By David Futrelle
Three, three indictments in one! Three former Trump campaign officials are in the hot seat today. Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort is the big name on the list (along with his pal Rick Gates), for such fun things as conspiracy against the U.S. and money laundering. But even more intriguing is the GUILTY PLEA of relatively unknown Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, whom Mueller has presumably flipped, who seems to have been doing some active COLLUDING WITH THE RUSSIANS.
So here’s an open thread to discuss the news and any other indictment fun that transpires today.
NOTE: Sorry to have gone missing for so long. I’m still dealing with a combo of health issues that have made it very difficult to work. Thanks again for your patience and support.
I will (⇀︿⇀) the use of > instead of either blockquotes or quotation marks every time. To me, that’s a tell.
Isn’t ponce kind of the same as pimp? As in “living off of a woman’s labor” kind of thing?
@ fishy goat
Yeah, in the East End it gets used like that. I wonder if it originated with the idea that living off a woman’s earnings is unmanly somehow? I’m curious now, I’ll have to ask around.
ETA: @ peevee
Pimping is like a subset of general ponceing, but it’s a nicely abusive epithet here.
Erm, whether or not it has such connotations, is it really advisable to be shaming men when they aren’t the biggest breadwinner in their family?
@ surplus
Generally it would be inappropriate, but here there’s the element of exploitation or freeloading.
@Alan: I don’t think ‘Ponce’ as you’ve described it is the same thing, unless it is someone who is literally profiting off of women who are doing sex work. ‘Pimp’ is used in different ways, but ultimately it means ‘a man who has women who are selling themselves, and he takes pretty much all the profit’.
I also thought it had an effeminate slant to it, though! Maybe I was just understanding it wrong, in context.
@Axe: Your ring is lovely! Thanks for showing it! 😀
… Probably ninja’d like a million times re-ponce, should have refreshed the page. :S
From the Googling I did, it appears to have originally meant the employee of a prostitute. As opposed to the owner or employer of one like a pimp is. All the definitions I found indicate that it’s become a way to call a man effeminate or gay in a derisive way.
In other words, a ponce is subservient to a sex worker rather than dominating one which makes him not a “real” man.
It looks great! Oh, the ring looks nice too.
That’s interesting. It’s certainly used now to express the idea that the guy is mooching off of the woman.
Apparently ‘punk’ was originally a term for prostitute. Any etymologists know anything about that one?
OT: On his way to Asia, Trump is expected to be in Hawaii on the 3rd and 4th. Rallies are planned for both those days.
Thanks to Halloween being so recent, I got a pair of cartoon gloved hands and stitched them into the “Peace Among Worlds” position.
Any sign ideas? Something praising Obama, maybe?
“Punk”, from what I know, came from hobo language in the US, and meant an underage boy used (assaulted) sexually by an older man.
What a lovely ring, Ace!
Also wanted to spread the word: today is the first day you can enroll for healthcare for 2018 if you use the ACA, deadline is December 15. I heard the advertisement budget for it was cut and the enrollment period shortened, so just sending this message out wherever I can.
Hey @Axe, very nice gift to yourself!
Seconding @BritterSweet, if you use the ACA today is the day to start signing up!
@Alan Robertshaw
Ace, gorgeous ring! The gold on black is very sharp. Are the words repeated twice, or is the back side blank? ᴬᶰᵈ ᶦˢ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ᵃ ˢᵉᶜʳᵉᵗ ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ᶦᶰˢᶦᵈᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵃᶰᵈ
“Ponce” is a really offensive homophobic slur here in Australia. I wasn’t even aware it had other meanings.
Posted about ACA on my facebook. Won’t reach however many million people the russian ads did, but it will reach a few.
Did not know that, SFHC, I guess I really won’t be using it then. Thanks for the info!
Apparently the house of Trump is now officially divided. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/11/the-west-wing-trump-is-apoplectic-as-allies-fear-impeachment
Looks like Bannon is rearing his ugly head again too.
I didn’t realize that I needed to formalize my statements on that! Alright, Croosters, I’ll give you the CNF.
There we are – a bit more formal. Note that the existence of a woman who had a promiscuous youth and has found success later on does not dismiss it, in the same way that the existence of women earning the same wages as men in some areas doesn’t dismiss the wage gap problem.
Now I have a question for you, @Croosters, since we’re being formal. Why did you think that the existence of a single woman who has bucked the above trend discredits what I said? I can only see a couple of reasons why:
1) because you think that women aren’t systemically punished for promiscuity?
2) because you think women can “overcome” that systemic punishment by hard work?
3) perhaps you misinterpreted what I was saying, or I said something unclearly?
4) Something else I don’t see?
You wanted me to be clear; I hope the above was a bit more specific. Let us know what you were intending to say by bringing up your successful friend – and congrats to her, too! Overcoming that sort of hurdle is not always easy.
Hello everyone, I hope this isn’t too off topic, but I need your help with something I’m working on and I wasn’t sure where to post it. I need some song recommendations. I’m trying to create a playlist of songs that are tongue in cheek mocking MRA talking points or making fun of toxic masculinity etc. However, I only know of a handful myself. Here’s one of my favorites:
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
And not making fun of MRAs or toxic masculinity, but Cell Block Tango from Chicago probably sends MRAs into conniptions. Because of the misandry!
Also, this one could function as a good smackdown of mansplaining
And one that might as well be directed at incels
Sorry not to have newer stuff. I’m old. But the 80’s and 90’s were peak girl group time, so whatever
@David: I’m stuck with a stale cached view of your site. I can’t see any of the new comments made in the past 3 hours, even after hitting reload a couple times. Is there anything I can do at my end to fix this or is it up to my ISP?
(I expect not to be able to see this comment once I hit send, nor any response, so if there is something I need to do to unclog some pipe at my end, David will need to email the information to me.)