By David Futrelle
Three, three indictments in one! Three former Trump campaign officials are in the hot seat today. Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort is the big name on the list (along with his pal Rick Gates), for such fun things as conspiracy against the U.S. and money laundering. But even more intriguing is the GUILTY PLEA of relatively unknown Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, whom Mueller has presumably flipped, who seems to have been doing some active COLLUDING WITH THE RUSSIANS.
So here’s an open thread to discuss the news and any other indictment fun that transpires today.
NOTE: Sorry to have gone missing for so long. I’m still dealing with a combo of health issues that have made it very difficult to work. Thanks again for your patience and support.
Quoted for truth.
Really. Go know.
Anyone want to lay odds on a white male in his mid-20s from rural Texas being antifa?
How about the odds of such a person being white nationalist?
In good news: Flynn and his son have been charged.
Mueller Has Enough Evidence to Bring Charges in Flynn Investigation
Devin Patrick Kelley. 26 yo. Court martialed by the USAF.
Fishy, read that this morning. I have not read that they HAVE been charged, just that they have enough TO charge them…maybe we’ll have another Mueller Monday.
Looking for info on Andrea Hardie I found something interesting. As regulars know she’s used the pseudonym Janet Bloomfield. But a Google search for that name brings up the Wikipedia page for the late Janet Bloomfield. She was an anti-nuclear activist in the UK, including being the chair of the Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament in the ’90s. She died in 2007. Coincidence, or did Hardie choose that name deliberately to smear Bloomfield?
Spooky continues to get stronger. He went to the bowl to eat before petting, and he’s getting exploratory. My vet actually did me a favor because he’s too weak to vaccinate atm. We are going to risk letting him into the rest of the house while watching.
Apparently there were kids among Kelley’s victims. I wish he were still alive, so that he could suffer more.
It’s good to know that Spooky is on the mend. Give him a scritch for me.
OMG, yes. Barely controlled fury.
We live in interesting times.
5:1 odds he’s a lone wolf with no known political leanings.
Brony, heartfelt wishes for continued improvement. I like the image of Spooky feeling comfortable enough to be exploratory.
Moggie, one of the victims was the Pastor’s 14 year old daughter…
Kat, look at Uma’s nostril flare. She was furious.
@Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
It’s heartening to know that Spooky is able to explore.
Looks like the shooter was discharged from the Air Force after being court martialed for assaulting his wife and child. Gee, I never would have predicted that.
@PeeVee You are correct. I did get a little ahead of myself. It still was good to see, though. 😀
Fox News will blame it on him being anti-christian or not having enough God in his life like they did with Las Vegas. Just like they always blame lack of values (if it’s a white male) rather than guns.
Trump says, of the shooting, “This isn’t a guns situation”, and also “Who would think a thing like this could happen?”
What, exactly, is unthinkable about this mass shooting? That it happened in a church? That’s happened before. That kids as young as five were among the victims? Happened before. And it’ll happen again, and you still won’t do a damn thing about it.
ETA: ninja’d by Moggie in split second timing, lol.
As the shooter is a white man, DT blames “mental health problem” without knowing if the gunman really had some. Always going by the easiest argument, yes ?
And the attorney general says they should have weapons in churchs (not “cult places”, churchs). Weapons in a sanctuary. Why not a flak in the bell tower in case of air plane attack ? And an antiatomic shelter in the crypt ? If god exists, he may weep with such “believers”.
Have a nice day.
I believe we have a few Corvid fans, so here’s a pic from the Samhain celebrations here.

(“Say ‘Nevermore'”; “F*ck off”)
@Alan, if you haven’t yet read American Gods, you really must – and not just for the exchange with the raven (which I love). The blending of so many different deities – which you might think could never work – is brilliant and seamless. I honestly think sometimes that Gaiman isn’t exactly human but otherworldly in his abilities 🙂
The underlying idea that gods only exist/have power to the extent that humans believe in them is also a thread throughout the Discworld series, and I find it fascinating, esp. given that I’m a grumpy atheist but a large chunk of my childhood/teen years was spent in quite a fundamentalist religion.
American Gods is very dark, though. Excellent, but not exactly an uplifting read, as far as I recall. If you’re in need of feelgood fiction, this isn’t it.
@ Moggie; all
re: abortion n the g.o.p….
still the best way to get white women (particularly educated white women) to vote for pols who want to make them legally second-class citizens
@ mish
I’ll stick that on my list. Must confess I haven’t read a lot of Gaiman stuff. He wrote for 2000AD back in the day, but since then the only works I’m familiar with are his Holmes/Lovecraft pastiche and a Dr Who episode. I like his ‘Librarian’ quote though, and the Raven one always makes me giggle (so thank you for introducing me to it!)
You mean you haven’t read Good Omens?
Word of advice: read Good Omens.