By David Futrelle
Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the regulars are lamenting the recent shutdown of a Chinese sex doll sharing service only four days after it opened. (Apparently people thought it was creepy and perverse, or something.)
But not all of Reddit’s MGTOW squad are on board with the whole shared sex doll thing — and not just because of concerns about, er, hygiene. One commenter warns his fellow MGTOWs that those who have sex with a shared doll are basically getting cucked by all the other men who’ve had (or will have) sex with the same doll.
That’s right: the rented sex doll you spent that passionate night with is cheating on you with other guys!
Responding to another commenter who thinks the Japanese will step up where the Chinese have fallen down, davebrain expands upon his accusations of “simpery.”
Apparently the masculinity of some men is so fragile it is threatened by inanimate objects they put their dicks into.
Between this and the preceeding article (you know, about grown men who don’t know how to clean their own asses), I want to just scream and scream and scream and then throw up and then scream some more.
Is this a thing women (and some men) need to worry about when screening for potential Romantic Interests?
‘Haha, sorry if this is too forward, but, you just never know – do you know how to clean your butt? Do you think sharing sex toys with strangers is a good idea? Counterpoint – if you do NOT think it’s a good idea, is your reasoning that you feel like the sex toys are just using you?’
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people who enjoy sex toys or even prefer them over people.
Am I the only one who saw that snow leopard.gif and thought “SCREAM-LEAP-POUNCE!!!” Kinzinti-style? Because that’s about how I see those alien cats do that move….
I can’t wait until the MGTOW start fearing that the sexbots are trying to spermjack them for child support.
“2000 years ago, Jesus rode on an ass to Jerusalem. Since then, asses ride on Jesus to the Parliament.”
(Rough translation of a Finnish political pun. In the original, ass/donkey is idiom for “idiot”)
“I can’t wait until the MGTOW start fearing that the sexbots are trying to spermjack them for child support.”
Personally, I wouldn’t put it past them. I’m almost 93% certain that in the event that a man has one of these, a woman might hire a man to hack into the female sexbot and steal semen for whatever nefarious deeds she plans to carry out. You don’t know women like I do – they get up to all sorts of things whenever you’re not looking. I’m pretty sure that Dondal Trump would be mouch more popular if not for the organized opposition that has arisen chiefly through the machinations of estro-bolsheviks.
It’s an idiom for “idiot” here as well. Some things are fairly universal.
RE: ‘simp’
I interpreted ‘simp’ as short for ‘simpering’, and I’ve mainly encountered that term to describe gay or queer-coded people and characters. Perhaps my experience has not been the common one. I’m not really sure how one connects using a secondhand (presumable ‘female’) sex doll to gayness, but there is the prevailing notion that gayness can be contracted by indirectly touching one’s dick to another man’s dick via the conduit of a woman (or, apparently, a sex doll). And of course there’s the virulent homophobia in those groups and the idea that “gay” = “not a REAL man” = bad and shameful.
I think a 28 Boners Later scenario is unlikely. I haven’t read the company’s literature, but they surely must include a full cleaning between rentals, otherwise they’d get approximately zero customers.
Wasn’t there a recent story of a sex doll brothel in Europe which closed down within days?
Marrying a doll is alpha. Marrying a previously divorced doll is beta.
‘Simp’ in the stories of Arthur C Clarke is short for ‘superchimp,’ genetically manipulated apes used as slave labour in dangerous environments – but I’d be surprised if any miggy was aware of that since even their self awareness is so poor.
The OED has ‘simp’ as short for ‘simpleton’, and give the first use of it early in the 20th century, from circus slang, where it was used for a credulous person who was easy prey for a con.
“Meatbag women”? Really? Women are people, not bags of meat. Arsehole.
A fun newsgroup I was on years ago had it as slang for ‘Sympathiser’. But they meant ‘sympathiser with the evil intelligent rabbit conspiracy’…
i just came to change my name ?
I’m waiting until the mgtows start to feel cucked by their own doll because other guys have the exact same make and model and are fucking it.
It already happens sometimes, at least on the realdoll forums (which are VERY strange places, to put it politely). There is an obsession with customizing and detailing so that no one else has exactly what the owner has.
It’s not cucked, specifically, but seems close enough in practice.
Haise, you know that will happen. If some of these guys think they’re cucks because they have daughters that will grow up to have sex with other men, you know they’ll project that shit onto dolls, also.
Edit: ninja’d by Shadowplay.
Almost like they consider sex-dolls to be stand-ins for women, with the added bonus of the stand-in women being helpless and subject to the whims of the MRA in question. To these guys a sex doll isn’t a sex toy, it’s an abuse simulator.
Do these people seriously think a doll can do anything to anyone?
Granted, I have nothing against people who use sex dolls, whatever their reason for using them. I watched a documentary on some people who use sex dolls, and a few of the men (the documentary only focused on men) seemed to have perfectly healthy attitudes towards women. One explained that he’d rather pay for a sex doll than have sex with a prostitute who might have been trafficked or is being exploited.
Maybe these red pill/ MRA/ antifeminist types can learn something from people who’ve found a way to satisfy their sexual needs without hurting anyone else.
Chiming in to agree with you. I have seen male characters described as ‘simpering’, and it has always been queer coding.
They’ll be the weaker romantic option, who has a simpering smile (and isn’t a real man like Muscles McHuge, here).
Or they are the evil regent or advisor who is controlling the throne through manipulative, underhanded means. Unlike the hero, who goes out and just kills things with their sword.
That’s how I interpreted ‘simp’, but was so confused anyway.
It is interesting how imprecise language can be, sometimes!
Maybe these red pill/ MRA/ antifeminist types can learn something from people who’ve found a way to satisfy their sexual needs without hurting anyone else.
Maybe they can. Experience suggests they won’t though.
Shadowplay : the thing being, it’s not an hypothetic underage sex doll the problem. It’s the (very highly probable) hypothesis that it will actually drive their owner to hurt more people. Similar to how venting out anger actually create more anger, and not the opposite.
That’s also a problem for all sex doll based on real people too in my opinion. I am pretty sure a realistic (adult) Jodie Foster doll is the kind of thing that could push a stalker to act, not the opposite.
I am not exactly too in favor of an intelligent sex bot, mostly because almost all fetish I have that I don’t want to ever to do with a real human are things I don’t want to do to an intelligent being either.
It’s amazing that even an inanimate doll vaguely resembling the physical shape of a human woman is able to outsmart her MRA boyfriend and sneak off to ride the cock carousel as soon as he turns his back. They just can’t win!