
Dems win big! The Incels subreddit is banned! Celebrate in this open thread

Forget your troubles, c’mon get happy!

By David Futrelle

It’s a rarity in this year of terrible, but tonight has been a night of actual good news! Dems are winning elections, and Reddit has banned the toxic cesspool known as the Incels subreddit! Celebrate while you can in this open thread!

No trolls. Fuck trolls.

Thanks, Trump!

And this is the icing on the cake:

Oh, and there’s this:

Let’s all celebrate by laughing at Jeff Sessions!

Meanwhile, on Reddit:

HEALTH NOTE: Though cheered by tonight’s news, I’m still dealing with a shitstorm of health issues. I will return to regular posting as soon as I can, but I’m not sure when that will be. Thanks again for your patience and your support!

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7 years ago

Today is a good day

7 years ago

I am so thrilled about both developments!!! I am shocked at the good news!! I really didn’t think the incels subreddit would ever be banned. Wishing you a fast recovery from what ails you. Enjoy this wonderful night!

Brad Pesin
Brad Pesin
7 years ago

get well

7 years ago

Thanks for everything you do, Dave.

A great news day, and get well soon.

7 years ago

Take care of yourself, Dave!

7 years ago

I’m still a little off-kilter (though nothing like what David’s dealing with, I’m sure– hope you recover soon!), but those are good things. It might be funny if there’s a freakout over the incel subreddit getting poofed.

7 years ago

Well, well well. I wonder how Fox News will spin this.

Patty Thinkerer
Patty Thinkerer
7 years ago

Some long-awaited good news!

You take care, Dave. I’m rootin’ for ya!

7 years ago

Get well soon, David!! Tell your cats they need to snuggle with you until you feel better.

I love how the Apricot Abomination is already throwing Gillespie under the bus. Face it, Donnie, you backed another loser.

May the Incels never rise again.

7 years ago

I’m especially happy about the out trans woman lawmaker.

Godzilla Roberts
Godzilla Roberts
7 years ago

If Reddit finally cleans itself up I may check it out for its gaming community… finally. I’ve been avoiding it like the plague.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

To paraphrase C. S. Lewis in “That Hideous Strength”, Trump has no allies or friends, only tools. When a tool fails him, he discards it – or breaks it.

I stopped in at Reddit, to hear the wailing of the incels. Their preternatural facility for perceiving themselves to be ill-used has not deserted them. They are not finding a sympathetic audience.

7 years ago

Folks, by all means celebrate Virginia, but for the love of God, do not become complacent. This ain’t over until the Dems retake control of the House, Senate, Presidency and Supreme Court. Keep going.

Attend protests. Call your representatives 5 times a day. Denounce the wall. Denounce attempts to repeal Obamacare. Denounce the DACA repeal. Denounce the Muslim ban. Denounce the tax bill. Denounce police brutality. Demand LGBT rights. Demand gun control. Demand universal healthcare. Demand free college tuition. Demand renewable energy. And above all, turn out to vote again in 2018 and 2020, and encourage as many other people as possible to do likewise.

7 years ago

So I looked up that Bob Marshall character. One of the worst people I’ve ever heard of. Quietly hoping his first step on leaving office will be to trip over and accidentally flush himself down the toilet.

7 years ago

NJ wasn’t a surprise – it would have been a surprise if it had stayed Republican, given Christie’s underwhelming popularity.

Glad Gillespie lost and REALLY glad he wrapped himself so much in orange during the campaign.


Me too. About time.

7 years ago

@IgnoreSandra – another out trans woman (of color!) also won election to the Minneapolis City Council 😀

7 years ago

I’ve gotten so used to bad political news that I honestly didn’t have the initial ability to process this stuff. *Optimism.exe not found* *Celebration.exe not found”

I’m steadily managing to work myself back into the mindset of being happy and contented, though, in part by grumbling that we needed a Goldman-Sachs executive to beat New Jersey Republicans. Then I saw about Roem and I went back to being unable to process my alien happiness levels.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Also, medicaid expansion in ME. Also also, black trans woman wins a council seat in Minneapolis. Also also also, local races down by me turned out positively too. Let’s fuckin go!!!

Edit: ninjad by @dreemr

7 years ago

Feel better soon, David…and may the incels remain Forever Alone.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

Don’t worry, Republicans. We’ll be sure to send you thoughts and prayers.

7 years ago


Andrea Jenkins has won election to the Minneapolis City Council, making her the first trans person elected to a major city’s governing body and the first out trans person of color elected to any office in the United States.

A fellow trans woman of color made it, yes a fellow sister made it!

Virginia’s most socially conservative state lawmaker was ousted from office Tuesday by Danica Roem, a Democrat who is poised to become the nation’s first openly transgender state lawmaker and who embodies much of what Del. Robert G. Marshall fought against in Richmond.

The race focused on traffic and other local issues in suburban Prince William County but also exposed the nation’s fault lines over gender identity. It pitted a 33-year-old former journalist who began her physical gender transition four years ago against a 13-term incumbent who called himself Virginia’s “chief homophobe” and earlier this year introduced a “bathroom bill” that died in committee.

Oohhh yesssssss.. the schadenfreude makes my body tingle with delight….. Eat it Robert G. Marshall you bigoted Loser. image

7 years ago

Party hard everybody!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m not in Andrea Jenkins’ ward so I wasn’t able to vote for her, but yay my city!

Now, here’s hoping all the r/incels castoffs don’t all come here to whinge about their sad boners. I can handle a sad boner troll occasionally but they do get tedious fast.

7 years ago

In slightly more northerly news: Projet Montreal won in Montreal on Sunday, at every level but particularly the mayor. Social democrats are winning elections, whodathunk.

7 years ago

TWO TRANS LEGISLATORS (the other in Minneapolis) I AM SO HYPE AHHHHHH <3 I haven't been this happy about election results since Obama. Finally, we're represented slightly more than before!

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