
By David Futrelle
Misogynists generally like to think of themselves as rational fellows with a love of SCIENCE! But it turns out that more than a few of them have confused SCIENCE! with “things they pull from the collective posteriors that vaguely line up with their retrograde hatred of all things female.”
Take, for example, the SCIENCE-loving masturbation enthusiast known as sonic1101, who regularly graces the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit with nuggets of wisdom he has apparently just fished out of the toilet.
Here are some of his recently posted insights. (Click on any of the pics below to see the original comments in context.)
Here he PROVES that woman can’t love properly, because EVOLUTION.
He seems a bit obsessed with this particular SCIENTIFIC finding, one that many other manosphere dudes seem quite convinced of as well.
He also has strong feelings — sorry, SCIENTIFIC INSIGHTS — about women and sex. Specifically, he contends that women don’t like it very much.
This is also a bit of an obsession with him.
As it turns out, sonic1101 also prefers masturbation to sex, or so he says, because it is OBJECTIVELY BETTER than sex, as he proves with LOGIC (or something that vaguely resembles logic anyway).
He feels quite certain about this, as he does about so many things involving his penis.
Not surprisingly, this deep thinker has many deep thoughts about the future. Most of which seem to involve sexbots and virtual reality porn.
Not all of sonic1101’s opinions are related to things one can do with a penis. He also has thoughts on agriculture.
TOP TIP: If sonic1101 ever invites you to a backyard barbecue, DO NOT ATTEND.
Some of sonic1101’s thoughts border on the cosmic:
All I can say to that is FAR FREAKIN OUT.
EDIT: Made a few minor edits, added some links.
It’s the next step in Fremen stillsuit technology. Water reclamation’s been done; the next logical progression is tasty cheeseburgers complete with ketchup and mustard. Then… the chilidogs…!
White conservatives have argued for a while that anyone who researches a problem is an elitist intellectual and cannot be trusted. Which leaves them not only unwilling to listen to anyone who knows what they’re talking about, but unwilling to listen to anyone who knows what they’re talking about because they know what they’re talking about….
And if you mention this to a white conservative, they answer, with no sense of irony, “that’s right”….
I don’t understand how they can take THEMSELVES seriously.
I may have commented on this before, but why do these guys think only women practice “hypergamy”? Everyone wants something in their partner that they don’t possess in themselves. Everyone feels that they are “marrying up” to their partner’s better qualities.
Now that I think about it, trying anal intercourse with only porn-based expectations must be the worst – and not only for the receiving partner.
How many hetero guys ever try self-insertion at all, let alone vigorously with a realistic sized dildo? Can you be truly into anal and not care to know what it feels on the receiving end? Not care to see beforehand how you cope with touching someone’s fecal residue?
Maybe, if you only ever learn the concept of hetero anal from mainstream porn. Maybe, if you suffer from grave lack of sexual imagination and/or empathy. Maybe, if your main sexual interest is to hurt and degrade someone else.
Maybe, if you never get to learn about dildos (let alone anal safe ones). Then you probably also wouldn’t learn about lubes, or much anything relating to sexual practice. You almost certainly wouldn’t learn how enemas are used in porn.
Maybe, if your thinking is deeply mired in sexual essentialism and homophobia. Maybe, if you accept that women’s assholes are fundamentally different from men’s.
@Susan : while it look like an evidence, men are actually highly discouraged from dating higher status women, and not being the higher status person in the household have lead some to have actual distress.
Yes, I know, it’s stupid. Humans are stupid.
Or rather, in manospherian view, everyone wants the most attractive partner they can get. In their slang, hypergamy generally means trying to get someone better than your own level, which supposedly would be unrealistic and “undeserved”.
I get the impression that manospherians often think women are too irresponsible/naive for their own partner choice. It’s like, average young women think they deserve to marry the perfect prince, or no one. In the end, most women don’t get the prince, and they find they don’t actually like being alone either. Then they possibly settle for the average man, who tragically didn’t get to fuck them when they were young and virginal.
Ohlmann: Manospherians have their own slang meaning for “hypergamy”. It doesn’t refer to one’s socioeconomic status but general “sexual market value”.
Being the adult furry artist that I am… it’s not just the MGTOWs that think that. I’ve seen farrrr too many of my fellow anthro artists drawing stomach-bulging intercourse and internal cross-sections where the glans is hitting the cervix. Wish I could link it, but a fellow artist did a fantastic mini-comic about how painful that is for vagina-havers, basically saying “stop drawing this, you anatomy-illiterate buffoons!”
*sigh* My people……..
Ohlmann: I know they don’t want “higher status” women in terms of education or salary (horrors!), but they want, for example, a better looking woman than they are a man (see, for example, the U.S. president).
“The ‘women can’t do real love’ nonsense is a variation on every bigot’s belief that ‘THOSE people don’t have real feelings like us.’”
There’s a similar trope at work in the novels/stories/plays/etc. of Ayn Rand, except that the difference there (between people who have ‘real’ feelings and people who don’t) doesn’t track race or gender or national origin or any of the usual corollaries. What it does track is how much you love John Galt. In Ayn Rand’s books all the superproductive superpeople have ‘real’ emotions, which the looters and the moochers lack. (Plus, the looters/moochers are always trying to wring emotion out of the superpeople, presumably in order to sponge off it. Needless to say, it’s emotion to which they’re not entitled and can’t deserve.) So, same pattern, but different pretext.
“Tell me again how MGTOWs and incels are totally different and not at all exactly the f’n same again? Like, I thought this was another incel thing.”
I think the idea is supposed to be that the incels never have sex (or heterosex) and therefore are unfairly starved of it and yearn for it night and day while realizing tragically that it’s not all that great. MGTOWs, OTOH, advertise themselves as having plenty of (hetero)sex, and/or as having had plenty of (hetero)sex, and as therefore being in a position to know that it’s not all that great. It seems to be the function of the latter group of dudes to reassure the former that their suspicions about sex with women (IOW, that it’s not all that great) are correct. In any case (IMO) these are two superficially varied versions of the same trope. Not only is it hard to tell them apart but it’s not really worth the effort (so far as I can tell).
@Arctic Ape
Because girls don’t poop [/sarcasm]
Seriously tho, all those things sound like they require effort and for one to be intellectually curious. Both things are anathema to MGTOWS. They want things given to them how they want it when they want it.
A pretty good litmus test for ‘decent partner’ is actually ‘will they celebrate my successes rather than be bitter’ – on higher status. I’ve seen more than one acrimonious divorce because the woman involved was doing well and that upset the man.
What a fucking nightmare, amirite gals? Certainly no one on earth has ever had a sexual encounter where they did things they weren’t totally into but their partner liked because their partner liked it, or an encounter where they used clunky and annoying protection because they didn’t want the consequences of unprotected sex, or weren’t willing to risk an STI.
What a travesty of justice. Certainly no one should ever view their human fellows with the slightest sense of humanity and decency.
This reminds of when, once upon a time, I hooked up with a guy (Bad decision, I know, not doing it again). He rubbed my ass and asked if I felt like anal. Without an enema and lube and certainty you’ve self-penetrated and know what it feels like, fuck no.
@Jeyne Doe
Gender essentialists also insist trans women are really men, so it’s fair to say gender essentialists know nothing and are probably straw figures animated by decaying cow feces and mountain dew.
This is the most succinct phrasing of the central complaint of all conservative ideologies.
I wish I could succinctly state how just plain wrong the concept of assembling food “molecule by molecule” is to somebody who’s studied the right fields. It probably seems overly simplistic if you haven’t but trust me, it is profoundly so.
In summary: Pretty much no matter what scifi path we go down, we’ll be tending *something* to make our food from *something else*. Meat grown in a lab is still going to need source material and a lab isn’t exactly an ideal environment for bulk production.
I maintain the naive hope that guys like this prevent some male scientists from going down this awful path, but you know, it’s also likely they’ll just take the woman-hating parts while bullying guys like this over other things. Sigh.
That’s an excellent point, and it reminds me of the “principle of equivalent exchange” from Fullmetal Alchemist. Obv a little more dramatic than food production, but the general idea is the same 🙂
Any such technology will require feedstock materials (e.g., manure plus CO2) and energy. It will require at least as much energy as the calorie content of the produced food. It will require, once mature, less energy than the sunlight plus other energy absorbed to generate the same stuff from a farm, since it is a sure bet that there are more efficient ways to turn dirt into cheeseburgers. The lab, obviously, will be replaced with a factory of some type, and eventually with a more compact machine.
Before that happens we might see more efficient methods of farming, likely involving closed environments and artificial light. No need for pesticides or weedicides, and no need to worry about the weather (assuming you don’t get too long a power failure). If the losses of water etc. are low enough it could be used in arid environments presently unsuited to farming. With solar power there’s an efficiency tradeoff: natural light and a farm or greenhouses, more energy efficient but less of a closed system; or else a solar farm plus a more compact grow-building, with a hit to energy efficiency but less water loss and the like. The latter might make more sense in arid climes, or where land is at a premium (solar panels on nearby rooftops are a lot less heavy than gardens with soil and everything). With wind power, obviously, you’re using energy that otherwise couldn’t be used to grow crops more directly. Nuclear fusion would be the holy grail, as enormous 24/7 365-day-a-year farm facilities could be powered by that.
In the longer run, though, we’re probably looking at finding a more efficient way to power human beings. Bodies that can be recharged from a socket, or minds uploaded into computers, or something. There’s a lot of wrinkles to work out first with anything like that. Optimists think it’ll happen in decades, but it’s likely to take longer. Pessimists think it’s impossible, and, as always, are likely to be wrong. Most likely our capabilities for body modification will increase gradually.
An important issue will be how the gains from such new capabilities are distributed: broadly, or to a narrow elite who can pay through the nose? If capitalism as we know it is not overthrown by then, the results are likely to be very dystopic. Imagine having to rent embodiedness, or compute time to run your own mind on, with deletion or just being paused forever as potential consequences of running out of money. Sooner than that, the wealthy and privileged having even more advantages from, say, bodies that require less food and sleep, so it will be even more “expensive to be poor” than is already the case, and more of an uphill climb to rise into the middle class, let alone higher still.
The impacts on gender and sexuality issues are tangential: from improved food production, none obvious; from increasing body modification technology, the lives of (wealthy, and preferably everyone else) trans people would clearly benefit. Bodies with enhanced resistance to damage or violence might also be helpful to the marginalized, but risks just escalating the force used by abusers to match. There’s also the danger that as bodies become integrated with technology there will be pressure to include law enforcement overrides or other owner-hostile features, which opens a whole ‘nother dystopic can of worms, especially once non-legal hacking of such mechanisms occurs. We’ll really need a trustworthy system for signing and verifying both software and hardware integrity when that time comes!
Sports will also obviously be impacted. It might be a fuzzy line what counts as a performance enhancement and what doesn’t. At some point there’s likely to be an enhanced league/natural league division, and eventually the latter becomes obsolete. Or, perhaps sports cease to be about bodies and their capabilities at all and end up focused on the mind, eventually.
One last thing: expect “chibification”, or some such term, to become a thing. More variety in skin, hair, and eye colors, and a preference for neotenic traits, such as larger eyes and smaller mouths and noses. At some point the average person might look like an anime character. Perhaps all those films are actually realistically depicting what people will look like 3 centuries hence and Star Trek: TNG will look archaic!
That too will affect gender relations. As mixing now makes it increasingly hard to tell where “white” ends and “brown” begins, creating ontological terror and desperation in the ranks of racists, deliberately androgynous or hard-to-classify looks will proliferate until there might be a continuum from masculine-presenting to feminine-presenting, or even additional dimensions to that axis. Misogynists will have a hard time figuring out who to hate once that’s happened.
Mish: Fullmeal Alchemist?
The part about turning poop into cheeseburgers is how reality works *right now*. The manure is ploughed into the fields which grow corn which feeds the cows who then poop.
What humans poop out is also often ploughed into fields, or sometimes it’s sent down the river and/or out to sea where the plankton feast on it and then the fish eat the plankton and then birds eat the fish and then poop them out over land and then we mine the guano to fertilize our fields.
Wait, so us feeeemales don’t like masturbation and don’t do it often?
Then what the fuck was I doing for three hours last night? And the night before?
And women don’t like sex? Nah, broham. Women very obviously don’t like sex with you or your ilk.
The common thread in here is you, not “feeemales”.
At least he wrote shit down.
And he actually tested his hypothesis instead of just assuming that it was the UNASSAILABLE TRUTH because he was a dood.
Or sometimes we skip a few steps and just eat the seagulls.
It’s remarkable how people around here don’t seem to eat seagulls. Those and ravens. Anything else that moves is food. I guess the Inuit have something to teach the miggies
(This is perhaps an insultingly low bar to set. The Inuit have plenty to teach everyone.)
For some reason the whole “meat grown in a lab” thing has reminded me of an episode of “Torchwood”, only it had a great big alien beast that some unsavory characters were carving off slabs of meat from while it remained alive and chained up, which they sold – until Jack and the crew came along. Sadly the beast had to be put down but at least it wouldn’t continue to suffer.
Assfax. Ever hear of sperm competition, dudebro? Or polygyny? Or cheating and desertion? For that matter, of men committing infanticide because their partner’s child by another man gives them a bad case of the raging jealousies and reproductive insecurity? Yeah…it’s a primate thing. And if women are so busy flitting about from man to man in the name of “maximum chance of survival” for their offspring, why would they take their chances that maybe another “father” for their offspring would end up killing rather than providing for them? Because, you know, we do have reason to fear violent men, and men who might take their insecurity out on another man’s kids…
Assfax again. We like it fine when we like the person we’re doing it with. Even if that person is just ourselves. (Sometimes, that’s the best partner we can have.)
Oh, so close to an epiphany…and yet, so far away. It does look better than it feels, but not just for men. Women, too, get no satisfaction out of porn-style sex, because it’s mechanical and ahuman, it ignores our physical stimulation, and it’s clinically and hideously lit, among other problems. The dialogues are short and inane, if not utterly nonexistent. There’s no attraction. I don’t even get pleasure out of watching it, because I keep thinking “ugh, that’s gotta hurt” when someone does something that’s supposed to be impressively acrobatic. Good sex usually isn’t much to look at, and it’s not meant to be. Clits don’t get a damn thing out of the spread-eagle posture that pornographers favor, which enables the viewer (typically male) to see all the in-outs, which are of course all about the sacred penis. There’s a very good reason why the simulated sex in mainstream movies, where you might see nudity but don’t see any in-and-out, is more exciting (or at least more interesting) than the actual sex in porn: the actors realistically try to mime what it takes to make an orgasm happen…and not just for the dude. There’s friction. There’s body contact. There’s foreplay. There’s some kind of emotional build-up to the act, which satisfies the mind’s need for narrative structure. It’s not just a sequence of mechanical sex acts, repeated in various dull permutations.
And yeah, shocker: If you’re expecting a woman’s vagina to do all the work of wanking you, dude, ur doin it rong. No wonder you’re not enjoying it, and neither is she. Could anything be more boring than mechanical sex that’s all about the dude?
Surely not because Broseph McBrosington’s sexual expectations have been shaped by wanking to unrealistic images of women, rather than living, learning, trial-and-error interactions with the real
thingperson? Nahhhh…couldn’t be!I know THIS is hard to imagine (at least for this dudebro), but the above statement is purest assfax. A grain small enough to fit on the point of a pin is enough to kill ten thousand human brains stone dead. There’s a very good reason that this kind of off-the-charts sexual experience is never gonna happen: Human bodies aren’t built for it, and neither are our brains! They’re simply not. People have to live, eat, and occupy themselves with things that have nothing to do with sex. It’s called leading a balanced life. Dude, you should look into that, instead of the weepy little hole at the end of your peter!
Um, duderino…what the fucking fuckity fuck do you think agriculture is, if not the human-harnessed natural system of food being assembled, molecule by molecule, from raw materials provided by soil, water, air, and even plant and animal waste? (As has been pointed out above, so I won’t reproduce that.)
Yes, and YOUR feces have clearly been reassembled back into your brain. Which is why every “scientific” aperçu you’ve spewed here smells of ass.
So…life, humanity and all the rest of it are just one big cosmic wank, then? And this wankstain “knows” all this because he’s done a whopping amount of acid while playing with himself? Well, there’s a shocker!
Aaand now I’m viscerally ashamed to be sharing a universe with this puling wet spot. Ewwwwwwww.