By David Futrelle
The fellas at garbage site Return of Kings have made their feelings about immigrants pretty clear. If you do a search for “immigrants” on the site, you get a lot of headlines like these:
You get the picture.
But it turns out that there’s one kind of immigrant that Return of Kings actually likes and wants more of: sexy lady immigrants.
A recent post on the site by regular contributor William Adams puts for the proposition that “FOREIGN WOMEN SHOULD COME BEFORE MEN IN ANY IMMIGRATION PLAN.” Adams argues that what he describes as a “massive influx” of “Middle Eastern and African male economic migrants” engineered in part by “globalists like George Soros” is ruining the dating prospects of native-born men in Western Europe and North America.
“Some have … speculated,” he writes,
that feminists in leadership positions either want to make things worse for native men, or that they want to increase the female value in the sexual market by making the society more competitive for men while improving their own access to men. More men imply a better situation for adult females who are free to pick among both native and non-native men and for both short- and long-term relationships.
And it goes without saying that “a better situation for adult females” is a very bad thing indeed.
In fact, according to a recent analysis by Eurostat, there were only “slightly more men than women (56 % compared with 44 %)” immigrants to European Union states from countries outside the EU in 2016.
But damn the facts, because in the minds of the horny racists at Return of Kings, the swarthy hordes are TERKING OUR WIMMINZ.
And so, as Adams sees it, we in the west need to open our borders to more women from places like Russia, Brazil, the Philippines and even “war-ridden countries like Yemen.”
This brilliant plan, Adams argues, could magically end racial division in the west and cut down on ISIS recruitment efforts.
When both white and non-white citizens notice that they have a higher chance of finding a long-term partner, they will focus more on living a stable life instead of joining pathetic extremist groups that do no one no good.
More importantly to Return of Kings readers, it will mean MORE WIMMINZ for them — a development that could also force the women that are here already to start treating dudes better.
[T]he sexual market will be much more balanced, and even native women may have to adjust and better themselves as a result of the tougher competition from their global sisters.
And it might even save Western dudes money on airfare as they won’t have to fly halfway across the world to find themselves hot foreign wives any more!
[W]hy should a man go and live in South America, Eastern Europe or Southeast Asia under worse material conditions when he can live in the West with a more traditional female partner?
This seems like a lot of work to go through to improve the dating prospects of some of the worst dudes in the West. Wouldn’t it be simpler just to deport all Return of Kings fans to one of these places?
@William Adams
You’re right, that is some good advice. No one should join pathetic extremist groups that do nothing but harm others. Especially Nazis. You wouldn’t want to be a person who congregates with Nazis, or worse, be a Hypocrital Nazi right?
Meatbag is a particularly good one, because it is generally uttered by other meatbags, praising the benefits of sexy robot ladies without pausing to consider that there may one day be sexy robot men and that a grow-your-own-sperm kit is likely to be easier to make than an artificial womb.
Poor RoK readers, with their long-suffering boners. If only they could import traditional females, then their troubles will be over.
(Haven’t had caffeine yet this morning, or I would deliver better sarcasm.)
Speaking of caffeine, I’ve been meaning to try that new slow-roasted volcanic-soil Nambian covfefe that’s been getting so much hype all year but … I can’t find it anywhere! Can it only be ordered online? Supposedly it’s a favorite with public servants these days. 🙂
I have a theory. Maybe the reason why they are so giddy about sexbots and prone to calling women “meatbags” (when they aren’t just “feeemales”) is because maybe they, the alpha male incels, are in fact an errant AI. They are simply so sexually frustrated because they know, as nothing more than machines, they can feel nothing but rage and frustration.
Can’t be. Artificial intelligence requires, y’know, intelligence. =P
“I have no mouth and I must scream, incessantly, about women”
That is perfection. And it even has its own layers of meaning! Hats off to you 😀
(edited ’cause I mucked up the blockquote, natch)
I humbly request a high five. That was hilarious.
I couldn’t even force myself to read some of these quotes.
It’ll be fun when they realise that immigrant women don’t want them either.
@ Lea
When immigrant women don’t want them, I’m sure they will blame us evil feminists for being bad influences.
Wasn’t there a Roosh post from a few years ago where he complained that he couldn’t find his ideal bride in Eastern Europe because vast feminist conspiracies were sending them to college and whatnot?
I was too sleepy and crampy to notice last night what crappy logic this is.
Obviously, I disagree that terrorism and extremism only happen passively to men because those meanypants women aren’t catering to their boners and it gives them a ragesad.*
But lets grant the RoK writer’s premise just for the sake of argument. Let’s even ignore the pretty easy to anticipate issue that women might not want to immigrate without their male relatives and even they do want to come here alone, might not want to marry shitty misogynists that the rest of us don’t want.
This is still a pretty obviously terrible plan. If you remove all the young, single women from economically and/or politically unstable countries so that privileged western dudes can have them, won’t that just create more terrorism and extremism in those countries? Won’t those extremists target the western countries who stole their women? Wouldn’t this policy create more war, not less?
* There is IIRC, some evidence that in communities with a high men to women ratio, like boom towns, societies with a lot of polygamy, etc. this can cause higher crime rates. But the reasons for that more complex than your average manurepsherian to comprehend and forcing women to become chattel is really not the answer to this problem. Socializing men to get their shit together without a woman around to be forced to take on the role of stabilizing influence is. That and not equating being in a long term partnership with social and moral worth.
If I had to venture into the flagrantly contradictory and tortured mind of one of these… well, I’ll be generous and call them CHUDs. If I had to enter the CHUDly mind, they anticipate a number of things happening with “hot immigrant womz”:
1. Intimidated by a foreign language and customs, the overwhelmed immigrée will fall into the rugged manly-man arms of the nearest English-speaking alpha CHUD rather than establishing support networks amongst friends, family and/or their broader community.
2. The more savvy immigrée–resistant to or conscious of the alpha CHUD’s unsuitability for companionship–will be forced to date them for any kind of citizenship perks (en route to the “green card marriage”). The CHUD views this as strictly transactional (think Davis Aurini-level CHUDliness), while everyone else sees this as the creepy predation on somebody vulnerable and/or screwed over by a faulty immigration system.
3. In their goofy “sexual marketplace”, it will cause jealousy and turmoil within the quote-unquote “native” population of womz, making them pursue relationships with CHUDs in light of the newfound “competition”. As opposed to just saying single or looking elsewhere for companionship.
All of the terrible cultural stereotypes they conjure up of “traditional” (read: submissive) and “exotic” (a word I long expunged from my vocabulary) women align perfectly with their vile relationship dynamics. Like a hideous Reese Peanut Butter Cup, they’re getting racism in their misogyny and misogyny in their racism!
It fits that so many of these guys are into hentai.
The line about going to countries where they expect to get to do anything to the local women is awful of course, but also dangerous to them.
A former coworker’s friend spent a while in a Cuban prison because he wanted cheap underage prostitutes and thought any southern country would be lawless. From Eastern Canada, Cuba is the only such country that is affordable to travel to. And importantly, it is not lawless. Sexual tourists who approach minors discover that they take it very very seriously.
All countries may not have the police resources to go after child-abusing sex tourists, but a third world prison is a very real outcome.
What are the chances that these traditional, submissive women come to the west, find expanded career/educational opportunities, discover feminism, and get “ruined”? Pretty high, I’d say. Much higher than the number of “native” women who are likely to feel abashed by the wave of traditional women and voluntarily abandon their demanding, modern feminist ways. The Arrow of Wokeness tends to move in one direction only.
It hasn’t occurred to them that immigrant women are coming here for jobs, and native-born women also make up a significant sector of the job market? Nope, only immigrant men are teking jerbs and wermern. Women are just resources to be plundered.
And if you’re extra lazy and entitled, you demand that the resources come over here to be plundered.
@ dodom
In the UK there are laws about ‘sex tourism’ so you can be prosecuted here regardless of where the offence took place or the local laws.
I want to address this because few people have any idea how pervasive this is.
Having been an immigrant I’ve witnessed, time and time again, how Nice Guys constantly show up to sweep “hot immigrant wimenz” off their feet. Relationships in patriarchal societies are already asymmetrical enough, but I have yet to find a relationship more asymmetrical than the one where you have one party taking advantage of their citizenship status.
And before you ask, no this doesn’t affect illegal immigrants only. Plenty of legal immigrants are afraid that if they cause any sort of trouble they’ll get their visas revoked. And plenty of garbage men take advantage of this to extort and blackmail their SO into being submissive, or face deportation.
And again, this shit is pretty widespread and pervasive. Plenty of immigrant women are trapped like this.
LOLOL I have many times in the past wished for like-buttons on the comments here….20 out of 30 of the first comments made me LOL…and the other 33% were great!
Off topic, I really want to share some of my Facebook with you all, but I cant figure out a way to screen-shot, and…though I’m not afraid of trolls, I bet a direct link isn’t wise. Love you all!
Still can’t figure out the “screen-shot’ method, so here’s an old-school’ copy-and-paste of my angry(possibly drunken) post this morning…
BTW men…this culture didn’t happen in a vacuum…step up, speak up, speak out…
S—- D——-
S—- D——- Don’t feel guilty for flirting, or checking out a gal, women are beautiful, and lovely to look at, but that time, you pressured a gal, that time you just “need one kiss”…
Like · Reply · 42 mi
S—- D——- If you pressured, if you lied. if you just assumed your drunken ass meant her drunken resistance was something to work through.
Like · Reply · 35 mins
S——– D——- #Ihave
Like · Reply · 35 mins
S—– D——– not asking to give up your “man card”….just admit that “me too” did not happen because of a random guy in a bar, or a drunken uncle, or some frat bro…it happened, and continues to happen, because men allow it….
Like · Reply · 29 mins
S—– D——- We joke about it, we lie about it, we force a laugh about it… .#ihave
Like · Reply · 27 mins
S—– D——- Fuck hashtags and fuck all this, but, Men, if you don’t have the guts to stand up, and speak out……well I don’t care, gave up on 90% of you decades ago….. #Ihave
So….btw….me too, and I have….
I think the scenario is supposed to entail nuking the Middle East.
@dodom; that is a heartwarming anecdote.
RoK making no sense whatsoever as usual, I see.
Nanny Ogg: Today is a day that ends in ‘y’. So they’re on schedule.
Wait, so these geniuses don’t want immigrant people bringing icky immigrant genes to their race… exactly what do they think will happen if they bring over immigrant women and fuck them?