : that is a stupid and racist remark. Regardless of how justified it seem to be at first, only pain come from judging people on their apparence.

Also, blacks and arabs have proven to me time and again that they can easily be just as hateful, racist, stupid, and/or manipulated than the others. While I do appreciate that black women had more sense on that election than white men, it have nothing to do with their gender and skin color, and everything to do with them being victim of various bigotries and other social markers.

7 years ago


As another white guy, let me be the first to tell you that this isn’t worth it.

I was offended, momentarily, by some of the comments as well. But the thing is, they aren’t talking about me. They aren’t talking about you. They’re talking about the incredibly large amount of terrible people, and the power structure that benefits them, and they support by being terrible. (Someone can phrase that better, I’m sure)

I’ve been taughy so long to identify as white that, yes, I do get annoyed when I see ‘white people are terrible’ because I see it as a personal attack, and I see myself as one of ‘the good ones’. But it’s not a personal attack. so just do like I do, and take a step back to remind yourself of that.

7 years ago

@Josh : it’s not a question of being offensed. It’s making sure we actually progress toward a not-shitty society, and the attitude of Llama is definitively shitty in that regard.

It’s a friendly reminder that it’s *dangerous* to think like that. Thoses terrible people aren’t terrible because of their color of skin. Correlation is not causation, and the argument is used against black in enough situation that it’s nauseating to see it, regardless of the supposed good goal.

Also, I don’t pretend to be a “good one” in a sea of terrible white people. The world just don’t work like that, and most people have shitty and good parts. Deshumanisation is a problem not just for the far right.

Now, the part where it get real ironic is that I think it’s the same kind of logic than the Moore voter had, aka simplyfing a problem way, way too much and get to wrong conclusion. I am pretty sure a lot of his voter, even among the black, would agree that blacks should not vote, because of [insert random atrocity linked somehow to being non-white]. It’s the same logic in the post I responded to, and it’s not in any way or shape more acceptable because the target is objectively privilegied.

Also, look at post-WWI Germany for an example of why overdoing it on blame and humiliation is a bad thing.

7 years ago

I’d have thought this was one place where we didn’t need to have #notallwhites arguments. Ok, let me suggest a compromise: rather than stripping the vote from whitey, give each white person three-fifths of a vote. Just a figure off the top of my (white) head.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ moggie

give each white person three-fifths of a vote.

Black people got zero fifths of a vote. The three fifths compromise was just a way for the Southern States to try to get more Congresscritters.

7 years ago

Looks like someone’s getting needy.

Cerno the Nazi juicebro wants to know if you believe him. Why, I can’t be bothered to find out.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I agree that disenfranchising white people for a century is a terrible plan, and it’s not a “not all white people argument.” It’s not legal, ethical, or likely to accomplish the goal of equality.

The legality of a plan like this is of course, a major hurdle. How would you even implement this in the US?

The 15th amendment

“right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

pretty clearly forbids this. Either a new constitutional convention would have to be called or a new amendment cancelling the 15th would have to pass. I can think of a whole mess of ways either of those actions could backfire and be used for white supremacy instead of against it.

Another issue is that for me anyway, the core of the argument for social justice is that we’re all human, no matter which demographics we fall into. Humans should have human rights because they’re human. Framing human rights as something earned or deserved is a bad road to go down and not something that should be part of any social just movement or space. It’s inherently a regressive position and will only hurt the goal of social justice.

I also just don’t see how it would be at all practical. This line of thinking plays right into the paranoia you see from racists about “creeping Sharia” and the like. Just as our draconian and Islamophobic response to the 9-11 attacks wound up backfiring and becoming a recruitment tool for Islamic extremist groups, any serious push by progressives to disenfranchise whites will only drive more people to the alt-right and white nationalist organizations.

Another big problem is that it would not take long at all for a government made up of only people of color to be just as corrupt as our current one. And since I’m also uncomfortable with the “only women should be in political office” stuff, the same applies there. It’s actually the same reason, I think people who vote third party because the Democratic and Republican party are corrupt. Or when people say we should have a one term limit on all political office. The issue is with the system, not the people in charge of it. I think it would be more effective to sell people on the futility and immorality of scapegoating so that we can work on fixing the actual problems with our economic and governmental system than it would be to just put new people on top of a shitty system and hope for the best.

I mean, are we really going to turn into the kind of straw SJW site where people are attacked for taking the position that we shouldn’t take rights away from anybody? Come on, now.

7 years ago

I just… I don’t think anyone was seriously disenfranchising white people, you know? I thought it was pretty clearly snark. It would indeed be a terrible thing, even if it were plausible.

In other news: Moore still won’t concede. He sees himself as God’s chosen one in a holy battle against abortion, sodomy, and materialism. You know, like any totally normal candidate.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago

Okay, so why does Stefan Molyneux caricature have that creepy predator smile? Is it purely intentional, or just a coincidence?

7 years ago

Moore should shut up and start listening to God instead of talking at God. Typical evangelical – never shuts up.

God has already decided, numbnuts – 700,000 republican voters, who do tend to vote more in off elections and special elections, didn’t stay home because they all had a cold, did they.

Though that would be a pretty impressive demonstration of presence 😛

7 years ago

Bah, WTF, it won’t let me edit?

Looks like I took so long writing the post that I was ninja’d.

ETA, Ah I see, the whole post is gone.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago


There is no such thing as racism from Black people. What you refer to can be called prejudice, but given that PoC have been (and continue to be) a disenfranchised minority, wielding no institutional power, they cannot by definition be racist.

Racism requires the use of power to disenfranchise a group from fundamental rights. And Whites exert almost all power in the USA. One cannot be racist against Whites in the US.

And I think it’s pretty evident that her comment wasn’t serious. However, the indignation fueling that comment is entirely valid.

I see a lot of responses talking about “internalized misogyny”, but I think they entirely miss the mark. There is some internalized misogyny among White women, but let’s not pretend there weren’t copious amounts of racism and White supremacist feelings which drove their vote for Moore.

Let’s not forget nor forgive the fact that the vast majority of White women in Alabama would vote for a man who wanted to repeal all amendments after the 10th (including the one which abolished slavery).

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I am seeing Dan Johnson’s suicide is already being used as an anti-feminist weapon.

They’ve found their martyr to #MeToo. And I am revolted.

Diego, re Molyneux: Ben Garrison isn’t a very good caricaturist, IMHO. All of the people he draws have a rather wild-eyed look to them. Check out his completely unrealistic Trump drawings.

7 years ago

Ok, no comment from David that he removed it, and it originally went through, so…


” But it’s not a personal attack. so just do like I do, and take a step back to remind yourself of that.”

Nah, it is personal-and it should be-and here’s why.*

It’s personal because there isn’t a white person alive that doesn’t partipate in some way in our racist system just by virtue of being born. It sucks, and as a white person, I know it’s easy to slide into “but I’m not at fault“, and “fault” is a weird concept, so maybe we are at fault and maybe we’re not. HOWEVER, we’re always at responsibility for what’s going on, no matter our personal actions, because of the social power that we hold. The blood has always splattered onto our hands, just by virtue of being a person of relative power standing there, whether we personally did the bloodletting or not. White people can no longer hide behind “but HE’S the asshole and I’M the good guy!” Sorry.

I know it’s a bitter pill to swallow, but social justice should not be about skipping the difficult spots just because it makes us feel shitty about ourselves. It’s about asking the hard questions, it’s about doing the hard work, it’s about not looking for cookies. Other people (ie. Black people) can’t do this work for us, we have to do the hard work ourselves. (And THIS is also why I reflexively eye roll whenever I hear white people talking about how we need to educate each other on race. Talk about the blind being expected to lead the blind.**)

Does that mean that I find Dali’s comment helpful when taken literally? No, POC are human, and humans always suck whenever they get power. But I read it as sarcasm, a way to shake up all the comfortable white privilege that never gets upset until IT, personally, is at risk. Because I believe that little shaken feeling is the way POC feel all the time.***


*Granted, these are all “stupid ramblings from a white girl”, and my greatest talent in life is being wrong about everything; we don’t even need to scratch the surface to my privilege-blindness. If I’m wrong about anything, then please feel free to educate me.


**Oh, the privileged, white, SJW stories I could tell. (Many of them my own).

I think this is one if the reasons why I’m loving the first season of OITNB (despite it being campy and all the characters being stereotypical as fuck), is because 2 of the black female characters spend so much time just lancing white Social Justice. There’s a scene where one of the characters (Tastee) is getting their hair cut in preparation for a parole board meeting, and a discussion on who they’re hoping makes up the parole board happens. Tastee hopes for black men, but she’s shot down, and another black character (Poussey), says “Hope for white women. They love drinking wine with their friends, talking about how Black folks don’t get their fair shakes, giving their housekeepers an extra day off and shit.” And man, I just fucking love that line. Talk how to sum up paternalistic white fuckery in less than 30 words. (HERE’S the scene in question.)

Also, while looking for the episode number so I could look up the scene on youtube, I found THIS REWIRE ARTICLE (contains spoilers) about the class, gender, and race implications of the first half of the season of OITNB, that was written by a black woman and it is amazing in all ways except one-it’s handling of sexual orientation. (The protagonist of the show is bisexual, and the show very subtly skewers both biphobia and the invisibility of bi-sexual people. However, I could write for days about LB politics, and now we’re getting off topic, so!)


***Was this in any way condensending to POC? ?


7 years ago

Fine youtube link, don’t work. Link to the OITNB scene.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


It’s not the first time she’s said that so I’m taking it as at least a somewhat serious position and not either a snark in a non snarky tone or blowing off of steam. Trust me, I’m not one to get offended at white tears memes, but what part of “there’s merit to discussing stripping the vote from white people” reads as snark to you?

I wasn’t even going to say anything about it because it’s not a proposal that is going to be seriously discussed any time soon, but I’m jumping in to defend Ohlmann who is not a native English speaker because I don’t think he was making an argument that it’s mean to talk about white supremacy because not all white people and I don’t think he was making an argument that anti-white racism is a real thing. I think he was just saying that white supremacy is not the only axis of oppression and that white supremacy doesn’t exist because white people are white but because white people have privilege and power. I’m just saying, can we not immediately jump down the throat of someone who is known to be here in good faith and who isn’t perfectly articulate in English all the time?

7 years ago


I am seeing Dan Johnson’s suicide is already being used as an anti-feminist weapon.

They’ve found their martyr to #MeToo. And I am revolted.

Not a surprise. They’re disgusting. Been trying to avoid seeing things on Johnson precisely because of that.

7 years ago

Ok, 3rd time better be the charm because I’m really out of time.

7 years ago


I mean, I’m basing what I said off of what I’ve been told by different social justice blogs (or at least social justice adjacent. Don’t remember if that was the main focus or not.) So I’m gonna have to assume the difference in our line of thinking is based on different sources. Opinions on this shit can vary so much, even in people who agree on near everything about it.