By David Futrelle
It’s a rarity in this year of terrible, but tonight has been a night of actual good news! Dems are winning elections, and Reddit has banned the toxic cesspool known as the Incels subreddit! Celebrate while you can in this open thread!
No trolls. Fuck trolls.
This is the first time a wall of news notifications hasn't been a nightmare in god knows how long pic.twitter.com/NpTaW5QK6e
— Ashley Feinberg (ashleyfeinberg.bsky.social) (@ashleyfeinberg) November 8, 2017
Dems have won all three of the marquee off-year races — NJGov, VAGov, NYC Mayor — for the first time since 1989.
— David Weigel (@daveweigel) November 8, 2017
Democrats decimated Republicans across the country tonight, at every level and in every branch of state government.
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) November 8, 2017
Thanks, Trump!
And this is the icing on the cake:
Trans woman Danica Roem (D) just defeated anti-LGBTQ candidate Bob Marshall (R) in Virginia, becoming the first trans state legislator in America.
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) November 8, 2017
The man who wrote the anti-trans bathroom bill just lost the election to a trans woman. Let that sink in. https://t.co/KFEZXSYvMy
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) November 8, 2017
Oh, and there’s this:
Jeff Sessions' DOJ Drops Prosecution Of Woman Who Laughed At Jeff Sessions https://t.co/slOPOhmLYN pic.twitter.com/ekRsU1RJAq
— Curt and Frank 🏳️🌈 (@curtandfrank) November 7, 2017
Let’s all celebrate by laughing at Jeff Sessions!
Meanwhile, on Reddit:
Reddit has banned the Incels subreddit. About fucking time; it was a cesspool of misogyny and violent hate. pic.twitter.com/8RieXtxZLN
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) November 8, 2017
HEALTH NOTE: Though cheered by tonight’s news, I’m still dealing with a shitstorm of health issues. I will return to regular posting as soon as I can, but I’m not sure when that will be. Thanks again for your patience and your support!
Heh, wish I had that kind of artistic skill. One day, I really do need to change up that Gravatar with something more me, but PeeVee has it right, it’s a crop of John Brown from The Best Of Kansas.
And yes, Kansas had some of the greatest album covers. Come to think of it, a lot of the arena/prog rockers of the 70s had some spectacular covers. I always had a thing for covers with recurring motifs, like Boston’s guitar-ship or Journey’s weird flying scarab ship(?). Made it instantly recognizable.
But nah, my art has far more cat and dog people in it… in various states of undress……….
Some of the band members who formed “Kansas” (then “White Clover”) played at my ex-partner’s high school Senior Prom….
@ mrex;
re. mental illness shaming. Yeah. I have a Mild Cognitive Impairment, which affects my performance hardly at all, except that it makes it SHIT HARD to learn a new procedure for doing a thing I do constantly. I don’t EVER allow a change in the settings on my electronics unless I have absolutely no option. An “up”grade to my telephone is generally a recipe for several months of having to ask someone to remind me of the new procedure for checking my e-mail…. I take a lot of teasing from friends and coworkers for this, people who insist I’m just “resistant to change”….
@PeeVee, @Gussy Jives
Well art from the 70s usually is very cool, and album art is usually very cool, so obviously album art from the 70s would be very cool. 🙂 I do feel like being an old fart and bitching about mp3s here.
And this;
“But nah, my art has far more cat and dog people in it… in various states of undress……….”
This really makes me wish that you would use your art for your avatar. ;p
@Weird Eddie
” I take a lot of teasing from friends and coworkers for this, people who insist I’m just “resistant to change”….”
The bitchy and passive aggressive part of me hopes that you buy them all crystal balls for Christmas.
Sorry that people suck. 🙁
@mrex – I always liked the cover of “Tarkus”.
And this is exactly why victims of abuse don’t come forward in the first place.
These sanctimonious God pests, these duffel bags filled with human molars, need to STFU. There is no difference between them and the Taliban.
In other news, Roy Moore’s son was recently arrested for the ninth time:
Just a nice Christian family. Nothing to see here!
Celebrate good times with the news of the incel “toxic death of sanity trap” reddit. I saw this both on my twitter and on this website I peruse a lot.
On the note of the transgender woman winning Virginia that is really awesome to finally see a winning trans person in a state. My home state of Utah had a trans candidate but she ultimately lost out to Republican (never leaves the Senate ) Mike “interviewed by Faux News once” Lee. Coincidentally sane time as The Living Cheeto puff got in office.
I expect it’s all a plot by Clinton, or something.
Speaking of nice Christian families, there’s a lengthy thread here about how evangelicals will support Roy Moore, because his behaviour is not exceptional in their world. “Much of the sexual abuse in IFB churches in the US is adult men going after 14 or 15 year old girls, and the girls end up being forced to publicly repent for their “sin” of seducing adult men. Roy Moore is a symptom of that bigger problem.”
Well, Louis CK has admitted to the repulsive acts that he’s been accused of for the last decade.
I’m sure that the people who have been mocking, deriding and insulting his accusers for the last decade will be apologizing. Any time now. . .
I’m kind of waiting to see if anyone accuses Mike Huckabee. Like Roy Moore, he’s got a criminal for a son and one that engaged in animal cruelty at that. Don’t Google that if you never read about it. Very upsetting and enraging. He’s friends with the Duggars and defended them after the news broke of Josh being a molester. He’s also obsessed with Beyonce performing in hot pants and how that corrupts the children or something. Men who think that sexy clothes drive boys and men to acting depraved are usually justifying their own depravity.
He so fits the profile of a sexual abuser of the religious right subvariety.
On Louis C.K., I agree with Melissa McEwan’s hypothesis that he’s pushing a redemption narrative in hopes that the public will forgive and forget and he can go right back to abusing women.
Yeah, apparently Louis CK has now learned that showing your dick to unwilling women is wrong, and he’s going to spend some time listening. Dude, no. You’re not some clueless fourteen year old, you’re fifty. You’ve known this was wrong for longer than some of your victims have been alive. How stupid do you think we are?
WWTH, I was wondering that myself. I’ve suspected for years that Huckabee has a bunch of skeletons in his closet.
(Courtesy of Valentine)
Well this thread made me depressed by reminding me there are no solutions only more problems, anyone got a remedy?
(Edgy I know)
Rose McGowan always nails it.
Nidoqueen the Big Scary Female MGTOW fears,
Welcome and great username!
Overly Long Name, it’s a long road, but it does get better. every generation we win a few more battles. It WILL get better.
It’s only a matter of time before the D.E.N.N.I.S system becomes a real thing.
Here is a nice palette cleanser, a fun video by Sarah Donner,
The Rebuttal of Schrödinger’s Cat.
Sarah has a great voice and this song is 9 types of charming.
Donna Karan has put herself in the poo:
She suggests that ‘all the sensuality and sexuality’ make women partly responsible for what happens to us – conveniently sidestepping the compulsory sexuality demanded of 99.9% of women performers, and of course models (she should know) – esp in Hollywood you can forget having any kind of career if you do not present ‘sensuality and sexuality’.
Imagine how different the world of film/ performance/ other media would look if every person was told that their sexual attractiveness was NOT how they would be judged! SO MANY people would no longer feel the need to ‘present all the sensuality and all the sexuality’, they could RELAX! They could actually develop as actors and performers and we would see more interesting performances. Sexual expression would be more authentic. Scriptwriters could write more realistic roles for women. Not nearly every bloody film would be made to appeal to males 13 – 30.
Someone is doing some very hasty backpedaling.
Missed the edit window :/
It’s also interesting how she made a statement that is not representative of how she feels or believes and was taken out of context. I mean..wow.
RE: Sexual Harrasers
Guys, bad news; after being a feminist for decades, I’ve finally been turned to the dark side. And if anyone is wondering what finally got through to me, it was this hard-hitting piece on the plight of a local area man. Here’s the copy-pasta;
“Area Man Afraid That Some Woman Will Come Out Of The Woodwork To Hold Him Accountable For Something. CHICAGO—Worrying that he could be caught off guard anywhere, at any time, area man Dan Moritz on Friday was reportedly afraid some woman might come out of the woodwork to hold him accountable for something. “I’m honestly starting to get a little freaked out that a woman could, out of nowhere, start demanding that I take responsibility for something that I absolutely did,” said Moritz, adding that he had no way of knowing if the woman who would suddenly hold him responsible for his actions would be a female friend, coworker, or even a woman he met only once at a party. “I can’t shake the fear that, one day, I’m just minding my own business when I’m blindsided by a woman who’s spent possibly years building up the courage to confront me with something horrible that was definitely my fault.” Moritz went on to say that while he was anxious, all he could do was hope for the best and just keep living his life as he always had.”
Truly a story of great hardship; most likely the greatest story of hardship in all of history. Please, if any, ANY of you have ANY heart, could you please take a moment of silence out of your day to think of Area Guy?
(Also, gawd I fucking love tumblr).
Update on Spooky. He is maintaining his weight. He is also willing to go up and down the stairs, and at a good pace. I’ve been rewarding interactive behavior with praise and attention. He has the cutest old cat “come find me!” cry.
Suki and Mischievous are not at all threatened by him and are even positive about him. Spooky has no desire to be aggressive at all and Suki has made playful runs at him, and then gotten self-conscious and hissed and run off at the last moment. Suki’s awkward at the momemt.
I saw Mish talk about enrichment and indoor cats and would love to know what other people do.
On another topic my thread on that story about an accuser has attracted the attention of, let’s say people that feel really intensely about sexual assault and don’t want act like what accusers say is evidence. I’ll try not to enjoy it too much, I do want them to quote the accuser. It’s just that it can be a fun button to push when you can justify it.
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite (nice username) I could guess what type of people those are (though I think we all know). I hate how borderline apologist to straight up condoner they are, thinking about them is painful so I have to hold my spoiled cat child to not scream.
Great news about Spooky! 🙂
Can’t help you much on the enrichment thing though – our cats come and go as they please and spend most of their playing time outside. Inside time seems to be for cuddling, eating and sleeping. Got a bootlace they’ll play with, and a laser pointer, that is about it. Oh, and they’ll chase the drone. 😛
…hopefully those coconut crabs never decide to go live on ‘Sea gull/MGTOW Island’, or what will those MGTOWs eat!? Won’t anyone think of those poor, sad, sea gull eating MGTOWs??!
Sure hope not, that would just encourage them to…continue not going their own way.
“I saw Mish talk about enrichment and indoor cats and would love to know what other people do.
Furniture to climb on, toys, human and animal friends, a warm window to sit and look out. If you’re handy, or you have the money, you can always build or buy a cat run outdoors. If you have a tall fence, that can be made to keep the cat from climbing over by attaching pipe and hardware cloth bent inward at the top.
I love cats (and dogs), but people that lets their cats (and dogs) roam into my yard and tear my shit up are the bane of my life.