What a huge fucking relief. Thank you, black voters of Alabama, for sending Roy Moore packing.
Screw you, Roy Moore, but not that poor horse you rode in on.
Roy Moore rides away on his horse after voting in the Alabama Senate election.
Here's what to watch in today's hotly contested race: https://t.co/iONlmtfGJd #alsen pic.twitter.com/WI2xoJbi6s
— POLITICO (@politico) December 12, 2017
Here are some more Tweets and an open thread. CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON.
Woke up from a nap. Turned on MSNBC, expecting the worst, then … pic.twitter.com/EIvDkseYMH
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) December 13, 2017
Shouts to Steve Bannon, MASTER STRATEGIST, who managed to lose a Republican election in fucking Alabama. pic.twitter.com/fWT4AhFzGW
— shauna (@goldengateblond) December 13, 2017
Black folks elected Doug Jones. FYI. #AlabamaSenateElection pic.twitter.com/CErgK6eOeI
— deray (@deray) December 13, 2017
Roy Moore not conceding is very very on-brand for a son of the confederacy.
— AT (@primediscussion) December 13, 2017
donald trump is hog tied in a bathroom somewhere desperately chewing trying to chew through the door https://t.co/Y70TmLXOdN
— Ashley Feinberg (ashleyfeinberg.bsky.social) (@ashleyfeinberg) December 13, 2017
hell yeah dude, it would be my PLEASURE pic.twitter.com/ugWregfJ3X
— Rafi Schwartz (@TheJewishDream) December 13, 2017
Big night for the Republican party https://t.co/NxhbbVF9g4
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) December 13, 2017
One more dancing dog because why not?
Eh, I’m pretty fond of due process – it’s the difference between a society that functions (albeit poorly) and one that does not. Seen the results of no due process way too often to discourage it’s use.
However (and you knew there’d be a however 🙂 ):
Due process is nothing at all to do with the court of public opinion. Completely different beast, that. The court of public opinion is the reason the law has its rules and due process in the first place!
(I have been pondering your post upthread – a serious problem rates serious thought before replying. 🙂 )
*peeks in to say hello*
Re Nancy Drew: I read the majority of the older series when I was around 8-13 as well as a few Hardy Boys books. As for non-mystery series, I liked Baby Sitters Club and its assorted spin-offs.
Is there a term for a series where each book can stand alone? Anyway, in books like that, the characters need to be introduced each time. Ann M. Martin (Baby Sitters) tended to do this by focusing mainly on hair colour and personality traits, e.g.,
“Kristy has brown hair and leadership abilities, Mary-Anne also has brown hair but is quiet and dependable, Stacey has blond hair and diabetes, Claudia has black hair and she’s Japanese but (shock!) bad at math…”
Okay, not quite like that. But close. 🙂
@Manecki Neckbeard – hello and welcome!
@wwth –
Aaaugh, that sounds irritating. It doesn’t fit the spirit of the original either. Victor Frankenstein might be “playing god”, but I think it’s at least as important that he freaks out and loses his scientific curiosity, which causes him to react to his creation with revulsion rather than compassion.
Lea— Thank you. So much. For saying that. Seriously.
It may not be happy news, but dammit! I feel like so many of my progressive friends think I’m being paranoid, joking or am just trying to gaslight them when I tell them that this is all part of a plan that’s been in place since before I was born. While the rest of the nation was celebrating the victories of the civil rights era, the predecessors of today’s “alt-right” were formulating battle plans for their long, cold culture war.
Is it still a “conspiracy theory” when the conspirators haven’t even really tried to hide what they’ve been doing from anyone who’s interested in either A) joining/funding them, or B) simply learning what they’ve been up to?
Congratulations Americans on this small but significant victory. Keep up the good work and you may just take back your country from the orange nightmare. 🙂
In Trump news, he’s sent out his Christmas cards.
They’re about the size of a pony and tacky AF. So, nothing unexpected. Except it looks like he’s signed for Melania as well (signed in gold, of course) 😛
Hell, he admits himself that half his problem was not being scientific enough – not having access to up-to-date texts, he got his scientific grounding from old alchemical theses full of occultism and esoterica.
On a tangent to the King/Koontz comments:
I always really enjoyed Robert R. McCammon’s books – I’d rate ‘Swan Song’ over ‘The Stand’ any day (I’d LOVE to see a movie or mini-series of it), and I remember thinking that being an anti-Nazi secret agent AND a werewolf was about as good as a career would get (‘The Wolf’s Hour’). All that said, I haven’t read any of his books for well over a decade, and I worry now he’ll have gone the same way as a lot of the other authors I used to like – reactionary & shit. Anyone know if this is true? I glanced at his website and he’s done a lot of books since I last bought any.
I also massively enjoyed F. Paul Wilson’s ‘The Keep’ – who WOULDN’T be entertained by a whole castle full of Nazis getting eaten by an Old God/vampire?
(Apart from these guys, obviously): http://www.newsweek.com/nazi-video-game-wolfenstein-angers-nazis-make-america-nazi-free-again-slogan-679530
I actually like the film of it as well, but may be in a minority of 1 here.
I love it too. It could so easily have just been an 80s music video, yet the rotoscoping and visual effects manage to be atmospherically creepy.
Oh, that Trump Christmas card…
Of course it has to be yuge. That’s his crassness and insecurity on display. But the signatures are actually disturbing. Either he signed for her, or he’s trained her to sign her name in a similar way to his. Both of these sound like the action of an abuser.
Thank you! I’ve found this channel which has lots of beautiful videos. I’ll try them on Piper, Shiro, and Mei-Mei tomorrow.
Re posting links etc.: I used to just do it the easy way – copy the url from the bar, and just paste it into the comment box like so:
Embedding links looks nicer, though; I think this page is where I found some good tips.
As for embedding videos, apparently YouTube clips should embed automatically when you post the url, but I’ve had patchy luck with that.
I know there are Mammotheers with more knowledge on this, so please feel free to weigh in here.
In other news, Mei-Mei is trying to climb the Xmas tree. This could end badly.
In Star Wars news, as someone here predicted, there are already cries and screams of “sjws have ruined muh movie!!!”. I saw a review yesterday where the author didn’t go down this road at all; he didn’t like the film, but his reasons were completely different. Anyhoo, many commenters had … different reasons for not liking it.
@Shadowplay – Holy carpets, that’s a giant card. Is he trying to make the recipients feel like they have tiny hands?
Ooooh, have to post again, sorry. Too good not to share!
There’s a story doing the rounds right now about a petition to change the name of Father Christmas to Person Christmas. It’s ignited exactly the kind of outrage you’d expect (PC police; PC gone mad, SJWs out to ruin xmas for kids).
What’s hilarious is that the story is based on thin air, pretty much. It’s all built around a couple of tweets, one from October, one from March, where enby people are joking about Santa being gender fluid.
I thought we were the perpetual outrage brigade? How dare they! 😀
re: dumpster xmas cards….
@ Shadowplay; from the link
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
@ Mish
I’ve had patchy luck with pretty much every facet of computer/electronic device technology….
🙁 🙁
I’ve had patchy luck, period.
And now, in completely off-topic news: I have kitties again! Two lovely beastie boys: One is a ginger tabby with lots of white and amazing dark amber eyes which are the same color as Jabba the Hutt’s. He’s coming up on a year old and is a rambunctious love bug. The other is a seven year old black cat with big green eyes who was convinced Husbeast and I were evil cat-nappers and hid in a corner of the closet for a week and a half. He finally ventured out into the closet proper on Monday for some ham and lovins and last night HE SLEPT WITH ME!!
Unfortunately, Beast One (ginger boy) has an upper respiratory infection and has to go back to the vet this morning for a check on his temp. He’s feeling much better now (after the first dose of antibiotics) but still has snot-face. He’s been exiled from the master suite so that hopefully, Beast Two stays healthy.
I’ve also managed to bork up my office computer. I fell for a scam in which my computer opened a new window with a sound file that kept repeating that my computer was infected and if I didn’t call the “helpline” number on the screen in five minutes, Microsoft would do something drastic (don’t remember what now.) The window wouldn’t close and panicked Hambeast picked up the phone.
Very long story short, now Husbeast has to wipe the whole thing and start over.
So, beware of this.
Just popping in to say, yeah, that’s Melania’s signature, and yeah, the resemblance to DJT’s is uncanny.
And, yeah, I think we all know why DJT has to have a larger card than Obama. He’s never going to try outshining Obama. He’s never going to succeed, either. Orange Crass will neve make Obama Class go away. It just illustrates his deep insecurity.
Also, congrats to Hambeast on the kitty cabal. ?
And trying will never work because the Obamas don’t try too hard. They were like regular people, only better. Michelle wore Banana Republic a lot. She didn’t need designer everything to look good. Since the media doesn’t discuss men’s clothing choices as much (gee, I wonder why) I don’t know what brands Barack wears and what brands Donald wears, but I’d be willing to bet that the latter spends more on clothes and fails to look better.
Now that I think of it, Republicans make big noise about the “American dream” of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps to become successful but the last few Republican presidents were all children of privilege who inherited their wealth instead of earning it. None of the last few Democrats were. The last Dem president born super rich was Kennedy.
@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy:
Thanks! I should have realized that’s all I had to do; the egg is on my face! I’m suffering from cyber-fatigue, I guess. Now, I’ll just have to figure out how to embed text.
RE: The Cheeto cancelling elections. I’ve thought about that, too. Especially since he’s got the tax bill as a boost to his ego. I realize there have been other times in the past forty years where the same fear has existed, but for me, it’s the Cheeto’s autocratic tendencies, plus his expressed admiration for despots, that helps to lend plausibility.
@Hambeast: I’m happy you got new cats. Regarding your work computer…I don’t know if you remember the “I love you” virus from circa 2000, but that wreaked havoc in my workplace. The WEBMASTER where I worked, actually opened that culprit email THREE TIMES.
You want to see huge levels of “Atheists are just believers that hate god” obnoxiousness, look no further than Pure Flix films like God’s Not Dead or Christmas With A Capital C. Having been a Cinema Snob fan since probably about 2010, his dip into the world of the Christian exploitation movie world has been nothing short of dazzling (for me or Mama Katamount, who watches new Snob episodes with me on our Sunday get-togethers). Part of the fundamentalist Christian persecution complex is the cultural reinforcement of the notion that it’s just godless rabble-rousers who sue about monuments and nativity scenes (rather than those actually interested in inclusive cultural representation). Hence you get TV’s Hercules as Not-Richard Dawkins in God’s Not Dead or Evil Smirking ACLU Lawyer Ray Wise in God’s Not Dead 2.
It’s the kind of cinema that says a lot more about the creator and the audience than it says about its detractors. Because they are as incompetent as they are insulting, to Christians and atheists alike.
“If the lord wishes a sponge to think, it thinks! I’m amazed that your “scientists”, with all their supposed worldy knowledge, fail to grasp this simple fact”
Matthew Harrison Brady (Fredric March), Inherit the Wind, 1960
Kinda both… “incompetent and insulting”!!
Yeah, and here’s the Repugnican’t tax scam… stripped of its pretenses
We know at least one of Donald’s preferred brands is 3M.

Why am I not surprised in the least that the idiot doesn’t even know what the loop of fabric on the back of a tie is for.
To an extent, this is already being done. Star Wars Rebels re-introduced Grand Admiral Thrawn in its third season, with none other than Lars Mikkelsen (brother of Mads Mikkelsen of Rogue One) providing the voice of everyone’s favorite blue skinned art collector. As time goes on, there will almost certainly be further retoolings of more Legacy material as the rebooted series branches out to feed Disney’s unending appetite (there already being some pretty sweet BB-8 toys on the market). I would not put it beyond Disney to start reusing old IPs like Dark Forces and Rogue Squadron, particularly since The Old Republic seems to retain some staying power. Who knows, perhaps we’ll get a decent MMORPG or even a Star Wars response to Star Citizen?
Though, I must say, the negative reviews of the movie are hilarious. The frequent complaints about a strong female lead (and, eek gad, a feeemale general) ignore that Princess Leia both led much of the Rebellion (itself led by a former senator and feeemale) and she personally killed a fair number of Stormtroopers in the original trilogy. The first thing she did upon meeting Luke Skywalker is snidely remark about his short height before taking his gun to shoot at space fascists; all after surviving a round of enhanced interrogation by a torture bot. So great is the obtuseness of the “SJWs ruined Star Wars” line of criticism that I have many times wriggled my various tentacles and gripping appendages in animated amusement.
Fireproof is the worst Christian movie I’ve seen. Although I generally avoid them so I’m working from a small sample here.
Kirk Cameron finds God and decides to save his troubled marriage instead of getting a sinful, sinful divorce.
Only he concocts a wacky plan with his father to get his wife to fall for him. She’s portrayed as mean and slutty and she’s so unfeminine and uppity as to have a career. Misandry! Yet she somehow falls for this trickery. Never once does he actually talk to her about their marriage. Not once. I know romances and rom-coms do tend to overuse the trope of the protagonists refusing to honestly communicate because if they did, there would be no plot. But this takes it to an extreme that is just insulting. The message seems to be that women lack so much agency that if the men in their live fulfill their proper patriarchal Christian gender roles, they’ll sort of automatically fall into the their proper roles. Even though there’s no actual abuse in the movie that I can recall, it does seem to be a blueprint for abuse because of the message that the man is in total charge of the relationship.
My friends and I watched it while drinking wine and we were yelling “talk to your wife!” at the TV the whole time. I felt bad for my friend who was pregnant at the time and had to sit through the whole thing sober. That’s how bad it was.
Oh, and compare and contrast their marital crimes at the beginning of the movie.
He wants to buy a toy instead of helping a family member in need. She fails to stroke his fragile ego. Yet, he’s portrayed as the more sympathetic one.