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Fake Melania, meet Donald Trump’s fake charitable contributions: Today in Tweets

There’s definitely something a bit … off about her eyes

By David Futrelle

When is Melania Trump not Melania Trump? When internet conspiracy theorists decide that the Melania Trump-looking lady standing next to our illegitimate president is a secret imposter. Never mind that this women is OBVIOUSLY MELANIA WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT.

You know what’s fake for real? Donald’s “concern” for fallen soldiers. And a lot of his much touted charitable contributions.

Here’s the tweet that started the whole #FakeMelania thing.

Others offered their own “proof.”


Ok, wait, THAT is a lot more convincing. Her hair isn’t even the right color! Sloppy work there, Fake Melania handlers!

The evidence of conspiracy is piling up:

In other news, the very real Donald Trump is a fucking monster.

And his “charitable contributions” are basically nothing but hot air.

And he seems to have killed the Obamacare fix he earlier said he supported.

Also, he says “billions and billions” a lot.

“Alt-right” shitheads continue to be shitheads.

This is why we need so many animal pics and vids.

I will end with this important warning.

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PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Holy crap, after a while, I heard “biddians” instead of “billions”.

Also, that black cat is a riot. Reminds me of Salem from Sabrina.

Also, Trump is a fucking asshole.

Also, that crab is adorns.

And Trump is an asshole.

tim gueguen
7 years ago

We could probably do with help from the Thunderbirds these days.

7 years ago

breaking news: trump demonstrates a complete lack of empathy!

I’ve lost track of how many shockingly insensitive things he’s said in the last 10 months. how is it still surprising to anyone when he does it again?

7 years ago

I liked the bit where he apparently chastised Abraham Lincoln for failing to ring the families of deceased soldiers.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

God how I wish Penelope Creighton-Ward was real. She’d rally the Thunderbirds to kick Trump’s ass.

And while we’re at it, I think that Mike Pence could just be a ruse; really being the Hood in disguise.
7 years ago

Man, I wish the Sci Fi channel played Farscape reruns.

7 years ago

The problem with trying to tell real Melania from #FakeMelania is that real Melania is also actually kind of Fake Melania.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner! If there is anything still genuine about that woman, I don’t know what it could be. The last of it must have been sucked out of her at least two decades ago. (And no, I’m not talking about her looks; her entire demeanor is so affected and stiff and cold, it’s like she’s quite literally a Stepford robot!)

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
7 years ago


*mumbled* I dunno, I kind of like that dress… it’s cute and it’d wash and wear well… Hope those big shinies are moissanite or zirconia or similar, though. *has weird tastes in aesthetics*


I do kind of think she traded her soul and dignity for a ride on the gravy train, and it’s showing. She’s all affectation now, like a movie-set false front of what society thinks a hot society woman should be. (Leaving out her marriage to *him* even.)

Michelle Obama is far more real and is unabashedly a person who exhibits her own inclinations and opinions. As a result she’s *far* more genuinely attractive as a woman in my eyes. But, sadly, some people are full of shit.

7 years ago

@Dan Lady Penelope is far too classy for Trump

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

The Harvey Weinstein storm has had effects over here as well. Recently, people have come out with rape allegations against big name journalist/columnist Fredrik Virtanen. The last few days, national news has focused on Martin Timell, who is one of our most famous TV personalities. There have been rumors about him for many years, but now his racism, sexism and homophobia has been brought out in public by actual coworkers. He has also been accused of domestic abuse.

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
7 years ago

Is anyone else surprised to see a conspiracy theory about Trump? I thought all the paranoid gullible idiots who make this shit up were on the far right. Or at least it would seem that way, based on how many conspiracy theories are just convoluted excuses to blame the left for something bad.
Although I find it kinda hilarious that, despite the fact Trump can’t get through a full sentence without lying, it took some complete bullshit that this Joe Vargas guy literally just made up to suspect that MAYBE Trump isn’t entirely honest.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

I thought all the paranoid gullible idiots who make this shit up were on the far right.

He’s an MRA, so he might be after all.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

Conspiracy theorists exist on the right, on the left, and on the center. The right has made conspiracy theories their mainstream, but the people susceptible to bad thinking are everywhere.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

in the center”

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

*slowly backs away from the corn*

7 years ago

Conspiracy theorists exist on the right, on the left, and in the center. The right has made conspiracy theories their mainstream, but the people susceptible to bad thinking are everywhere.


And nothing much gives immunity to any given conspiracy theory. Anyone’s pattern recognition can turn malignant on them without warning. We’re not as smart as we think we are. 😛

7 years ago

That ain’t Melania. Obvious body double. She’s secretly sick & the mainstream media is covering up for her
Ain’t no Planet X comin cuz ain’t no space cuz ain’t not globe earth

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I think it’s kind of amusing to turn the tables on the right for a change. When everything is fake news, then nothing can ever be definitively disproved.

Melania lives perilously close to the uncanny valley. (Trump has plans to develop a golf course there.)

7 years ago

I took a close look at the photos of Melania in sunglasses. There seems to be a white trim around the part of the frame that rests against her nose. I think, to a casual observer, that might be making her nose look bigger. IMO, the white trim isn’t particularly flattering.

I don’t understand why anyone would believe Melania has been replaced with a body double. I don’t understand why anyone would spread the rumor of it, either. Maybe, there’s nothing here to understand.

7 years ago

I’m offended by that picture of Trump with Janice. Janice is far too cool to associate with that clown.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

I can see Janice trying to reach out and fix Trump in some way, perhaps with some organic popcorn.

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago


<3 Virginia Hey <3

7 years ago

Don’t know if anyone’s posted this already, but has everyone seen the announcements for the release date of the Women of NASA Lego set?

The booklets they give out in the Lego Ideas theme are always incredibly informative about the subject of the builds, and I hope this will continue- thousands of little girls (and boys) will get so much more out of this than even a regular LEGO set.

I’m gonna buy one, no matter what my Lego budget is.

Just… the comments tho. Ugh! What is even going on there? Do they seem like genuine LEGO fans, because they seem rather ‘pretender’ like to me.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago

Ugh, those fucking posters. To think these assholes believe themselves to be within the grounds of “Freeze Peach” is disgusting.

The Constitution of the United States is broken and needs to be brought to heel with other Constitutions around the World.

Inducing someone to commit suicide is not protected speech and the same should apply to “Hate Speech” as well.

America is pretty much the only developed country I’ve seen where “Free Speech” is so absolute that it allows hate groups to get away with what would be considered straight up Nazi propaganda everywhere else in the World.

Spreading misinformation about minorities and vulnerable groups, in an attempt to influence policy and cut back the rights and protections given to these groups is not “Fake News”, it’s NAZI PROPAGANDA, full stop.

Constitutional rights are both vertically and horizontally effective: meaning here that they are valid before the government and private citizens as well. Far too often does the Right lie about the Constitution only applying as a protection of private citizens from the Government.

No, the Constitution also protects private citizens from other private citizens (or how do these goobers think the right to private property is enforced?).

The dissemination of Nazi propaganda should be punishable with jail, alongside a lifetime ban from holding public office or exercising ANY sort of public function.

This shit should not be negotiable. If you are a Nazi, you do not get to have any sort of say or leverage over people’s lives.

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