By David Futrelle
It’s a rarity in this year of terrible, but tonight has been a night of actual good news! Dems are winning elections, and Reddit has banned the toxic cesspool known as the Incels subreddit! Celebrate while you can in this open thread!
No trolls. Fuck trolls.
This is the first time a wall of news notifications hasn't been a nightmare in god knows how long pic.twitter.com/NpTaW5QK6e
— Ashley Feinberg (ashleyfeinberg.bsky.social) (@ashleyfeinberg) November 8, 2017
Dems have won all three of the marquee off-year races — NJGov, VAGov, NYC Mayor — for the first time since 1989.
— David Weigel (@daveweigel) November 8, 2017
Democrats decimated Republicans across the country tonight, at every level and in every branch of state government.
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) November 8, 2017
Thanks, Trump!
And this is the icing on the cake:
Trans woman Danica Roem (D) just defeated anti-LGBTQ candidate Bob Marshall (R) in Virginia, becoming the first trans state legislator in America.
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) November 8, 2017
The man who wrote the anti-trans bathroom bill just lost the election to a trans woman. Let that sink in. https://t.co/KFEZXSYvMy
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) November 8, 2017
Oh, and there’s this:
Jeff Sessions' DOJ Drops Prosecution Of Woman Who Laughed At Jeff Sessions https://t.co/slOPOhmLYN pic.twitter.com/ekRsU1RJAq
— Curt and Frank 🏳️🌈 (@curtandfrank) November 7, 2017
Let’s all celebrate by laughing at Jeff Sessions!
Meanwhile, on Reddit:
Reddit has banned the Incels subreddit. About fucking time; it was a cesspool of misogyny and violent hate. pic.twitter.com/8RieXtxZLN
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) November 8, 2017
HEALTH NOTE: Though cheered by tonight’s news, I’m still dealing with a shitstorm of health issues. I will return to regular posting as soon as I can, but I’m not sure when that will be. Thanks again for your patience and your support!
Okay, yesterday was a political talkshow in german TV.
While their were some inteligent people. But their was a certain person who was bad. A woman who did defend the poor men, “who don’t know what they are allowed to do or not.” (I wil not name her)
But what the hell? In all or most of the cases (they are to much to check and it it to dipressing to do so) we are talking of actions that everyone should know that are not okay, hell most of this cases discused here are criminal.
That they don’t know what they were doing is rubish. (Yes a stronger word could be used but let’s make it easy for David) Most of them did know that they were doing somethink that is criminal/wrong/hurtful to others, they just didn’t care.
Okay, if you go in milder forms of sexismus, I buy that sometimes there are cases where people don’t realise that they do somethink wrong. So not everyone who says somethink inapropriet is a lost case. People have a talent to hurt someone whitout wanting to do that, beeing in a group has a very devastating effect, etc.
I don’t see the excuses working on the cases of Weinstein and co.
Other topic:
Addiction: I don’t know if sexaddiction exists or not, but one think I know about theorapie. It only works when people want to chance.
Personal experience: I know 2 people who quit smoking from on day to another. On was a chainsmoker, who was pregnant. Stopped and only tried a cigaret a few years later. Realised she still liked the taste of the cigaret, after one smoke. She stop and hasn’t smoked since.
What was the context?
It’s an article on AVFM. To be honest I couldn’t make head nor tail of it. I just thought it was ironic a self styled ‘MRA’ should be so proud he doesn’t do any actual ‘advocacy’.
(He’s quite blatant that his sole raison d’etre is just to annoy women and people who don’t hate women)
I’m bookmarking this article for the next time someone comes in here and whines about mean we are for calling all Republicans bigots/bad people
Fucking despicable. This article has made me so angry that I can’t do much more than sputter out swear words. When you’re proudly the party of defending child abusers and advocating murder while calling abortion immoral, YOU HAVE NO FUCKING GODDAMN RIGHT TO COMPLAIN THAT LIBERALS THINK YOU’RE CRUEL BIGOTS!
Sorry for yelling but this kind of thing is so upsetting. Not surprising. But upsetting. Anyone got brain bleach?
Yeah, here’s a doozy of a headline from The Hill: “Poll: 37 percent of Alabama evangelicals more likely to vote for Moore after allegations”
Roughly a third of evangelicals said they were less likely to vote for Moore, a third think the allegations make no difference, and a third just love them some pedophile Moore.
Fuck evangelicals in general.
….and, of course….

I dunno; I just like the Wombat. Hope this epic Brain Bleach Spam clears everyone’s noggins.
Was it Anne Will? I didn’t watch it and apparently my blood pressure should thank me for that.
Maybe I should see if it’s still available somewhere tomorrow. If I go check it out now, I’m not going to calm down enough by the time I want to sleep tonight. The reason I don’t watch that many political talkshows anymore: Too much anger and spending half the night going through how exactly someone was wrong. And what you describe sounds like it might just be a case like that.
I do regularly read some online newpapers and the discussions there when it comes to this topic are all kinds of WTF, too. At least in parts of the comments section. ZON is especially bad, since they don’t moderate all that strictly – lots of “concerned citizens” and AfD trolls around there. And my new favorite kinds of trolls: the “rational”, totally into logic and science guy (who can’t construct a proper argument – or for that matter understand one – to save his life…) and the “I didn’t vote for the AfD this time but if the “linksgrünversifften Gutmenschen” keep being mean to me, I totally will next time!” troll.
You can imagine how well that goes once sexism is mentioned…
Originally I just kind of stumbled across that place in the aftermath of the elections, found some of those aforementioned trolls and have suffered a kind of trainwreck-fascination ever since. In truth a part of me probably keeps hoping that one day they will see that they are talking rubbish and some of the non-extremist commenters will make them see reason, so that’s why I keep going back. It’s not working obviously, but at least it seems that some more people are speaking up in response by now. But the way they are treated, oh my…
Fortunately you have to sign in to comment there or I would have gotten into useless flamewars a lot recently. And that’s why I’m glad I didn’t watch the show you mentioned, I get so f*cking upset at times when confronted with certaint views – like sexism-apologia – and the utter refusal of people to see that it’s wrong, that it doesn’t even make sense in their beloved “logic”.
On a related note, it’s a funny thing with that constant appeal to “logic”, “rationality” and “science”. And the way they pick and choose. STEM, Economics, Law. Any of those seem to mark you as a “logical”, “rational” and “sciencey” person (mostly male) and make you completely and solely qualified to analyse and interpret all social, cultural and historical phenomena (in a way that invariably seems to favor conservative, racist and sexist views, of course). While the actual social and cultural sciences – not to mention Gender Studies – which can show that they are talking nonsense are dismissed as leftwing propaganda and unscientific rubbish.
The terrifying thing to me is, that it’s not one person doing this, but that it seems to happen all the time. I’ve seen some people from those social and cultural fields try to reasonably argue with those people and the anger and contempt directed towards them was just unbelievable. And not by usual rightwing trolls. By people who keep insisting on their logic, their rationality and their “scientific methods” and are seemingly universally accepted for that. But show them one mistake, one rational counterargument or study that contradicts them and they just keep doing this No-true-Scotsman thing and no one seems to call them out on it.
Anyway, I have come to expect not much better from many TV talk shows, but if it is Anne Will you’re referring to I might have a look at it. At least they invite some decent people most of the time and the level of self-serving dishonesty might be just bearable.
Thanks for the pics. I wouldn’t call them Spam, though.
If anyone likes donkeys, here’s a webcam link.
Yes was Anne Will, and their were some decent guest, just one very bad one. (Interesting, that the only men Gerhard Baum mad some very interesting points)
This is SO COOL.
This whole thing really hits #7 on Eco’s Ur-Fascism list
Republicans have been trained to constantly feel besieged despite the fact that many of them are quite privileged. Any time a Repub is caught doing something heinous, it’s just more proof that they’re being besieged by the Democrats/the media/brown people/whatever. So in their minds it becomes perfectly rational and moral to defend their group members no matter they do (unless it’s siding with the liberal enemy of course). It’s some scary shit.
Anyway, thanks for the brain bleach. Here’s my contribution
This. Listened to an interview with David Neiwart and after reading that Politico article linked up the thread, there’s no conclusion one can honestly come to other than the party base is simply made up of right-wing authoritarians, full stop. That mindset leads them to defend the indefensible. The only thing that Trump could do to alienate them is literally saying that his opposition is correct about something, because that would show “weakness”.
The whole concept of “you called me a name so I’m going to vote for Trump/become Alt-Right” just always sounded very childish, but buried in there is a sense of “since I’m getting flak for just a little bit of who I really am, I might as well embrace it whole hog.” They want to convince you that it isn’t really “them”, as if the reaction is entirely divorced from who they really are, but the opposite is the case: it exposes the underlying desire they sorta-kinda kept a lid on during the Bush and Obama presidencies (Obama certainly broke whatever seal was there).
As a side note, I did something thinking about the conversation we had up the thread about confidence and art and I came to the conclusion that it was time for a rebrand. I came up with the old name “Gussie Jives” back when I was writing Diablo II fanfics for Grey Archive back in ’01. I can’t imagine there was much of me I want to preserve from when I was a pimply-faced high schooler, and a name based on a Denis Leary character and a Simpson’s joke doesn’t really capture me after 16 years. In fact, the name was once described as “something from the 1920s flapper movement” which really wasn’t what I was going for. So I’ve come up with a name that I think captures my online persona (or fursona) much better, as an anthro artist, as a Canadian and as an easy-going chap.
So say hi to Katamount! Next step is a new Gravatar, but one step at a time. 😉
WWTH, I feel like the critters in that bottom picture are judging me, and they are more disappointed than angry.
Alan, that reminds me of the donkey sanctuary a few miles from where I grew up. It’s still around, despite the death of the couple who ran it. At its peak (peak donkey), it had over 500! They only rehome donkeys in pairs, which is sweet.
It’s not just domestic cats that constantly judge the humans and find us lacking!
There is a tradition in some evangelical churches to marry girls 14 and younger to older men, so the response to Moore isn’t too surprising. He didn’t do anything they wouldn’t do.
Tovius, I just got done reading that, and I am sickened.
I know.
Love the other blobs of Brain Bleach here as well.
What is it with frummies and their penchant for being nonces?
@ moggie
I like watching the donkey social dynamics. They all have very different personalities, and particular friends. But there’s also cliques. It’s like donkey high school.
This, it’s so darn true. Like, brains do that. It’s how we behave when we’re not consciously evaluating – when we’re in ‘near’ cognitive mode. That mode has its own major problems, but one thing it’s good at is stepping out of patterns.
I could babble on this effect for ages. We need to teach this stuff to kids, teach them how to do it consciously, be aware of it. Arglebargle.
You are speakin my language! I have replies.
Apologies for being long-winded. I have edited and re-edited the bottom bit of this nonsense far too long, but it still feels a bit raw to me. I apologize if I’ve said something mean, it’s not my intention.
There are lots of addiction therapy treatments that are widely supported, but also horribly ineffective. Alcoholics Anonymous is a great example – it has an enormous failure rate. That’s because it’s mostly about religious conversion to my understanding – all about “surrendering to a higher power”. More generally, the relapse rate of these clinics is enormous, but they’re still widely accepted as being a good response to a violation.
“Rehab” is about regaining social acceptance, not actually curing the thing. In my unprofessional opinion! It’s like the “social roles” that @mildlymagnificent brought up above. It’s part of the script. Get caught doing bad thing -> go to rehab -> return a “better person.” Being a better person isn’t required, just going through the script is what’s needed.
You are talking about long term potentiation effects here! There are some super interesting things going on in that set of processes. It’s very much related to how we learn in general. It’s true that addiction is something that lingers. The LTP effects involve the neurons growing additional receptors, permanently sensitizing them to their afferent connections. One of the basic functions of neurons and fundamental to so much of personality development. It’s so cool you guys
Yeah. Because they don’t have sex addiction. They have rape addiction, if anything. The neurological mechanics of what they’re doing are likely completely different from the mechanics of sex addiction. Sex addiction involves oxytocin and the sexual response. What they’re doing is about social power dynamics, involving testosterone and aggression displays.
(I mean, yes, testosterone is related to the sexual response, but its expression is very different, and is coupled with cortisol and norepinephrine and you get an autonomic response and – well, it’s very different.)
Discussing sex addiction at all when talking about these rapists and creeps is a huge bait and switch at best. It muddies the water, and conflates sex and rape. Men don’t rape ’cause “they’re really horny guys, men are just horny.” They rape ’cause they’re taught that’s what sex is supposed to be like.
And yes, I realize that’s what you had said! I think we’re all on board with “these assholes aren’t sex addicts, they’re just assholes.” It just grills my biscuits to hear their “sex addiction” excuse. They say that to go to some frickin’ resort and drink themselves into oblivion for a few weeks.
That conflation is the problem here, I think. “Sex Rehab” isn’t about recovery from sex addiction. That’s what it’s supposed to be, but it’s not. It’s about giving rich, powerful men a way to escape the repercussions of sexual assault. That’s why the whole “women can’t wear tight clothes if they work at sex rehab!” rings so hollow. These fuckers aren’t going there to get better, they’re just laying low until they’re allowed to come back to civil society. Telling women that they can’t wear tight clothes there is just another “women are foul temptresses” excuse.
First, it’s a great article. Very thorough, does a good job of covering recent work, with a very impressive list of references. Great stuff.
That said: Jesalin was trying to make a point; it’s the point I was making above. Replying by smashing down a bunch of paragraphs instead of a concise “Sex addiction is a real thing, even if these assholes don’t suffer from it” does not encourage her to consider what you’re saying, it’ll just push her away. Freel free to provide a link, but if you need to cite something, the quote should be a couple sentences at most. Beyond that and the conversation turns into an argument.
More worryingly – leaning on science is a very tricky thing, and it’s very easy to get it wrong. Not just you, this is a human-universal thing.
This article is great, but it’s all very new science. There’s no strong consensus yet. Look at the references. The evidence for sex addiction is very new. The earliest neurological study I’ve seen is 2014, here:
There’s only three years worth of study on the neurology, and this specific article was cited in a critique of hypersexual disorder, here:
From the abstract:
The article goes on to talk about all of the controversies and problems, citing a lot of politics and false positives in the literature. This is complicated stuff, and as outsiders it’s dangerous to take the science as settled before they do. Taking sides before then leads to Sargon saying that African people are genetically “less intelligent”, and how women evolved to prefer the colour pink. It leads to being wrong, even horribly wrong. Don’t be confident about this stuff yet.
It does appear that the consensus will eventually land on compulsive sexual behaviour having a strong neurological component related to other addictive behaviours, as your linked article supports. But we aren’t there yet, and we need to be cautious and compassionate until we get there. I think we should be running with your position as our go-to theory, but we need to be open to change until we’re sure.
Earlier on in this thread I talked about how I think that it’s confidence that’s the root of all evil. This is one reason why. Please be careful, my duck!
That makes some sense, to a non-expert like me.
On the bright side, that means there’s at least one state where only 37% of the Trumpists have raped a child. I’d honestly figured they all had.
I love (wait, no, not love. Hate with the passion of a thousand fiery suns) the way that GOP candidates can do all manner of heinous shit and the base just goes “that’s for God to sort out, God forgives!”, but if a Democrat expresses pro-choice beliefs to any extent at all, it means that they are Irredeemably Evil, Immoral, and Corrupt.
Well, technically Moore didn’t break God’s law, seeing as god never actually mentioned age for marriage in the manual. So fundies can excuse it.
Now I’ve got the picture in my head of God sitting there facepalming, saying “Oh my ME! Do I have to write everything down for you idiots? I gave you a good brain for a reason!!! Should have gone with cats, like I first planned.”