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Women in abusive relationships should be jailed as accomplices, “involuntarily celibate” Redditor argues

What incels fantasize about

By David Futrelle

Leave it to the terrible excuses for human beings who populate the Incels subreddit to take victim blaming to its perverse extreme.

women in abusive relationships should be sent to prison (self.Incels) submitted 17 days ago by Alia_Harkonnen They are the fuel for their abusive Chads they'll later cry about, they are just as bad but also spineless and disgusting. They aren't victims of anything at all. they are in on it. If beating someone up is a crime than willingly letting them beat you up is supporting a criminal activity and should get them locked up as conspirators. Of course if it can be proven that they didn't have a choice cause they were locked in a basement or if they report the Chad and leave, then they shouldn't go to prison. But if they are caught in an ongoing relationship with history of abuse, they should be treated like criminals they are and not like victims.

I’m not sure you really count as an “involuntary celibate” if you hold views so toxic that no women would even want to be in the same room as you.

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7 years ago

What a completely unfeeling, insensitive, ignorant fool. ?

7 years ago

Conspiracy to… what?

7 years ago

Conspiracy to… what?

Not fuck them, of course.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I know it’s beside the point and the truly appalling thing is all the misogyny, but incel political policies are always just so impractical.

First of all, when in the relationship would the victim have to leave? Does it only apply to physical abuse? Is the policy gender neutral or is it only female victims of male abusers that are punished? Will doctors, nurses, psychs and other people in health professions be required to break confidentiality to report victims? Will domestic violence hotline counselors be required to report? If they don’t will they be jailed too? Won’t this just mean that victims will simply stop seeking medical treatment? What’s the sentence for the crime of being an abuse victim? Is probation with counseling a possibility for first offenders? Or is it straight to jail do not pass Go? If both the abuser and victim go to jail and they have children, what happens to those children? How will we pay for the extra burden to criminal justice and foster care systems?

This is just like the Return of Kings immigration policy from the other day. Not only are manosphere govt policies hateful, they just aren’t really even feasible.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago

Aren’t women in abusive relationships already “jailed” by assholes? Ever heard of double jeopardy?

Also, if women abused by assholes started dating incels, wouldn’t that also lead to another abusive relationship?

7 years ago

There just are no words.

ETA I had a go at putting the Clue excerpt “flames, flames on the sides of my face” here.

Oh well.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

If beating someone up is a crime than [sic] willingly letting them beat you up is supporting a criminal activity…

I know it’s not supposed to be funny, but this made me laugh. It’s so stupid I can’t even.
Similar to what wwth said above, incel “logic” is ridiculous.
Imagine applying this to murder, for instance:
“Well, your honour, it’s true that my client killed X, but you should be aware that X willingly let themselves be killed by not resisting enough.”

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago


Reminds me of that old futurama skit with Santa-bot:

Santa-bot: “Mobsters beating up a shopkeeper for protection money: very naughty”.

“Shopkeeper’s not paying their protection money: equally as naughty.”

7 years ago

Ugh. Incel “logic” is so convoluted. But what else would you expect from a rotted, worm infested incel brain? By that logic, every victim of violent crime should be locked up as an accomplice. After all, they let it happen.

7 years ago

so I have to assume that the reason this is on the incel subredit is because he’s mad at women trapped in abusive relationships for not escaping their abusers straight into his arms (and bed)?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Are only ‘Chads’ abusive? Or does any abusive (male) partner become a ‘Chad’ by act of abuse?

Kelly L.
Kelly L.
7 years ago

Are only ‘Chads’ abusive? Or does any abusive (male) partner become a ‘Chad’ by act of abuse?

Any man with a partner is necessarily a Chad, according to these guys. Because only Chads ever achieve female companionship at all. Every other schlub is single.

7 years ago

“Incels” are all in a race to see who can be the most repulsive individual on the planet first.

Of course they want to punish women for being abused. Of course, they do.

However low they claim their self-esteem is now, it should be lower.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

@Diego Duarte,

Of course – how did I not think of that?
There’s a Futurama or Simpsons reference for literally everything 🙂

7 years ago

These fucking idiots have never been in a real human relationship of any sort in their lives, and have no idea how things work. They’re projecting their own imagined responses to things into everyone else, and since they’re fucking shit-for-brains morons, they are incapable of separating fantasy from reality. It’s like those guys who think that in a mass shooting they’d coolly draw and pop the bad guy with a single headshot, before catching a swooning supermodel in their arms and of course she wants to go back to his place.
They’ve never been in a romantic relationship, so have no concept of how someone could become trapped in one, no thought for how a housewife with 2 kids and no work experience for the last decade might not be able to just pack up and leave, especially after having been gaslighted & manipulated.
Fuck these chumps.

7 years ago

Those willfully ignorant fools go to great lengths to justify their fantasies of harming women. The idea that victims of abuse don’t have options is lost to incels, the people who have options but would rather stay miserable.

7 years ago

Oh the irony, follow his logic and you see incels are co-conspirators in their own involuntary celibacy.

7 years ago

In Iowa, thanks to the precedent set by the Iowa Supreme Court in Henley v. Iowa District Court for Emmett County, 1995, women are regularly arrested and convicted of aiding and abetting in the violation of the restraining orders put in place to protect them. You go to court to get protection. You get a restraining order. The batterer shows up on your door threatening you if you dont let them in. You know the police wont get there in time. You comply in order to de-escalate the situation and avoid an assault. The police show up. You are arrested.

So yes, this actually happens.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
7 years ago

Sadly, many abused women do end up being jailed thanks to ‘failure to protect’ laws. In 29 states, mothers are imprisoned when their abusive partners murder their children. In fact, they are often sentenced for longer periods than the arseholes that actually did it. It’s sickening. So he already has got his wish.

7 years ago

I presume that this means that the incels also think that women should be charged with being an accessory to rape if she didn’t put up enough of a fight.

Hmm, or would they let that case off the hook because the only “real” kind of rape is the one where a nonwhite stranger drags a virginal white women into the bushes at knifepoint/gunpoint?

Ah, I know. The man of course would not be charged with rape, but the woman would simultaneously be charged with abetting AND with making a false accusation. Because logic.

7 years ago

This reminds me of the other day.

One of my sexual assaults involved me making a conscious choice to be assaulted instead of being beaten up/murdered and THEN assaulted. And yes, according to like eight men as of today (More keep showing up on my original facebook post) that makes me complicit in being assaulted and therefore nullifies the assault.

The thing these stains are advocating for is horrific, and already exists.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
7 years ago


I presume that this means that the incels also think that women should be charged with being an accessory to rape if she didn’t put up enough of a fight.

They probably do think that. It won’t be a huge leap. It’s a good thing that they don’t get to make the laws. They can sit in juries, however. Fuck, what a frightening thought. No wonder hardly any rapists get convicted. 🙁

7 years ago

To me it sounded more like, “If the victim wasn’t there, there would be no crime.” Like you can’t have a bank robbery without a bank. Which is just as stupid.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

If having sex with Chad is a crime, then willingly letting someone have sex with Chad is supporting criminal activity.

Jail the incels.

Sheila Crosby
7 years ago

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Also, this “logic” would be yet another motive for a cautious woman to stay home with a dildo. Not what they’re hoping to achieve.

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