By David Futrelle
It’s a rarity in this year of terrible, but tonight has been a night of actual good news! Dems are winning elections, and Reddit has banned the toxic cesspool known as the Incels subreddit! Celebrate while you can in this open thread!
No trolls. Fuck trolls.
This is the first time a wall of news notifications hasn't been a nightmare in god knows how long pic.twitter.com/NpTaW5QK6e
— Ashley Feinberg (ashleyfeinberg.bsky.social) (@ashleyfeinberg) November 8, 2017
Dems have won all three of the marquee off-year races — NJGov, VAGov, NYC Mayor — for the first time since 1989.
— David Weigel (@daveweigel) November 8, 2017
Democrats decimated Republicans across the country tonight, at every level and in every branch of state government.
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) November 8, 2017
Thanks, Trump!
And this is the icing on the cake:
Trans woman Danica Roem (D) just defeated anti-LGBTQ candidate Bob Marshall (R) in Virginia, becoming the first trans state legislator in America.
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) November 8, 2017
The man who wrote the anti-trans bathroom bill just lost the election to a trans woman. Let that sink in. https://t.co/KFEZXSYvMy
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) November 8, 2017
Oh, and there’s this:
Jeff Sessions' DOJ Drops Prosecution Of Woman Who Laughed At Jeff Sessions https://t.co/slOPOhmLYN pic.twitter.com/ekRsU1RJAq
— Curt and Frank π³οΈβπ (@curtandfrank) November 7, 2017
Let’s all celebrate by laughing at Jeff Sessions!
Meanwhile, on Reddit:
Reddit has banned the Incels subreddit. About fucking time; it was a cesspool of misogyny and violent hate. pic.twitter.com/8RieXtxZLN
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) November 8, 2017
HEALTH NOTE: Though cheered by tonight’s news, I’m still dealing with a shitstorm of health issues. I will return to regular posting as soon as I can, but I’m not sure when that will be. Thanks again for your patience and your support!
Have a good recovery, David !
And congratulations to american commenters.
Have a nice day.
re: No one wanting to do unpleasant but vitally neccessary work.
What about the following: If no one wants to do it at first, we simply wait. Since it *is* vital, people might soon realized that we are all screwed when it doesn’t get done, (i.e. sewage) and the demand for people willing to do those jobs will rise.
Now, since we have a Basic Universal Income that covers a decent life (which the income from the “unpleasant work” at least in this country very often does not – and if it does the extra money isn’t enough to compensate for the unpleasantness of the job) nobody would be forced to take any job for bad pay. In other words the neccessities of survival will no longer force people to sell their labour far below it’s actual value – and though we often don’t see it that way, those unpleasant jobs are immensely valuable, because without them being done it would get ugly fast.
So as soon as society realizes that we desperately need those things done (when everyone is drowning in their own filth, for example), there should come a point (rather quickly, I guess) where they will be willing to pay whatever it takes to get them done. Not out ouf empathy or a newfound appreciation for the people doing those jobs but simply out of self-preservation and self-interest. And if the jobs start getting paid really well (and I mean *really* well), why wouldn’t people want to do them. If I could afford a very nice house, shiny stuff and a secure future for myself and my family, I might just do that stuff.
We all can’t imagine that right now (someone in a “low” job being paid as well as say a lawyer or a doctor), but that is in part because our system as it is forces people to do those jobs for a lot less money and when they refuse they only have the choice between welfare and being poor – if they’re lucky – or starving. Remove that pressure, see if it’s still so easy to exploit people.
There is of course also the fact that employers are allowed to simply exploit people from other countries who are even worse off and therefore face the aforementioned pressure in a much greater degree, if the workers “at home” should get “uppity ideas”. So this policy needs to be prevented while at the same time (or if possible even before that) making sure that the people in these places have their own chances at good employment and decent wages. In this case the relatively well-off people (not *all* people) from more affluent countries have a kind of obligation towards those from poorer countries so that the increase in our well-being doesn’t come at their expense.
I realize this *sounds* utopian and impossible, but I also think that we should radically re-think issues in this area and above all should *stop * believing that the current system of global capitalism is the endpoint of all development and some kind of unchangeable constant. Anyway. So much for the idealistic dreaming. It already got much longer than intended.
Other good news from Germany:
Our highest court has ruled that people who are not male or female can’t be forced to chose between male or female in their passports. Their has to be a third option.
Our parlament now has some time to chance that.
For how many people that will have consequences is unknown.
16.000 is one posibility. It could be as many as 800.000.
Excellent news. I’ve seen mot of it elsewhere but it’s glorious to see it all together.
Get well soon David.
Re Kessler: he tweeted today that he’d finally got his blue tick. As of 2 minutes ago that tweet had 89 likes, while a tweet below reading simply
has 2.3 thousand likes π π
Available in all its (admittedly immature) glory here
I didn’t think I would hold people’s attention if I wrote a 500-page treatise covering every possible contingency (such as food allergies), so I didn’t. I summed up the very basic overview in ~100 words. If you’re willing to assume that rent-seeking can be overcome if we just tweak the rules enough, I’m not sure why you would assume that I’m proposing zero tweaks to accommodate special situations.
Some people frankly need to be punished for not working. I know, and I’m sure everyone else knows, folks who are perfectly capable, who have skills, who just don’t feel like working but instead feel like sitting at home doing nothing but playing video games and being supported by Mom or by a partner. “But Mental Illness” is not a response to that. Laziness is not a mental illness, and not everyone who is lazy has untreated depression. Nor does everyone with depression suffer from laziness. The two are just not connected very well.
My ex never got bored of laziness. He always filled his time with video games or going out with his friends, until I booted him out, at which time he found the energy to work AND go to school to improve his working situation. I’m over it now, but I can’t tell how you furious I was to discover that yes, he did have energy and drive, he just found it easier to do nothing when he could mooch off me.
I’m not sure where this psychological assertion that laziness goes away eventually originates, because my experience says it isn’t true for everyone. Some people need a boot in the ass to get off the couch, and that’s just a fact.
Universal housing would give even lazy bums the right to sit around and do nothing if they wanted to, but maybe eventually they would get tired of not having any party money and go out and work for some.
I’d trust the government to do that long before I would trust them to ensure that someone suffering IPV doesn’t have their UBI stolen from them by the abusive partner. I would trust the government to do that long before I would trust them to somehow centrally manipulate the economy so it doesn’t spin out of control when tons of loose money is sloshing around. Not sure why we give the government tons of good faith assumptions when it comes to UBI but not housing.
@ Jesalin,
Hugs if you want them. We all fuck up sometimes, and choosing practicality over what’s best for ourselves can be one of those times. I’ve done that, though not in the same context, and it’s devastating when you realise what you’ve done isn’t what you should have done for your own good. [What follows is an attempt at humour – please accept apologise if this comes across otherwise] Don’t beat yourself up over it, no point in making things worse, or so people tell me. I think they’re liars, or so my anxiety tells me.[Humour ends] You’re strong, you’ll get through this.
Re: convo about universal basic income:
As a long-term, unemployed, disabled person who can’t do ‘normal’ jobs – I’ve tried, can we all say major depression and suicidal ideation? – I’m drawn to UBI because I think it’ll be a help to people like me, and several of my family members and friends. Financial stress is bad for everyone.
I’ve been thinking about it: how would you persuade people to do the manky jobs nobody really wants to do if they had a guaranteed income of, say, Β£10,000 a year (My gods, I could live like a queen on that much money!)?
The only idea I’ve come up with is pay people lots of money and make the jobs part-time. Currently the manky jobs are minimum wage or near enough; pay more and people might be prepared to work part-time doing the manky jobs to top up their UBI for the little ‘luxuries’ like a holiday (a day out counts as a holiday!) or Christmas (it’s cancelled this year because I have no money for food, let alone gifts).
As someone has already mentioned, being out of work for long periods is boring! Been there, done that, don’t recommend it. Working part-time takes the edge off – I’ve done that too, until the boss found out I was mentally ill and sacked me (zero-hours contract, couldn’t do anything about it according to my solicitor). Currently, to stave off boredom I review books and write novels. Doesn’t make me any money but I manage to stay on a reasonably even keel. And off course it adds to my collection of books – 3000 and counting! (Yes, I’m proud of my personal library, it’s my special interest).
If I knew I’d have an income whatever happened, without any deductions because I’ve got a little job or I’m doing some volunteer work or getting an education – oh yeah, my ESA gets reduced because I’m trying to get my MA and the loan I get to pay costs and fees is counted as income – it’d be one less thing to worry about while I try to get back to something resembling health, or as near as I can get given my conditions and neurodivergency. Eventually, I might be able to find some suitable work. As it is, the financial stress and instability of my living condition interfere with my recovery; I’m stuck in a cycle of benefits dependency and health conditions, as many people are because of the lack of support or stability in life that would allow them to get back on track.
As far as I’m concerned, providing financial stability to everyone outweighs any potential issues; some can be addressed in advanced by providing more council housing, and better legislation to regulate private landlord, and greater funding for the NHS, others will have to be tackled as they arrive.
P.S. Ezzie is grumpy that I’ve spent so long writing this and not fussing her.
New Dr Who costume for the 13th Doctor has been released this afternoon, which has helped cheer me up no end after a crap week. I’m wondering how long it will be before the trolls interpret the colours across the Doctor’s chest as an LGBTQI symbol and kick off accordingly.
For what it’s worth, the many clients who use the homeless shelter I volunteer for have a wide range of needs which impact whether they can work and what kind of work they can do; but none of them would be people I classed as ‘lazy’ – their day by day struggles are an order of magnitude harder than mine.
@ nipbw
Do you think it has a bit of a Mork vibe; or is that just me?
Why? Given that it’s well known – in the US at least – that the real unemployment rate is higher than the official rate, which is never and will never be 0%, we don’ t actually need 100% employment to keep the economy and government running.
Honestly, I’d rather have the shitheads out of the way than have them mucking up the workplace anyway. Most professional moochers aren’t able to avoid employment their whole entire lives. I’m sure we’ve all had people like this as coworkers before. Or as customers gotten terrible day ruining service from people like this. They do a shitty half assed job and screw things up, they provide terrible service to customers/clients and they pass off as much work as possible to their coworkers. Their mistakes cost companies money and they aggravate everyone else. The economy would probably function better without their participation.
Also, as someone who has low level anxiety and depression that reads as laziness to people, even people who know me well, your post come off as really judgmental and made me feel like shit. So thanks for that.
People are really, really married to the idea that anxiety always looks like panicky meltdowns rather than paralysis and that depression always looks like all day crying jags and suicidal ideation rather than apathy or fatigue. But that’s not true. Are you really so fucking sure that you or anyone else is can tell for certain who is just a lazy mooch and who is suffering from mental health issues?
I’m sorry you had an ex who manipulated you in that way, but you’re doing that thing that right wingers love to do so much. Using the fact that some people will abuse the system to justify getting rid of or never implementing necessary aid.
I like the rainbow part. Not wild about the suspenders and highwater pants combo. But if people can accept a suit with question marks all over it or a fez and bowtie, people should be able to get used to a Morkish look. The conversation is going to make me miss Robin Williams though. His comedy wasn’t always my style but with all these allegations about Hollywood people coming out these days, I’m inclined to feel more fond of him. I’ve never seen anything to suggest he was anything but a good, nice person.
I’m guessing the colorful and dorky costume is a hint that they’re taking the Doctor away from the darkness that Capaldi’s incarnation had?
The Mork vibe has been commented on by quite a lot of Twitter, as it happens. I’ll be looking for one of those coats for cosplay forthwith (I already have boots that will do.)
Miserable no good robbing trolls…
I imagine the costume will evolve over the next couple of seasons, so it’ll probably become variations on a theme, like Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi did, and the pants might change. I think the suspenders are cool, but then again as I type this I’m wearing a swamp green tank top, so all fashion comments from me should be taken with more than a pinch of salt.
“Trolls? Trolls that could skin you alive and take your face off?”
“Ranon, you know I hate trolls!”
Off-topic (ish), haven’t heard from Troubelle in a while… (I was cataloging Resistance Songs yesterday)… hope they’re ok.
The post you’re replying to made me feel really crummy, too, for exactly this reason. Depression and anxiety manifests in me as complete flat affect, apathy, paralysis, fatigue, insomnia, but to someone else I’m sure I just look like a lazy bum (I’m young and seemingly able bodied). I’ve been unemployed for a while, and I keenly know that a lot of people have a knee-jerk reaction to think of me as useless because I’m not working. I’m really, really struggling to convince myself that I’m not useless because my severe depression is going untreated right now because I can’t afford medication (I am almost completely functional on meds).. but it’s really hard, especially when I see it confirmed that most people really will just assume that I’m just a lazy piece of shit :/
My brother has a seizure disorder and has been unable to work or go to school his entire adult life. Looking at him you wouldn’t know, because he appears to be physically ‘normal’. He still lives at home and spends most of his time playing video games, even though he desperately wants to work but cannot get hired despite ADA protections. It hurts me that people assume he’s just lazy.
Thanks for sticking up for us.
” Not sure why we give the government tons of good faith assumptions when it comes to UBI but not housing.”
Because providing a UBI/guaranteed employment gives power to the disenfranchised while providing goods directly keeps the power with the powerful(ie. the government). Providing a UBI means that the government just needs to pony up the money and leaves the rest of the responsibility on the person getting the benefit, while providing goods directly means that the government needs to coordinate the complicated task of making the goods fit the person, which is possible but a bit like performing surgery with a machete.
Sorry if this seems a little short, both literally and figuratively, but I have an appointment and I’m out of time. π
Lots of great responses, I’ll drop back in later. π
@Weird Eddie
Troubelle’s doing ok; they’re on the Discord channel a good deal.
My point in this is that providing a UBI allows the individual to determine what a basic living looks like to them. That’s important, because everyone’s life is different.
Maybe having a little wine now and then is important to my sanity. Maybe having the freedom to seek housing elsewhere if I don’t like my neighbors is important. My hormones are not covered by insurance, and I would expect them to fall through the cracks in a system like this. Maybe I live with my parents, and together we have an acceptable living.
Maybe I’m the sort of person who needs a “boot in the ass” to work because work ratchets up my anxiety over time and always ends in a catastrophic meltdown that I need weeks or months to recover from. Maybe I look “lazy”, but there are issues I have that aren’t immediately obvious, and I DO NOT appreciate being judged for having a set of mental illnesses.
@Mish, thank You! *giggles*
I also hope Troubelle is okay. I hope Handsome Jack and Fran are, too.
I like the new Doctor’s outfit. I like her boots. Had a pair like that. Had a pair of pants like that, too, but they were black.
All the cool kids are on the Discord server. We have custom emojis B)
Interesting item about Bill O’Reilly (remember him?) and Fox:
His contract (until this January) prevented him from being fired for sexual abuse allegations unless they were proven in court.
His lawyers obviously knew him well. π
It will work out fine. We just need to find one magician or fortune teller who can determine without fail who’s ill and who’s just lazy, and then all the countries will share that person to do all their paper work.
Democracy in action.. /sarc