By David Futrelle
Misogynists generally like to think of themselves as rational fellows with a love of SCIENCE! But it turns out that more than a few of them have confused SCIENCE! with “things they pull from the collective posteriors that vaguely line up with their retrograde hatred of all things female.”
Take, for example, the SCIENCE-loving masturbation enthusiast known as sonic1101, who regularly graces the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit with nuggets of wisdom he has apparently just fished out of the toilet.
Here are some of his recently posted insights. (Click on any of the pics below to see the original comments in context.)
Here he PROVES that woman can’t love properly, because EVOLUTION.
He seems a bit obsessed with this particular SCIENTIFIC finding, one that many other manosphere dudes seem quite convinced of as well.
He also has strong feelings — sorry, SCIENTIFIC INSIGHTS — about women and sex. Specifically, he contends that women don’t like it very much.
This is also a bit of an obsession with him.
As it turns out, sonic1101 also prefers masturbation to sex, or so he says, because it is OBJECTIVELY BETTER than sex, as he proves with LOGIC (or something that vaguely resembles logic anyway).
He feels quite certain about this, as he does about so many things involving his penis.
Not surprisingly, this deep thinker has many deep thoughts about the future. Most of which seem to involve sexbots and virtual reality porn.
Not all of sonic1101’s opinions are related to things one can do with a penis. He also has thoughts on agriculture.
TOP TIP: If sonic1101 ever invites you to a backyard barbecue, DO NOT ATTEND.
Some of sonic1101’s thoughts border on the cosmic:
All I can say to that is FAR FREAKIN OUT.
EDIT: Made a few minor edits, added some links.
4:40 am pizza just told me that it wants to come back to the plate.
Truly, the philisophical Sensei mgtows deserve.
That just says it all about the misogynist mindset, doesn’t it?
And I thought that women evolved to be monogamous while men evolved to spread their seed and that’s why it’s totally not a double standard to call women with multiple partners sluts and men with multiple partners alpha sex gods. I can never keep my SCIENCE straight due to my inferior chick brain.
Just what.
You have to consider your partner during sex. The horror. /s
Hes ….. really not thought that last one through, has he.
But … strange penises are my favourite. Well, after weird penises & bizarre penises, that is.
Also, did anyone else spend several minutes wondering who the fuck rishi851 is?
Just me?
I had that same thought. Don’t gender esdentialists usually insist that *true* women are monogamous by nature, while men just can’t help their polygamous instincts?
“Dear Douglas [Adams],
What age will I be when mankind is born out of mother earth? I am now 34. Do you know Kit Williams’s phone number?
Happy Christmas and many of them. I reckon about eight by my digital watch.
Love Muz.”
Long? I’ll buy that. Disciplined? Not so sure.
I sometimes get a twisted kick out of that kinda dude whose problems with women are always seen as biological differences and not social ones. It couldn’t be that women tend to get over breakups faster because we have better social support structures and people shame us less for relying on them, no, it’s because we’re evolutionarily hardwired to be INCAPABLE OF REAL LOVE. (Real love conveniently being whatever the man speaking says it is, of course.)
Because that way, they’re free to wash their hands of any responsibility for causing or contributing to those problems. They never have to put in any effort to change things, or examine any other factors at play. Is a woman involved somehow? Yes? Then it is totally, scientifically, biologically her fault.
I don’t want whatever it is he’s smoking.
I have to admit, that last post was actually kind of cool. I mean, it’s odd don’t get me wrong. But there’s some food for thought in there, unlike everything else.
Okay so, going by his last post, if “I” am just a current window that the cosmic me is looking out of (along with every other person’s window-ness), then in effect, any time I’m having sex with someone, I’m actually masturbating. And considering what the other person likes would just be making it a better experience for total-me, and would open me up more to expanding my sense of self. But nah, maybe that’s too hard of a concept for him.
And saying that women are incapable of loving men in the same way is bullshit, because we’re all the same consciousness, just split up into a bunch of different experiences. And the contempt that he feels for women is just a convolution of the contempt he feels for himself.
I think he needs to do more psychedelics until he gets it right.
Yeah I’ve heard that theory before (described a lot better than he did, too) and it’s kind of awesome, but he’s definitely not thinking it through.
(ETA – I hope this post means you’re feeling better, David)
The “women can’t do real love” nonsense is a variation on every bigot’s belief that “THOSE people don’t have real feelings like us.”
During the Vietnam War, and again during both Iraq Wars, some war supporters would excuse civilian casualties by insisting that THOSE people don’t love & value their kids like we do.
Career homophobes like Paul Cameron insist that there is no same-sex love, only sex because THOSE people are incapable.
Misogynist dude just inserted his favorite villain into the formula.
If these jackwagons were half as smart as they think they are, they might accomplish something.
Their absolute confidence in their own intelligence is baffling.
He really needs to believe that women aren’t enjoying the sex they have with people who aren’t him, doesn’t he?
It couldn’t be that him being such a selfish lover has anything to do why women don’t enjoy sex with him, heavens no! It must be that women don’t like sex at all.
I wonder how he explains away women who enjoy lots of sex with other women?
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
But don’t you see? I am you and you are me and we are all each other. There are no strange penises, it’s YOUR penis. Which makes it…masturbation, I guess? But wait, if masturbation is objectively, scientifically the best sex, and all sex is masturbation, shouldn’t all sex be equally good? Also, if we’re not really our bodies, but just aspects of the same gestalt entity looking out through them, where does all this biology based gender essentialism come in?
Folks, I’m beginning to suspect sonic1101 doesn’t have a cohesive, internally consistent weltanschauung.
So, I am he as you are me and we are all together? Coo-coo-ka-choo!
Yup. Funny how that’s a common theme among misogynists.
Does anyone else find it a relief when some garden-variety bigot also turns out to be a far-out quack? Like when you’re reading some white-hot, foaming-at-the-mouth, soul-crushing piece of vitriol on Stormfront, only for you to then find that its author also believes in the Hollow Earth? To me, this sort of makes it easier to not take them seriously, to write them off, to say: “Oh, this is just some random, anonymous, harmless nutcase; who cares what he says/thinks.” To me, this sort of confirms that such bigotry is in fact the purview of the lunatic fringe.
@abars101 – I’ve taken to referring to them as the manodisc instead of the manosphere, since flat earthers are so rampant in the right wing.
tbh, his beliefs about the universe sound a lot like mine, except the “I am you, you are me” crap. We are indeed the universe observing itself. I’ve done shrooms and I don’t know where people get “revelations” from.
These men just don’t know how to fuck and they might be fucking people who also don’t know how to fuck. I recognize this and I’m a virgin asexual.
This guys theory about agriculture sounds like the worst ever episode of the Jettsons. Like so bad Hannah and Barbara bounced his ass out of the studio
He does know that Star Trek isn’t a documentary that fell through time, right? Replicators seem like an awesome idea but I’ve got some bad news for him…
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