
Doug Jones Victory Dog Dance Party! Open Thread for laughing at Roy Moore

What a huge fucking relief. Thank you, black voters of Alabama, for sending Roy Moore packing.

Screw you, Roy Moore, but not that poor horse you rode in on.


Here are some more Tweets and an open thread. CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON.

One more dancing dog because why not?

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Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago


The WannaCry cyber-attack is just another step towards war WW3 most likely. If, or when, things actually happen, do any you predict how the social climate will be? We’re so divided as is in the US. Trump calling for unity while he launches us into war won’t mean a thing. It’ll be unity for his disciples only.

Idk, I guess I’m thinking too much on it?? but it’s been on my mind for a while.

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago


Oh, I had that terror as well when I was in grade 6. I just happened to psyche myself out once, despite the fact that I was a solid public speaker and had been doing oral book reports since at least grade 3.


That would have been a great twist if Jar Jar had been charmingly disarming like Yoda was. As the bumbling obnoxious clown that we got, that would have been a giant middle finger to the audience. Would have definitely shaken things up though.

I actually remember watching Breakfast Television at my dad’s place in 1999 when Phantom Menace opened in theaters and they had a guy who reviewed newspaper headlines for the show. Already the major Toronto papers were noting the uncomfortable racial caricatures of Jar Jar and Watto, but also that of the Nemoideans (or whatever Nute Gunray was), who as was indicated upthread sounded like vague Fu Manchu/Charlie Chan stereotypes. So that’s three in-your-face stereotypes in one film. Add in midichlorians and bad child actors and no wonder I haven’t gone back to rewatch that film in a decade and a half.


I’m just awaiting Karen Straughan’s bite at that apple.

RE: Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys

It could have just been the books that I read, but it seemed like the Hardy Boys seemed to stumble into whatever their dad was doing half the time. That was part of the problem I had with them: if their dad was the actual detective, why aren’t we following him? And does he just suck at his job if his kids solve all his cases?

Plus Chet was such a transparent plot device. Him and his stupid name and his stupid hobbies….

Content of the books aside, the book covers were nothing short of awesome. That’s probably why I found the puzzles so much fun: what was the Masked Monkey? And why is it trying to eat Frank and Joe?

I actually just wrote to Cobble Hill Puzzle Co. to suggest a Choose Your Own Adventure collage puzzle. With those trippy late 70s early 80s covers… I’d be all over it like stink on cheese!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

The battlin’ Palins are back!

Wasn’t there a fracas at a birthday party a few years ago, which involved most of the male family members? The accounts of what happened were muddled. It wasn’t clear who started it, but the Palins certainly continued it.

It’s interesting that in this incident, Todd had a gun, which turned out to be useless. Track entered the house anyway, overpowered Todd, and took the gun away. Todd was lucky it didn’t get turned on him. Both were lucky the confrontation didn’t end tragically. One wonders if it would have escalated quite so quickly without the gun.

Re: nuclear policy, the phrasing ā€œnon-nuclear strategic attacksā€ seems pretty broad…in Trump’s mind, America (and by extension, himself) are constantly under strategic attack from enemies in every direction. Seems like he’s giving himself wiggle room to respond disproportionately to the next mean tweet from Kim Jong Il.

@Katamount – It’s amazing how quickly that stage fright switch can be turned. One minute I was happily prattling away about the plot, then suddenly….blank. Everything was gone. It was terrifying, and weird.

Re: the Hardy Boys, was Chet the one that kept showing up with a sack full of cheeseburgers? That always made me really hungry.

I was also a fan of Encyclopedia Brown, because then I could feel like a clever sleuth, solving the mystery myself. Sally was one of my early heroes…she seemed more capable than Encyclopedia in many ways. Bugs Meany and his gang didn’t intimidate her in the slightest.

7 years ago

I liked Encycopedia and The Babysitters Club.
I remember reading What Eric Knew and loving it.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

@opposablethumbs ROFLMAO!!!! šŸ˜€

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

So, have the MRAs given up their pretense of being a social justice movement dedicated to helping men altogether now? The feMRAs are full on Nazi. Paul Elam has revealed himself to be a Trumpkin. Even though Trump is pretty clearly trying to take us to war and war is according to the MRM misandry because disposable male soldiers.

I mean, we all obviously knew all along that the MRM was nothing more than a reactionary movement, not a human rights movement. But MRAs used to try and maintain some plausible deniability about that. Not anymore, I guess.

7 years ago

RE: Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys/Bobbsey Twins:

I once read a Bobbsey Twins or a Hardy Boys mystery that was so old and out of date, it mentioned a MAGIC LANTERN*. No, not the software or firmware. Of course, I didn’t know what it was. I asked my mother, I think.

I find myself dwelling on the past, more and more. I have to stop…what with the debased times we’re living in, it’s hard for me not to.

*An early type of image projector

7 years ago

They don’t think they need to anymore. They think society has hit a tipping point that makes the pretense unnecessary.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

OT, but not really:
Floridians and people who know any Floridians, there’s groups tryna get a ballot initiative to restore the voting rights of 1.6m people with a past conviction. Over 70% of the way there! In state residents can print and mail a petition to be counted. If you’re outta state, you can donate to send petitions to people’s houses ($1 sends 2) and just share it around. Among the million and a half disenfranchised, is half a million black folks. Lotta talk on the interwebs about standing up for black women these days, let’s all walk the walk too. We can do this, wooot! šŸ™‚

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago


This is where the strategic forgettery comes in to play. We all saw through their transparent platitudes about being a social justice movement… well, the second the opened their mouths. For the broader public, they kept up the “we just really care about men” affectation whenever on a talk show or doing a public event like their “Conferences.” And those not familiar with them (the media in particular) are apt to just take them at their word. And as long as the believed that social justice was the key to respectability, they stuck to that story.

Trump’s victory gave them permission to let that mask fall away. For many on the fringes, it began with GamerGate, but Trump’s victory really let them see that there was money to be made with straight up white supremacism and misogyny. But Trump’s already proven himself incompetent and assuming Mueller weathers the storm, will be proven a traitor as well. Then mark my words, they’re going to try to put that mask back on and pretend they really really cared about “disposable men” the whole time. They need you to forget what they said yesterday. It’s on us not to let that happen, which is why David (who I hope is feeling better) does such a critical job in noting what they said yesterday or two years ago or twenty years ago.

7 years ago

Completely unrelated (or is it?) …

The Federal ban on making lethal viruses has been lifted.

Just in time for Christmas, too. How thoughtful!

Got to credit this administration – it’s really ticking all the boxes. It would be helpful if we could find the joker who swapped their to-do list for a countdown to Armageddon though.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

They donā€™t think they need to anymore. They think society has hit a tipping point that makes the pretense unnecessary.

That’s what I was thinking too.

7 years ago

Umbrella Co. here we come. Happy holidays here’s a supervirus.

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
In a way it’s refreshing to see them drop the act and be explicitly repugnant.

7 years ago

@Oogly – I was thinking more the Stand. It is Stephen King’s birthday on the 3rd Jan, after all. Just time for someone to whip some Captain Trips. šŸ™‚

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I wish they’d done a theatrical release adaptation of The Stand instead of the Dark Tower. Idris Elba could’ve still been in it. Who says Stu has to be white?

7 years ago

Wierd. Post swallowed twice. Might have been the image link.

The Stand though – it’d be longer than LotR and the Hobbit combined to do it any sort of justice at all.
Thinking on it – about the only characters that are described in the books are Fran and Ralph. King tends to do that – leave descriptions of the protags very vague unless it’s actually a plot point (Mike Halloran’s colour for example in It). I like it šŸ™‚

7 years ago


Not just Jar-Jar. The slave-master who owned young Anakin was basically the ā€œHappy Merchantā€ meme with bat-wings tacked on, while the movieā€™s Big Bad Guys are a cross between Fu Manchu, and every single ā€™80s stereotype about the Japanese. ā€˜(Insert ā€œYellow Menaceā€ reference here.) And Iā€™m sure thereā€™s something else Iā€™ve missed. It was baaaaaaaaad.

I noticed that they backed off a bit on the racist caricatures in the second and third film; presumably someone finally had the guts to say “holy fuck, george, what were you thinking?”

Too bad they didn’t say anything about the rest of the series.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Looks like Patrick Stewart needs to sit his bestie down and give him a good talking to.

And I need to crack open a box of pinot noir pretty soon because now I’m depressed.

7 years ago


The Stand though ā€“ itā€™d be longer than LotR and the Hobbit combined to do it any sort of justice at all.

Seems like it would lend itself well to a TV series; its been years since I read it, but from recollection it does break down neatly into convenient episode-like chunks.

Don’t mention the hobbit when talking about adaptations of books, though. King’s other works have often had bad treatment on their way to the big screen (some of it his fault), but not nearly that bad. Nothing deserves that.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


Maybe it’d be better as a limited series on HBO. Now that I think about it, there is some action in the early parts, but it isn’t super epic battles or anything. Might be tough to sit through a 2 1/2 hour movie only to have the climax scene be Stu’s escape from the CDC or something. I’d just like to see it done with a decent budget to give it a more grand feel than the 90’s miniseries had.

Cheerful Warthog
Cheerful Warthog
7 years ago

So, according to medieval anti-Semites, Jews have wings and horns and menstruate. I think I has the solution: they are confusing Jews with female wolpertingers.

The racial stereotypes MOSTLY got less uncomfortable in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, but apparently someone decided that Watto wasn’t ENOUGH of the Happy Merchant meme, because as best I recall, he was bare-headed in the first movie, and in the second, he was wearing a hat that didn’t QUITE have “Hug Me I’m A Rabbi” embroidered on it, but wouldn’t have looked any more out of place if it did. I still haven’t seen episode 3. Go back to the 90s and tell me there’s a new Star Wars film – a NEW Star Wars film – that shows the battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan, and the former’s fall, mutilation, and transformation into Darth Vader, and that I don’t actually particularly want to see it, and 90s me might actually explode from his inability to comprehend. That said, Last Jedi looks good. I’ve seen a spoiler for it of questionable provenance, so I’m trying to get to the theatre as soon as possible to make sure my experience doesn’t get further hampered.

There was something else I wanted to say but I forgot it. Was it “Nazis are bad”? “Nazis are bad” is pretty much always true and applicable, so let’s put that in there. Nazis are bad.

7 years ago


Aye, a series with a good size budget, a good director and good casting would be far better than a movie. There’s enough little cut points and cliffhangers in the book to adapt well.

Besides – how often do King novels get made into good movies? Bout the only good one I remember is The Shining, everything else has been somewhere between crap and really, really bad but not “so bad it’s good.”
Even Salems Lot was a two parter made for telly (and it rocked!).

Looking at the link you posted … have a glass for me too please.

7 years ago

According to Fox news (so don’t click if you don’t give them eyeballs),

Democrat wins Virginia House seat in recount by single vote

Democrat Shelly Simonds reacts to the news that she won the 94th District precincts by one vote after previously trailing incumbent David Yancey by ten votes post-election, following a recount Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2017, in Hampton, Va.

And Fox is terrible. That pull quote? It’s the caption for the header image, not part of the story itself – which makes little mention of the flip.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Misery is a good movie. The new It is really good. I liked Pet Semetary too, but not everyone did.

Most of the shitty adaptations were pre TV golden age made for TV adaptations. *cough* Langoliers *cough cough*

7 years ago

Besides ā€“ how often do King novels get made into good movies?

What, you didn’t like The Langoliers? Oh, wait, that was a TV two-parter too. But it had its strengths! …in that some of its cast have been in much better series! Like Treme!

Edit: I can’t really call it being ninja’d when the comments were half an hour apart… I had the window sitting open for a while before I replied!

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