By David Futrelle
It’s a rarity in this year of terrible, but tonight has been a night of actual good news! Dems are winning elections, and Reddit has banned the toxic cesspool known as the Incels subreddit! Celebrate while you can in this open thread!
No trolls. Fuck trolls.
This is the first time a wall of news notifications hasn't been a nightmare in god knows how long pic.twitter.com/NpTaW5QK6e
— Ashley Feinberg (ashleyfeinberg.bsky.social) (@ashleyfeinberg) November 8, 2017
Dems have won all three of the marquee off-year races — NJGov, VAGov, NYC Mayor — for the first time since 1989.
— David Weigel (@daveweigel) November 8, 2017
Democrats decimated Republicans across the country tonight, at every level and in every branch of state government.
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) November 8, 2017
Thanks, Trump!
And this is the icing on the cake:
Trans woman Danica Roem (D) just defeated anti-LGBTQ candidate Bob Marshall (R) in Virginia, becoming the first trans state legislator in America.
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) November 8, 2017
The man who wrote the anti-trans bathroom bill just lost the election to a trans woman. Let that sink in. https://t.co/KFEZXSYvMy
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) November 8, 2017
Oh, and there’s this:
Jeff Sessions' DOJ Drops Prosecution Of Woman Who Laughed At Jeff Sessions https://t.co/slOPOhmLYN pic.twitter.com/ekRsU1RJAq
— Curt and Frank 🏳️🌈 (@curtandfrank) November 7, 2017
Let’s all celebrate by laughing at Jeff Sessions!
Meanwhile, on Reddit:
Reddit has banned the Incels subreddit. About fucking time; it was a cesspool of misogyny and violent hate. pic.twitter.com/8RieXtxZLN
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) November 8, 2017
HEALTH NOTE: Though cheered by tonight’s news, I’m still dealing with a shitstorm of health issues. I will return to regular posting as soon as I can, but I’m not sure when that will be. Thanks again for your patience and your support!
What about those comments he allegedly made on the Howard Stern Show. People keep mentioning that and from the quotes I’ve seen in news articles, it seems kind of worrying, really Has anyone seen the clip in question?
I can’t imagine why someone would tell a story like that on TV, though. I mean, just telling something like that when it actually happened and you’re trying to keep it secret? That makes no sense at all. One would have to be immensely arrogant or have no feeling of guilt at all, to do that.
It could be referring to something else, of course, or he was just seriously misquoted.
I really admired Takei up until now and I’m a lifelong Star Trek fan. I don’t want this to be true and I hope it isn’t, but I want to dismiss such accusations even less, because of how terrible it must feel if you aren’t believed just because the person you accuse is a famous man with a good reputation so far.
“You know, George Takei WOULD be a prime target for a false flag at this time,” is not “innocent until proven guilty.” I may be wrong, but I’m not playing those particular games.
And forget George Takei for a second – like I said, I could absolutely be wrong and I’m honestly not too attached to being right about Takei per say. What I am worried about is rape apologists pulling this tactic and how likely it is that we’ll play right into their hands if they do.
If I’m right, and this is really a thing we need to be worried about, it’s an opportunity for a deeper interrogation of exactly *how* rape culture manipulates us out of seeing reality for what it is.
I think that believing survivors as a rule, rather than believing them because they are believable (as they nearly always are), is a band-aid solution for a gaslit world , and one that we need to start to outgrow.
Holy crap, I hadn’t seen the Howard Stern thing.
Yeah, that’s pretty damning.
I’m very sorry, everyone.
Where are you getting these statistics from? I didn’t report the first time I was raped at 16 because I had already internalized rape culture so much that I *knew* I would be blamed and shamed and doubted. Does that make me a liar, according to you? None of my friends who were raped or assaulted ever reported anything either, for these reasons. Are they liars, too?
I realise that these are anecdata, but I’m sorry, but I think your assertion is full of shit and actually really triggering. Wtf.
We can outgrow it when there is a better alternative (for example – when victims are no longer routinely disbelieved by a significant part of society)
You are joining the clamouring hordes who ALWAYS shout “THE ACCUSER LIES” whenever someone they like is accused.
All abusers and rapists are liked/loved by someone.
The Adjunct –
I hear you. I’m sorry. I was really on the wrong track today and it’s super eye-opening for me because I haven’t been on the wrong side of this conversation since I was super young, naive and not really a feminist. I need to do a lot of thinking now about why I made this mistake because I honestly thought I was beyond the kind of idealizing of “good men” that makes it possible.
I imagine it’s probably super especially triggering and disturbing to have someone doing this kind of apologist crap who isn’t usually the type.
Unfortunately I wasn’t utterly surprised by the Takei accusation. Hank Azaria did an interview 10 years ago where he stated that they didn’t bring Takei back after he appeared on The Simpsons because some of the crew found his behaviour towards an intern creepy. Not proof that the recent allegation is true of course, but also worrying.
@Nidoqueen the Big Scary Female MGTOW fears
If it helps what I am currently doing involves one part exposure therapy, one part hypothesis testing of Tourette’s Syndrome related natural aptitudes in social conflict, and one part role-modeling of social behavior. I think there are more parts but there are no good instructions for turning brain science into personal assumptions about what one is capable of.
I’m weirdly able to chop up the interactions into kinds of respondents and relationships during a text based social conflict. For example I’m amused by a group of secondary respondents that did not like how I was making the first four look bad and have used personal insults only. I see texting about farts and focusing on a mangled metaphor in a tangential comment about the fart mocker. It’s fun because now I can question them about the underlying feelings.
I’m looking for useful cultural archetypes to use as templates but my own heritage is both risky depressing from my perspective, demons. I’ve seen others I like but I’m unsure about being respectful of the inspiration for the Heyoka for example. I’m trying court jester combined with the demons whispering in crowds thing.
My name is a reflection of my first fandom and it’s convenient bait for aggressive people intolerant for deviation from gender norms, the rest is that demon thing, my favorite horror series and mockery of “SJW”. I’m symbolically obsessed.
It’s hard to responsably practice and enjoy social conflict when ones perception is biased towards a kind of “group voice” for intense language and I have to make sure I am fighting for someone else’s reasons and not mine.
I know those but thank you anyway. I’m thinking mazes and tunnels at human social interaction height at the moment.
More later, I have to clean the house.
Here’s the really damning quote from Takei himself:
“‘Some people are kind of… umm… skittish,” Takei responded. “Oh maybe… um… afraid and you’re trying to persuade.'”
Yeah, you do not “persuade” someone who is fucking afraid to have sex with you.
Then he tries to excuse himself by claiming that he, unlike Spacey and the like, didn’t have a position of power over the victim. Always with that shit. Always with the “what *I* do isn’t abuse, because the real abuse is this other guy who has slightly different methods of being shitty and predatory than I do.”
More here.
“I trust my own ability to spot liars but I can’t ask anyone else to.
You really shouldn’t trust your ability to spot liars. Absolutely all of your evidence is false assumptions at best, and flat out rape myths at worst. Sorry but you’re very misguided.
“Only if you don’t actually understand trauma. If you do, or if you’ve been assaulted yourself, people’s real reactions make more sense to you.”
Sorry but there is no such thing as a “real” reaction to trauma. Literally everyone handles it differently.
“I have not. Not before the actual denial from the accused happens. I find that *most* survivors expect to be believed at first because they are telling the truth, and that nearly all liars use tactics like this in anticipation of not being believed, because they are lying.”
This is just rediculious. You know even outside of rape/rape culture, there’s a tendency to not believe accusers. It’s human nature to want to keep things calm and not want the boat rocked. To believe means that you have to do something, to deny means that we can all go about our buisiness.
Like you’re doing right now. I don’t know who you are or what you’re on about, but how dare you hold “I won’t be believed” against the victim when you’re not believing the victim right now.
ETA: Ok, I see you backtracked. I’ll leave this up since I already posted, but I’m not looking to dogpile. We all make mistakes.
Mrex, thank you for the bitter medicine. Apparently I still need lots of it.
@mrex, @Laurel
Whats this? Changing opinion in light of new facts, apologising, and apology being accepted? No doubling down? No “but I’m rights?”
Who swapped our internet with multiverse 7’s? 😛
Seriously – impressed.
“ETA: Ok, I see you backtracked. I’ll leave this up since I already posted, but I’m not looking to dogpile. We all make mistakes.”
That’s kind of you to say, thank you. But really, bitter medicine, I’m down for it right now. I haven’t made this mistake in many years and I have a shit ton of questions right now about why I did and how it relates to my own trauma and my own attempts to make sure my own personal cycle of violence stops with me.
Shadowplay – I have to be good at taking my foot out of my mouth. I put it there so often.
My CPU is a neural-net processor; a learning computer. The more contact I have with humans, the more I learn.
Oh trust that I know the feeling of putting your foot in your mouth. But I’m off to the laundrymat, so I gotta run right now. 🙂
@LaurelG, good on you for backtracking and listening. That’s a really hard thing to do.
My reaction to abuse is certainly very, very far from “tell other people about it,” regardless of how much I think they’d believe me. It’s much more along the lines of getting distance and rebuilding. Being told that I am supposed to behave in a certain way just makes me bottle harder. (Not to mention that it cuts like a f’n knife, but hey, I can bottle that too. I’ve got a whole root cellar of bottled feels.) So, yeah, fairly triggering to be blindsided by it, to use the terminology. S’okay though, life is a bumpy ride.
Alan is a great person to talk to when you want to understand varying reactions to trauma, incidentally. I won’t tell his stories, but he’s seen trauma from all sides while at a professional distance, letting him understand the interactions more objectively. He’s also been personally, voluntarily exposed to all sorts of getting-beat-up-for-fun, if you’re interested in self defense. So if he says that people have all sorts of reactions to abuse, I’m inclined to believe him.
Gotta point out a thing on this:
I mean, technically this is true – we should be using truth. But we’re nowhere near where we need to be for that, so to even suggest it right now is really damaging. It’s not a band-aid – it’s a tourniquet, and it’s keeping us from bleeding out. Don’t take it off until we’ve patched the wound.
Keep learning, my duck. We all are.
“It’s not a band-aid – it’s a tourniquet, and it’s keeping us from bleeding out. ”
Very tidy way of putting it. Thank you for hearing and respecting what I’m saying while also firmly and appropriately redirecting it.
My own sexual trauma is largely early childhood trauma is of the “entrenched family systems of gaslighting and enabling incest” type. I would be interested in what Alan, or anyone else, might have to say about that sort of thing. I read everything I can about it, but there’s just not enough, and the narratives on rape culture are so much dominated by people who were assaulted as adults or teens. Same for trying to find help with sexual assault resource centers and the like. (I left the last support group I tried because their approach focused so heavily on a narrative of “learn how to regain the sense of safety you had before the assaults” and I was too young when it happened to be able to remember a “before.”)
I also think my particular trauma makes me more likely to make mistakes of the kind I just did. I think family systems that enable sexual abuse of children might be the most powerful and insidious force for rape apologism that our culture has.
@ LaurieIG
That’s so awful; my heart goes out to you. There are others here who are in a much better position to understand what you’ve been through, but if you have any specific points you’d like me to address I’d be happy to do so.
With regards to the societal myths about sexual assault generally, I’ll just stick this up. It’s interesting reading but I suspect for a lot of people here it’ll be stating the obvious.
They are definitely the worst and unforgivable forms of betrayal that I can imagine. How can you fail a child that is entrusted to your care more than that?
I hope you will be able to find support that takes the nature of your trauma into account. It must be especially hard to sort out all the gaslighting and lies if you never had the chance to experience a “before” where these things where not common. All the best to you.
Mrex: “The more contact I have with humans, the more I learn.”
Beautifully put! That summarizes the last twenty years of my life succinctly.
Thanks, Alan. I’m actually quite familiar with the diverse nature of trauma reactions and quite familiar with trauma as a subject generally, and with these kinds of facts sheets specifically. I just didn’t have my brain on earlier. Or rather, I had my trauma brain on, which likes to make excuses for men even when I should consciously know better. (I’ve been stuck in a fairly triggered state for the last several days and was just talking to my bestie about it last night. Curiously enough, I’m feeling a lot better after this exchange, probably because I was just reminded that horribly unspeakable things don’t inevitably happen if I make a mistake.)
“I hope you will be able to find support that takes the nature of your trauma into account. It must be especially hard to sort out all the gaslighting and lies if you never had the chance to experience a “before” where these things where not common. All the best to you.”
Thank you.
It’s made all the worse by the fact that I don’t have any narrative memory of the abuse, yet, and there’s still a very live “debate” in therapeutic circles about whether repression of memories of childhood sexual trauma actually exists or if people are just making up stories to get that sweet, sweet, victim status. So I don’t even know how to find a therapist who won’t sweetly, gently, “respectfully” tell me that it didn’t happen “for my own good.”
Frankly, I think our ability to understand rape culture/abuser enabling as pertains to children and incest is years behind the progress we’ve made for adult survivors.
“That’s so awful; my heart goes out to you. There are others here who are in a much better position to understand what you’ve been through, but if you have any specific points you’d like me to address I’d be happy to do so.”
Thank you. I suppose I’d be interested in knowing what kinds of patterns you might have seen in your work from families who defend and enable a child sex abuser while discrediting the victim. Since, like I said, I don’t have narrative memory to go on, it’s very helpful to me to collect information about those patterns and see how closely they resemble what I do remember, or hearing other stories and having them jog my memory about this or that.
Here’s the Hank Azaria clip I previously mentioned.
When I hear that even an awesome guy like George Takei is capable of being an evil rapist, I wonder….
….are there any good famous men? There’s so many coming out that are rapists and sexual harassers. Are men really this bad?! Surely there’s a good majority of men (famous or otherwise) who aren’t predators.
When even the good, kind, progressive, feminist, pro-equality men are shitheels….are there ANY GOOD MEN?
Is this an unwritten law that all men must molest others in order to get ahead?
Please give me a list of good men who denounce sexual harassment/assault.