alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies gab homophobia hypocrisy irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism transphobia

“Vile Jews” and “Women With Potato-Bag Arses”: What They’re Talking About On Gab

Even cats are horrified by Gab

By David Futrelle

Do you ever find yourself wondering what they’re talking about over on Gab, the “free speech” alternative to Twitter that quickly turned into a playground for some of the worst human beings on the Internet?

Well, wonder no more. I’ve collected together a selection of Gab posts from the site’s “popular” page today. As you look through these lovely posts, remember: I didn’t search for hours to find the very worst posts on the site from marginal commenters that no one there pays attention to. No, these are some of the most highly upvoted posts on the site, which Gab itself chooses to highlight on a special page that’s basically one of the main entryways to the world of Gab.

In other words, these are Gab’s Best and Brightest here, saying things that lots of Gabbers agree with, on topics ranging from the Holocaust (apparently “a lie”) to Lena Dunham’s “arse” (apparently sub-optimal). You can click on any of the images to see the comments in context over on Gab, if you dare.

Be prepared to throw up in your mouth a little.


Dutch PiratePRO · @dutchpirate ? Obama Compromises Nat Sec · 3 hours · edited Freaking #Fruitcake...

Jared WyandPRO · @JaredWyand ? News · 5 hours These vile Jews from America feel no remorse in sending this 88-year-old woman in Germany to prison for questioning history and they’re aiming to have the same done to you here Jared WyandPRO · @JaredWyand The “holocaust” is the only narrative in history that you will be sent to jail for questioning A narrative created by people most notoriously known for deceit This is what protection of a lie looks like. This is what protection of Jewish victimhood looks like. The holocaust is a lie

nicholas · @telegramformongos ❓ BritFam · 3 hours Am i the only one who has noticed the increased numbers of weird looking dumpy women with oddly-shaped potato-bag arses, both on tv and in the street? The majority of 21st century women look like shit, yet they don't even seem to notice. It never used to be like this. It really didn't.

SeptemberDoxPRO · @SeptemberDox ? Politics · 5 hours Blacks burn down their cities ‘cause racism and then ask White men for help. Women race to degeneracy ‘cause “muh rights” and then ask White men for help. Mexicans break into our country ‘cause gibs and then, facing deportation, ask White men for help. I think I’ll take a knee.

Holden · @realHoldenCaulfield 2 hours · edited Just saw my first hijab taking a stroll RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE GOD DAMN THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO MY COUNTRY

KingGoy (IQ: Rick) · @KingGoy ? Lost Waifus · 6 hours · edited Feminism affects us all. It kidnaps are waifus and hides them away under shitty clothing, tattoos, and blubber jackets and ruins them for the rest of us. post you're #LostWaifu. If feminism has made you a #WaifuRefugee and a #WaifuGlobalist, we want to hear your stories.

John RiversPRO · @JohnRivers 6 hours i'm personally more of a Jared Taylor kind of guy i just see more utility in Tactical Anti-Semitism than he does Jewish Anti-White Agitation should be met with White Anti-Jewish Agitation being polite while a Hostile Alien Overclass tries to demographically destroy you is not a winning strategy

Arthur FraynPRO · @ArthurFrayn ? Philosophy · 5 hours What criticism of Jewish politics wouldn't automatically be disregarded as "antisemitism?"


So anyhoo, that’s Gab, putting its best (jackbooted) foot forward.

Sorry about the weird cropping of some of the images and the tininess of some of the text in the screenshots above; individual posts there sometimes take up more than one screen, because the site was apparently designed by incompetents.

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Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

Reading these posts makes me wish the guy from Wolfenstein was real. He’d give these Nazis more than a punch

Wicked Witch Of Whatever
Wicked Witch Of Whatever
7 years ago

I’m surprised they bother posting. I honestly thought the main point of the alt-right being on social media was to harass everyone else – surely even they wouldn’t read their own drivel.

tim gueguen
7 years ago

I wonder what this “gibs” SeptemberDox is talking about is. Could he mean Jethro Gibbs from NCIS?

I wonder where Holden lives if he just saw his first woman in a hijab pass his house. Or did he mean a hijab just floating in the air?

7 years ago

I absolutely hate when they use a picture of a model to represent the “good old days” when more women supposedly made themselves look beautiful for men. Models have always looked like models.
Lena Dunham is not a model, nor are%90 of women that they think “look like shit.” The same was true in the 50’s, 60’s or whenever. A smart person, or at least a media-savvy person, understands that a pin-up or model has been highly modified to look visually appealing, but doesn’t usually represent reality.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago

Hijabs are able to walk down a street without human help?!?!

Is there something I should be worried about there…? O.o

Or should I ask when the last time those things were washed?

(Joking, but still….)

ETA: grammar fixes.

7 years ago

Don’t Make The White Kids Angry, or they’ll bomb you with crappy photoshops.

And awww, poor Jared Wyand! He’s so pathetic, he has to re-Gab himself because there’s no one else to fawn over his crappy verbiage.

And oh yeah, is anyone besides me struck by the irony of a dude with no profile photo whining about “potato-bag” women? Surely not because he looks like the sack of shit that he is…

And who the fuck is asking capital-w white men for help? Not me. The only thing anyone’s asking these dudes to do is take their boots off others’ necks so they can fucking BREATHE.

Also, I love the little snowflake who is driven berserk by the sight of a hijab RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS HOUSE! OH, THE HUMANITY!!!

And also the one who whines about the evils of feminism, but can’t spell or punctuate for shit. Nobody wanna be your “waifu”, dude, because they all can see the stoopid. A tool of analysis didn’t kidnap anybody, it just made us all too smart for you.

And of course, the usual chin-drooling antisemites are on there, too. Looking and sounding like the losers they all are.

Master Race, my potato-bag ARSE.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I love it when men put up a new picture of someone who makes their boner sad next to an old picture of someone who makes their boner happy and pretend it means anything.

He thinks no actresses are skinny and blonde anymore? Really? Jennifer Lawrence, Blake Lively, Natalie Dormer, Margot Robie, none of them exist?

He thinks every woman looked like a skinny blonde model until the 21st century?

And what the fuck is a lost waifu? What does that even mean? I thought waifu were like a pre-sexbot girlfriend era patch so that they don’t have to be in the presence of us horrible meatbag women with our personalities and opinions and everything? Why is he calling a human woman a lost waifu?

I guess when Nazi dudes spend all their time only talking to each other they lose whatever tenuous grasp on reality they ever had.

7 years ago

Waifu used to be referring to Anime women (er uhm, *ahem* girls) like the kind that appear on pillows. I’m not sure what would make a Real woman qualify as a waifu. I assume it’s some hypersexy, idealized woman that, like the Anime version, isn’t real.

7 years ago
PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

Brain Bleach!
(Baxter Lamm from the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee)
comment image
(Also from the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee)
(Itty Bitty Kitty Committee)

7 years ago

The cat in the OP is me.

Thanks for the brain bleach.

7 years ago

I guess I’m a lost waifu; it appears to have something to do with fantasy hair. I’ll ask my husband if he’s a waifu refugee.

AsAboveSoBelow, Deviated Preevert
AsAboveSoBelow, Deviated Preevert
7 years ago

No, not “are waifus”!


7 years ago

OMG, I want that little torbie…looks like mine, and she’s currently missing. 🙁

7 years ago

The first time I heard the term ‘waifu’, a few years ago, I had to look it up. I’m still on sort of shaky grounds when it comes to understanding the concept, but I prefer it that way.

Also, thirding calmdown and WWTH re: Pictures of models or actresses from more than 25 years ago, juxtaposed with a recent picture of a girl or a woman. It’s meaningless.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

FFS. Nobody is asking these white men for “help”. We’re asking them to behave like decent human beings. We’re asking them to stop shooting, raping, and deporting people. We’re asking them to stop destroying the planet for selfish short-term profit. We’re asking them to clean up the problems that THEY have created and that THEY are refusing to take responsibility for.

As for women being more attractive “back in the day”, HAHAHAHAHA. Ever see what lye, poor nutrition, and working outside in the elements do to skin and hair?

Or, let’s not even go back that far. Remember the 80s, when women wore big gelled hair, mauve lipstick, and oversized neon shirts? I’m sure these guys would find plenty to complain about.

It’s totally meaningless to compare women then and now.

Obama with photoshopped lipstick is another meaningless picture. Congratulations, dude, you just proved that you can color inside the lines.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

Edit thingy ran out. Bina, I hope you find your kitty!

7 years ago

“Don’t make the white kids angry”

Or what? The white kids have been angry longer than I’ve been alive. They’re nothing. Hell, most of the white men I ever meet are angry at the fact of my existence.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Oh, no, Bina!

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Oh, I hope you find your kitty soon, Bina!

MrsObedMarsh, I saw that today and I laughed so hard!

7 years ago

Thanks, all. I’ve made a profile for her on a lost pet site, put out posters, and contacted local shelters and vets asking them to keep an eye out for her (she’s not collared, chipped or tattooed, because she never wandered far). So far, I’ve seen some tearaway contact info slips from the posters have been torn off, which gives me some hope. But they’re only nibbles, and I’m waiting for a bite. Thoughts and prayers are totally welcome if you’ve got ’em.

7 years ago

wtf is up with that Obama post!?
Photoshop with very fake, garish “makeup!” hashtag with “fruitcake”… point made?

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago

User: KingGoy (IQ: Rick)

Yeah, pretty sure these people are the poster boys for the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Even if IQ tests could determine intelligence, I would bet anything they couldn’t open a goddamn child-proof, pill canister.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago


Hope you find your cat, lucky for you it’s a she. From my experience, females tend to come back even if they go missing for a while. I’ve had more than a couple of experiences where my cats went missing for a couple of weeks but they came back.

Now the males you gotta take care off because they will straight up kill each other over turf. Lost many cats this way.

tim gueguen
7 years ago

@Brian the photoshopped Obama is probably a reference to the conspiracy theories that Obama is gay, one of which claims Obama was a gay prostitute at some point in his 20s. Then there was Jerome Corsi claiming that Obama was married to a man, and probably a Muslim. The ultimate version is probably the one that says Obama is gay, Michelle Obama is actually a man, and that the Obama girls came from…someplace.

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