open thread

Happy Thanksgiving and/or Thursday! Open Thread

Happy Thanksgiving, to everyone who celebrates it! And a very merry Thursday to everyone who doesn’t.

Because I haven’t provided a health update in a while (outside of the comments) I just wanted to reassure everyone that I am still here, andΒ still trying to sort through a bunch of medical issues with the help of assorted doctors, some very competent and others not so much.

The issues I’m facing aren’t lifethreatening, but they are still debilitating enough to keep me from regular posting here. Sorry to be so vague; I’ll offer more details once some of these issues are sorted out a bit more. I’ll return to posting as soon as I am able but I cannot predict when that will be.

I appreciate everyone’s patience and continued support. Thanks!

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Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


While other Mammotheers were having fun with friends and family, I was paying attention.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

David, I’m sorry to hear that your health issues continue. I hope that you can return to regular posting soon — but only when you’re truly ready. All best wishes!

And my boyfriend, my girl kitty (the brainy half of the feminist government in exile), my boy kitty, and I wish all Mammotheers the best on this Thanksgiving (or fifth day in the week).

7 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hmm, looks like my comment didn’t go through. David, please delete this if it shows up twice.

7 years ago

Uh, it’s Friday. πŸ˜‰

Happy happy, and merry merry to all, regardless of their timezone.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Adding to the Thanksgiving merriment:

Actor Billy Baldwin says President Trump hit on his wife during party at upscale Manhattan hotel

Actor Billy Baldwin claims President Trump hit on his wife during a ritzy hotel party in Manhattan over two decades ago, blasting the commander-in-chief as a “black belt” sexual harasser.

Baldwin fired off the stark allegations on Thanksgiving morning in response to a tweet from Donald Trump Jr. about the latest sexual harassment allegations against beleaguered Democratic Sen. Al Franken.

“Your Dad is a 5th degree black belt when it comes to sexual impropriety allegations,” Baldwin tweeted at Trump Jr. “In fact…I once had a party at the Plaza Hotel…your father showed up uninvited & hit on my wife…invited her on his helicopter to Atlantic City.”

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

My furry master says to say: Happy Thanksgiving where applicable, and happy weekend to all!

David, please take care of yourself. We miss you, but we’re fine. Your health comes first.

7 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

We miss you David.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving/Thursday, everybody!

7 years ago

Take care of yourself David! We love WHTM, but your health comes first.

7 years ago

Happy Thursday! Except that it’s Friday here in Australia, and our Thursday consisted of the news that Milo Yiannopoulos has been invited to speak at a function in our federal Parliament House by libertarian Senator David Leyonhjelm.

I think it goes without saying we’re unenthused by this development.

Also, although we now have marriage equality, we don’t really have it yet because while the people have spoken, but the legislators are still arguing about it. And at least one MP thinks the equality of millions of LGBTIQ Australians isn’t as important as the less-than-forty people savaged by crocodiles each year. Because, you know, it’s just the vibe.

So, yeah, happy Thursday.

(PS. Glad you’re still alive David! I miss your regular posts, but your health is much more important. Unless there are crocodiles involved.)

dr. ej
dr. ej
7 years ago

Hello Mammotheers! Happy Thanksgiving (where applicable) and Happy Thursday (or Friday) everywhere else!

Just popping in to say I’m still lurking. Being a first semester teacher is tough so I haven’t had much time for posting lately. I love the job but it is exhausting.

I took advantage of my day off today to cook way too much food, including lemon rosemary turkey thighs and a pumpkin pie. It’s been nice to have a real day off. I usually end up working (or thinking about work) on weekends and I didn’t do that today. Between that and the good food it’s been a pretty good day.

7 years ago

I hope things get for you soon David. Take care of yourself. And Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate and a happy Thursday for those who do not.

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Happy Day, and hope you get better soon, David.

7 years ago

I think I had a pretty good day today πŸ™‚

No (the ones I’m on civil terms with) relatives called to invite me to any TG thing. Nor did anyone call to wish me a happy holiday or to see how I’m doing (for those here who missed it, my mom passed away recently, 20 Oct.)

Because this is a big “family holiday” here in the US, it could remind me of missing mom. And some other relatives. I made a concerted effort to do other things. And, for several years we haven’t been doing big “family things” because my relatives are scattered all over, people are busy, and is it really necessary to make a big to do of this? Or, why not some other close day? Or why not go out to eat? A lot of people do.

A few years ago, mom was still making a turkey and all of it and I’d go over to her house and eat. This year I was going to do the cooking and bring it over to her, and it was going to be: Meat loaf! Yeah really, I found a recipe online that included oatmeal. I, mom, and past relatives remember it with the oatmeal.

So I found a recipe and made it a couple of times and brought it to mom. This can be relatively healthy too, if it’s prepared right (baked on rack to allow grease to drain off), and you have a reasonable portion of it plus lots of veggies. Those were to be roasted potatoes and carrots, and asparagus.

Mom loved this meatloaf so that’s what I was going to make.
And of course that didn’t happen…

I was thinking of making it for myself, but, did not want to get nostalgic or upset, – so I had a frozen pizza (Reggios) and beer (Bud Light.) (Haute Cuisine.) My friend has come over to hang out. She didn’t have anything to do either. Most of her relatives are also jerks. Or just busy and doing other things, it’s not all drama. I think we have to remind ourselves that real life is often a far cry from TV ads.

To not be missing passed relatives and friends, I decided to get busy and do somethings I haven’t had a chance at. Which was mostly fixing up all my plants. They were in crappy dry potting soil so I had got new for them, I decided to work on this today and am glad I did πŸ™‚

They’re half done, I have 3 or 4 to go. I received a plant sympathy gift too, it was 3 little plants in a basket. These now have new homes with new fresh soil. I am glad I talked myself into doing this πŸ™‚

Everything turned out great too, and it was kind of a… happy and positive thing to do. I am glad I did it. Oh and there was nice weather for once so I went and took a walk too.

Now we’re just relaxing and having a few, friend wanted to see the plants and “You still have that frozen pizza? I’ll bring the beer.”

Overall not a bad day and I’m glad I decided to get to work on the plants. Was the highlight of my day, really πŸ™‚

Best TG wishes from we here too πŸ™‚

Oh and here’s that meat loaf recipe if anyone is interested –

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

I haven’t posted anything to you in several days, but I’ve been thinking of you. If I understand correctly, that is the plural “you.”

My relatives have been absent from my life lately too, so I can empathize.

Losing your mother is quite a challenge — and then other challenges have popped up too. Luckily, you’re still able to see the happy side of life, which includes plants and friends.

Now that my mother is dead (it’s been a while), no relatives contact me on holidays. But I did just go downstairs and water the apartment building plants. I also added a flower essence to the water, which I believe keeps them perky. Another tenant and I share the watering on an informal basis.

And my bf and I also took a nice, long walk to a Pakistani restaurant, stuffed ourselves, and then took a nice, long walk back. As we do several times a week, we stopped in at a local liquor store to pet the store cat.

All best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving, Z&T!

7 years ago

Hope you get well soon David. My thanksgiving dinner with family gone pretty smoothly. No awkward talks or anything, just a nice dinner with my family.

7 years ago

Thanks, Kat, it sounds like you had a nice day too πŸ™‚

Regarding plants….

I’m not an expert at this by far, trying to improve, and yes plural we, I’m usually hanging out with various people or my usual bestie here,

And this is a tip I cam upon via her. This is the person, poison bug bites.

Bugs in plants? She came upon something regarding that, something with gnats (doesn’t remember), and how they may be in plants or soil, (or lay eggs in there) – but what you can do is water them with 1 part peroxide + 4 parts water. Does not harm most plants. The interested can research it further.

Potting soil. Who knew this was so complex? I found out the hard way, from buying cheap $2 bags at a grocery store’s “garden area”, – that was abject crap. Twice I got garbage like this, last spring I did this with a fresh bag, which turned out to be even worse!

So this time I went to Home Depot and got a $7 bag of proper potting soil, a bit more expensive but it’s a big enough bag. I’ve only used half so far.

I think the plants are already perking up!

7 years ago

Also, keep forgetting to say, GET WELL SOON DAVID! πŸ™‚

Maybe I’m forgetting because I know you will be? πŸ™‚

Another disturbing thing has popped up among my “relatives”, not the non asshole, or sorta asshole ones I am on at least speaking terms with,

This would be from my father’s side, and they have contacted me. Which they haven’t much before, either. In the case of these…. shiftless criminals, – they are likely looking for money.

The children of my father’s second wife. One of whom decided to write me from prison.

I do not associate with these people, never have, only know them vaguely, met the kids a few times, I do not consider these people “family”.

And how did they know that my mom died? My other friend, another Z, she’s has similar issues and she doesn’t know what to do either. She avoids her relatives that are “living in gated communities.”

These people are now writing to me and the attempted manipulation is blatant. One thing was along the lines of “The reality is, we are family…”

INCORRECT. My reality is whatever I choose it to be and I do not have to interact with anyone I choose not to interact with.

I’m not entirely sure what to do about this. I need to communicate to these people that I DO NOT wish to have ANYTHING to do with them, I’m not sure what to do with this.

I got this letter yesterday, from some relative in the can, how do they already know about this, is another thing that disturbs me.

I think I will need YET MORE legal help with this!

If anyone has any advice on this, I would greatly appreciate it. As I said, I know people in sim situations and they’re not sure what to do, either.

Trying to keep a positive attitude here and not let these things weigh on me. I tell myself, if you’re going back to the paperwork tomorrow, think about it then.

I do think I need some other perspectives on this so I thought I’d mention it.

7 years ago

My mom came up visiting this week– the first time she’s been able to since Dad’s death (the last year Dad was alive he needed too much care for them to visit). It was a little hectic, as Mom is a woman who has always liked to keep busy, but hey we now have a cleaner house and a fuller fridge. And I’m glad to see she’s doing okay.

7 years ago


I need to communicate to these people that I DO NOT wish to have ANYTHING to do with them, I’m not sure what to do with this.

What would you do if this communication was on-line or anything other than snail mail?

You’d block, de-list, reject, change your email, FB and phone settings, whatever it takes to ensure that any and all people you wanted to have nothing to do with had no way of getting to you. Your negative “communication” in these avenues consists of resolute stony silence.

You could try the old-fashioned ‘Return To Sender’ trick if you can recognise the sender from the envelope. (Maybe let a few go unanswered before doing that.) You don’t really know these people so you might not feel able to judge the best/ worst, good/ bad, least or most likely-to-succeed way of dealing with them.

Perhaps drop a line to Captain Awkward. I just had a quick look through the ‘death’ category and couldn’t see anything directly relevant to your issue. But CA and the commentariat can be quite helpful with all kinds of issues. Most importantly, what to do next if what you do (or refuse to do) doesn’t work the first time around.

Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
7 years ago


Please don’t think I’m being flippant about this, and I apologize if I come off sounding like it, but my question is: is there any reason that you need to have any contact at all with these people? Silence can be a very clear indication that you don’t want any contact with them, with the added bonus of not having to deal with anxiety of trying to explain that you don’t want any contact at all (I suffer from a general anxiety disorder as well as some social anxiety as well, so that would be a plus for me). If they’re mailing you I’d not even open the letter, I’d mark it “Return To Sender.” and drop it right back into the mailbox. I’m not saying this will work for you but honestly that would be my initial reaction. I know for myself that I’m easy to sway with a sob story, so my defense to that is not even to let them get a foot in the door in the first place.

7 years ago

My younger son hosted his first TG meal. In the past they either ate ate mine or his mother in law’s. My elder son was here too. It all went well, and we had a nice Thanksgiving.

David, I hope your medical problems resolve themselves soon. We do miss you, but we’ll be fine until you are well enough to continue.

7 years ago


It’s a bit of a buzz, although in a slightly sad way, when they do things like that, isn’t it. πŸ™‚


Don’t talk to them.
Simple as that. Put them out of your head. They have no claim on your time or attention.

7 years ago

Relieved to see David still here ! Hope thoses issues will stop soon enough.

And good thankgivings to all americans.

Nothing is Permanent But Woe
Nothing is Permanent But Woe
7 years ago

Oi oi folks.

Hope you’re starting to get on the mend, David, and best wishes for Thanksgiving, which is a festival I have only ever experienced vicariously through American sitcoms (I like Boyle’s version the best!).

(I’m thankful it’s payday, and I’ve just discovered that River Song is going to team up with the Fifth Doctor to fight Madam Kovarian. Take THAT, continuity! Always nice to get exciting Who news on the show’s birthday.)

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