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“Vile Jews” and “Women With Potato-Bag Arses”: What They’re Talking About On Gab

Even cats are horrified by Gab

By David Futrelle

Do you ever find yourself wondering what they’re talking about over on Gab, the “free speech” alternative to Twitter that quickly turned into a playground for some of the worst human beings on the Internet?

Well, wonder no more. I’ve collected together a selection of Gab posts from the site’s “popular” page today. As you look through these lovely posts, remember: I didn’t search for hours to find the very worst posts on the site from marginal commenters that no one there pays attention to. No, these are some of the most highly upvoted posts on the site, which Gab itself chooses to highlight on a special page that’s basically one of the main entryways to the world of Gab.

In other words, these are Gab’s Best and Brightest here, saying things that lots of Gabbers agree with, on topics ranging from the Holocaust (apparently “a lie”) to Lena Dunham’s “arse” (apparently sub-optimal). You can click on any of the images to see the comments in context over on Gab, if you dare.

Be prepared to throw up in your mouth a little.


Dutch PiratePRO · @dutchpirate ? Obama Compromises Nat Sec · 3 hours · edited Freaking #Fruitcake...

Jared WyandPRO · @JaredWyand ? News · 5 hours These vile Jews from America feel no remorse in sending this 88-year-old woman in Germany to prison for questioning history and they’re aiming to have the same done to you here Jared WyandPRO · @JaredWyand The “holocaust” is the only narrative in history that you will be sent to jail for questioning A narrative created by people most notoriously known for deceit This is what protection of a lie looks like. This is what protection of Jewish victimhood looks like. The holocaust is a lie

nicholas · @telegramformongos ❓ BritFam · 3 hours Am i the only one who has noticed the increased numbers of weird looking dumpy women with oddly-shaped potato-bag arses, both on tv and in the street? The majority of 21st century women look like shit, yet they don't even seem to notice. It never used to be like this. It really didn't.

SeptemberDoxPRO · @SeptemberDox ? Politics · 5 hours Blacks burn down their cities ‘cause racism and then ask White men for help. Women race to degeneracy ‘cause “muh rights” and then ask White men for help. Mexicans break into our country ‘cause gibs and then, facing deportation, ask White men for help. I think I’ll take a knee.

Holden · @realHoldenCaulfield 2 hours · edited Just saw my first hijab taking a stroll RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE GOD DAMN THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO MY COUNTRY

KingGoy (IQ: Rick) · @KingGoy ? Lost Waifus · 6 hours · edited Feminism affects us all. It kidnaps are waifus and hides them away under shitty clothing, tattoos, and blubber jackets and ruins them for the rest of us. post you're #LostWaifu. If feminism has made you a #WaifuRefugee and a #WaifuGlobalist, we want to hear your stories.

John RiversPRO · @JohnRivers 6 hours i'm personally more of a Jared Taylor kind of guy i just see more utility in Tactical Anti-Semitism than he does Jewish Anti-White Agitation should be met with White Anti-Jewish Agitation being polite while a Hostile Alien Overclass tries to demographically destroy you is not a winning strategy

Arthur FraynPRO · @ArthurFrayn ? Philosophy · 5 hours What criticism of Jewish politics wouldn't automatically be disregarded as "antisemitism?"


So anyhoo, that’s Gab, putting its best (jackbooted) foot forward.

Sorry about the weird cropping of some of the images and the tininess of some of the text in the screenshots above; individual posts there sometimes take up more than one screen, because the site was apparently designed by incompetents.

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7 years ago


Hope you find your cat, lucky for you it’s a she. From my experience, females tend to come back even if they go missing for a while. I’ve had more than a couple of experiences where my cats went missing for a couple of weeks but they came back.

Yeah, my sister had one of hers go walkabout in the woods for two or three weeks before she (the cat, a calico) came back, skinny and dirty and minus the tip of her tail, but otherwise fine. I’m hoping mine does the same thing, although she’s not a walkabout-in-the-woods kitty (at least she’s never been in all the four years I’ve had her), and the woods around here are rather further from my house than they are from my sister’s. Another sis thinks she may have been stolen by someone who thought she was too adorable to resist, and that may well be; kitty’s very sweet and friendly, as well as pretty, and unique with those extra toes on all fours. She could have walked up to someone just to make friends, and they may have figured she was homeless and just taken her.

And yuppers, males fight viciously, at least if they’re not neutered before they reach maturity. Lots of people leave theirs intact figuring that it’s okay because they can’t have kittens, but they forget that unneutered toms have other issues going on. One of them is wandering in search of females in heat to mate with, and the other is fighting other kitty-boys for the privilege. And oh yeah, there’s also spraying to mark their turf…and tomcat urine is the stinkiest cat urine. That’s almost as nasty as all the wandering and fighting. Most of the cats I’ve kept have been female. And all the ones that lived longer than a year or two did so because I got ’em fixed.

7 years ago

also, it continues to blow me away that there are people who find Twitter to be too restrictive and authoritarian…

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Speaking of Lena Dunham, I just watched tonight’s American Horror Story and she had a guest role as Valerie Solanas. If they hated Dunham before, they’re really going to hate her now.

Sending good wishes for your kitty, Bina.

7 years ago

@tim gueguen
thanks for filling me in! those are some of the dumbest “conspiracy theories” isn’t ever heard of!

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago

Another sis thinks she may have been stolen by someone who thought she was too adorable to resist, and that may well be; kitty’s very sweet and friendly, as well as pretty, and unique with those extra toes on all fours. She could have walked up to someone just to make friends, and they may have figured she was homeless and just taken her.

Cats do this fairly often too. My neighbors cat would just pounce in through the window and chill in my room, even though I never fed her.

When I visit my best friend there’s also this cat which is obsessed with getting into his house, for who knows what. It’s not like he has pets or anything, she just hangs about and bolts in the minute he opens the door, and we have to drag her out. No clue whatsoever what she wants, she just stays and chills for no readily apparent reason.

@Brian the photoshopped Obama is probably a reference to the conspiracy theories that Obama is gay, one of which claims Obama was a gay prostitute at some point in his 20s. Then there was Jerome Corsi claiming that Obama was married to a man, and probably a Muslim. The ultimate version is probably the one that says Obama is gay, Michelle Obama is actually a man, and that the Obama girls came from…someplace.

This would be so amusing if these people weren’t in power right now…

7 years ago

-squint- I… think the waifu one is a troll? I’m not sure, though, and that perturbs me.

7 years ago

Potato bag arses? D=< Hey, I resemble that remark!

Also, didn't they know 'waifu' only works for wanting anime girls and fantasy characters, not real people? D:

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

@tim gueguen:

I wonder what this “gibs” SeptemberDox is talking about is. Could he mean Jethro Gibbs from NCIS?

From context I think he must have meant “jobs”, though how it got that badly misspelled is likely to forever remain a mystery.

I wonder where Holden lives if he just saw his first woman in a hijab pass his house. Or did he mean a hijab just floating in the air?

He specifically said “walking”, so I’m picturing it scuttling along on the road like a crab, on the tips of some starched bits of folded cloth or something …

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

Obama with photoshopped lipstick is another meaningless picture. Congratulations, dude, you just proved that you can color inside the lines.

Nah, he just proved that his computer can color inside the lines with the floodfill/wand tool threshold set appropriately.

7 years ago

My first glance at the “Don’t make white kids angry” image gave me the impression that the fighter jets were UFOs, and for a single blissful instant I was merely confused about how angry white kids could cause interstellar invasions. Then the swastikas registered. Ugh.

7 years ago

Ugh, the dehumanisation of the hijab comment. A woman is not a headscarf, any more than a man is a MAGA cap.

7 years ago

@Tim Gueguen, Surplus to Requirements

Re: gibs

I think it’s meant to be the word “gives” (as in “gimme welfare”) in a mocking tone of voice (cf. “‘muh rights’” in the same… Gab? Tweet? Whatever.)

Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago

Hijabs walking down the street all by themselves? That’s some great and amazing news! What technology has made this possible? Or are they perhaps used by restless spirits? Air elementals? Don’t keep us in suspense, alt-reich. The world needs to know!

Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago

Here’s some baby animals:

Christina Nordlander, Keyboard Battlesister
Christina Nordlander, Keyboard Battlesister
7 years ago

In fairness, if I saw a hijab or any other garment floating around person-less, I’d be terrified too.

The waifu guy… can’t be real, can they? It sounds like an over-the-top parody of an anime-obsessed MRA. Then again, there’s the anti-Semitic dogwhistle username. Ugh.

7 years ago


I hope you find her soon! (Or she comes sauntering in of her own accord)

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago


The waifu guy… can’t be real, can they? It sounds like an over-the-top parody of an anime-obsessed MRA. Then again, there’s the anti-Semitic dogwhistle username. Ugh.

No, it’s for real. They think women would naturally gravitate to being “waifus” if not for Jews pushing for “Cultural Marxism” in the US. Poe’s law and all.

tim gueguen
7 years ago

I assumed “gibs” is supposed to be gives as well, and possibly a case of the poster thinking undocumented migrants get free stuff from the government. Which they don’t because of the whole undocumented part.

7 years ago

Thought gibs was from the “charming” euphemism gibs-me-dat.

Nothing is Permanent But Woe
Nothing is Permanent But Woe
7 years ago

‘Hijabs floating around people-less’ is, IIRC, something of a motif in the film ‘Under the Shadow’, which is worth watching for a number of reasons.

7 years ago

First, self-driving cars. Then, self-walking hijabs.

AI is taking over; soon, impotent white men will be fully disposable!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

?These hijabs were made for walkin’?

@Bina – Sometimes, if you put out her favorite food, she’ll smell it and come back. If she’s the skittish type or isn’t used to the outdoors, walk around the neighborhood and check under bushes, porches, and other hidey holes. I had an indoor cat who used to slip outside, get scared, and go to ground somewhere nearby. He’d sit there for hours watching me walk by and call him, the little stinker.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

put out her favorite food, she’ll smell it and come back.

Putting out a trail of used litter tray contents leading back home supposedly also helps. I do hope he returns home soon. A friend’s cat goes on occasional walkabout and she’s in pieces until he comes back, which he always does with a “What?” attitude, so I can understand how you must be feeling. Sending wishes and ‘go back home’ vibes to you both.

7 years ago

@ I hope you find your cat soon. It must be so stressful.

I’m lucky my cat never did this. The worst he did was disappear on the roof for a day when we first brought him home.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I dunno. The Obama one reminds me of the Putin make-up one.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago

@Christina Nordlander,

In fairness, if I saw a hijab or any other garment floating around person-less, I’d be terrified too.

comment image

(See if this embeds right)

Though in looking this story up, I learned that there’s a paper that claims Dr. Seuss has racist elements in his most popular character(s), and that a Cambridge elementary school librarian used that to justify rejecting a gift of books from Melania Trump.

Not sure what to think about that. 😐