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Return of Kings: Keep immigrants out! Except for sexy lady immigrants, send more of those

Return of Kings dream girls

By David Futrelle

The fellas at garbage site Return of Kings have made their feelings about immigrants pretty clear. If you do a search for “immigrants” on the site, you get a lot of headlines like these:




You get the picture.

But it turns out that there’s one kind of immigrant that Return of Kings actually likes and wants more of: sexy lady immigrants.

A recent post on the site by regular contributor William Adams puts for the proposition that “FOREIGN WOMEN SHOULD COME BEFORE MEN IN ANY IMMIGRATION PLAN.” Adams argues that what he describes as a “massive influx” of “Middle Eastern and African male economic migrants” engineered in part by “globalists like George Soros” is ruining the dating prospects of native-born men in Western Europe and North America.

“Some have … speculated,” he writes,

that feminists in leadership positions either want to make things worse for native men, or that they want to increase the female value in the sexual market by making the society more competitive for men while improving their own access to men. More men imply a better situation for adult females who are free to pick among both native and non-native men and for both short- and long-term relationships.

And it goes without saying that “a better situation for adult females” is a very bad thing indeed.

In fact, according to a recent analysis by Eurostat, there were only “slightly more men than women (56 % compared with 44 %)” immigrants to European Union states from countries outside the EU in 2016.

But damn the facts, because in the minds of the horny racists at Return of Kings, the swarthy hordes are TERKING OUR WIMMINZ.

And so, as Adams sees it, we in the west need to open our borders to more women from places like Russia, Brazil, the Philippines and even “war-ridden countries like Yemen.”

This brilliant plan, Adams argues, could magically end racial division in the west and cut down on ISIS recruitment efforts.

When both white and non-white citizens notice that they have a higher chance of finding a long-term partner, they will focus more on living a stable life instead of joining pathetic extremist groups that do no one no good.

More importantly to Return of Kings readers, it will mean MORE WIMMINZ for them — a development that could also force the women that are here already to start treating dudes better.

[T]he sexual market will be much more balanced, and even native women may have to adjust and better themselves as a result of the tougher competition from their global sisters.

And it might even save Western dudes money on airfare as they won’t have to fly halfway across the world to find themselves hot foreign wives any more!

[W]hy should a man go and live in South America, Eastern Europe or Southeast Asia under worse material conditions when he can live in the West with a more traditional female partner?

This seems like a lot of work to go through to improve the dating prospects of some of the worst dudes in the West. Wouldn’t it be simpler just to deport all Return of Kings fans to one of these places?

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PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

“Sexual market” makes me roar with laughter every time. So profoundly stupid.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

They’re assuming that immigrant women will want to partner up with them rather than just stay single if the government for some reason tries to create a big population imbalance?


Rich Cruickshank
Rich Cruickshank
7 years ago

Great site David!
Have you ever considered doing a podcast?

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago

Dunno, I live in South America and I consider myself lucky to be living here as opposed to many states in the US, with unpayable rent and lax labor legislation.

Materially worse my ass.

7 years ago

Sorry I amn’t able to keep all these garbage websites straight, but isn’t, “Return of the Kings”, Roosh whatsit’s blog? Isn’t part of his ancestry from the Levant? And aren’t all non-Native Americans immigrants anyway?

tim gueguen
7 years ago

They’re also assuming that immigrant women will be “traditional,” instead of women who want to leave their countries to get away from certain traditions.

7 years ago

P.S. Keep meaning to ask, whatever happened to, “A Voice for Pierre”? I quite liked that.

7 years ago


And aren’t all non-Native Americans immigrants anyway?

Not the white ones, according to these people. And yes it’s Roosh’s site and he is Iranian/Armenian, although I believe he was born here. Maybe that makes him ok to his racist followers?

7 years ago

Frankly, if there’s a population imbalance with more women and men continue to be shit like they’ve always been, I would expect more lesbian relationships, not terrible men finding partners. Believe it or not, when we have the choice, women are not self-destructive.

But then my lady brain might not get the STEMLOGIC in this.

7 years ago

Hilariously enough, the white supremacists have already denounced him as too brown when he tried to cozy up to them in the past, as was covered here previously.

7 years ago

@calmdown and Tovious,
Yes, I remember that- Dave gave it a hilarious title, something to the effect of, “Bewildered Roosh discovers racists are actually racist”. I’m still giggling.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

Speaking as the son of an immigrant, my mother left her homeland and became a nurse. She is basically a giant raised middle finger to everything Roosh believes in

7 years ago

does anyone get the linguistics of these groups enough to understand why men are “men” but women are almost always “females?”
it wouldn’t be so weird if it was either “men” and “women” or “males” and “females,” but the fact that the terms they use don’t match up makes it very strange indeed.

Rich Cruickshank
Rich Cruickshank
7 years ago

Slightly off topic, but ROK was just dumped by their comment hosting service, Disqus.

7 years ago

Yera, sure and it makes a change from, “cumbucket”, or, “meatbag”.

7 years ago

A recent post on the site by regular contributor William Adams puts for the proposition that “FOREIGN WOMEN SHOULD COME BEFORE MEN IN ANY IMMIGRATION PLAN.”

That has got to be the first time any RoK contributor advocated ensuring that any women should come before men. :-/

7 years ago

Deport Roosh to Snake Island? Haven’t those snakes been through enough already?

7 years ago


It’s a way they humanize men and dehumanize women. In their lingo, “female” refers strictly to a person who has a vagina. It’s a way of centering all “value” of this person around their vagina.

It’s also high-key misogynistic and transphobic as fuck.

The Adjunct
The Adjunct
7 years ago

Maybe I’m out of touch, but neither I nor any “females” I know are even aware of the “sexual marketplace”, much less completely fucking obsessed with it like these dudes. We arent sitting around scheming devious plans to reduce the “sexual market value” of men, mostly because we aren’t gross dehumanising assholes. But, yanno. Feeeeeemales.


7 years ago

Same reason the opposite of patriarchy is gynocracy

its all about the gash

7 years ago

I wish somebody WERE conspiring to ruin the dating prospects of these yutzes. Sadly, though, they have no one but themselves and nothing but their own racist idiocy to blame.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago


I also think a part of the usage of “females” is as an umbrella term to cover everything from “girls” to “spinsters”.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

focus more on living a stable life instead of joining pathetic extremist groups that do no one no good

…says the guy currently writing an article for a pathetic extremist group.

7 years ago

@brian and @IgnoreSandra

IgnoreSandra beat me to it, but the word female(s) is often used pejoratively. It is a matter of tone and context. The fact that it caught your eye, ear and intuition enough that you asked? Pejorative usage. And it is transphobic – I hadn’t thought of that.

7 years ago

I thought alpha males weren’t supposed to be sexually frustrated? Or am i missing something? What if the foreign women want to retain their culture, what if the women end up cheating on them, what will they say and do next? So their goal allow all this to happen for their benefit, yet fight back when women want more opportunities? You know who the real alpha males are? Not the ones with tiki torches being a Nazi or whining about not getting laid on a blog, since it maybe the easiest time in human history to connect with someone for that purpose. I guess not all women dig the Alpha male pea cocking garbage.

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