By David Futrelle
Misogynists generally like to think of themselves as rational fellows with a love of SCIENCE! But it turns out that more than a few of them have confused SCIENCE! with “things they pull from the collective posteriors that vaguely line up with their retrograde hatred of all things female.”
Take, for example, the SCIENCE-loving masturbation enthusiast known as sonic1101, who regularly graces the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit with nuggets of wisdom he has apparently just fished out of the toilet.
Here are some of his recently posted insights. (Click on any of the pics below to see the original comments in context.)
Here he PROVES that woman can’t love properly, because EVOLUTION.
He seems a bit obsessed with this particular SCIENTIFIC finding, one that many other manosphere dudes seem quite convinced of as well.
He also has strong feelings — sorry, SCIENTIFIC INSIGHTS — about women and sex. Specifically, he contends that women don’t like it very much.
This is also a bit of an obsession with him.
As it turns out, sonic1101 also prefers masturbation to sex, or so he says, because it is OBJECTIVELY BETTER than sex, as he proves with LOGIC (or something that vaguely resembles logic anyway).
He feels quite certain about this, as he does about so many things involving his penis.
Not surprisingly, this deep thinker has many deep thoughts about the future. Most of which seem to involve sexbots and virtual reality porn.
Not all of sonic1101’s opinions are related to things one can do with a penis. He also has thoughts on agriculture.
TOP TIP: If sonic1101 ever invites you to a backyard barbecue, DO NOT ATTEND.
Some of sonic1101’s thoughts border on the cosmic:
All I can say to that is FAR FREAKIN OUT.
EDIT: Made a few minor edits, added some links.
I believe I am allowed to call him a bigoted foolish egotist though. He’s definitely very unpleasant and sure of himself. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a secretly a sophist.
I like how he think that pee need to be “reassembled” to become water. Do he truly think people pee pure ammoniac ?
If each of us is a window, sonic1101 is dirty and cracked.
Also, that bit about “save the Facebook pictures of the women you know”: of course it’s Facebook, because none of the women he knows would send him a picture, or let him take one. I suspect every woman he knows has mentally assigned him to the “avoid this creep” pigeonhole.
He’s obviously from that school of non-thought which maintains that science is like a kind of magic and if you just have enough science you will be able to do anything.
Theres nothing wrong with being a virgin or masterbating , or believing that you can be happy alone
But to say “women dont like sex” or “Incapable of love” is absolute bullshit. I just dont understand how they can hate women so much. We all have sisters/cousins/mothers dont we?
Are there even any mammals that don’t, let alone humans? Sure, there’s a bunch of invertebrates and fish, and maybe some reptiles that engage in fire-and-forget parenting, but I thought all, or nearly all mammals, and most birds and some other critters, invested a great deal of care in their offspring, and that the mammals at least have very similarly wired limbic systems to us, so probably have the same subjective experience of that caring as us.
Sounds from the last post that he played (or watched a Let’s Play) of the game “Everything”, and decided that means he’s pretty much got this whole philosophy thing in the bag now.
Hey, at least, as he seem to prefer masturbation to sex (and let’s be honnest, he’s right about the fact that sex is harder than masturbation and not always more pleasant), he is really “going his own way” and leaving women alone.
After all, it would be better if the people that read those kind of reddit post stop dating women. So, if he manage to convince them to masturbate and leave women alone, it’s for the best, no ? Those guys are beyond redemption, after all.
Fine by me if he wants to masturbate and leave women alone. But if he will post about his delusions on a public forum then we will ridicule and censure him (not censor, censure).
It’s not the wanking and GTOW we object to it’s the pseudoscience and bigotry.
Obsessively sharting out so many identikit hate-rants that it might as well be his full-time job is the literal opposite of going his own way. Which is kinda the point.
I would rather eat lint without ketchup than have sex with a MGTOW. Doesn’t mean I like lint. I do have standards when it comes to sexual partners, so I’m going to stick to sexing up Mr. Parasol.
No no, you don’t get it, only men can have this experience of cosmic oneness. Women are not part of the universal whole. Isn’t that obvious?
I also really enjoyed this one:
NEWSFLASH referencing the same Excel cell in which your formula is being written is an automatic error.
Also, I skimmed over that link and it was just someone Spocking his way into this conclusion. There is conveniently an actual study showing how much various demographics enjoy sex. Maybe I’ll look it up after work, but the upshot was that people who have sex with men enjoy sex less than people who have sex with women. Surprise! It turns out that slam-bam-thank-you-ma’am is not very satisfying!
re: “disciplined use of psychedelics”… hallucinogenic revelations are still hallucinations
All that “disciplined” use of psychedelics, and it hasn’t raised his self-awareness one iota. MGTOWs are forever circle-jerking about how women all secretly crave (deserve) cervical jackhammering and anal, because that’s what their porn tells them. Then, on the rare occasions they do get the opportunity to try out these techniques on women, they complain about starfish sex. But it’s not because their ideas about sexual pleasure are warped and selfish. It’s because women just “biologically” hate sex.
See also: “women are degenerate, repulsive, horrible, disgusting monsters. ONLY MEN ARE CAPABLE OF LOVE”. If that’s love, what does hate look like?
I don’t know about reassembling feces into cheeseburgers, but MGTOWs have certainly figured out how to reassemble them into Deep Philosophical Thought pieces without violating any laws of thermodynamics.
Only 30 years until we get sex robots that can spontaneously morph to mimic any human being? Wow, what times we live in. (Why does he want to have sex with the T-1000?)
Next T-shirt slogan:
“Long Disciplined Use of Psychedelics Taught Me All The Science I Need.”
It’s almost surprising how easily any bizarre idea about women is immediately taken up as gospel by the MGTOW.
It makes me wonder if there’s any chance of using this in our favor to lead these lemmings of the proverbial cliff…
@ bluecat
@ Alan
Now there’s a tale from the darkside–I mean, the darkplace.
Tell me again how MGTOWs and incels are totally different and not at all exactly the f’n same again? Like, I thought this was another incel thing.
Ugh. Snark overdose. Too much dumb stuff at work this week. Or just too much dumb stuff in the environs, I dunno. Hermit Mode Activate!
@DMW: It couldn’t be that women tend to get over breakups faster because we have better social support structures and people shame us less for relying on them
That, and also, I suspect that sonic1101 is extrapolating from his own experience that women find it easy to get over breaking up with him in particular. (Can’t imagine why.)
@BQS: I’ve taken to referring to them as the manodisc instead of the manosphere, since flat earthers are so rampant in the right wing.
Talk about “the confidence of a mediocre white man”. Is it imaginable that members of any other demographic could get any of their opinions taken seriously by anybody when they literally believe that the earth is flat?
“And the contempt that he feels for women is just a convolution of the contempt he feels for himself.”
I literally said aloud: BINGO!
“I am you and we are one and the universe is us… and women are trash.” Is the stupidest ‘philosophy’ I’ve ever heard. Pity, because he’s so very nearly on to something there.
On second thought, not pity. I have no pity for these hateful fuckweasels.
Dr. Victor Frankenstein was more a “Man of Science” than these guys!