By David Futrelle
Three white supremacists have been charged with attempted murder after one of them fired at a group of antifascist counterprotesters after a speech by neo-Nazi celebrity Richard Spencer at the University of Florida in Gaineville yesterday.
The Miami Herald reports:
Just before 5:30 p.m., just as protesters outside Spencer’s speech at UF’s Phillips Center were wrapping up, Gainesville police said the trio started heckling some anti-Spencer protesters with Hitler chants, Nazi salutes and threats. At one point, cops said, convicted felon Tenbrink pulled out a gun and the brothers encouraged him to use it.
He fired a single shot that missed the group, police said, then sped off in a silver Jeep. An off-duty Alachua County Sheriff’s Office deputy spotted the car 20 miles out of town around 9 p.m. and arrested the group. The Fears brothers are held on million dollar bonds in the Alachua County jail. Tenbrink’s is $3 million.
Surprise, surprise: Two of the three were amongst the alleged “very fine people” marching with their fellow white supremacists in Charlottesville.
Tenbrink, 28, and William Fears, 30, were spotted at Charlottesville, the site of the largest white nationalist gathering in years that erupted in violence. Fears identifies himself on Twitter as “Charismatic leader of a White breeding cult” and tweeted “blood and soil,” the notorious Nazi slogan.
This is terrorism, plain and simple. It’s appalling the story isn’t getting more attention in the media.
Here are some tweets with more details on what happened.
3 white supremacists arrested in Florida for shooting at anti-racism protesters https://t.co/zn6bUBqFK3
— Vox (@voxdotcom) October 20, 2017
“Kill them”: Three men charged in shooting after Richard Spencer speech https://t.co/gqCXtWSmD3
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) October 20, 2017
And these three aren’t the only violent white supremacists who should be getting a lot more attention from the press — and the cops.
Who are the white supremacists assaulting people at rallies in Berkeley, Charlottesville and Huntington Beach? We found some of them: pic.twitter.com/fL5yzyI8Om
— ProPublica (@propublica) October 19, 2017
A Cali racist group—the Rise Above Movement_is full of violent felons. Law enforcement pays it little attention: https://t.co/8AFZS9HVsO
— ProPublica (@propublica) October 19, 2017
The ProPublica piece is a long one but I think a necessary read for anyone concerned with the rise of a violent fascist movement in US.
— 🏳️🌈Spacedad (@SuperSpacedad) October 20, 2017
My thoughts exactly.
Meanwhile, everyone in the White House continues to lie about Trump’s shockingly callous treatment of a grieving Gold Star mother and the congresswoman who has stood up for her.
Specifically, this entire John Kelly story is fiction. Not one bit of it actually happened. pic.twitter.com/eGSQU0S3wc
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) October 20, 2017
Hey @realDonaldTrump I know how much you love calling out FAKE NEWS so here’s your daughter-in-law quoting a transcript that doesn't exist. https://t.co/TheR8FGrWY
— shauna (@goldengateblond) October 20, 2017
"He knew what he signed up for"
Kelly: I told him to say it
DJT: I didn't say it
LaraT: I saw the transcript
Sanders: There's no transcript— Jules Suzdaltsev (@jules_su) October 20, 2017
Don TrumpJr. has thrown himself into the fray though he apparently has trouble telling black women apart.
Rachel Maddow has a pretty convincing theory on why Trump doesn’t want to talk about Niger: that the 4 US soldiers died in part as a result of the Trump administration alienating the government of Chad, which pulled its troops out of Niger after Trump put the country (a longtime ally in the war on terror) on his alleged non-Muslim ban list for an extremely stupid reason.
Maddow connects the dots on how Trump adding Chad to his travel ban may have gotten soldiers killed in Niger https://t.co/PYk203GxVM
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) October 20, 2017
In a whole other arena of terrible, things are even worse in Puerto Rico than official reports acknowledge:
Real death toll in Puerto Rico is probably 450 — much higher than official count https://t.co/msCyhMDyyQ
— Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) October 18, 2017
But our country still has its heroes. Along with Rep. Wilson and all those working diligently to save lives in Puerto Rico, there is this dude:
A man in an apartment on Connecticut Ave. mooned President Trump’s motorcade to the Embassy of Kuwait tonight, per the pool report pic.twitter.com/ifGC8ycXat
— Hunter Schwarz (@hunterschwarz) October 19, 2017
Here are some cute animals because we all need more of them this week. And every week these days, frankly.
everything is terrible so here’s a baby lion cub learning to roar pic.twitter.com/JZpZGj69FJ
— shauna (@goldengateblond) October 18, 2017
Re condoms and conditional consent.
UK CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) legal guidance specifically refers to the Assange case, and explains why if consent is conditional on condom use – AND condom is not used – then this is rape.
I don’t know how to properly quote and reference sections of law, but here’s the relevant bit from Swedish law:
My somewhat ham-fisted translation:
The additional comments to this section specify that while “same-sex relations” aren’t under the law considered “sexual intercourse”, relevant sexual actions would fall under “comparable actions”. The same is true for “opposite-sex relations” even where PiV penetration does not happen. It is also specified that digital penetration is by law comparable to the legal definition of sexual intercourse, i.e. it would carry the same sentence according to this quoted section.
Now that I’ve translated this text, it’s occurred to me that it’s probably already available in an official English version. Oh well.
I’ve never heard of consent “carrying over” from anyone except people who want it to be true, ie potential or actual rapists. If you have to argue a case for it, it’s not a thing. Ugh, I hate this.
I know I say this every time, but if you are paying attention and listening to your partner then consent is not hard.
Observe your partner. If you aren’t sure they are into what’s happening, then use your words and ask. If they say “No, I’m not into it,” stop.
And – if you don’t get a clear answer – then err on the side of caution and stop. They’ll soon tell you if they want you to carry on.
There you go. Consent: FIFY in less than a hundred words.
The only people who say it’s hard are people who have a vested interest in “blurred lines” ie people who want to be able to do whatever they want and then say “But blurred lines your Honour!” when it comes to the courtroom. IE the people who don’t want to stop just because someone else is uncomfortable (or terrified). And obviously people who are asleep can’t consent, what is wrong with you?
Seems like it’s time for the cup of tea video again: just because people drank a cup of tea with you one time does not mean they will drink tea whenever you make it for them :/
A few things missed. Sorry I’ve been away. Thank you all for kitty condolences <3 Today my sisters' kids will be over. We're going to have a kitty funeral for them, with a little cross-placing in the garden and all of his pictures and photos and their drawings of him. I'm pretty sure it'll completely destroy me, but it'll be good for them.
@Surplus, you're reacting in exactly the way that Trump and the Trumpinistas want you to. They want to horrify you so deeply with one possibility, nuclear war, so that when they actually just do some lesser-evil you breathe a sigh of relief. They'll threaten everything – prosecuting opponents, nuclear war, conventional war, setting the damn ocean on fire – so that you just want to recoil from everything to preserve your frazzled nerves.
WWTH doesn't want nuclear war, and never did. False dichotomy. She doesn't want either, and this isn't a "it has to be one or the other" situation. They want us to think of it that way, because then we get relieved when they do the least horrible thing.
Hillary doesn't deserve any of this. Hillary's been the target of misogynistic hate for 30 years now, and she deserves to be left alone. Well, heck, I mean, She deserves daily deliveries of flowers and “we’re so sorry” notes from half of America, and a permanent fully-paid retirement cruise to wherever the heck she likes, for how she’s been treated over the years. But I’m sure she’d take “left alone to do whatever she wants without being the right wing scratching post” in a heartbeat, too.
re: Mueller, wheee! I am so anxious about it. I’m very glad that they’re calling it the first stage of arrests, because if only Kushner or Manafort or Flynn gets arrested for all of this, and Trump stays safe, I’m gonna have an aneurysm. I really hope that it pick sup speed and they get him out of there soon. Ugh.
Sorry for the wordiness. My brain spins in the morning, and editing is hard on a tablet.
@Violet the Vile
I know I’m supposed to love that video, but I still love it more than I expect. Even after watching it many times.
Yuk. That ‘consent carries over during periods of sleep’ thing really gets me since one of my rapes happened that way. Waking up in the middle of the act is NOT part of consensual sex. Just no.
Bet many of the same people who think consent “carries over” sleep also believe the “good old days” were when it was legally deemed to “carry over” from the instant of marriage, unconditionally and permanently.
Consent is a simple, simple concept. To me, it all hinges on seeing your partner as a full human being, same as you.
OT: My cat Sassy
Awhile ago, I mentioned that I’d gotten a feral kitten, Sassy. She’s been hiding, for nearly the past month, only coming out to eat and use her litterbox, and only when no one was observing her.
She’s finally achieved a breakthrough! Last night, I sat on the floor outside “her” room, and she came up to me. I let her pet me, rather than vice-versa. She even purred!
Now, this didn’t prevent her from hissing at me this AM when I put food in her bowl, but I think she may have hissed because she was startled.
Unfortunately, I have to put flea drops on her. I don’t want to break the trust we’ve established, but she really, really, needs those drops.
She also has a vet appointment on Monday. I may reschedule it, though.
Trump’s entirely capable of doing both. Stopping him is a much better solution than debating what sacrifices might temporarily appease him.
Awww, Sassy! <3
Ah, yes, this is super important to building trust with cautious kitties.
Have you thought about using the heating pad trick? Turn it on when you go into “her room” to feed and clean out the litter, then sit on/by it for a bit and talk to her.Kitty will start to associate you with warm as well as food. (works for most young feral animals. 😛 )
I love this. The replies are pure gold.
I hadn’t ever heard of that. I may give it a try. The thing is, I refer to her as a kitten, but she’s probably getting close to 5 months old now. Will it work for older kittens, do you know?
I loved feeling her brush against me. She also played with my hair a little bit. All I did was talk to her in a soft voice.
Aww. Poor little maligned Roger Stone is suing twitter for banning him.
There, there. We know your vile rants were in jest, even if they don’t.
Should work even with a teenage cat, it’s worked on an adult fox (Broken leg and bad infection, so it needed more handling than a normal heal and release).
You’ve got the voice (obviously 🙂 ) and the whole respecting her space thing that cats that have been wild for a bit need already, the heat thing just gives an extra little push into trusting.
Cool story, bro.
Scildfreja: I just can’t imagine. That’s just pure evil.
Will you be able to make a formal complaint to the police and SPCA? The probability of your particular complaint going anywhere is nearly nil, but a pattern of complaints sometimes gets airplay on the news, at which point they magically stop.
Regarding the flea drops…
There is an oral medication that’s used for repelling fleas called Comfortis. My cat eats the pill up without me even having to mix it with anything. you might ask your vet about that. Be warned though, it may upset their stomach, especially if eaeten on an empty stomach.
The flea drops: is this the one that you add a drop on the scruff of their neck once a month?
Scildfreja, I’m so sorry that happened to your kitty, and for you having to go through this. I agree with numerobis that making a complaint could at least help to establish an ongoing problem.
Dormousing_it, you might want to delay your appointment, but there’s another option too. Most vets will make appointments where you just bring your pet in, to be petted and fussed over and nothing negative associated with the visit. You could see if your vet would be willing to do that, to kind of ease your kitten into the situation.
This is amazing.
Apropos of nothing (and because it involves a badge and the honor system 😛 ) is anyone doing NaNoWriMo this year?
I’m doing it if anyone else is – account name Threpney.
@shadowplay I’m not joining the official Nano. I’m planning to write the 3rd draft of the whodunnit I started during NaNoWriMo 2005.
(I did write 3 other books in between, honest!)
Mandatory and Rick Gates are told to surrender.
It begins.