By David Futrelle
It’s a rarity in this year of terrible, but tonight has been a night of actual good news! Dems are winning elections, and Reddit has banned the toxic cesspool known as the Incels subreddit! Celebrate while you can in this open thread!
No trolls. Fuck trolls.
This is the first time a wall of news notifications hasn't been a nightmare in god knows how long pic.twitter.com/NpTaW5QK6e
— Ashley Feinberg (ashleyfeinberg.bsky.social) (@ashleyfeinberg) November 8, 2017
Dems have won all three of the marquee off-year races — NJGov, VAGov, NYC Mayor — for the first time since 1989.
— David Weigel (@daveweigel) November 8, 2017
Democrats decimated Republicans across the country tonight, at every level and in every branch of state government.
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) November 8, 2017
Thanks, Trump!
And this is the icing on the cake:
Trans woman Danica Roem (D) just defeated anti-LGBTQ candidate Bob Marshall (R) in Virginia, becoming the first trans state legislator in America.
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) November 8, 2017
The man who wrote the anti-trans bathroom bill just lost the election to a trans woman. Let that sink in. https://t.co/KFEZXSYvMy
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) November 8, 2017
Oh, and there’s this:
Jeff Sessions' DOJ Drops Prosecution Of Woman Who Laughed At Jeff Sessions https://t.co/slOPOhmLYN pic.twitter.com/ekRsU1RJAq
— Curt and Frank 🏳️🌈 (@curtandfrank) November 7, 2017
Let’s all celebrate by laughing at Jeff Sessions!
Meanwhile, on Reddit:
Reddit has banned the Incels subreddit. About fucking time; it was a cesspool of misogyny and violent hate. pic.twitter.com/8RieXtxZLN
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) November 8, 2017
HEALTH NOTE: Though cheered by tonight’s news, I’m still dealing with a shitstorm of health issues. I will return to regular posting as soon as I can, but I’m not sure when that will be. Thanks again for your patience and your support!
Nah, it’s Latin.
Oh GOD no. Cillizza (along with that other Trump-loving moron Haberman) is the worst in the business outside of Fox News; he still pushes BUT HER EMAILS on a daily basis, he was the last one to admit that Trump-Russia isn’t just a silly little conspiracy theory for silly little girls, he’s famous on Twitter for being wrong about literally everything, and if the misogynistic dumbfuck told me the sky was blue, I’d look outside to check.
Oh, just great.
When the hell did he get contaminated? He was fine last year! Wasn’t exactly anti orange, but was still shrewd.
Guess I’d best have a poke through his archives (though if he’s gone full Trump I don’t bloody want to).
Statement withdrawn.
And thank you (God, I hate getting out of the loop on things).
If he wasn’t strongly anti-trump from the get-go, then he was “contaminated” from the get-go. It may have festered a while before becoming fulminant, but it was already there.
Given that its a long time (if ever?) since the conduct of fundie churches has supported an increase (let alone a regular doubling) in ethical behaviour, I think we can say that saturation has been reached, and God has broken Moore’s law.
Many such programs have something nasty in common with other bullshit medical quackery, in that any failings are the fault of the person involved, never in the system itself. The person in question didn’t follow the plan properly, or didn’t follow through correctly after it had concluded, or didn’t start early enough, or dabbled in some other method that meant that the system couldn’t work at full effectiveness and so on and so on. They just didn’t believe hard enough, maybe they just didn’t want to be cured, deep down.
@Pie and Scildfreya
I hadn’t heard of the AA criticism before, so thank you for pointing that out. I looked it up and the results were quite surprising. I had no idea that AA was so closely linked to religion, for example, or that psychotherapy isn’t a treatment option at every rehab. There is nothing wrong with those whom such an approach helps, of course, but I’m surprised that the treatment options are so limited.
The only addiction treatment I knew something of until now was the one offered at psychiatric hospitals, where there is much more than what AA seems to offer. I think I just automatically assumed that at least rehab clinics would offer those same treatments, as well.
Frankly; I think the only fairly decent person at (what I call) FAUX Noise (Motto: ‘Fear & Bombast’) is Shepard Smith.
He usually seemed to be the guy who would always call out crooked GOPer politicians and the B.S. his fellow anchors regularly spew (He is also a Gay man and not a self-hating one, though it’s more of an open-secret-type thing). FAUX Noise tends to put his show during more wonky hours.
Though he had a few “moments” of his own, he seemed to be a genuinely decent newsman that, I guess, the Suits keep the guy around to present an illusion of “balance” or something.
Frankly; I think he’s too good for those turkeys.
Ayup, that’s how craven they’ve become. Don Lemon interviewed Toronto Star Washington Bureau chief Daniel Dale, who talked to several Republicans who have already crafted excuses for their continued support of Moore. This is a side-effect of the fever swamps they’ve been living in; they’ve been convinced that the Democratic Party is made up of all the things about the world they hate, so even a vote for a child molester is preferable to the party with all the icky godless Commie gays and blacks and browns and poors and womz. I still remember Glenn Beck at CPAC proclaiming that “progressivism is the disease”. Shit, he was railing against social justice back on his FOX show in ’09. The guy really was ahead of the game with his warmed-over John Birch Society spiels and Newt Gingrich adjectives, but it primed the average FOX viewer to become so distrustful and outright spiteful of the Democratic Party (which you’ll notice they disparagingly call the “Democrat Party” to emphasize the “rat” part of the name) that they’d vote for the BTK Killer before they cast a vote for somebody with a “D” next to their name.
One thing that I think is worth pointing out (and I think deep down we all know it): hypocrisy is meaningless to these people. Pointing it out might mean something to a third party observer, but the only thing that I think can actually crack that epistemological bubble they inhabit are either somebody they’re trying to impress laughing in their faces, or somebody they trust telling them they’re wrong.
It brings to mind the end of that movie Witness, which I think for a crime thriller, really has one of the best endings in the genre. Spoiler alert for those who haven’t seen it, it’s definitely a movie worth checking out. The main antagonist, his underlings having been dispatched, holds Harrison Ford and the Amish family he’s been staying with at gunpoint. But the kid he’s been protecting begins ringing the farm’s bell, which summons all of the neighbouring families to the scene. With so many accusing eyes on the corrupt Chief, Ford says “You going to shoot him? Is that what you’re going to do, Paul? Him, the woman, me? It’s over! Enough!” As the Chief looks from face to face, he resigns himself to his fate and Ford takes the shotgun from him, and all the Chief can do is lean against the doorway in despair before the police arrive to take him into custody.
We all need to be those eyes, those faces, which say “We see what you’re doing and it’s not okay. We’re going to remember it too.” But it takes numbers, and that’s the key. The movie would have ended very differently if Samuel rang the bell and nobody came, or only one or two. It’s far harder to act on evil with ten or twenty pairs of eyes staring back at you, as Paul Schaeffer understood.
Yeah, and there has been a shooting incident in California, and this is getting so fucking goddamned commonplace, cable outlets didn’t immediately cover it.
I’m so fucking tired of this BULLSHIT.
At this point I’ve decided I am going to demand evidence from diagnostic sources and the text or other media that thay claim is a behavioral manifestation of mental illness in the accuser. I have tomorrow off so I can put some thought into the ways I can do this. It has to line up with long term social goals and the nature of that social environment.
The rest I’ll basically dismiss due to irrelavancy. I’ll get as creative as I can. They are still data though. Some of them are sexual predators and some are enablers. Those two also have different kinds. Family members and people paranoid about feminism act differently. There is power in the fact that they came to me in a social arena.
Shaming people that casually attach mental illness to something they don’t like about another person or group reveals one of the flaws of ablism, it’s a vulnerability. There’s a path to finding the bullshit and demanding what they saw.
Shockingly, the shooting was part of a domestic violence incident. I suspect this is why it’s not getting enough coverage. Just a crime of passion. No big deal, right?
Also shockingly, Roy Moore had a tendency to side with offenders in cases where the victim was underage
But in some good news, it looks like Australia is finally going to have same sex marriage!
Would some cute animals and coffee drinks help?
PSA: caffeine is bad for animals. Don’t give them coffee. Do take adorable photos where they look like they’re doing people things, though. 🙂
Where do you find all these cute animal photos? (In case I need to dive in, later)
If the cats in those pictures are anything like mine, they couldn’t care less about the coffee and just want to play with the straws!
I just do a Google image search for whatever I want to find. Since there’s an abundance of cute animal pics, Game of Thrones and Buffy gifs, and Idris Elba pics online, I usually have no trouble finding just what I want.
I’ve been having trouble finding a picture of polar bears walking and really showing off how they shake their booty as they walk. It’s so adorable!
But all the videos I’m finding have them walk on flat surfaces (mostly sea ice), where it isn’t as noticeable — you really have to look for it. A friend took some great video of bears swimming up to a rocky shore and going up from there, but didn’t post it on the intertubes.
WWTH, yes, it helps, thank you! ❤
Of COURSE they’re not releasing the shooters name. I’ll take a wild guess as to why.
Hey guys! I’ve been swinging through once a blue moon, reading comments, and lurking and not doing much outside of school… Turns out engineering classes are hard. Surprise, surprise. 🙂
David, I really hope you feel significantly better (and STAY significantly better) soon.
Glad to see some of the old familiar faces are still about and doing well, and all the rest of you as well.
Second try! Sorry if I end up double posting. Landslide YES vote in our (stupid expensive unnecessary) marriage equality survey!!!!! 80% of eligible voters responded overall – wow. First good news in forever ?????
More kitteh medicine for my fabulous PeeVee:
Welcome back, Contrapangloss! I was wondering where you went off to.
Speaking of missing commenters, where’s EJ? I know he was talking about making a career change so hopefully he’s okay and just off getting a new job or something.
@ Contrapangloss,
I am new here, did study eng. (mechanical). Yep, it’s hella work 😀
One of the things that bugs me in regards to this (any STEM study, work), they say we need more people in this, they get bent out of shape over women and minorities in it, but do they do it?
We fellow engineers wave hi! 🙂
Keep going!