By David Futrelle
I thought I’d take a moment this Friday evening to signal-boost a very important tweet from film producer Keith Calder on the subject of dudes so wrapped up in their own supposed machoness that they can’t “poop properly” or, even worse, clean up afterwards.
Here’s the tweet.
Let us consider each of the three screenshots in turn.
The first one is almost poignant in its innocence, from a Reddit dude who’s been perching on the toilet rim to poop his whole life because he somehow grew up believing that toilet seats are meant only for girls.
The other two (also from Reddit) are a little more disturbing — and disgusting — partly because they involve massive failures in butt hygiene and partly because they feature posts from women who have apparently been putting up with these massive butt hygiene failures from their dudes for a long time.
Also both of the dudes in question refuse to change their ways.
Brace yourself!
I have a number of questions here, not least: how exactly did the author of this post not realize this unpleasant fact about her angry stinky dude BEFORE THEY GOT MARRIED? I’m not trying to blame the victim here but I simply don’t understand how this would even be possible.
Also I hope she has managed to get this abusive shitstain out of her life.
The next story is similarly puzzling:
I can only hope that at least one of these posts is a troll job, if not all of them, but given what I have learned about my fellow men in my years writing this blog I have to admit that they could very well all be true.
H/T — Thanks to @RemingtonWild on Twitter for alerting me to Calder’s tweet
Yeah, I got a little teary-eyed reading his proud posts about his son. <3
Welcome to WHTM! I’m new, here, myself….I’m SpukiKitty. I am also a member of FSTDT (Fundies Say The Darndest Things: http://www.fstdt.com/Default.aspx)
Glad that Scildfreja Unnyðnes gave the “Welcome Package”. I was going to do that do but it’s been done (Thank you, bunches, Scildfreja).
And yes! AGGRESSION is a huge part of it. They want to make things as unpleasant for the women as possible. They are sadists who love it when women squirm and are forced into sexytimes with a filthy slob with poopybutt.
I wouldn’t sweat about the future of the country or humanity, though. Trump is actually wildly UNPOPULAR and only won due to Russian meddling and The Electoral College.
If the United States….
* Didn’t have the Electoral College.
* Wasn’t full of districts Gerrymandered to favor the GOP.
* Didn’t have a lot of efforts by the GOP to make voting harder for certain (oft young, poor and/or melanin-enriched/DNC-favoring) demographics.
* Didn’t have a huge issue with Voter Apathy (many who could vote just don’t).
….The country would be mostly Blue and Purple!
However; We’re working on this! There is a sizeable “Resistance” and even the GOP and Neo-Fascist bunch is infighting and divided.
The hateful may be seem sizeable and are really loud but they are still a minority. There isn’t more of them, they’re just a LOT more vocal now.
There’s always hope. As long as there’s life, there is hope. Also; Most of the retrograde types are Boomers with a few Gen-Xers tossed-in but a majority of Gen-Xers and most Millennials are mostly Progressive and the ethnic make-up of the country is changing. There’s more Latinxs and Blacks and most of them don’t favor the GOP.
This latest burst of “World-Wide Reactionary Bullcrap” is mainly an “Extinction Burst”….as long as we keep on fighting it, of course.
I also have a theory that many (but not all, of course) who favor the Far-Right in Europe are not necessarily embracing Far-Right mores but are doing so in a misguided attempt to keep Europe (at least Western Europe), “Progressive, secular and modern”.
They don’t know any better, know zilch about Islam, only know about the guys blowing up stuff and figure that all those Muslim Immigrants will bring their Conservative social mores as well and influence politics and society into a more sexually and socially uptight place.
I AM NOT EXCUSING EUROPE OR THEIR XENOPHOBIA, MIND YOU, I’m just THEORIZING on why “Far-Right” is suddenly “All-The Rage”.
And, again…. Some European countries have issues with “voter apathy”. Most non-xenophobic types just don’t bother to vote.
I doubt most Europeans are suddenly going “HITLER! FUCK YEAH!”.
Otherwise “modern, progressive” people and societies can be bigoted, too (especially if they’ve always been demographically ‘uniform’).
Educate Europeans about Islam and Muslims, teach against Islamophobia and I’m sure support for Far-Right parties will drop in their appeal. Even the U.K. is having second-thoughts about Brexit and groups like UKIP and BNP are dying.
We must not be naive or ignore the groom but we should always stay positive and hopeful, keep a high morale, keep up the good fight and reject alarmism.
@Kat the Ambassador – Love your name, btw, anyway, I find myself a little shocked that this:
I’m familiar with the phenomenon of men not attending to basic hygiene because they’re authoritarians. And this:
I’m also familiar with another type of guy who won’t attend to basic hygiene. An ex-boyfriend wasn’t hostile to women or authoritarian. He was lazy, at least about some things, and infatuated with himself. He wanted to be loved “for himself,” without having to make a big effort. In his case, that effort extended to hygiene. Yuck.
are more of a thing than I ever imagined. This was my first experience with such a thing.
Another district heard from – thank you for your bravery. It is a cliché (I don’t know how true) that sex workers absorb a lot of the misogyny, degradation and now it seems poor attention to hygiene that guys don’t take home to their SOs. And these days with choice and sex positive feminism, it is hard to mount an argument about why so much of sex work and pornography still looks like hatred, exploitation and abuse. (Don’t you want women to be able to make choices with/for their bodies? Isn’t that what you are fighting for? Or more aggressively, “What are you, some kind of man/sex hating prude?”) I have no problem with sex or women who choose to be sex workers out of either necessity or vocation. But my heart and reason tell me that when women who aren’t sex workers still don’t own their own bodies, are still daily harassed and raped and otherwise abused that this utopian argument of choice making sex workers completely divorced from the reality of the rest of the culture is just missing the mark in a major way. I’ve also read and watched things that talk about how women are actually treated in these industries for good and ill. It isn’t divorced from the rest of the culture. So, can you tell me how a reasonable argument that addresses both freedom and reality could possibly be mounted?
And yes! AGGRESSION is a huge part of it. They want to make things as unpleasant for the women as possible. They are sadists who love it when women squirm and are forced into sexytimes with a filthy slob with poopybutt.
This seemed to be a huge part of it to me, combined with laziness and finally, the thing we never talk about – that men are not trained from childhood to think their bodies are filthy and disgusting and ugly just by nature. They probably don’t have the same fastidious fears that women have about presenting their body to another person in anything less than a pristine state.
As for the rise of populism, racism and fascism in America and Europe, I wasn’t giving into despair – honest, but I see it as part of war cycle. After reading your post though I am hoping that you are right and that if we keep fighting that this will be one of the last times we have to deal with this particular cycle and that we move into the next age. Can you tell me more about the movement? I promised myself, after the nagging certainty I felt all through the campaign that indeed Trump would be president, that I would not be idle – that I would do something. I was following Brand New Congress for a while, but haven’t checked in on their progress. Would love to know.
Thank you for the welcome package. I have been reading it and found lots of great stuff!
Thank you also for this:
I’m glad to hear that you’ve kicked your anchor to the curb. That guy sounds like nothing but dead weight to drag you down. I hope he’s no longer in your life and you’re free to do your own thing! I agree that that sort of uncleanliness can certainly be part of an aggression mode. “Aggression” is basically toxic-masculinity-101. Doing things to intentionally frustrate or stymie others is a way little boys are taught to feel good about themselves – they learn that “winning” involves “making other people upset”, and associate with that instead of with, you know, the actual thing they were trying to accomplish. Largely unconscious in adulthood though, really. Everything important is, at least.
He is no longer in my life and will be completely out of it once I manage the divorce. However, I am still recovering from the abuse – financial, verbal, psychological and sexual. I have never been more shocked to see a person I thought I knew change so much the minute the ring was on my finger. I had heard of such things but had never experienced them. I thought I would be safe with an old friend. Thank you so much for your kindness and concern – it really helps.
@ Auntie Mame Redux,
New here too 🙂 I had some thoughts on your thoughts, – and as usual I am at a loss for words.
I have never encountered any really “unclean” people. Of course I have been single for awhile.
My comrade in elbow bending here, I’m minding her because she was extremely ill – from being bit up from some poisonous bug. Consensus is brown recluse spider.
Her house is spotlessly clean. Believe me, I’ve been there to help clean and inspect, and clean some more, oi. It was clean to begin with. You’ll probably never know exactly what happened. I am a clean person too.
Gross men? I haven’t encountered any. They were passive aggressive in other ways, but gross or dirty – no.
Trying to think of gross things….
Well who doesn’t wipe their arse? Is this here. Seriously?
I will confess that I have traveled the world – but I do not know how to use a “bidet”. And I never pursued it because for my habits, in the am, then I’m going to take a shower anyway, so everything will be clean from that.
Does the bidet like spray things at your bits? And if so, how do you dry it? I’m thinking like, if you’re sitting on a pot, your pants are down around your ankles, and things are spraying the bits, – so how do you get up then, without wet crotch leaking water on pants?
And if there is some kind of “drying” involved – possibly, from some things I’ve seen, well JMHO but this is getting way too complex for me then.
Dump and wipe good. Chances are you’ll be taking a bath or shower after anyway. Otherwise, try to keep clean. There’s the “wipes” too, if you need them.
How do people not know this?
Of course I don’t know what to do with a bidet, either.
Do welcome any advice! Maybe this is something I need. Or maybe don’t need. This is why you seek to learn about things.
And “these guys” – didn’t they get any “potty training”?
CW: mention of “positively Lovecraftian” aromas
Maybe more of these guys need to get given a washcloth and a bar of soap by their Secret Santa at a school choir Christmas party. And then told by literally everybody else at the party that it’s because they stink.
Or maybe more of them need to go into the military they’re so happy to praise from a safe distance. I’m reminded of what Paul Riddell wrote (before he finally kicked his writing habit) about those Creatures from the Black Latrine that haunt(ed) so many of our nation’s Friendly Local Comics Shops:
(Google “the wrath of cat piss man” or just “cat piss man”, but be warned, the full description is not for the faint of stomach.)
You probably already know this, but I feel compelled to point it out for anyone who doesn’t: This is classic abuser behavior. The abuser waits until he thinks that you can’t leave him, because now you’re married or living together or have a child together or maybe just have had a second date — and then he starts to pull shit.
How wonderful that you left this man!
Here’s some resources on folks fighting the Regressive Right in the USA….
Here’s some old standbys….
My fave Left-Leaning Progressive news source….
….There’s a bunch of stuff out there.
Don’t forget all those huge protests for Women’s Rights, Black Lives Matter, the accelerated push to take down all those Confederate Monuments and whatnot.
Wow! I hope you recover. There needs to be a guide for gals to seek signs that that “sweet” guy isn’t faking it and pulling an abuser bait-and-switch.
My experience was in the 1990’s in NZ.
It wasn’t all of them by no means, but enough for it to be a trend I noticed.
“And these days with choice and sex positive feminism, it is hard to mount an argument about why so much of sex work and pornography still looks like hatred, exploitation and abuse”
This. This is exactly why I don’t deal anymore with third wave online feminists.
Now, to be fair, not all of my experience was exploitative nor abusive. There was an element that was positive…. in a way. I did feel valued for how I looked, and as a young 20 something woman that was valuable at the time.
But there was an experience which was brutal and traumatic at the end of my “career”. Which ended it.
Like forestry workers are in danger of accidents, sex workers are in danger of sexual assault. And going to the police? Back in the ’90’s anyway, pffft. Worse than a waste of time. Further abuse.
And so now today I am aware of how male centric the porn industry is, and worse how abusive it can be. And it’s apparently a huge portion of the internet, and so there are plenty of men and a fair few women about who regularly view that stuff. Which uses, chews up and spits out so many very young women. Who stay in the industry an average of 3 months, apparently.
So I’m aware of how I as a woman am viewed by so many men in society around me. And my experience tells me how that feels. As a walking bunch of orifices. And that’s not good.
I do not think it’s okay for men to buy access to women’s bodies, and I don’t want to live in such a society. I think a truly equal society would not have this to this extent. And I just can’t even with the feminism that says it was all just my choice, that sex work is just AOK and my experience of abuse and my PTSD from it all is just me, that everyone else is just AOK.
Fuck that.
And, TBH, apart from these very few comments here and now, this is not something I speak about anywhere online. Because to do so is to open myself up to exposure.
So it’s not something I can even speak with online with these bloody feminists. So there are so many voices like mine they don’t hear. And when I try to be oblique, they don’t seem to want to listen.
So thank you to David Futrelle for allowing me to comment here with a fake name 🙂
Thank you for that. I appreciate it – you saw what you saw, felt what you felt and did what you did, and that is valid, full stop. No one has the right to ignore or minimise your experiences.
It won’t change until people (not just men, I know women who are just as bad about it):
see sex work itself as nothing to be ashamed of,
see patronizing** sex workers as nothing to be ashamed of,
and see the workers to be actual people and not some sort of vending machine.
Italy and France, for example, are often mentioned as being more sex positive and open culturally than the US or the UK. That is true to an extent – for lovers (mistresses especially, they are still very male-centric). Not so much for actual sex workers who are seen as necessary evils.
** Horrible word, but I can’t think of a better one. Brain’s not working.
I use water, not toilet paper.. like the French. I have a hairy ass and its wayyyyY cleaner. Toilet paper does not work! Makes my butt hole just itch all day. Just ditch toilet paper and reinvent how we use toilets please, they are disgusting right now.
@PeeVee, @kupo,
Aw, I just went and read Chuck’s tweets about his son’s wedding. Bloody onion fairy has attacked muh eyes…
So glad you mentioned this xx
@ExSexWorker, just so you know, disparaging comments about the amorphous horde of “third wave online feminists” is often a tell for me that someone is a SWERF, a TERF, or an MRA sockpuppet.
Maybe that’s just me.
As for “these bloody feminists” –
Gosh I hope none of them are reading your words and feeling silenced.
Ta for that, fellow countryperson.
Wasn’t going to wade in; done the sex work, seen the good and the horrible; don’t quite know how to be objective about it. Appreciate your post 🙂
@Mish, I was hesitant to wade in for the complementary reason: not having been there myself, I question my right and qualifications to comment.
Sometimes people silence both bystanders and those directly affected that way. Very economical.
Croquembouche, my alarm bells are going off, as well. ?
Kupo and Mish,
I unapologetically love Chuck Tingle. He’s a national treasure.
I would say v little for me – but there is the general exploitation that is the sex industry which leaves me negative about it. Hating the industry is not at all about the people within who are not trying to hurt others. It is everything about (mostly) men foisting their darkest fantasies on women and girls ( and not so often men and boys).
My experience was also a long time ago and I wonder how the accepted violence in mainstream porn has changed the average punter. I did not have to cope with any ‘rough treatment’ – and the porn used in the place was a lot of Ron Jeremy and I really don’t remember any rough stuff.
I did meet a few HORRIBLE older women. I am a big assertive woman, but I would not have wanted to get into a fight with any of them (verbal or physical). What I learnt from them was that there are women who benefit from the exploitation of other women and they do not give a shit.
And whilst I did not suffer violence. or see any, there were a lot of stories. And a lot of childhood abuse, substance abuse etc. That was sad and I still remember a lot of what other women shared with me, so long after.
I’ll leave the sex work debate to people who know what they’re talking about, but the “Choice feminism” insult makes me see red. Shaming and controlling women is shaming and controlling women regardless of who’s doing it, damnit.
I’ll admit up front I’ve got no skin in the game myself, but I’ve seen convincing and apparently well-substantiated arguments that only a policy of decriminalisation/legalisation can serve as the basis for effective legal protection for sex workers – otherwise, any report to the police becomes nothing more than a pretext for a raid; if not against the workers themselves, then against their clients.
Generally, I’d say… in a deeply unequal, violent, patriarchal, unjust society, I’d expect the sex industry – among many others – to have massive, terrible issues. If we abolished every industry where that would the case, I don’t know if we’d have many industries left – and we’d have made a lot of people unemployed, or driven them underground, without having addressed the underlying issues at all.
“@ExSexWorker, just so you know, disparaging comments about the amorphous horde of “third wave online feminists” is often a tell for me that someone is a SWERF, a TERF, or an MRA sock puppet.”
I’m none of those things.
I’m an actual woman who has actual experience in the sex industry. And who sees third wave feminism as refusing to acknowledge that the sex industry can be harmful to women, couching it all in a language of choice.
And so after some years of trying to engage with third wave feminists, I find myself alienated from the movement.
I consider myself a feminist.
And I know what a SWERF and TERF is. And that’s not what I am.
believe me or not, I really don’t give too much of a toss
but your questioning my veracity is yet another example of why I can’t engage online with modern feminists regarding this issue.
here I am, risking exposure, and yet still I get questioned.
I’m done.
Aw, phooey, and my comment got ignored.
Probably because the gratuitous slams to feminists, third wave or otherwise, is going to raise a few eyebrows, Ex Sex.
REALLY unnecessary, especially since you opened with
implying that you’ve commented here before, so we know who you are. And that you’re aware that this is a feminist space.
So, yeah. My alarms are jangling.
For what it’s worth, I agree completely with your comment.
Ex-Sex Worker & Ellesar both raised valid issues, imho. But Ellesar did it without any sweeping statements about choice/third wave feminism.
ExSexWorker, I’m sorry you don’t feel you can discuss the issue without pre-emptively damning “these bloody feminists” who don’t agree with you.