
Doug Jones Victory Dog Dance Party! Open Thread for laughing at Roy Moore

What a huge fucking relief. Thank you, black voters of Alabama, for sending Roy Moore packing.

Screw you, Roy Moore, but not that poor horse you rode in on.


Here are some more Tweets and an open thread. CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON.

One more dancing dog because why not?

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Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Even better than the Juicebro tweet:
comment image

Yes, some white supremacist fake news site really posted that headline, before the polls had even closed. So glad I saved the screenshot. ^-^

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago

Do you think there’s a risk that, as the alt-right realizes that Trump and Brexit do not necessarily mean that victory is inevitable for them, and that the left is, in fact, still making gains, it might become energized itself? That turnout among conservatives might increase?

no. forgive me but I think you are wrong. this is not what will happen – it is not how history works. you can see from even this few tweets – this people are so certain Moore will win, even though everyone knows what he is, that they don’t even imagine that defeat will come for them.

you see, they experienced their wave already when trump elected, when right wing begins to rise again in, when nazis march in american and European streets. but now, they see their wave is starts to break. trump is stressed, he is closet each day to impeached. and now here is another sign their wave is crashing down. in this red state which is red for many many years – democrat is elected.

Their wave is losing her energy.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

Already said this on the other thread, but yay! I hope this is a sign of things to come.
Re politics generally, I just finished reading John Safran’s Depends what you mean by extremist, and what struck me (among other things; it’s a fascinating read) is how Islamophobia has brought together a depressingly wide range of people. I initially found it astonishing that groups like the United Patriots Front and Reclaim Australia had a lot of people from Asian and African backgrounds, for example. But having read Safran, it seems that a shared hatred of Muslims (plus a tweak to the meaning of “racism”) is more than enough.

But for now, back to “yay” and dancing dogs!


Their wave is losing her energy.

I like this very much and I hope you’re right 🙂

7 years ago

Excellent news and well done – in spite of voter suppression, people of Alabama voted for decency.

And great to see you posting dancing dogs here too, David.

@Nothing Permanent But Woe also terrific to virtually meet a Fungus the Bogeyman fan, my dreary.

7 years ago

NRSC Chair Says Jones Should Vote With GOP To ‘Truly Represent Alabama’

Whatever Gardner’s smoking, it seems strong.

In other words, it’s not so much that white men are terrible. It’s more that Republicans are terrible. Although, yeah, too many white men are indeed terrible.

Maybe so. I don’t think so. Look at the vote numbers:
There were ~100k fewer turned out to vote Sen. Jones than voted for Clinton last year.
There was ~700k fewer turned out to vote Moore than voted Trump.

That’s a lot of not terrible people.

In non- political news, it seems New Zealand really doesn’t like sleezebags:

New Zealand’s ‘good character’ rules could cost Matt Lauer the $9 million lakefront ranch he bought there

7 years ago

What does it say about us that we can’t just enjoy a well-deserved victory without immediately worrying about how the other side will react? Not that we’re wrong to do so–they are a bunch of petty, vengeful extremists, after all. But as long as we’re pooping in the punchbowl, I might as well join in.

1. Roy Moore isn’t going away–he’s too stubborn for that, and this election has raised his profile tremendously. His fundamentalist followers will embrace him as a martyr, and he’ll be able to raise money off this defeat for the rest of his life. At least he won’t be able to do as much damage as he could have if he’d won…

2. My real fear is that by the 2018 midterms, Trump will start a war in a desperate attempt to distract from his failures and get voters to rally around him. Of course, this is assuming that he’s still in office by then…

7 years ago


“In other words, it’s not so much that white men are terrible. It’s more that Republicans are terrible. Although, yeah, too many white men are indeed terrible.”

Could say the same about white women in your other post though. Not to sound argumentative, but I’m struggling to reconcile your other post about white women with this one. Maybe it’s how I’m reading it?

RE: the POC vote

A full 30% of the electorate was black, in a state where only 26.38% of the population is black. Hahahahahaha, eat that any asshole that wants to surpress the black vote. And a big hug to all the POC who pushed to get out en mass to vote against Mr. “family values”.

Nothing is Permanent But Woe
Nothing is Permanent But Woe
7 years ago


Thanks drearest. In this time of noise, anger, electronic distraction and violence, I think we could all do with being a bit more Bogey. Also, Fungus’ street looks like the one my gran used to live on.

7 years ago

Something neat (and non political) following on from the urban exploring discussion in the last thread: Houses that weren’t houses.
Always loved the whole hiding in plain sight thing, like LA’s oil rigs do. 🙂

In more site appropriate news: Alt-Right women are just now figuring out that Alt-Right men are misogynistic trolls who want to control them

Note: this article is nowhere near as good as David would do it.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


In other words, it’s not so much that white men are terrible. It’s more that Republicans are terrible. Although, yeah, too many white men are indeed terrible.

Oh, it’s definitely both. The white men who aren’t Republicans are a bit less terrible, but it’s pretty superficial in almost every case.


It just seems strange that supporters of a party that so loudly trumpets its commitment to ‘traditional values’ are so keen to chuck all that under a bus a

That’s the terrifying part:they aren’t throwing their traditional values under a bus. they’re voting for them.

Zenobia Augusta
Zenobia Augusta
7 years ago

My first thought on seeing Roy Moore on a horse was that he looked like a sack of potatoes someone tied to a horse.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

That’s the terrifying part:they aren’t throwing their traditional values under a bus. they’re voting for them.

The Duggar Family Values vote.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

My first thought on seeing Roy Moore on a horse was that he looked like a sack of potatoes someone tied to a horse.

Mine was that he looked like a Barbie doll on a toy unicorn.

Honestly, you’d think he’d remember that he has knees and knees can bend, what with how often the disgusting rapist tells children to come sit on them.

Nothing is Permanent But Woe
Nothing is Permanent But Woe
7 years ago


That’s very cool; both the power station houses and the concealed oil derricks. Reminds me of a post I saw somewhere about houses in Switzerland that weren’t houses but the disguised entrances to nuclear bunkers!


I think what I’m trying to say is:
A UK politician who was accused of what Roy Moore was, would usually be quickly whisked away from the front line by his party for fear of upsetting the Daily Mail brigade. Their signature brand of ‘traditional values’ (aka moral outrage) has the stopped-clock moment of not approving of paedophiles (despite the DM’s sidebar of shame, but that’s another story).

I think I’ve made the mistake in the past of assuming that Republican ‘traditional values’ and those of the UK right wing are broadly in line, whereas now I’m seeing it more as a venn diagram with just a few things like homophobia, neo-liberalism, islamophobia and posturing bullshit in the crossover point. The UK right’s obsession with Europe and with the Monarchy can go in it’s special circle, whilst gun rights, anti-socialism and evangelical Xtianity are the preserve of the US.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

RE: Roy “no, not Rogers” Moore on a horse – it’s absolutely clear that he has no idea what he’s doing, and that he’s terrified of the horse and the horse is in distress. I felt awful watching that, as he used the reins for balance and flopped around, sawing wildly.

RE: Doug Jones – seems like a good man. It’s ironic, isn’t it, that his background as a federal prosecutor actually worked against him with regards to the white vote. How telling is it that, what? thirty years later, they’re still calling him a “n****r lover” in exit polls.

One thing about Alabama bigots, they’re not shy. You don’t have to spend any time wondering.

RE: next steps. Yes! By all means, celebrate. Eat, drink, and be merry; for tomorrow we get back to work. There is always another election coming up faster than you realize. Complacence is our enemy.

But for now, yes. Breathe. This was a big one.

Finally, BIG shout out to African American voters in Alabama. THANK YOU.

7 years ago


On the other hand, 65% of white women in Alabama are still voting for their white cishet supremacy over solidarity with their fellow women.

I think you’re reading too much into it. Go check out the Vice video interviewing Alabama Repubs. They have two issues on which they decide their vote:
-Abortion: bad
-Gays: also bad

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
7 years ago

it’s not so much that white men are terrible

In descending order of Power, Privilege and Terrible….

White Men
White People

#2 and #3 may shift position depending on situation

That’s the terrifying part:they aren’t throwing their traditional values under a bus. they’re voting for them.

They would actually rather vote for a child molester than for someone who supports people who aren’t… well, who aren’t THEM….

E.T.A. forgive my self-absorbed lack of empathy… WELCOME BACK DAVID!!!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


I didn’t intend to sound like I was giving women a harder time than men for voting for Moore. I was more trying to reiterate my point that as sucky as it is, the upside is, either some Republicans switched sides and voted for Jones or its just that most Republicans stayed home. I do admit though that the sense of betrayal when women do things to uphold patriarchy hurts me more than when men rally around their male privilege. But don’t worry, I’m still a card carrying member of the Misandry Club, salt my food with male tears and officially do not care about the plight of sad boners!


Speaking of Matt Lauer, Today’s rating have actually gone way up since they fired him. Whether it’s just temporary, I don’t know but at least it helps make the case that the entertainment industry shouldn’t help predators because the audience wants to see these individuals.

I always hear people say that even after all this #metoo stuff, Hollywood is still protecting Woody Allen because people still go to his movies. Do they? I can’t remember the last time I saw one. I might have watched Annie Hall on TV five years ago or so. His new movies? Nope. I don’t ever hear anyone talk about going to them or discussing the movies themselves. I just hear people debate whether or not actors should be called out for working with him. I think he gets the funding to make his films and the critical attention and the platforms to show them because the industry likes him. Not because the audience does. It seems to me like movie fans of slowly trickled away from him ever since the 90’s when he went public with Soon Yi.

7 years ago


Not even sure if the industry likes him – finding out who finances Allen’s movies is really not easy. I think if anything they tolerate him because somehow he got a (very undeserved) reputation for “Art,” and artists aren’t like mere mortals. /immense sarcasm.

If you call his work art – I call it (well, at least the stuff he stars in as well) boringly neurotic. I want to see someone whining about failure and futility, I’ll go to the pub. 😛

Edit to add: daughter says his last one – Cafe Society – wasn’t too bad. She saw it on a date night with her hubby.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

@ Woe
British conservatives want to keep PoCs out/expel those who are there. US conservatives want to enslave PoCs/kill any that object.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I do think we should all use these elections to fight against brogressivism. They love to whine about how the left needs their white dudely selves and how we shouldn’t make them feel aggrieved by focusing on things like rape culture, police violence against black people, trans rights and other things that give aggrieved white males the sads because it’s not all about them and their pet issues 24/7. But look what happens when black voters and in particular black female voters turn out in huge numbers. Democrats win. Can we fucking finally get the Democratic party, the whiny brogressives and the “liberal” media to concede that we need everyone else more than we need agrieved dudebros who want keep preserve white male privilege even in supposedly progressive movements and organizations.

Nothing is Permanent But Woe
Nothing is Permanent But Woe
7 years ago


Yes, that seems about right. You put that far more succinctly than I was able to.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

@WWTH yes, and the way to do that is to encourage more women – progressive women, I hasten to stipulate – and people of color (who are not David Clarke) to run for office.

I absolutely don’t begrudge Doug Jones this win; I think he ran a great campaign and is eminently qualified to be in the Senate. That said, I would love to see more POC representing their districts, whether they always vote in lockstep with Democratic aims or not.

7 years ago

Did you see that video of Jake Tapper telling the Moore surrogate that actually no, you don’t have to take the oath of office on a Bible. OMFG I literally thought for a second that the video had frozen:

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago


Roy Moore isn’t going away–he’s too stubborn for that, and this election has raised his profile tremendously. His fundamentalist followers will embrace him as a martyr[…].

They have been for years. Remember, this is the same man who was actively thrown off the bench by a higher court twice because he kept insisting on trying to put a Ten Commandments monument at the courthouse, despite the constitution and lots of case law against it. And then refusing to take it down after the higher court had said to remove it. The man’s an old school theocrat through and through.

Also, as noted, he was removed as a judge twice, because state judges can be elected in Alabama, and people re-elected him even after he had demonstrated no respect for the law of the land and cost the state money in legal fees as well as construction fees. Roy Moore is Exhibit A for ‘why would anybody ever think a public election for judges is a good idea?’