By David Futrelle
Three, three indictments in one! Three former Trump campaign officials are in the hot seat today. Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort is the big name on the list (along with his pal Rick Gates), for such fun things as conspiracy against the U.S. and money laundering. But even more intriguing is the GUILTY PLEA of relatively unknown Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, whom Mueller has presumably flipped, who seems to have been doing some active COLLUDING WITH THE RUSSIANS.
So here’s an open thread to discuss the news and any other indictment fun that transpires today.
NOTE: Sorry to have gone missing for so long. I’m still dealing with a combo of health issues that have made it very difficult to work. Thanks again for your patience and support.
A “documentary” produced by a man who divorced his wife and went to Costa Rica to bone sex workers about how he is a hero for divorcing his wife and boning Costa Rican sex workers:
“I was married once. For two years.”
Oh, FUCK this self-aggrandizing asshole. 2 years. What the fuck.
I had to stop. Because I really am not interested in hearing this dipshit’s boner travelogue. Puhleeze.
Wow, that’s hard to watch. Also, some fabulous acting in that piece of work.
Just going to rant for a bit so. MRAs get super offended when mass shooter gender statistics are brung up. They say how dare u demonise all men like that and #notallmen. But no one ever says all men are mass shooters, just that most mass shooters are men.
I bet u feminists dont get upset when it’s said that mothers are more likely to commit infanticide. In fact MRA types, mostly father rights groups tend to bring up the gender infanticide to make a point on how mothers aren’t automatically better parents.
Since the mainstream media appear to have suppressed reports of yesterday’s antifa uprising, I have to rely on @RespectableLaw and their large adult son Geoffrey for news. I wasn’t expecting the gay-bomb!
His comments are vile and stupid, of course, but right out of the gate I rolled my eyes at his first line in that article:
Finally there’s someone on the right brave enough to say that abortion is wrong, an opinion which you just never hear!
Amazing how bravery has come to mean shoving your nose in other peoples business from a position of power, isn’t it? Allen (and the others) could do with checking out his bible again, that’s for sure – specifically 1 Thessalonians, 4.11. 😛
In other news … the Daily Caller has not only dumped Milo Yappylittleshit after one column, they’ve fired the guy that hired him for good measure. Theres a fine line between laughing and gloating and I’ve shot past it like a Shrike. 🙂
@Moggie, that’s the same Twitter I got my Nov. 4 uprising news from 😀
@Shadowplay, I saw that news re Milo today and have one response:
It is. 🙂
The Wisconsin State Assembly also just passed a law that would allow toddlers to hunt with guns. What the hell is in the drinking fountains at the state capitol?
I have a feeling that’s the main driver behind a lot of the GOP’s head-scratchingly cruel policies. It’s herd-culling, by people well aware that the planet is overpopulated and they’re sitting in the few lifeboats hoarding all the goodies. They’re pulling up the ladders, beating at people with oars, and throwing them anvils.
It’s such disingenuous crap. If there really is a labor shortage, you’d think they’d be more interested in keeping immigrants in the US.
The pols, or the super-rich guys behind them?
I’m not convined that most members of Congress think that far ahead. People like the Koch brothers? Maybe.
I don’t think this level of Bond villain evil is necessary to explain the modern GOP. All you need for that are:
1. The corruption of the political process by money from big donors.
2. A large number of mean-spirited and tribal voters who will vote for anything (even against their own interests) if it hurts people they hate.
3. A malignant form of Christianity which has conditioned people to believe that you can deny inconvenient reality and replace it with fantasy, provided you shout loud enough.
4. A lack of negative personal consequences. Most of these shitstains will be re-elected; those who lose will find lucrative private sector jobs thanks to their connections.
Ah-ah, but you’re talking about people from other countries and most of them are not white. That doesn’t help the US unless we let those people in, which nativism is not okay with doing. Also, see more on immigration below.
Furthermore, the idea that we need more labor when employment is high is a line that comes from companies that don’t want to pay for labor. You hear a lot today about companies not being able to find qualified candidates and how this is an emergency. Whenever you hear that, mentally insert for the wages I’m willing to pay into that complaint. Realtalk: people are willing to do shit jobs if those jobs pay better than shit. It’s when you want people to work for pennies in a job that is physically or psychologically unpleasant in some way that you run into labor problems. Folks with other options will take them.
Potable water is, and will continue to be, the most important resource on earth. Regardless of that, you need continual population growth in order to have continual growth of GDP, which economists are convinced is necessary in order to attain The Good Life. It’s not complete bullshit: countries with negative population growth have economic problems. It’s arguable that this is a cultural problem rather than an objective one, but until a solution to that is found, it remains a problem.
But if a country depends upon immigration to have a thriving economy, that’s just shifting the problem somewhere else. Somewhere else is going to have economic woes because we lure away all their most able, most resourceful, most driven and motivated citizens. Those charts that show how much more immigrants contribute to the economy compared with what resources they use make me wonder if we’re not stealing that economic activity directly from those immigrants’ countries of origin. What effect does that have over time? Nothing good, and bad economic returns translate straight into internal civil disruption.
Meanwhile, in Texas…
(I don’t know how accurate this particular site is.)
Also, on the topic of Trump/jobs:
There’s talk of all sorts of things. HAARP, inside jobs, Chinese hoaxes, … and talk about how a metal that’s easy to grab out of saltwater will be scarce.
The thing that’s scarce in current batteries is cobalt. If we ran out today, we’d have to use slightly less efficient chemistries. There’s very active research in batteries to get more efficient, long-lived, and cheaper. A lot of that research uses different minerals.
The Good Life is *per-capita* growth. Modern economic theory can deal with population decline as long as it’s not too fast.
If your population is on the way down, sooner or later your pyramid is going to be upside-down. An upside-down population pyramid is Bad News. It can be somewhat bad, or incredibly bad depending on how precipitous the decline, but it’s never good.
I don’t want to derail the economic discussion (please carry on), but I had to drop this in here. Uma Thurman is angry, and sounds like she’s getting ready to drop some bombs:
I think the point is that having more workers than jobs drive wages down, so of course the 0.1% want more workers.
Not the politicians – they’re just there to put a shiny facade on these terrible policies, and most of them aren’t stellar srategic thinkers. It’s the super-rich donors and the GOP think tanks pushing this stuff, whose business it is to consolidate power and ensure a permanent Republican majority. They’re well aware of where future threats to their power will come from, and they’re moving to neutralize those threats.
The Kochs, Mercers et. al. are trying to tilt the playing field far enough that they’ll never face serious competition for their wealth. As you mentioned, it helps that they have a ready army of would-be brownshirts and trolls whose white supremacist agenda gets a lift from the same divide-and-conquer tactics.
If Trump’s base ever woke up and realized who’s really screwing them, the .01% would be toast.
I saw this yesterday…Uma’s response is absolutely the definition of “controlled fury”.
Mass shooting in a Texas baptist church. At least 24 dead.
I am so PISSED right now!!
Judging by Trump’s tweet on the incident and no mention of the word “terrorism”, the shooter was white.
Thanfully, the Texas governor has leapt into action and offered his thoughts and prayers, so that’s his duty done.
Look at this fucking idiot Cernovich:
“Mass shooting at The First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, which has a largely white denomination.
Antifa terrorist attack?”
Goddamned little fucker.