By David Futrelle
Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the regulars are lamenting the recent shutdown of a Chinese sex doll sharing service only four days after it opened. (Apparently people thought it was creepy and perverse, or something.)
But not all of Reddit’s MGTOW squad are on board with the whole shared sex doll thing — and not just because of concerns about, er, hygiene. One commenter warns his fellow MGTOWs that those who have sex with a shared doll are basically getting cucked by all the other men who’ve had (or will have) sex with the same doll.
That’s right: the rented sex doll you spent that passionate night with is cheating on you with other guys!
Responding to another commenter who thinks the Japanese will step up where the Chinese have fallen down, davebrain expands upon his accusations of “simpery.”
Apparently the masculinity of some men is so fragile it is threatened by inanimate objects they put their dicks into.
A “simp”, oddly enough, is *old black slang, but of course miggtows don’t know that.
It’s bascially a simple man. A soft, mushy one. So “unmanly”, that he treats women like human beings.
*old as in, only my creepy uncle who think he’s a “pimp” uses it.
I swear, I’ve only seen this word in the black community.
@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Dads from 90’s sitcoms are rad. Don’t compare them to MGTOWs.
@SFHC That’s actually really fascinating to me, because the context in which I’ve encountered “simper” or “simpering” used in fiction is to describe women (usually to deride various misogynistic airhead stereotypes). I have literally never seen it applied to a male character, as far as I can recall.
I still don’t get “simp” at all, though if I’m not some kind of weird outlier and my experience with the word “simper” is representative, maybe it’s just yet another way for these people to degrade men by association with femininity.
@Wetherby “simpleton” would make more sense, but I’m not convinced that’s of any use when we’re dealing with buffoon etymology.
Think it’s from sympathy. Which is very beta, so I hear. A real alpha doesn’t simp.
EWW EWW EWW Sharing sex toys? EWW EWW EWW EWW
Only one penis can touch a thing ever? Then I got bad news about the bed they sleep in. It’s almost certainly been touched by multiple penises.
You’re right, I’m thinking. The only fictional fella I can think of that it might describe is Uriah Heap.
P.S. Has anyone checked out the baby panda pictures yet?
Dan Conner FTW!
Uncle Phil too.
The Full House dads? Not so much.
After taking a long hot shower, I see no problem with this business model. The Free Market is a fine, manly thing. Is there not a demand for this service? Is there not a bunch of go-getting Chinese entrepreneurs willing to supply this service, at a price the market is willing to pay? Surely it is misandry of the highest order to shut down such a healthy example of the manly Free Market at work, all over concerns about something as sissy as hygiene!
I would require a hazmat suit to handle used sex doll, let alone use one, but this is the kind of feeble and womanly thinking that proves I am unfit to rule the world. I say let this noble experiment go unchecked.
As an added bonus, if microbiologists are permitted to take swabs from the dolls in question, they will gain valuable insights into the evolution of new and astonishing strains of STIs. They could be named after the prominent MRAs who have done so much to bring men to a state where ride-share sex dolls seem like a good idea! “Outbreak of Fournier Gangrene traced to infection of Trudi the Naughty Nurse with b. Paulus Elamus” has a nice ring to it. (link NSFW)
Seriously, MGTOWs. WTF is wrong with you??
Will Smith is now older than Uncle Phil was. I’ll let that sink in.
I say, let ’em share their sex toys. They don’t wipe their butts, anyway, so maybe they’ll cook up some kind of STD superbug.
Do you really think they’ll only infect themselves with it?
I love animals with backpacks. Especially this one.
If you love animals with backpacks, how about animals as backpacks?
“When you said we’d need to haul ass I thought…”
Most zombie apocalypse movies/TV shows don’t show what the cause of the zombie infection was.
I think this might actually be it.
It must be so mentally and emotionally *exhausting* to be like this. Jesus, guys, work on yourselves a bit, learn to wipe your own asses, realise that women are *people* just like you, and just relax. You’ll be so much happier.
Nobody tell these meatbags that vibrators exist. And male sexbots too, apparently.
If I ever slept with someone and I later found out he referred to women as “meatbag whores,” my body might never self lubricate again.
@ Dr. Thang: Hey, at least if HK hates you it’s nothing personal. :p
“sloppy seconds”
Whatever happened to the ancient male canard of having sex with a woman and feeling like he has a mystical connection with all the other men who’ve ever been with her? What happened to woman-sharing as a form of male bonding? Guess that’s not a thing anymore.
You have to make a real effort to get more babyish than Hefner & Co., but these guys have succeeded: where Hef and his gang were adolescents (and proud of it), these guys are toddlers (and proud of that).
Also, that flying snow-leopard .gif is the most perfect thing ever.
Would you like the list in Alphabetical or Chronological order? Also, how much bandwidth do you have?
Lea descibes Alpha Complex as a place
Having bought Paranoia products on and off since the original boxed set, I have to correct that. Being a clone isn’t illegal; being a mutant (unless you register that mutation) is not just illegal but treasonous, like being a secret society member (what Lea reduces to “spy”). Everyclone’s got something to hide except me and my monkeybot.
Re: Simp?
Didn’t people used to abbreviate “communist sympathizer” as “com-simp”? I always sort of assumed that when the red pill guys call other men “beta simps” they’re calling them “feminist sympathizer.” That didn’t really make any sense, but I figured that was par for the course. Thank you SHFC, Samurai, et. al. for your insight.
Here are the pandas!
Hurrah! Thank you! Pandas!
RE: Simp
I’d heard it was an acronym for ‘someone idolizing mediocre pussy’. Maybe that’s one of those after-the-fact acronyms, though.
I suppose that sex doll rental service only catered to Chinese men. Maybe it’s due to the well-publicized woman shortage in China. Anyone who’d find one of these dolls a worthwhile substitute for sex with a real person, is no one I’d want to have anything to do with.
So some of these people think the problem with sharing sex dolls is that the dolls aren’t virgins. Some think wiping their ass is too feminine to do. Some think sex bots after going to be the downfall of society.
And all of them think they’re smarter than the rest of us.