
Dems win big! The Incels subreddit is banned! Celebrate in this open thread

Forget your troubles, c’mon get happy!

By David Futrelle

It’s a rarity in this year of terrible, but tonight has been a night of actual good news! Dems are winning elections, and Reddit has banned the toxic cesspool known as the Incels subreddit! Celebrate while you can in this open thread!

No trolls. Fuck trolls.

Thanks, Trump!

And this is the icing on the cake:

Oh, and there’s this:

Let’s all celebrate by laughing at Jeff Sessions!

Meanwhile, on Reddit:

HEALTH NOTE: Though cheered by tonight’s news, I’m still dealing with a shitstorm of health issues. I will return to regular posting as soon as I can, but I’m not sure when that will be. Thanks again for your patience and your support!

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7 years ago


But in general, vote who you support – it’s simple as that.

I’d say have, “in general vote tactically, and only vote for who you want if you don’t need to vote tactically”. A fair few of my brit friends, despairing over cameron’s conservative government and feeling like the liberal democrats had failed them decided that they were finally going to give up on all this tactical voting bullshit and vote for who they actually wanted. Result? the liberals were practically obliterated overnight, and the conservatives came back stronger than ever and ultimately fired off the whole brexit thing.

Not a Trudeau fan – he’s too slick. Reminds me of Blair in the first couple years of his power ?

It is easy to remember blair only as a lying, warmongering neoliberal crusader (cos, y’know, he was), but he did a fair few good things too. This stands in stark contrast to the governments of the uk since his time, who have only managed the lying warmongering neoliberal bit.

7 years ago

@ Pie

I’d say have, “in general vote tactically, and only if you don’t need to, vote for who you want”.

Where’s the sense in that?

If you vote tactically most of the time, instead of for the party that most matches your beliefs, the party that most matches your beliefs moves away from your beliefs. They do change their policies and approaches when they lose – they’re not static and, bluntly, they want to be in power. About a billion focus groups, rebrandings and analyses ad nauseum of the losing parties after every election shows that. 😛
So by voting tactically most of the time – you’re killing the very party you agree with.

7 years ago


So by voting tactically most of the time – you’re killing the very party you agree with.

If you don’t have to vote tactically, eg. voting for who you want will either a) get them in or b) make no difference to another candidate getting in, then vote for who you want. If by voting for who you want you are assisting an unwanted candidate getting in, you are probably making life worse for yourself. I did give an example; former tactical voters decided they’d finally vote for the independent and green candidates they eally wanted, and as a result the conservatives got in with a landslide, and now they have the slow-motion catastrophe that is brexit.

It sucks that voting tactically is often the only option in many voting systems, but until there’s a lot more proportional representation or alternative vote systems in place, it will remain the choice for minimizing how shit everything is.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

Didn’t Trump say he was going to share what the government knows about aliens and UFOs?

He did say that.

My guess: He got some positive-ish publicity for “releasing” the JFK files so now he’s making up similar sounding shit.

The MiBs would’ve wiped Trump’s brain, but there wasn’t much of one to wipe.

He has this amazing natural ability of forgetting the things he promised to various people just a moment ago. At least the swap creatures keep reminding him about tax-cutting promises.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

If anything, singles have more time and energy to devote to caring about big-picture issues that affect everybody. Having kids doesn’t make you myopic, exactly, but boy does it ever sap your energy and force you to pick your battles.

Just consider this: Finnish president Sauli Niinistö is becoming a father at age 69, just in time for this winter’s re-election. He’s gonna have a busy second term (if he indeed gets re-elected, as is likely) and retirement.

(I vaguely recall that his first wife and existing children died in an accident in the 90s. By the time of his election in 2012, he was married to the current wife, now in her 40s with no previous children.)

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago


Also I just went to Google something; typed “was”, and the first auto fill thingie is “was Jesus a Jew?”

Scene from Heaven shortly after Ascension:

“Son, what is this? They’re calling it a new religion and baptizing heathens like Jews!”

“It’s not my fault, Dad. I just tried to awaken the Children of Israel, and didn’t mess with anyone else.”

“You go back right now and correct them, or I’ll write a new testament!”

7 years ago


Got to scoot for a few hours but before I do:

It sucks that voting tactically is often the only option in many voting systems, but until there’s a lot more proportional representation or alternative vote systems in place, it will remain the choice for minimizing how shit everything is.

How will you get other parties to critical mass (or even to start) if you never vote for them? The large party in power (of any slant) is not going to give up some of their power out of the goodness of their hearts.

@Arctic Ape

Pretty sure Trump said about releasing the UFO stuff even before he was sworn in. Might or might not have been before the election itself, can’t remember right now.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

What do USian Mammotheers do if aliens land and do the “Take me to your leader” thing?

“Er, they’re not available at the moment; come back in seven years”

7 years ago

It makes me feel kinda paranoid – are all the “decent” men I know really decent? What kind of skeletons do they have in their closets? Who can I actually trust?

I know, right? 🙁

For me, it depends on what exactly is meant by trust. Do I assume that people aren’t creeps with skeletons like that in their closets when I meet them or interact with them? Barring information to the contrary or a really bad gut feeling, yes.

Would I bet on that, a.k.a. ever put myself in a vulnerable position again, even with people I otherwise think are decent? Very likely not (although I’m working on that). The more vulnerable I’d be the more that answer would tend to be no. On the other hand, I’m a cynical person with trust issues when it comes to these things, so…

I guess what I mean is, it’s difficult to definitely answer a question like that in the sense that nobody is or can be absolutely sure about the people they meet or are dealing with in their lives. In a practical sense, I’d say go with your instincts in each separate case and situation. Like “can I trust this man with this thing now”. That’s how I try to do it, anyway.

7 years ago

If they seem angry, lead them to 45. Any other scenario you take them to the nearest rock. It will have better articulated responses, anyway.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ kupo

What if its like that bit in independence day!?

“They’re like locusts. They move from planet to planet, destroying everything until it’s just a husk….Scott Pruitt, you’re fired, I’ve found someone else.”

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

@Arctic Ape

Just consider this: Finnish president Sauli Niinistö is becoming a father at age 69, just in time for this winter’s re-election. He’s gonna have a busy second term (if he indeed gets re-elected, as is likely) and retirement.

Aww, that is so sweet! I hope he’ll have lots of help with the little one. That makes a huge difference in being able to focus and get things done.

@Scolar Visari

Given the track record of single world leaders from my adequate sampling of their population, clearly the answer is not to elect married *or* single presidents. Ideally, nations should have their leaders married to multiple people at the same time.

As a registered Katiean, my vote only goes to candidates with 3 or more cats.

Come to think of it, Donald Trump is the first US president in almost 150 years that hasn’t had a White House pet. That’s really unusual. Pets soften the President’s image and are great for stress relief. (Harry Truman once said “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.”)

It would be understandable if he had allergies or phobias, but one gets the sense that Trump simply doesn’t like animals. They can’t make him wealthy or fluff up his ego, and he’s got no use for that. The only animals that family interacts with are the kind that can be mounted over the fireplace.

7 years ago


How will you get other parties to critical mass (or even to start) if you never vote for them? The large party in power (of any slant) is not going to give up some of their power out of the goodness of their hearts.

To repeat: this is about tactical voting, where the choice is perhaps between party A who you really don’t like, party B who you may or may not like very much but is at least the lesser of two evils and party C who you do actually like.

If the A and B share most of the vote, but the difference between their shares is low, voting for C risks A getting in and has a vanishingly low chance of C getting in. The end result is stuff like cameron’s second term, or the bernie-or-bust people benefitting trump.

Some of the smaller parties understand this and are willing to make sacrifices and compromises. The Greens in the UK, for example, deliberately stepped down some of their candidates in places where they were extremely unlikely to win, in order to shore up labour or liberal democrat candidates because preventing a conservative government, or at least a conservative majority, was more important.

You don’t have to take my word for it. The vote numbers for the various parties and candidates in the last UK general election aren’t secret, and so you see a really depressing number of places where the electorate leans left, but their vote was split between multiple left-leaning candidates and so a right wing candidate got in because there was a largely unified right.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Buttercup

There were rumours that Cherie Booth had had Humphrey the Downing Street cat assassinated. Which lead to this rather awkward photo.

(Not sure who looks most uncomfortable to be there)

7 years ago

Scolar Visari:

Mind you, there was also one U.S. president that remained a lifelong bachelor: James Buchanan, otherwise best known for palming off the American Civil War to his successor.

There were rumours that Buchanan was gay, of course. That seems to be the fate of any unmarried man in high political office. Britain has had, if I remember correctly, four prime ministers who never married, and at least three of those had similar innuendo written about them. Perhaps due to the declining stigma attached to homosexuality, the rumours about the last such PM, Edward Heath, have changed, with allegations emerging that he was an active pedophile. I don’t know how credible that is, but I suspect that any bachelor PM would face similar rumours. A lot of people are suspicious of an absence of visible sexuality.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago


Pretty sure Trump said about releasing the UFO stuff even before he was sworn in. Might or might not have been before the election itself, can’t remember right now.

OK, he’s literally been spontaneously promising everything to everyone. No wonder he won.


Aww, that is so sweet! I hope he’ll have lots of help with the little one. That makes a huge difference in being able to focus and get things done.

Not sure if detecting sarcasm…

Everyone certainly thinks it’s sweet, me included. Some also worry he’s stretching himself a bit too thin, even assuming he lives long enough to see the child grow up.

At least the timing of birth around election isn’t deliberate. I hear (and believe) that they’ve been trying to conceive for many years now.

7 years ago

I’d forgotten Cherie Blair’s pussy-grabbing.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

@Arctic Ape – Nope, no sarcasm. I’m genuinely happy for him. As someone who also had to wait a long time to have kids, I understand the heartache and hell people go through trying to conceive, and the unfair ways in which older parents get judged.

Still, babies are a lot of work, whatever your age and circumstance, so I’m hoping he has a good support system and helping hands.

@Alan – Considering cats shed extra when they’re nervous, I wonder what her black jacket looked like after the photo shoot.

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago

To my knowledge, Trump has never had a pet mentioned…I have never even heard of him having a family pet while growing up.

Shadowplay, yes, Billy Carter was quite the character. He had a beer, “Billy Beer”, named after him, for a while. I remember my father buying some and saying “back to Budweiser. This stuff was a waste of money.”

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago

You know, as I reflect on this cold November morn up in Canada City… if 2017 has had one recurring theme, I think its “women having to save white guys from themselves.” Women of colour particularly.

The sheer awfulness of far too many prominent white guys have come to the fore over the past 11 months (and before 2017 as well) that I think the ingrained cultural notion of the superior white guy is crumbling faster than we know. Virginia’s election results are just the latest example of women turning out in huge numbers to overcome the tribalistic rage-votes of aggrieved white guys.

And women of colour have enough to deal with; they don’t need the added burden of having to be the safeguard of democracy just because white men can’t handle their own mediocrity. And deep down, they know they’re mediocre, hence the constant running from the responsibility of being in charge (looking your way, Trump).

Tammy Duckworth is the future of the United States as far as I can see. And with women like Col. Duckworth in government, it’ll be a bright one.

Cinimon Danger (It's not my real name!)
Cinimon Danger (It's not my real name!)
7 years ago

I can’t wait to see Cernovich’s eyes bleed as he defends Al Franken.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

@Shadowplay @Scolar Visari
I haven’t actually gone back to the archives (2013, 2015. It sounds like its been ages lol) and read the articles written about her – it’s (not so) hilarious how quick she’ll jump to ‘it’s satire!’ when people question the legitimacy of her posts though. That excuse is old enough to start thinking about retirement plans now.

aaaaand more ilk from the misogynist side of youtube I found. Nothing said was anything meaningful or new. Just the basic hateful, “hitting the wall at 30; ‘roasties’ ‘cock carousel’ ‘Chad & co’; sex bots replacing women; feminism is the cause of our society’s downfall” & ends it with the underlining message that women caused rome to fell therefore, refugees are bad. You know.. the same old racist, sexist, all-around bigoted mantra we’ve read from all mgtows/mras.

I find that these mgtow/mra youtubers have this vitriolic voice when it comes to being bigoted while spewing trp versus redditors.

The comments are exactly what you’d expect.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

@Shadowplay, PeeVee:
I seem to recall that Mad Magazine once had a back cover while Jimmy Carter was president that had Jimmy standing there, trying to smile while weighed down, with an obviously drunk Billy still holding up a beer riding piggyback (pick-a-back?) on him.

The caption was ‘He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother!’.

7 years ago

About the UFOs. Perhaps the Men in Black haven’t told Trump anything. Whith Twitter he is to much a risk.

Just read (sorry no link): Trump wants to allow ivory to be shipped to the USA. That he is not pro-animal as stated in this tread (having no pet) makes even more sense now.

7 years ago


Yeah, his sons seem to quite enjoy slaughtering endangered animals. What a disgusting bunch.

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